BDSM and Impregnation

Sometimes I think people who condemn other people fantasizing do so because they are scared they themselves might act on these fantasies. Like fundamentalist christian men loudly protesting male homosexuality.

I think that shooting and killing animals is incredibly sick activity. I'd be nervous to leave a child of mine (hypothetically, I don't have kids) around somebody that that hunts and kills animals. I personally don't think people that engage in that activity should have kids. But I'm not going to judge people who fantasize about hunting and killing animals. In fact, I think our society would be a lot healthier if more people played video games where the characters shot guns and killed things, and fewer people actually ran around with guns killing things.

It would have been a better world if people fantasized about owning slaves, or having slave children, then actually engaged in that activity (tip of the hat to Thomas Jefferson).

And perhaps it would be a better world if some people came clean and admitted that they fantasize about morally judging people for their ideas, that they fantasize about being recognized as morally superior to other people because of what ideas arouse them sexually. Maybe in particular they fantasize (because issues with the power that their mother had over them during childhood) of morally condemning a woman for what arouses her besides sex with THEM. Just be honest that that turns you on. And then save it for your fantasies.
GodBlessBreasts said:
And perhaps it would be a better world if some people came clean and admitted that they fantasize about morally judging people for their ideas, that they fantasize about being recognized as morally superior to other people because of what ideas arouse them sexually. Maybe in particular they fantasize (because issues with the power that their mother had over them during childhood) of morally condemning a woman for what arouses her besides sex with THEM. Just be honest that that turns you on. And then save it for your fantasies.

This part of what you wrote struck a chord for, & with, me. I don't think the problem is the fantasizing or the expression of the fantasy. I think the main problem (at least for some of us) is the way one certain fantasy was worded.

Yes, it is semantics. Yes, it is just a FANTASY. But to those of us with children..who strive to be GOOD parents...the wording just strikes one as more than just a harmless fantasy.

OK..i am finished.

Though this thread did not turn out as you had hoped, it does bear repeating that fantasies of any sort are completely harmless. We are NOT the thought police, nor should we try to be.
BUT there are those of us who strive (alone and with partners) to raise bright, intelligent children with a will and imagination of their own. For US, it is just not a good subject for fantasy.

Thank you
Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Well I agree that people actually in real life do awful things like raise their children to be slaves ... and a lot more people do the equivalent although they do not call it BDSM and they're not honest about what they're doing. I believe these fantasies belong in the fantasy world ... and if a person is a aware that they have these fantasies, they (and society) should take strong measures to make that their fantasy never becomes reality, WITHOUT judging the person on their interior fantasy world. It's very important to protect children from harm. A lesser, but also important concern, is to make sure that people have as many orgasm as possible, by whatever means possible, as long as no real life children are affected and no unconsenting adults are forced to participate.

We can't condemn people for their fantasies just cause other people have had the same fantasy and then made the horrific decision to choose to act on that fantasy.

I think a legitimate post would have told OSG that she should by no means ever get pregnant or raise children, and even perhaps that she should create a safety system (regular therapy appointments) to make sure that she doesn't slip and incorporate pregnancy or motherhood into her BDSM lifestyle. But in my humble opinion, limbhuggers theatrics crossed the line into I'm-more-moral-than-you-because-my-sexual-fantasies-are-not-as-sick-as-yours grandstanding. Of course, I like judging people and feeling morally superior too. So I suppose I owe limbhugger a "thank you" for the have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too opportunity to judge him for judging OSG :D :devil:

catalina_francisco said:
The operative here is 'like to think that'. Unfortunately I have met one who did exactly as the Dominant wanted, mother or no....and statistics and countless crime cases will atest to the fact that because you give birth it does not automatically make you a virtuous Mrs Cunningham...many mothers have been imprisoned for assisting lovers/fathers/stepfathers in sexually abusing their own children. Not being ignorant until after the fact but physically holding down the child to make it easier for him. So while some like to bury their heads in the sand and wish it away, it unfortunately does not happen in reality that motherhood or fatherhood automatically makes one a perfect parent or someone who acts in the best interests of their or anyone elses children.

