Auteur Challenge: Do you know your poets?

Interesting challenge. Glorious writes.

I still had to snicker that Ange said fuck. Sometimes I think she wears a halo. Other times I know that halo is made of tin foil wrapped around coat hanger wire.

Eve once said that sometimes my halo falls in the onion dip. I think she has my number. :D
chip's voice was pretty distinctive with 4 people guessing her as the author of Midnight in Chelsea
Lauren had her poem recognized by 5 people
EO shares that distinction with Lauren tied at 5 knowing his voice
Eve was blamed for 'dora's Shirley Clarke to Her Shrink 5 times… my defence for getting that wrong and blaming 'dora for my poem was that I thought Ms Glitters was the spoiler
Tess and I were confused most often (4 times) and a large number (4) felt The Fool had Ange's voice
Ange and Remec were all over the chart with only 2 correct guesses made on their poems.
Definitely an interesting challenge and I do have a spread sheet of these findings. If you want it, send me a pm and I'll shoot it out to your email.

I tried to post my spread sheet last night but gave up. Had it looking fine prior to preview, and of course it then collapses. Output as PDF and the PDF to PNG but was huge. Resampling would have been a blur and didn't feel like going with white underscores. My observations on the frequency are similar.

I only got one right. I had a couple of other guesses which were also wrong. Wasn't going to show my hand for poem 3 since a couple had picked me and that would be a give-away, and I'm not that devious.
I tried to post my spread sheet last night but gave up. Had it looking fine prior to preview, and of course it then collapses. Output as PDF and the PDF to PNG but was huge. Resampling would have been a blur and didn't feel like going with white underscores. My observations on the frequency are similar.

I only got one right. I had a couple of other guesses which were also wrong. Wasn't going to show my hand for poem 3 since a couple had picked me and that would be a give-away, and I'm not that devious.
You could save as a jpeg in a paint program then upload it to photobucket or something. Once it's on the server post it as an img file.
This is LONG ... sorry in advance.

EO was one of the poets that took me by surprise. Honestly, if I didn't know that he wrote his piece, I'd have never guessed he did. I'd be interested, Chippy, as to why you were absolutely certain about why he wrote that piece. What gave it away? Actually, I'll ask this same question to all of you who were absolutely certain about which poet wrote which poem (and I'm sure the poets would be interested as well). :)

Chippy: The initial italicized portion of your poem is fascinating. It reminds me of a song, or at the very least it seems familiar to me somehow. Is it, or did you create it yourself? I also adored this:

For me, at least, these lines really drove home the lush and long history of the Chelsea, but it's the flamboyance of the rest of the stanza that truly ties into your last line (me thinks you were referring to Quentin Crisp).

morning, Charlie, just dropping in before work :)

EO - well, of all of his i've read, they seem to have a more 'clinical' approach though that sounds odd. i think what i'm trying to say is they definitely sound like a guy has written them, and a guy who has less use for the fripperies of words than some of us. i think there's more concentration on what the words actually suggest (like his last line, bringing to the reader's mind that nostalgia, the images of the times and sounds of the song's era) that, to my eye and ear, a more poetic slanting of the way the words appear. i'd have laid odds on that poem being his :)

the italicised part is mine too, though using that trick was sort of to suggest a song, maybe ... it sounds familiar to me too, as things often do when i've written them down and then have to think hard about have i inadvertently used something i've read years ago! obviously the 'sad-eyed lady all punked out' lounging in the bathroom was Nancy(lord, that was her name, right? the one who got murdered by the Sex Pistols guy? ooh eck :rolleyes:). maybe it sounds familiar because of the sad-eyed lady phrase or the staircase to heaven reference. i dunno. i just wrote the thing :p

i did want to bring in some solid ref to the building, which is why i mentioned the stairs, the corridors (and the Doors i slipped in there, too, as they stayed there at one point) and the red brick it's known for. i hoped to kind of catch something of the decadence, the drugs/alcohol/mad muses with the disjointed phrasing of that last part (so my head told me after i wrote it, naturally) and yes, that's Quentin Crisp for sure, who abhored dusting. the hotel must've been wonderful for him - no dust and NO dusting!

of all these poems, my favourites are 6 and 9, with 9 being my absolute favourite. that image of the ladies, the wispy chiffon, the faded grandeur, the purses like shields ... all of it. brilliant write.
Rumours in Chelsea

I've heard echoes that Stan was the man
and seen paintings that Kilroy was here.

