BDSM Fantasies

a bit more fun

To make up for the more “thoughtful” post here is just a casual D/s sexy fantasy…lol
(I apologize for the length on that last one…)

I worked at subway with this guy every Sunday. I was very shy when I first met him, and the first few times we worked together we didn’t really talk…I was somewhat in awe of the way he ran the store…not like all of us other poor slobs! He made it politely clear from day one that He was in charge…he wasn’t rude, and didn’t make me do all the “bitch” work, but he took care of the important jobs (counting money stuff like that) and seemes to have everything under control…I felt useless (which I was at that point)

As I started to chill out however we started to chat… I began looking forward to every Sunday going to work and being around him…our favorite game was him trying to goad me into losing my cool…I usually let any inflamitory remarks he made roll right off me…He seemed to greatly enjoy testing me and pushing me in that way…while he always tried to get under my skin at the same time he always reassured me that he thought I was great for being able to keep from going off on him like most girls would do…

As the weeks went on however it became a little tense to work there…I was obsessed with this image-

I’m in the storage room that we do the prep work in for the store…we have been playing our “let’s try to rile up Brandy” game for a few hours now, and I’m on pins and needles trying to take everything he is dishing out…he comes back in the store room and sees me standing there clenching my fists in a mix of frustration and lust…he comes up behind me and chuckles, saying “Well, I guess your not keeping it as cool as you let on, huh?” he grabs my wrists above my clenched fists and continues “Just relax…I’m not bothering you am I?” As his fingers tighten around my wrists and he steps closer…I moan “Like that yeah…I thought so…poor girl, don’t know weather to be angry or just turned on do you?…but its not a hard choice…just let me decide…” he then proceeds in pinning my arms over my head, pressing me into the wall, and taking me--right there in the storage room at Subway…continuing to growl in my ear, totally controlled, while I just go right off the deep end…

This would run through my head every minute from 6 am till 4 pm each Sunday…I have no idea if he even knew I liked him…but I do wonder what he was thinking each time he accidentally touched me at work—I would go as still as I could, and my head would duck instinctively…each time that ever happened he would immediately back off or go away for a while…it would be at least 5 min before we would start talking again…

A rather innocent fantasy- I have many more extreme ones, but this one is vivid, so…

*long sigh* too long again, sorry
Re: a bit more fun

confused20 said:
*long sigh* too long again, sorry

Definitely *not* too long. Thanks for posting.

I'm wondering, what kind of things might he having been saying to test you? Insulting? Sexist? Otherwise offensive?

Maybe I'm curious because I wonder how you went from anger to fantasies about him.
Confused, there is no such thing as "too long" of a sexy fantasy! Believe me, the crowds love you. I certainly enjoyed those vignettes. Can't wait til I have a job and coworkers I can daydream about! o)

Don't you wish that instead of going silent for those few minutes after "casually" brushing against your skin, he had pressed his advantage? That takes such nerve. Risky business, initiating D/s when it's only been hinted that such behavior would be welcomed. I'm with Lance on the "it's far too easy to cry Abuser" issue. Then again, that's what fantasies are for, right? To play safely, without fear of recrimination or misunderstanding...that and they're just a fun way to pass the weeks between meetings. *sighs*
Quint said:
Then again, that's what fantasies are for, right? To play safely, without fear of recrimination or misunderstanding...that and they're just a fun way to pass the weeks between meetings. *sighs*

Indeed, this is what makes fantasies so fun. They don't have to actually *work* irl. You are the one in control in a fantasy.

Great fantasies so far, everyone.

Zip, no need for an apology, but I thank you for offering it. *smiles*

~What nice manners this man has~
Here is the reply I sent to a sub who contacted me through

Here is my fantasy about how our first meeting might go:

I arrived at the seedy little bar twenty minutes before you to check the place out. I have chosen a booth near the back with a good view of the door.

You arrive exactly at eight wearing a simple black mini-skirt, pink blouse and high-heels as I have instructed. All the men (and some of the women) turn to look at you. Your eyes search the darkness looking for the one you will serve. Obeying my instructions to the letter, you order a drink and sit down at the bar.

Several men approach you. They get close to you and then shy away at the last moment. I watch as your poise serves as a shield. You seem to them to be unapproachable. You are. You belong to someone else, someone you have never met, yet they can sense it.

I silently watch and let you wait. You are becoming anxious, afraid I won't show. You are afraid you will have to go home alone, unmarked and unused. Casually I approach you from behind, you gasp as I firmly take your arm just above the elbow. You instictively know not to turn around as my lips part the hair just behind your ear.

"Before this night is over, I will own you...mind...body...and soul" I say in a breathless whisper. Your moist lips part as you softly moan in response.

You accompany me to my table and we talk. Time seems to stand still as we drink and dance and get to know each other. We seem to fit together naturally. After only a few minutes together, we seem to have the physical intimacy of a couple who has been together a long time. This is all deliberate. I want to establish a bond of trust that will allow us to reach new heights of pleasure. This is the ritual...this is the dance.