Catalina :rose:
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If you would re-read my first post, you'll notice I stated I seperated osg's reply from the original intent of the thread. Meaning the fantasy aspect. I never intended to even post on this thread. Until I caught osg's reply.

How you can equate ethical hunting to forced impregnation, pedophillia, incest, and torture (I think most folks would agree that this would indeed qualify as torture) is beyond me. I think you have an extreme misunderstanding of guns and hunting but that is an entirely different subject.

Thank you apet4u for understanding. :)

cellis like catalina has so gracefully explained, it was the inclination that osg wants this to be a reality. BDSM is seen by many as twisted I agree. But we inside the lifestyle now that it's, like all things, only as twisted as those participating in it. OSG, indicated that if it were possible, she would do this. That is what pushed my buttons.

And thank you catalina for understanding and clarifying my thoughts so well. :rose:
Re: Re: Cellis

Kajira Callista said:
I am a parent and i know Pet is also, im not sure about limbhugger but im assuming yes from his response. I rest easy after reading OSGs post because i know one thing for sure...her fantasy will always remain just that. There is a difference in dreaming up a fantasy and actually becoming a parent and the instincts you have as a mother...born submissive, owned or otherwise. Instinct is to protect and nourish until the child is able to do so for themselves and no matter what you fantisize about or what you think you might want, you will do what is best for your child...and they do come before all, including Master. I think anyone living this life as Master/slave would know and accept this ...or at least i would like to think that. :rose:

I wish that were true KC. I have seen people who actually turn over parental control of their children to their "masters" even though he may have just walked into their lives. And as a guy who who years in law enforcement I can assure mothering instincts fly right out the window with a lot of folks. Mom's killing babies, dunking them in boiling water, breaking their arms, burning their feet with cigarettes and so on.

What you said is true if the mother is already a stable and adjusted person. But as we all know, not everyone is stable and adjusted.
I think "ethical" hunting is a lot like "ethically" spanking children on their buttocks ... a labored rationalization/justification for indulging in a sick fetish. I wouldn't do either, and I wouldn't want children to be involved in either. But Limbhugger, I suspect we both agree on more than we disagree. Like that fundamentalists who try to deny women the right to an abortion in the real world even when the pregnancy was the result of rape, incest, and/or because her life is endangered are sick fucks.

Limbhugger said:

How you can equate ethical hunting to forced impregnation, pedophillia, incest, and torture (I think most folks would agree that this would indeed qualify as torture) is beyond me. I think you have an extreme misunderstanding of guns and hunting but that is an entirely different subject.
GodBlessBreasts said:
I think "ethical" hunting is a lot like "ethically" spanking children on their buttocks ... a labored rationalization/justification for indulging in a sick fetish. I wouldn't do either, and I wouldn't want children to be involved in either. But Limbhugger, I suspect we both agree on more than we disagree. Like that fundamentalists who try to deny women the right to an abortion in the real world even when the pregnancy was the result of rape, incest, and/or because her life is endangered are sick fucks.

GBB, you've gone completely off topic. If you want to spout your moral and political views about society in general, try the Cafe or the Author's Hangout.
Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Limbhugger said:
I wish that were true KC. I have seen people who actually turn over parental control of their children to their "masters" even though he may have just walked into their lives. And as a guy who who years in law enforcement I can assure mothering instincts fly right out the window with a lot of folks. Mom's killing babies, dunking them in boiling water, breaking their arms, burning their feet with cigarettes and so on.

What you said is true if the mother is already a stable and adjusted person. But as we all know, not everyone is stable and adjusted.

