BDSM and Impregnation

ownedsubgal said:
border on risky? i think that's a rather harsh judgement/assessment to make, and mostly based on (false) assumptions. no, my Master and i do not hide who we are...He is a Dominant and my Owner, i am a submissive and his slave. to pretend we are not would not only be difficult to accomplish, but would also make the implication that something is bad or wrong or inappropriate about who we are. my Master's child sees only immense love, and great respect, between the two of us. yes, i remain in my place at all times...i do not sit in a seat equal to my Master when dining at home...but nothing that would seem out of place or odd to a child or anyone else. Daddy often likes to have meals in the family room, so he can watch the news or sports and such as he eats. so Daddy has his seat on the couch, then i have mine on the floor beside him. His child might sit on the couch by Dad or on the floor with me. everyone is cozy comfy and happy, so there is nothing for the child to feel unusual about. i do not have a voice of authority in the house, i obey my Master, and his child sees nothing he should not. if after growing up they notice anything a bit "different" about their household as compared to their friends, it may be that Dad and me are a bit old-fashioned, with traditional, but always loving, Male and female roles.

Every single action you make as an adult in the presence of a child will be noticed and contemplated with the greatest scrutiny by that child. They analyze not just the words you speak but the way you speak them. They study your facial expressions, movements, walk, and even the very atmosphere of their surroundings.

Children desperately desire to understand and emmulate the adults they respect. They will break you down piece by piece in their minds and think on it often. What you present them is what they will dwell on.

I am about as old fashioned as old fashioned gets. A simpler redneck country boy you won't find. And please do not confuse simple with dumb. In a truly "old fashioned" relationship, the woman may on the surface appear subserviant to her man, but in truth she is almost always the strength that enables the family. And in truly "old fashioned" marriages, the wife/mother is always given the utmost respect. Wives/mothers in a truly "old fashioned" relationship were far from slaves.

You can choose to life you life with "Daddy" any way you want osg and the two of you can can raise kids however you see fit. But do not come onto an open public forum and attempt to justify your views without receiving harsh feedback by those of us who disagree with you.
My life and personal beliefs and preferences could not possibly be further from ownedsubgal's and I think she might agree.

However, I saw not one thing she said as advocating for actually bearing and raising a child directly into slavery.

I've often fantasized about chaining a man in the basement, kidnapping a man in a power position and teaching him a whole new hierarchy. I've fantasized about blackmail and extortion. I've fantasized about guns. I maintain the right to call any of the aforesaid "lovely thoughts" without anyone assuming I'd carry them out if I were logistically able.
Limbhugger said:
Every single action you make as an adult in the presence of a child will be noticed and contemplated with the greatest scrutiny by that child. They analyze not just the words you speak but the way you speak them. They study your facial expressions, movements, walk, and even the very atmosphere of their surroundings.

Children desperately desire to understand and emmulate the adults they respect. They will break you down piece by piece in their minds and think on it often. What you present them is what they will dwell on.

I am about as old fashioned as old fashioned gets. A simpler redneck country boy you won't find. And please do not confuse simple with dumb. In a truly "old fashioned" relationship, the woman may on the surface appear subserviant to her man, but in truth she is almost always the strength that enables the family. And in truly "old fashioned" marriages, the wife/mother is always given the utmost respect. Wives/mothers in a truly "old fashioned" relationship were far from slaves.

You can choose to life you life with "Daddy" any way you want osg and the two of you can can raise kids however you see fit. But do not come onto an open public forum and attempt to justify your views without receiving harsh feedback by those of us who disagree with you.

I really originally wanted to stay completely out of this. I admit I was also similarly outraged by the post, if only because I really feel fantasies should be exactly that. There seemed to me to be an intimation that should OSG's Master tell her that it was time to have children, she would immediately accede, as she has frequently said that she will not say no to anything someone wishes of her.

That said, while I have respect for your choice of lifestyle, OSG, if it is what works for you.. I do not agree with your opinion that the children raised in daily sight of such a relationship will only later see that there is a 'difference' in your relationship with your Master. Children are not stupid, nor are they unobservant, and as Limbhugger said, they -will- be affected, and likely adversely, by the severe gender role separation you describe. It is my opinion that the decision to inflict your adult choices upon the minds of children flirts dangerously close to abuse on both of your parts.