I doubt it.

Harry Smith lived here and died.
I cradled him in my arms.
Edie set my skin on fire,
but I've long been junkie-proof
her comeuppance justly served.
Villians have come, gone, returned
and so to have the prophets
and all their frenzied minions.
Edie set my skin ablaze.
Warhol introduced me to
SUPERstars. Noise loved Nico.
One Dylan choked on his heart;
the other wrote songs from his.
Patti carried Robert out
my legs were still strong enough
to see him go. I trembled.
Uma was here, did you know?
Edie set my skin on fire.

I hear rumours that Stan is the man
and see paintings that Kilroy is here.

I doubt it.

you know, Charlie, i really like how you've bookended this write with the rep of those 3 lines. it somehow closes it around, like an edifice, or a doorway ...

do those specific lines refer to the graffiti someone else mentioned way back in one of these related threads? and the Edie thing - did she set fire to her room or something? :eek:

for me, this nicely holds all the guests:
Villians have come, gone, returned
and so to have the prophets
and all their frenzied minions.
:) i can see 'em now *shakes head*

The two (probably the only two) I would have gotten right, provided I had ever finished looking at them was chipbutty and EO. CB often uses strings of very short lines, as in the start of her third strophe, and also often uses "i" for I. Other poets sometimes do these things as well, but it gave me something to guess on. She also uses the term "en suite", which would (I think) be unusual for an American (at least in my part of the country), but would be very typical for a European.


Cool challenge, BTW.
yeah, i don't know how i started off doing all the lowercase stuff, but it is more than mere affectation :p i prefer how it looks, plus i am awfully lazy about uppercasing. i will if i have to but otherwise ...
chip's voice was pretty distinctive with 4 people guessing her as the author of Midnight in Chelsea
Lauren had her poem recognized by 5 people
EO shares that distinction with Lauren tied at 5 knowing his voice
Eve was blamed for 'dora's Shirley Clarke to Her Shrink 5 times… my defence for getting that wrong and blaming 'dora for my poem was that I thought Ms Glitters was the spoiler
Tess and I were confused most often (4 times) and a large number (4) felt The Fool had Ange's voice
Ange and Remec were all over the chart with only 2 correct guesses made on their poems.
Definitely an interesting challenge and I do have a spread sheet of these findings. If you want it, send me a pm and I'll shoot it out to your email.

i'd like to think it was, my voice that is, but it might be more due to the physical appearance as Tzara's already pointed out.

if we do another guess-the-poet like this, i might enter it all proper-like, see if anyone spots it's me then. somehow i have my doubts ;)
I tried looking for spelling differences, but found very few and the one I remember would have screwed me up. I would not have picked Remec's poem as being by him because of his spelling of "moulding", which I think is usually UK/Canada spelling.

Oh, that one I can never remember for certain, but somewhere I got it in my head that 'moulding' was an architectural feature and 'molding' was an adjective for something beginning to rot. *g* (I will own up, however, to having shifted to 'colour' and 'armour' most of the time. Not sure when or why.)

Oh, that one I can never remember for certain, but somewhere I got it in my head that 'moulding' was an architectural feature and 'molding' was an adjective for something beginning to rot. *g* (I will own up, however, to having shifted to 'colour' and 'armour' most of the time. Not sure when or why.)


I thought the molding/moulding thing was the other way round

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Interesting challenge. Glorious writes.

I still had to snicker that Ange said fuck. Sometimes I think she wears a halo. Other times I know that halo is made of tin foil wrapped around coat hanger wire.

She does wear a halo, but her morality includes fucking. Yay!