Yes i agree there are plenty of unstable people in this world, but i was talking from within this thread only. I think most Doms,subs,Mistresses,Masters,slaves etc here, replying to this thread understood what was meant. OSG said it was her fantasy and it would never happen.....the other words typed are what upset us, but bottom line is just her fantasy and will remain that. A question i would like to ask OSG is....does your Master know of this fantasy, and if so what does he feel about it?
Limbhugger, relax. Or do you need some help to relieve you of your tension, officer? :rose: ;)

Limbhugger said:
GBB, you've gone completely off topic. If you want to spout your moral and political views about society in general, try the Cafe or the Author's Hangout.
here is the response i typed up last night, but that wouldn't post because of comp/net problems:

Limbhugger said:
*Steps out on a limb* But fuck I'm a limb hugger so why not...

While I have found many of your posts eloquent and raw and open, this is over the top, IMHO.

Children, the creation of and the raising thereafter is sacred. Period. I don't care if you're religious or not. Don't care when you think life begins. Not an issue here. You and you alone have responsibility over this aspect of creation and the life that will follow.

It is sickening to me to think that one would create a child for some man to create a new generation of servant girl. You state that children are not in the plans for you, I hope they never are if this is what you truly believe.

I will be chastised and berated and for what I am about to say as I know OSG is some kind of icon around here and if that is the case, fine. In fact if ya'll want to ban me altogether that's fine too as I will not shirk on this.

OSG, if you really believe what you just typed you need professional help. We're talking about children. I seperate the original intent of this thread from you have posted.

I am disgusted.

one thing i think you are overlooking, is that this thread is about FANTASY. and fantasies are not always pretty and PC and healthy for all involved. in reality i would never desire a child for the sole purpose of providing my Master with a homemade slave to reality, i have no desire for children of my own at all honestly, for many reasons, one top reason being that i do not think i have the equipment/instincts to be the sort of mother every child deserves. in my fantasy world however, lack of parenting skills are irrelevant. lack of desire to have and raise a child is irrelevant. lack of even the physical ability to give birth is irrelevant. in my fantasy world, i focus on the things i find erotic and that is all. if you believe i am sick because of mere thoughts, well that is sad, but you have a right to your opinion as we all do. i just hope your zealousness over this particular issue isn't causing you to see things a bit cloudy.


after reading thru all the posts, i'm glad to see that most understand this is a fantasy. and yes it is true that there is some small part of me that probably wishes it could become reality. the same part of me that wishes some of my Master's most extreme, cruel fantasies could become reality. the part of me able to ignore every other factor such as how others would be affected, how i'd be affected, how disastrous and awful they would be, etc...basically, the part of me that dreams up the fantasies in the first place. but in REALITY, it's not what i truly wish to happen, not something my Master wishes to happen, not something that will ever happen, but i'll say it's lovely for us to think about, to drift off completely into fantasy land and share every detail of how it would happen, how things would develop, etc...then my Master might use me and we'll both get a bit of a release, with no more intention to realize the fantasy than we had before.

as far as certain things not falling under the umbrella of BDSM (or D/s, the lifestyle Daddy and i live)...i can think of few things that could NOT be D/s. not speaking for BDSM, but in D/s what separates a vanilla or "other" activity from a lifestyle activity is greatly the intent behind the activity. a shoe fetishist and a slave might both lick a woman's boots, but the reasons why they're licking them, and what it means, couldn't be more different.

(btw Kajira, hope that answers your questions, obviously this is a fantasy we share)
Interesting. You're so worried about the thought police screwing up your thread and you can't manage to keep this sucker on topic. Pedophilia. Guns. Hunting. Abortion. What's next? The election?

Bottom line is you put this thread up here, and you can't control who posts, or how they post. I always say, if you can't handle the answers, don't put up the thread. Your call. Of course, Catalina says it nicer *grin*

The conversation has been rather interesting, bar your grandstanding on the off topic crap. LOL. Carry on.

Re: Cellis

apet4you said:
For me, anything..anything at ALL..that has something to do with children..whether impregnation or any stage after SICK.