As I said, I didn't want to become involved in this little mini-battle, but I feel quite strongly about protecting children, particularly my own, and I feel our fantasies and our sexual choices should not be a part of their everyday lives. Not in the smallest part.
ownedsubgal said:
i do not sit in a seat equal to my Master when dining at home... <snip> Daddy often likes to have meals in the family room, so he can watch the news or sports and such as he eats. so Daddy has his seat on the couch, then i have mine on the floor beside him.
A bit off-topic, but I wanted to say thanks for mentioning this. It sounds lovely.
I agree that kids are attuned to what goes on around them.

Then I think that any kid exposed to a heavily fundamentalist or even strongly religious environment where gender roles are rigid are being abused by this standard for "abuse."

Much as I personally don't like the notion, I don't think it's abhorrent.

I'm just glad I wasn't raised that way.
Limbhugger said:
You can choose to life you life with "Daddy" any way you want osg
Why did you put Daddy in quotes here? As someone who also has a Daddy, I kind of take offense at that. Daddy/girl (or Daddy/boi) is a perfectly valid relationship between two consenting adults. I see your use of quotes as a snipe at OSG's relationship, which is totally off the mark and not fair.
Etoile said:
Why did you put Daddy in quotes here? As someone who also has a Daddy, I kind of take offense at that. Daddy/girl (or Daddy/boi) is a perfectly valid relationship between two consenting adults. I see your use of quotes as a snipe at OSG's relationship, which is totally off the mark and not fair.

Yes I did intentionally place the term Daddy in quotes for that post. I hope Etoile that you will see through my other postings that I in no way condemn this lifestyle.

I out the title Daddy in quotes for this post to illustrate my point that just because it his her "Daddy" he is the child's real daddy. One cannot and should not ever allow their own adult relationship to adversly affect a child. Be it D/s, drugs, fantatical religion etc.

I was not casting shadows over the idea of a Daddy/girl relationship and apologize if I didn't come across right.
Limbhugger said:
Yes I did intentionally place the term Daddy in quotes for that post. I hope Etoile that you will see through my other postings that I in no way condemn this lifestyle.

I out the title Daddy in quotes for this post to illustrate my point that just because it his her "Daddy" he is the child's real daddy. One cannot and should not ever allow their own adult relationship to adversly affect a child. Be it D/s, drugs, fantatical religion etc.

I was not casting shadows over the idea of a Daddy/girl relationship and apologize if I didn't come across right.
Fair 'nuff. I understand - thanks for clarifying.
Re: Re: Cellis

Dionysus2003 said:
Still - I must say one thing that I dislike very much. How can you say that it is SICK that I make the final decision of when she will become pregnant? I feel that it is quite harsh of you to judge someone you don't even know. By our posting here you can see a little of what we stand for, and still you consider what we do to be SICK?

Quite frankly, I was not speaking of a decision to bring a child into the world. I was talking about the wish to raise a child as a slave...period. Do not pick one sentence out of my whole post to pick on.

If you had bothered to read what I wrote you would have saw QUITE plainly what I meant. Do not come to me with your holier than thou attitude. I have 3 lovely children that I raise. They are smart, capable children. My post dealt with the FANTASY of having a baby to raise as a slave...period.

Get off your high horse and pick on someone else. I don't have time
Re: Re: Re: Cellis

apet4you said:
Quite frankly, I was not speaking of a decision to bring a child into the world. I was talking about the wish to raise a child as a slave...period. Do not pick one sentence out of my whole post to pick on.

If you had bothered to read what I wrote you would have saw QUITE plainly what I meant. Do not come to me with your holier than thou attitude. I have 3 lovely children that I raise. They are smart, capable children. My post dealt with the FANTASY of having a baby to raise as a slave...period.

Get off your high horse and pick on someone else. I don't have time

I was not looking to pick on you because you are you, simply because I don't know you, and I don't have a fetish for picking on people.

The way I read your post and the sentence I quoted you on, I understood it the way that even a couple like us, that would make something special of her becoming pregnant was also included in your definition of what you consider SICK.

That is what I reacted on. If you can't accept that kind of critisism, then so be it - but I had to speak my mind, and I did!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Dionysus2003 said:
I was not looking to pick on you because you are you, simply because I don't know you, and I don't have a fetish for picking on people.

The way I read your post and the sentence I quoted you on, I understood it the way that even a couple like us, that would make something special of her becoming pregnant was also included in your definition of what you consider SICK.

That is what I reacted on. If you can't accept that kind of critisism, then so be it - but I had to speak my mind, and I did!

How can you say that when she agreed with my post right after that. I think a simple *im sorry i misunderstood* would have been the right thing to do from both of you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Kajira Callista said:
How can you say that when she agreed with my post right after that. I think a simple *im sorry i misunderstood* would have been the right thing to do from both of you.