I loved reading the poems everyone wrote. I also felt pleased at having been confused for the poets whom people guessed as authors of my poem. I suppose the poem was a little different from the style of poem that I leave posted on the lit boards. Typical exhibitionist, I leave my confessional poems here.

Thank you for the challenge, Charley!
Don't know why, but I tend towards armour and color.
This was an interesting and enjoyable challegem with lots of nice poems in play.
Drum roll.....

1. Chipbutty
2. Lauren Hynde
3. The Fool
4. EroticOrogeny
5. Remec
6. Pandora Glitters
7. Champagne 1982
8. Tristesse2
9. Angeline

PandoraGlitters said:
I am guessing that Chipbutty's is poem 1, Lauren's is 2, Tess's is 7, Champagne's is 8 and Angeline's is 9? Maybe EO's is 4? I think Eve is the red herring. I enjoyed reading all of these poems.

I got 5 right if we include guessing that Eve was the red herring.
you know, Charlie, i really like how you've bookended this write with the rep of those 3 lines. it somehow closes it around, like an edifice, or a doorway ...

do those specific lines refer to the graffiti someone else mentioned way back in one of these related threads? and the Edie thing - did she set fire to her room or something? :eek:
'Stan is the man' is a verbal saying that I'd heard from childhood (in NA) and although no one knows who Stan is exactly it seemed an appropriate rumour for the hotel. 'Kilroy was here' is a piece of graffiti from Vietnam times, I think. Kilroy was everywhere in my memory as a child, pasted and planted on almost every wall or building across NA and usually with his fingers over a wall, the top of his bald head showing, his eyes peeking like Peeping Tom.

Edie Sedgwick did indeed set the Chelsea on fire, or at least her room.

Thanks for your kindness and also for divulging a bit more about why you were certain EO wrote his poem. Fascinating. :kiss:
Drum roll.....

1. Chipbutty
2. Lauren Hynde
3. The Fool
4. EroticOrogeny
5. Remec
6. Pandora Glitters
7. Champagne 1982
8. Tristesse2
9. Angeline

LH -- poem #2
Remec -- poem #5
Tess -- poem #8

Phooey! It's a good thing I don't need to guess who wrote which for a living. I'd pay more in taxes...
LH -- poem #2
Remec -- poem #5
Tess -- poem #8

Phooey! It's a good thing I don't need to guess who wrote which for a living. I'd pay more in taxes...

It was very flattering to be confused with you several times, Carrie. :rose: I only got Lauren and Foolio right.

Great idea for a challenge, Chuck, and a great choice of subject too. :kiss:
It was very flattering to be confused with you several times, Carrie. :rose: I only got Lauren and Foolio right.

Great idea for a challenge, Chuck, and a great choice of subject too. :kiss:
Next time the challenge will be about FOOD! Good food! ... sexual food. :kiss: :devil:
Next time the challenge will be about FOOD! Good food! ... sexual food. :kiss: :devil:
OMG... please start it. If we get another poem like Tessie's "Shaved Ham Sandwich"... swoooooon.

I had no idea how similar we must write, Tess. Honestly, I decided to write a type of stream-of-conciousness thing about a few of the famous who've tripped on the famous stairs. I grabbed a few of my faves... Thomas, Cohen, Joplin, Warhol. It was interesting. It actually puzzled me that people confused us so consistently albeit, I was very flattered too. :)
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'Stan is the man' is a verbal saying that I'd heard from childhood (in NA) and although no one knows who Stan is exactly it seemed an appropriate rumour for the hotel. 'Kilroy was here' is a piece of graffiti from Vietnam times, I think. Kilroy was everywhere in my memory as a child, pasted and planted on almost every wall or building across NA and usually with his fingers over a wall, the top of his bald head showing, his eyes peeking like Peeping Tom.

Edie Sedgwick did indeed set the Chelsea on fire, or at least her room.

Thanks for your kindness and also for divulging a bit more about why you were certain EO wrote his poem. Fascinating. :kiss:

Think Kilroy was around long before that i.e first world war at least and all over the world.... he certainly got around a bit

oops edit to say seems ours was a Chad with his WOT no's
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