I believe most people here are consenting adults and living their life in a way that is not harmful to children what so ever. Me and my fiancé, who is also my submissive, are going to have children one day if nature will allow us. BUT we will never let them get a glimpse of the lifestyle - no matter what. The fact that we as parents then are involved in the lifestyle only means that we will keep it very private, and between the two of us. We have no wish or desire to raise our children in a lifestyle fashion.

Children should be brought up outside the lifestyle, that is our belief. Because the lifestyle is for consenting adults, not children. In the same way I feel that if one starts pushing the lifestyle onto children, one not only violates them, but also their surroundings.
We will NEVER EVER do anything connected to lifestyle in front of our children, neither will we give them any upbringing or guidance in bdsm. What me and my fiancé have together is just for the two of us - not for children.

However - I am the one who takes the final decision about when we will try to have children. That is a decision I make after hearing what my fiancé thinks, and when I feel the time, place and situation is right. This depends on so many things. Her well being, her position at the time (that she is done with her studies, and have worked a bit), and that we can afford it. Another important issue is also that we then live in a place where we want our child(ren) to grow up and be part of the society.

Still - I must say one thing that I dislike very much. How can you say that it is SICK that I make the final decision of when she will become pregnant? I feel that it is quite harsh of you to judge someone you don't even know. By our posting here you can see a little of what we stand for, and still you consider what we do to be SICK?

Maybe you should think a little bit before you yell the next time - because you happened to hurt my loved one with your words, and I find that unacceptable. What is SICK about me taking the final decision? What is SICK about me and her wanting to make the impregnation of her a very special occasion? Children are the biggest miracle two people can experience. What is SICK with us, who are consenting adults that want to bring up children in safe and secure place and home, where we want them to feel loved and cherished and without any issues from the lifestyle present?
The truth is I could care less if people try to be thought police, or if this thread is ruined. Sometimes I just like to argue. :devil:

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Interesting. You're so worried about the thought police screwing up your thread and you can't manage to keep this sucker on topic. Pedophilia. Guns. Hunting. Abortion. What's next? The election?

Bottom line is you put this thread up here, and you can't control who posts, or how they post. I always say, if you can't handle the answers, don't put up the thread. Your call. Of course, Catalina says it nicer *grin*

The conversation has been rather interesting, bar your grandstanding on the off topic crap. LOL. Carry on.

Very well said. OSG, I think everyone understood your first post ... but morally criticizing and judging women is a BDSM kink more than a few people have, and perhaps one that Limbhugger and I share. I started a thread specifically to discuss it, and I hope Limbhugger posts some of his fantasies in this genre (I'm sure they'll be very hot!) As hard as it may be for you to understand this kink, thanks for not judging us on it, OSG ;)

ownedsubgal said:
here is the response i typed up last night, but that wouldn't post because of comp/net problems:

one thing i think you are overlooking, is that this thread is about FANTASY. and fantasies are not always pretty and PC and healthy for all involved. in reality i would never desire a child for the sole purpose of providing my Master with a homemade slave to reality, i have no desire for children of my own at all honestly, for many reasons, one top reason being that i do not think i have the equipment/instincts to be the sort of mother every child deserves.


after reading thru all the posts, i'm glad to see that most understand this is a fantasy.
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apet4you said:
For me, anything..anything at ALL..that has something to do with children..whether impregnation or any stage after SICK.

I just wanted to let you know that you have offended me very much and I feel extremely hurt by this.
You have just called me sick while not knowing a single thing about me or my life. I doubt you care what I think but I think you should be ashamed of yourself and start thinking a little who is going to be affected by what you write, before you open your mouth.

I have always had the deep desire of becoming a mother one day. I have taken all my effort, energy and time to find a partner in life that has the same thoughts and feelings about every important aspect in life, including having children and raising them. I have found everything and more in my Master and I would be extremely happy, should we be blessed with children some day.
When it will happen has been my Master’s choice, and in what way will be his choice as well. In your post, you wrote that you consider this to be sick because it would be happening with a bdsm touch. I feel deeply hurt by this.