I did not misunderstand, Kajira. I knew what I wrote and what I meant. Everybody else knew what i meant. I should not, and WILL NOT, apologise for something that someone never even bothered to ask me to expound upon. That is bullshit and i am done with this topic.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

apet4you said:
I did not misunderstand, Kajira. I knew what I wrote and what I meant. Everybody else knew what i meant. I should not, and WILL NOT, apologise for something that someone never even bothered to ask me to expound upon. That is bullshit and i am done with this topic.

Not you...him and his, they misunderstood and instead of simply saying that, they continue.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Kajira Callista said:
Not you...him and his, they misunderstood and instead of simply saying that, they continue.

Sorry Kajira..I misunderstood what you meant.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

Dionysus2003 said:
I was not looking to pick on you because you are you, simply because I don't know you, and I don't have a fetish for picking on people.

The way I read your post and the sentence I quoted you on, I understood it the way that even a couple like us, that would make something special of her becoming pregnant was also included in your definition of what you consider SICK.

That is what I reacted on. If you can't accept that kind of critisism, then so be it - but I had to speak my mind, and I did!

You did not read my post if that is honestly how you took it. I have re-read it repeatedly and I am not seeing what you are seeing. Neither that post nor any of them that follow (by me) say one thing about couples who decide when they are going to have a child. MY POSTS were about the birth of a child for slave use, period.

And i did not say you were picking on me. I said picking out one sentence from my post. This is the end of this for me. Take that how you will. I am finished with this topic.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

apet4you said:
You did not read my post if that is honestly how you took it. I have re-read it repeatedly and I am not seeing what you are seeing. Neither that post nor any of them that follow (by me) say one thing about couples who decide when they are going to have a child. MY POSTS were about the birth of a child for slave use, period.

And i did not say you were picking on me. I said picking out one sentence from my post. This is the end of this for me. Take that how you will. I am finished with this topic.

Seeing that you are finished with the topic, I guess we are too ;)

You said yours, and we said ours - and that is fine by me, at least we all know who meant what now, which is not too bad ;)

PS: You did say I was picking on you;) In your post earlier it says: Get off your high horse and pick on someone else. ;)
Limbhugger said:
Every single action you make as an adult in the presence of a child will be noticed and contemplated with the greatest scrutiny by that child. They analyze not just the words you speak but the way you speak them. They study your facial expressions, movements, walk, and even the very atmosphere of their surroundings.

Children desperately desire to understand and emmulate the adults they respect. They will break you down piece by piece in their minds and think on it often. What you present them is what they will dwell on.

I am about as old fashioned as old fashioned gets. A simpler redneck country boy you won't find. And please do not confuse simple with dumb. In a truly "old fashioned" relationship, the woman may on the surface appear subserviant to her man, but in truth she is almost always the strength that enables the family. And in truly "old fashioned" marriages, the wife/mother is always given the utmost respect. Wives/mothers in a truly "old fashioned" relationship were far from slaves.

You can choose to life you life with "Daddy" any way you want osg and the two of you can can raise kids however you see fit. But do not come onto an open public forum and attempt to justify your views without receiving harsh feedback by those of us who disagree with you.

one point where i agree with you Limbhugger, and that is the fact that children are indeed astoundingly observant, and will notice everthing. my Master's child observes, between Dad and i, two people who love, respect, NEED, and cherish each other very much. why you seem to make the assumption that a slave cannot be respected by their Owner, i do not know, but that is unfortunate. yes i'm sure the child can see that we do not have equal power, that is obvious, but they can also see that no person's place and purpose is more or less important than the other. we're two halves that make a whole.

on another note, i take great offense to you putting Daddy's name in quotation marks, as if it were a title or term of affection, and not indicative of reality. nothing at all against them, but my Master and i do not have a Daddy/girl D/s relationship. Him being Daddy has nothing whatsoever to do with D/s. it is simply who and what he he says affectionately, he has two little "knuckleheads" to love and raise. as for our D/s lifestyle, it is not a kink for us or an extension of our sex lives. it is who we are, our natural personalities. for us not to be D/s, we would have to be comatose.

i'm sorry you miss the point of fantasy, and sorry that you are unable to open your mind enough to see the beauty that exists in our household. agreeing or disagreeing with someone else's ways or beliefs is beside the point entirely....but making judgements based on more assumption and zealousness than actual knowledge, and outright disrespect, imo have no place in a discussion between intelligent adults.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cellis

catalina_francisco said:
I agree with you cellis, but it also seems more and more people are using BDSM as a cover for other activites which on all the sites I have visited, and all the people in the lifestyle I have met, do not come under the umbrella of BDSM no matter how far the imagination is willing to stretch. Without some speaking out, it can become the dumping ground for all who need a defense.

