Auteur Challenge: Do you know your poets?

This was an excellent challenge. I would guess but I don't know how to deal with knowing which one is mine. It's wonderful to read the poems, though.
This was an excellent challenge. I would guess but I don't know how to deal with knowing which one is mine. It's wonderful to read the poems, though.
There's a spoiler in there... Is it me? Ange? WE? Just assign the pickled red herring name to a poem and leave your own name out... silly.
1: Remec

2: Angeline

3: PG

4: Erotic Orogeny

5: Lauren

6: Wicked Eve

7: Tristesse

8: Champers

9: The Fool

okay, those are my guesses but i admit to not having given the time over to studying some of your work more - been up to my eyes in work/swapping rooms around and stuffy stuff. so apologies to anyone whose work i really should have recognised right off and failed to do so :flowers:


every poem here was worth reading. every damned one.

this would have been easier with only 4 or 5 poets :D

and now i'm thinking i have to revisit this list. something's plaguing the sh*t outta me about it.
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Holy cow this was like impossible.

Some really amazing poetry here, 6 and 9, suit my tastes down to the last grain of salt. This challenge brought out some great writing!

I have no idea. Some of y'all I think wrote differently than your usual, trick is, I think I would recognize more by the topic.... I could not find Eve for sure and I really thought hers would stand out, her voice is so distinctive and familiar to me.

At any rate, congratulations to all! :wild hand clapping:

Angeline 8
champagne1982 5
chipbutty 1, 5
EroticOrogeny 4
Lauren Hynde 3
PandoraGlitters 7,
Remec 7
The Fool 9
Tristesse2 2
Wicked Eve 6?
I think remec did 9, LH did 3, EO did 4, Eve didn't participate. I know which one ChipButty did.

I tried to gauge what the committee picked before I made my picks, but the committee is all over the place.

The people who wrote should've just did the lineup of names and skipped the one they did, not putting a number next to any. Just like Charley did when she made the list of who's participating, except in the order you thought(minus your name and the person who didn't participate)
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yea, there is quite a spread of ideas on who wrote what. Some seem better defined than others.
Not sure what that means (if anything).
I think I will just guess a few and leave a few open, since I already hinted that I was not the red herring. I am guessing that Chipbutty's is poem 1, Lauren's is 2, Tess's is 7, Champagne's is 8 and Angeline's is 9? Maybe EO's is 4? I think Eve is the red herring. I enjoyed reading all of these poems.
You know, I think that part of the difficulty in deciding who wrote what is beyond the fact that all of us have grown and changed over the last really intensive bouts of poetics. It could be blamed on most of the original challenge poets were CharleyH's favorites. Could it be this trait that makes it seem that we are all similarly voiced?

Kinda neat that our guesses are all over the place. It means we're all equally good or bad or well, I think you're all incredibly talented and brilliant... :rose:
We only got home late in the day, yesterday, and only turned our computers on today. I will have to think for a little while about the poems and poets, and will post my guesses in a few more hours.
You know, I think that part of the difficulty in deciding who wrote what is beyond the fact that all of us have grown and changed over the last really intensive bouts of poetics. It could be blamed on most of the original challenge poets were CharleyH's favorites. Could it be this trait that makes it seem that we are all similarly voiced?

Kinda neat that our guesses are all over the place. It means we're all equally good or bad or well, I think you're all incredibly talented and brilliant... :rose:

I'm impressed with the poems that came out of this challenge. I'm sure I got at least a few guesses wrong, but that doesn't detract from how good the writing is. And I would like to say that you peeps suck at guessing my poem lol.
Angeline 7
champagne1982 6
chipbutty 2
EroticOrogeny 4
Lauren Hynde 1
PandoraGlitters 9
Remec 3
The Fool
Tristesse2 5
Wicked Eve

I think I've mucked that up somewhere though because poem 8 threw me and I don't think it fits either of my blank spaces
i must say i'm absolutely honoured about the poems some of you thought i entered :D if only!
i must say i'm absolutely honoured about the poems some of you thought i entered :D if only!

Some tricky dicks copped your all-lowercase style. Tess might also be into lowercase if I remember right. If someone copped EO's style I'm gonna run away from home.
First, I need to thank all the poets who submitted poems. I'm not sure there is a better word for the submissions other than awesome! Fantastic poems here, every single one of them. Lauren is doing some guesswork now, so I will post who wrote what, to alleviate all the pent up suspense, at some point tomorrow.

You know, I think that part of the difficulty in deciding who wrote what is beyond the fact that all of us have grown and changed over the last really intensive bouts of poetics. It could be blamed on most of the original challenge poets were CharleyH's favorites. Could it be this trait that makes it seem that we are all similarly voiced?

I have more than the initial number of favourites, but I can't emphasize enough that a challenge like this is daunting task with 10 poets, let alone 50 (as evidenced for all of you who are doing the guessing). I'm sorry I left out some very talented and admirable poets, although I picked up two new faves along the way, and so I am hardly regretful! (Special kisses out to Chippy and Pandora - thank you - you're both fantastic.)

In any case, it's interesting you should raise this, Champagne. I attended a lecture on the weekend, and while the artistic media being discussed was different, I think the gist of the doctoral thesis presented rather relevant to this particular challenge. I'll try to articulate my thoughts more briefly than the length of the presentation of the paper - lol.

That I am choosing, or initially chose poets for this challenge, automatically groups them, as you allude, to that specific something I like best, or at the very least know best, since some of those I chose, I chose because their voice is very distinctive to me as a reader. From the get go, there are likely many similarities amongst the poets, just as there are similarities between the filmmakers, artists or musicians I enjoy, and just as there are similarities between those artists of all kinds that you enjoy (consciously or not). Of course, there is also the subject. The Chelsea had many interesting periods and guests, but unless one wants to write about the Chelsea as it is now, which isn't really that significant in some circles, the subject does require a certain nostalgic tone and a nostalgia that focuses on the 1950s through mid-70s. The subject itself could have some bearing.

Nevertheless, I'd like to propose something else. You say that it goes beyond this, and perhaps this is where that lecture I attended comes in handy. The lecture was regarding local or regional influences in art. Obviously the poets in this challenge are worlds apart, have never met, but, many have been on the poetry board for quite some time. Many of these poets have had at least eight years to individually grow, but also to read and edit each other, in essence influence one another. Would you care to entertain the idea that the poets are harder to guess now than perhaps if the same challenge had been presented eight years ago? I'm not sure how Chippy and Pandora are influenced by you old folks, that in itself it a query, but I can see how the rest of you might be influenced by each other.
I think that means I got it wrong sigh .....

i think you're jumping to conclusions, missus :p

lots of people have made lots of guesses, and each time i think i have my own list sorted, all kinds of voices start nagging me and waving invisible fingers. i feel quite overwhelmed, lol.
Okay, not sure if the secrets are out yet (it being Tuesday, after all), so I'll just slip my guesses in and then go finish reading the new messages in the thread. *g*

1. Angeline
2. Lauren
3. EroticOrogeny
4. Champagne
5. Wicked Eve
6. Tristesse2
7. The Fool
8. Pandora
9. Chipbutty

Now to kick back and see how I did. ;)

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I am positive about four. That's it. And Charley is right that there's a kind of distinctive voice on this forum that comes from a group of people writing and editing and challenging each other for years. And that is both good and not so good because we can become too alike or worse, stale. But we always pick up a few newbs each year whose style and ideas are different enough to keep everyone learning and growing, if they so choose. And we keep evolving though I do believe we've each retained something different in our respective styles.