I feel completely safe and secure in my relationship and I know for a fact that nothing we will ever do will hurt a child in any way.

apet4you said:
The thought of raising my child to BOW to her father or any other person is disgusting to me..for only one reason but it is the biggest reason. It would be a taught, leanrned my child no real say in their life.

You didn’t take any effort what so ever to separate being impregnated in a bdsm surrounding and how children are being raised.

My impregnation might be happening in a bdsm surrounding but that does not mean that there is going to be a lack of love and respect. It is my belief that a child should be “made” with love, which is a whole other discussion but I would like to mention this anyway.

Further more, any child that we are going to be blessed with is going to receive a completely “vanilla” upbringing. We have no desire to teach it to “bow” to anyone. Anything bdsm will be kept totally separated from our children.
The only thing they will witness is a mother and a father that love and respect each other very much as well as their children. Yes, they will notice that our marriage might be a little old fashioned and that dad is having the final word in things. But I don’t see anything wrong in that. I have every confidence that Dionysus and I will become wonderful parents one day.

maenad, Dionysus' girl
His maenad said:

I just wanted to let you know that you have offended me very much and I feel extremely hurt by this.
You have just called me sick while not knowing a single thing about me or my life. I doubt you care what I think but I think you should be ashamed of yourself and start thinking a little who is going to be affected by what you write, before you open your mouth.

I have always had the deep desire of becoming a mother one day. I have taken all my effort, energy and time to find a partner in life that has the same thoughts and feelings about every important aspect in life, including having children and raising them. I have found everything and more in my Master and I would be extremely happy, should we be blessed with children some day.
When it will happen has been my Master’s choice, and in what way will be his choice as well. In your post, you wrote that you consider this to be sick because it would be happening with a bdsm touch. I feel deeply hurt by this.

I feel completely safe and secure in my relationship and I know for a fact that nothing we will ever do will hurt a child in any way.

You didn’t take any effort what so ever to separate being impregnated in a bdsm surrounding and how children are being raised.

My impregnation might be happening in a bdsm surrounding but that does not mean that there is going to be a lack of love and respect. It is my belief that a child should be “made” with love, which is a whole other discussion but I would like to mention this anyway.

Further more, any child that we are going to be blessed with is going to receive a completely “vanilla” upbringing. We have no desire to teach it to “bow” to anyone. Anything bdsm will be kept totally separated from our children.
The only thing they will witness is a mother and a father that love and respect each other very much as well as their children. Yes, they will notice that our marriage might be a little old fashioned and that dad is having the final word in things. But I don’t see anything wrong in that. I have every confidence that Dionysus and I will become wonderful parents one day.

maenad, Dionysus' girl

I will not pretend to speak on pet's behalf but I didn't take from her writings anything like what you did. I took her position to be one that the creation of life soley for the purpose of furthering control is sick. And that to then raise that child to be subserviant is also sick.

What you describe sounds like a loving honest relationship. I think that is different from the point of this thread and pet's words.

But, take from it what you want, why you would allow some stranger on the internet to hurt you deeply is beyond my comprehension.
Kajira Callista said:
... actually becoming a parent and the instincts you have as a mother...born submissive, owned or otherwise. Instinct is to protect and nourish until the child is able to do so for themselves and no matter what you fantisize about or what you think you might want, you will do what is best for your child...and they do come before all, including Master. I think anyone living this life as Master/slave would know and accept this ...

I completely agree with this when it comes to myself.
Anyone, that is going to even lift a finger to my children will have to deal with me first. Yes, I am a slave and I consider myself to be extremely submissive in many ways but do not touch my children or you will be seeing me change into something that goes beyond your biggest nightmares.
His maenad said:
I completely agree with this when it comes to myself.
Anyone, that is going to even lift a finger to my children will have to deal with me first. Yes, I am a slave and I consider myself to be extremely submissive in many ways but do not touch my children or you will be seeing me change into something that goes beyond your biggest nightmares.

