ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received

Been gone for a couple of days and five pages of asshattery has sprouted in a new place!


Gonzo and the plunger are doing a nice job keeping my inbox clean.
Maybe I should photoshop some tits on him?
Initially got a non asshat pm from a guy asking me to give him my opinion of his writing. This is what he sends me

It's the idea of a mother kissing you, she's in her 40's, and at the same time, her legal-aged son (whatever age you like) takes you from above.
You enable this situation to happen because they are seduced by you to such a degree they loose their inhibitions and boundaries.

I gave my honest opinion that this is barely anything and it needs a bit more to be considered anything. I referred to it as a germ, as in a germ of an idea...

I ended up being called a cunt for using such an insulting word about his writing. :confused:
I got one from a guy asking if I'd 'evaluate' a one-paragraph story concept. When I enquired as to why I'd been chosen for this honour, I realised I hadn't - it was just a form message. At which point he literally wrote "You're woman, you're breathing., That's good enough for me".

I got one from a guy asking if I'd 'evaluate' a one-paragraph story concept. When I enquired as to why I'd been chosen for this honour, I realised I hadn't - it was just a form message. At which point he literally wrote "You're woman, you're breathing., That's good enough for me".

Well, at least he was honest... :p
I got one from a guy asking if I'd 'evaluate' a one-paragraph story concept. When I enquired as to why I'd been chosen for this honour, I realised I hadn't - it was just a form message. At which point he literally wrote "You're woman, you're breathing., That's good enough for me".


I think that was the guy who called me a cunt for using the highly offensive word germ. He sent me the same message.
Like we have nothing better to do ...

There was a guy once a ways back who sent me a paragraph or 2 he wrote specifically based off a pic I posted.
It was a little creepy, but well written, and I like creepy, so I responded. We had a little back and forth about writing with no play or taking it further to chat or anything. But then he wanted me to read his friend's stuff. I was like, sorry, no, I'm really not interested. I'm talking to you because you sent me the writing, and I will be happy to read anything else you write, but I really don't have time for your friend.
He then said I was JEALOUS and flounced off, and I never heard from him again.

No, really. I'll be fine.
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There was a guy once a ways back who sent me a paragraph or 2 he wrote specifically based off a pic I posted.
It was a little creepy, but well written, and I like creepy, so I responded. We had a little back and forth about writing with no play or taking it further to chat or anything. But then he wanted me to read his friend's stuff. I was like, sorry, no, I'm really not interested. I'm talking to you because you sent me the writing, and I will be happy to read anything else you write, but I really don't have time for your friend.
He then said I was JEALOUS and flounced off, and I never heard from him again.

No, really. I'll be fine.

Jealous? That's ... well, interesting I guess. What a dick
There was a guy once a ways back who sent me a paragraph or 2 he wrote specifically based off a pic I posted.
It was a little creepy, but well written, and I like creepy, so I responded. We had a little back and forth about writing with no play or taking it further to chat or anything. But then he wanted me to read his friend's stuff. I was like, sorry, no, I'm really not interested. I'm talking to you because you sent me the writing, and I will be happy to read anything else you write, but I really don't have time for your friend.
He then said I was JEALOUS and flounced off, and I never heard from him again.

No, really. I'll be fine.

Jealous? That's ... well, interesting I guess. What a dick
Ok so this is the only way I can imagine that jealousy angle making any sense;

"Ugh! This woman is toxic! She's so clingy and obviously madly head over heels for me because of my incredible literary techniques that she's jealous that I would ask her to sully herself with reading somebody else's work!

Reading it any other way I can think of doesn't make sense since he apparently said you were jealous about refusing to read a friend's work.

Ok so this is the only way I can imagine that jealousy angle making any sense;

"Ugh! This woman is toxic! She's so clingy and obviously madly head over heels for me because of my incredible literary techniques that she's jealous that I would ask her to sully herself with reading somebody else's work!

Reading it any other way I can think of doesn't make sense since he apparently said you were jealous about refusing to read a friend's work.


I think he was insinuating that I was jealous that he had a friend instead of doting on me.
'Cause, ya know... I was sitting around waiting for his PMs.
Is it wrong that I'm hoping more people get asshat PMs, then come in here to complain?

Most people who have PMd me have been somewhere on a scale from nice to great, and I feel some regret at not replying to most of them. Not *too* much, because life. However I recently got one I've already tossed - something about this guy's dick; not mean, just inappropriate to someone you're not paying to say "oh, you're so huuuuge!" (And my standards for "inappropriate" are looser than I was the day my daughter emerged :D )

Sorry I couldn't be a greater help.

I did it to myself this time. Received a boring "how are you" message and responded. I always tend to respond in a neutral sort of way. I know that conversation ALWAYS ends in "can I show you/interest you in/ask you about erotic stuff?" They always use the word "erotic" too. My eyes can't roll hard enough. Again, did it to myself. Carried a drawn out (mostly unamusing) set of PMs and it went on a little longer than usual. Typically they get impatient and ask after just a few. But I made the mistake of getting comfortable and just when I thought "this guy isn't so bad, I totally don't mind the conversation and I'll be more engaging." Fuckin' BAM! The erotic question happens. Damnit...

I'm thinking it's time to stop being neutral and just start tearing balls off right away. I completely understand why women just go straight to "fuck off" in places like this.

I did it to myself this time. Received a boring "how are you" message and responded. I always tend to respond in a neutral sort of way. I know that conversation ALWAYS ends in "can I show you/interest you in/ask you about erotic stuff?" They always use the word "erotic" too. My eyes can't roll hard enough. Again, did it to myself. Carried a drawn out (mostly unamusing) set of PMs and it went on a little longer than usual. Typically they get impatient and ask after just a few. But I made the mistake of getting comfortable and just when I thought "this guy isn't so bad, I totally don't mind the conversation and I'll be more engaging." Fuckin' BAM! The erotic question happens. Damnit...

I'm thinking it's time to stop being neutral and just start tearing balls off right away. I completely understand why women just go straight to "fuck off" in places like this.

Can you tear off the balls erotically and then PM me with the pics?