Catalina :rose:

We have the same issue in the pagan community when people in to really abhorent stuff want to be included with our beliefs
There was a discussion in the GLBT forum about NAMBLA (a pedophile group for man/boy sex) trying to associate itself with mainstream gay groups
I think in anything you have to use some reason & draw lines
All too often in BDSM groups & forums I hear cries of "tolerance!" and "openmindedness!" to the point it seems people will insist we accept any abhorent thing
That's simply ludicrous
I want an open mind, but not so open my brain falls out :D
Re: Re: Cellis

Kajira Callista said:
Instinct is to protect and nourish until the child is able to do so for themselves and no matter what you fantisize about or what you think you might want, you will do what is best for your child...and they do come before all, including Master. I think anyone living this life as Master/slave would know and accept this ...or at least i would like to think that. :rose:

Tell that to Susan Smith
Texture said:
I am of a mind that no fantasy is off limits, and the original post made it clear that the author would not consider using children.

However, it has struck me that some people like flirting with the idea that they are completely amoral or nihilistic, when they wouldn't actually be prepared to go down this route.

Making it clear that you are taking about a fantasy distinguishes yourself from this trend.

The original post, YES
What set people off was OSG saying it's only just a fantasy because her Master has decided she will have no kids
Or at least that's how a lot of people read OSG's post
GodBlessBreasts said:
I think that shooting and killing animals is incredibly sick activity. I'd be nervous to leave a child of mine (hypothetically, I don't have kids) around somebody that that hunts and kills animals. I personally don't think people that engage in that activity should have kids. But I'm not going to judge people who fantasize about hunting and killing animals. In fact, I think our society would be a lot healthier if more people played video games where the characters shot guns and killed things, and fewer people actually ran around with guns killing things.

Uhm, not to go way off track here
But I am compelled (as someone who has subsistience hunted) what's wrong with hunting? I find sport hunting admittedly wasteful
But the idea that a hunter is bad with kids??
Most hunters are non violent devoted family people
ownedsubgal said:
one point where i agree with you Limbhugger, and that is the fact that children are indeed astoundingly observant, and will notice everthing. my Master's child observes, between Dad and i, two people who love, respect, NEED, and cherish each other very much. why you seem to make the assumption that a slave cannot be respected by their Owner, i do not know, but that is unfortunate. yes i'm sure the child can see that we do not have equal power, that is obvious, but they can also see that no person's place and purpose is more or less important than the other. we're two halves that make a whole.

on another note, i take great offense to you putting Daddy's name in quotation marks, as if it were a title or term of affection, and not indicative of reality. nothing at all against them, but my Master and i do not have a Daddy/girl D/s relationship. Him being Daddy has nothing whatsoever to do with D/s. it is simply who and what he he says affectionately, he has two little "knuckleheads" to love and raise. as for our D/s lifestyle, it is not a kink for us or an extension of our sex lives. it is who we are, our natural personalities. for us not to be D/s, we would have to be comatose.

i'm sorry you miss the point of fantasy, and sorry that you are unable to open your mind enough to see the beauty that exists in our household. agreeing or disagreeing with someone else's ways or beliefs is beside the point entirely....but making judgements based on more assumption and zealousness than actual knowledge, and outright disrespect, imo have no place in a discussion between intelligent adults.

Nice and I'm sure the weaker souled will think you some kind of strong heroin for this but in truth, as i see it, it is all BS.

Do as you wish osg, but do not suppose to think for me on my objection to your litany of garbled beliefs. What you find "sorrowful" I find reinforcing. You, in my opinion, are an unstable and wanting individual. Disagree with and dislike me, matters not.

I find your drivel just what it is, drivel. I'm not enamored with your "apperant" rawness and I find you quite conflicted in many of your own posts.

You state you cannot object to any person's whims beacues you are this super sub yet you then state that you go to clubs and seek out people to fuck. I peronally believe you are either half full of shit or deeply troubled. But hell, why should my opinion count?

When you bring children into the equation osg, you damn well should expect harsh feedback. I will use Daddy in quotations as I see fit and did so with intent when I did. When I post I am exposing myself to critisism, as are we all.

I disagree with you now and it seems I always will. Do whatever you want osg, just be prepared to reap what you've sown.