I might be mistaken but i do believe pet also agreed with that.
Limbhugger said:
I will not pretend to speak on pet's behalf but I didn't take from her writings anything like what you did. I took her position to be one that the creation of life soley for the purpose of furthering control is sick. And that to then raise that child to be subserviant is also sick.

What you describe sounds like a loving honest relationship. I think that is different from the point of this thread and pet's words.

I am sorry you have felt so attacked Dionysus2003 and His maenad, but I have to agree with LH I did not read pet4u to be saying it was sick of your or anyone's Dominant to choose the timing of a fact many vanilla relationships are on a similar basis due to financial constraints etc. I also think it fine you are in agreement you do not want to raise your child/ren in the lifestyle so as to influence them in any way. It is a wise decision for many reasons.

I think perhaps some may be a little more edgy about osg's words also as she has spoken in previous posts of how her Master's children do see many aspects of the D/s lifestyle in their home as in her subservience to him, eating at the table as a family with her customarily sitting lower than him or on the floor, etc. While that is their decision, it does influence a child's perception and does begin to border on risky in the eyes of child protection authorities.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
LOL, Etoile, now this is definately the first I have heard this one!! Sick? Not sure about that....different? very!! Congratulations and thanks for bringing a smile to my dial.

Why thank you Catalina! I'm glad I could make you smile. Like I said, I wouldn't really do it (it wouldn't work anyway - kids watch TV and read books, after all) but I've always thought it would be very cool.
Limbhugger said:
I will not pretend to speak on pet's behalf but I didn't take from her writings anything like what you did. I took her position to be one that the creation of life soley for the purpose of furthering control is sick. And that to then raise that child to be subserviant is also sick.

That is not what she said.

Pet wrote, and I quote:

“For me, anything..anything at ALL..that has something to do with children..whether impregnation or any stage after SICK.”

That means that she considers someone that is impregnated within a bdsm surrounding, to be sick. I am aware that she wrote her post with osg’s post in her mind but that doesn’t take away the fact that she is still calling me sick. I don’t know pet, you obviously do and you tell me that she did not mean to call me a sick person. I’ll take your word for that.

Originally posted by Limbhugger But, take from it what you want, why you would allow some stranger on the internet to hurt you deeply is beyond my comprehension.

I am the first to admit that I am a very emotional person. But people should think before they open their mouths and keep in mind that behind every screen is a real person with feelings. And being called sick for something that I consider to be beautiful, hurts me. If she did not mean this by what she wrote, fine … but I still understood it as I did.
From what you wrote, I understand that you think that I am being too sensitive and I think you are right. I should not feel hurt for what a name on a screen is saying but the fact is that I do.

Originally posted by Limbhugger What you describe sounds like a loving honest relationship.

Thank you for noticing that. It is. :)
catalina_francisco said:
I am sorry you have felt so attacked Dionysus2003 and His maenad, but I have to agree with LH I did not read pet4u to be saying it was sick of your or anyone's Dominant to choose the timing of a fact many vanilla relationships are on a similar basis due to financial constraints etc. I also think it fine you are in agreement you do not want to raise your child/ren in the lifestyle so as to influence them in any way. It is a wise decision for many reasons.

I think perhaps some may be a little more edgy about osg's words also as she has spoken in previous posts of how her Master's children do see many aspects of the D/s lifestyle in their home as in her subservience to him, eating at the table as a family with her customarily sitting lower than him or on the floor, etc. While that is their decision, it does influence a child's perception and does begin to border on risky in the eyes of child protection authorities.

Catalina :rose:

border on risky? i think that's a rather harsh judgement/assessment to make, and mostly based on (false) assumptions. no, my Master and i do not hide who we are...He is a Dominant and my Owner, i am a submissive and his slave. to pretend we are not would not only be difficult to accomplish, but would also make the implication that something is bad or wrong or inappropriate about who we are. my Master's child sees only immense love, and great respect, between the two of us. yes, i remain in my place at all times...i do not sit in a seat equal to my Master when dining at home...but nothing that would seem out of place or odd to a child or anyone else. Daddy often likes to have meals in the family room, so he can watch the news or sports and such as he eats. so Daddy has his seat on the couch, then i have mine on the floor beside him. His child might sit on the couch by Dad or on the floor with me. everyone is cozy comfy and happy, so there is nothing for the child to feel unusual about. i do not have a voice of authority in the house, i obey my Master, and his child sees nothing he should not. if after growing up they notice anything a bit "different" about their household as compared to their friends, it may be that Dad and me are a bit old-fashioned, with traditional, but always loving, Male and female roles.
Well I admit, the idea of a child in a house like that would make me feel uncomfortable. I think that stuff is best left to the world of fantasies, if nothing else than because of the gendered aspect of the power differential, in the context of a still harmfully sexist world. The truth is though, that too many households raise kids in that sort of gender hierarchical environment, without the transparency that it's to satisfy the sexual/psychological needs of the parents, rather than some order of the universe that the child is bound submit to and replicate as an adult.

ownedsubgal said:
border on risky? i think that's a rather harsh judgement/assessment to make, and mostly based on (false) assumptions. no, my Master and i do not hide who we are...He is a Dominant and my Owner, i am a submissive and his slave. to pretend we are not would not only be difficult to accomplish, but would also make the implication that something is bad or wrong or inappropriate about who we are. my Master's child sees only immense love, and great respect, between the two of us. yes, i remain in my place at all times...i do not sit in a seat equal to my Master when dining at home...but nothing that would seem out of place or odd to a child or anyone else. Daddy often likes to have meals in the family room, so he can watch the news or sports and such as he eats. so Daddy has his seat on the couch, then i have mine on the floor beside him. His child might sit on the couch by Dad or on the floor with me. everyone is cozy comfy and happy, so there is nothing for the child to feel unusual about. i do not have a voice of authority in the house, i obey my Master, and his child sees nothing he should not. if after growing up they notice anything a bit "different" about their household as compared to their friends, it may be that Dad and me are a bit old-fashioned, with traditional, but always loving, Male and female roles.
His maenad said:
That is not what she said.

Pet wrote, and I quote:

“For me, anything..anything at ALL..that has something to do with children..whether impregnation or any stage after SICK.”

That means that she considers someone that is impregnated within a bdsm surrounding, to be sick. I am aware that she wrote her post with osg’s post in her mind but that doesn’t take away the fact that she is still calling me sick. I don’t know pet, you obviously do and you tell me that she did not mean to call me a sick person. I’ll take your word for that.

I am the first to admit that I am a very emotional person. But people should think before they open their mouths and keep in mind that behind every screen is a real person with feelings. And being called sick for something that I consider to be beautiful, hurts me. If she did not mean this by what she wrote, fine … but I still understood it as I did.
From what you wrote, I understand that you think that I am being too sensitive and I think you are right. I should not feel hurt for what a name on a screen is saying but the fact is that I do.

Thank you for noticing that. It is. :)

Actually, I don't know pet from Adam. I was just relating my interperatation of her writing.

I caution you that there is no prerequisute for anyone on the internet to think before they type or to care one wit about other people's feelings. People can and will post whatever they choose without regard to you or anyone ele's reaction to it. I personally prefer that as it keeps things edgy and raw. We in turn have the power to criticize, defend, ignore, or otherwise react to what has been said. I'm not given to fluff. I personally make an effor to talk with respect but I don't expect it from others. What and how people post is merely a reflection on them.

OSG is doing a nice job of back pedaling from her words that eluded to the fact that if she could make this a reality she would actually consider it. I'm not buying it but she's trying.

Like catalina said, there is a vast difference from your dominant choosing the time, place, and methods of getting you pregnant than in what the theme of this post (and pet's subsequent reply) was intended. And there is even a far greater divide in what osg replied.