Shortly after ten, I ask if you are ready to serve me. You lower your eyes as you nod. I take your chin in my hand and force you to look at me. "Yes master" is your intuitive reply. You are going to be a deliciously nasty slut.

I have thought about writing more but I'm not sure I am up to snuff. [begs for ego stroking]

WillowPuss said:

*stroke, stroke*


Umm, are you sure that was the *ego* that you were stroking, there, WillowPuss?

I can't believe people have no other fantasies.

Another Zipman special...

Having a harem of women, all waiting for me to choose who will get to be with me. They are all standing naked, eyes on the floor, as I walk through the room, inspecting them. I get down and examine how well they have shaved, any stray hairs are plucked from their genitals with tweezers. I walk up and down the line, slowly deciding who will be with me. Of course, I settle on three of them ;)
My contribution...

...isn't actually mine per se.

activesense wrote it (for those of you who know him/remember him -- he hasn't had much time at the moment to visit here. Hopefully, he'll have a little more time to contribute here again in the future.) He told me tonight that it was more than okay with him for me to share it. :)

I think it's great -- but then, I would, lol. It does something for me -- as does he, for that matter. ;)

His inspiration comes from the fact that we're spending this weekend together -- actually meeting in person for the first time. He's flying up to visit me and I'm going to be meeting him at the airport.

So, here's the fantasy he wrote for me. To set it up, in the fantasy he told me to meet him at the airport in a raincoat with nothing on underneath but a bra and panties. So, here's the taxi ride into the city (told from his perspective)...

"I have you sit behind the driver (so he can only see your face) and turn slightly in your seat to face me. You submissively open your legs to me and unbutton your coat at the bottom. I can see that your thong is already stained with your wetness and your nipples are hard, poking through your sheer bra that I can see just above your coat. I lightly stroke your soft legs, working my way up to your thighs. You moan softly as I touch the edge of your panties and rub my finger against the bulge of your mound. I can see that your lips are swollen and feel the heat emanating from your panties…

I ask you to unbutton another button on your coat so your breasts are more visable…I slide closer to you and move my attention to your nipples. I put my arm around you and begin to whisper in your ear while rubbing my finger lightly over your left nipple. You gasp and arch your back slightly but do not move otherwise as instructed. You notice the bulge in my pants and long to touch it but cannot. I whisper “…you want to touch my cock don’t you? To feel how hard it is. You want to put it in your mouth, don’t you?” You nod and gasp. “You would like to get down on the floor of this cab and suck it until I cum in your mouth don’t you?” Again, you nod and moan slightly. I move my right hand to your now very wet panties and begin stroking your prominent lips through the sheer fabric. I whisper “do you want to cum?” You nod quickly. “tell me you how badly you need to cum”… you softly reply “I need to cum”. “How bad do you need to cum?” “I need to cum very badly” you reply. “Not until I tell you” I state. I continue licking and whispering in your ear while lightly touching your nipple and panties. You squirm and clench the handrest – fighting the urge to orgasm. The cabdriver occasionally looks into the rear view mirror but you do not see him because your eyes are closed tight. I make eye contact with him and restate the address of the loft. You begin to beg me to let you cum in a very soft whisper… “Please” you ask. “Can I cum now? I can’t hold it anymore”… “Soon”, I reply, “we are almost there”. I increase the intensity of my rubbing and you begin to lose all sense of where you are and what is going on. The orgasm is building like a wave inside you. Your entire body tenses with anticipation of release. It is the only thing that matters, the only thing you can comprehend at this moment.

Just as we slow down to the loft I whisper in your ear “Now, cum for me”. I close my lips over yours as you fight back the urge to scream as you cum in an exploding wave of orgasms…Little bolts of lightning shoot from your toes up your legs and I hold you tight to avoid you thrashing about the cab. The cab driver stops and turns around to ask for the fare. Thankfully the radio has hidden your moans and he only sees your drained form on my chest as I hand him the money. You lick and kiss my neck as I nudge you gently to get out. You stagger to the door as I struggle to walk with a noticeable erection and slight stain on my pants. “Just think”, I say. “This is only the beginning”…."

My guess is, er...we're going to have a pretty damn good weekend. :D

Persephone :rose:

I have a fantasy which involves a couple. I am their sex object and I am called upon to eat the lady's pussy and to suck the man's cock.

Sometimes, while I eat the lady's pussy, her husband fucks my ass.

Other times, he fucks my ass while my cock is in his wife's cunt.

I am powerless to prevent any of this happening a I am totally in their power
another fantasy

Another fantasy involves my being restarined on some sort of apparatus in such a fashion that men or women can walk up to my face and force me to eat their pussy or suck their cock.

My ass is also exposed for anyone to step up behind me and slip their hard cocks into my ass.
Hey Willow!

Um, I, I think he wrote that for me over a week ago...and I just keep seeming to gravitate back to it again and again and again (which isn't to say there haven't been a few others exchanged as well) :D

I think it's going to be *very* warm in NYC this weekend. :catroar:

P. :rose:
Persephone36 said:
Hey Willow!

Um, I, I think he wrote that for me over a week ago...and I just keep seeming to gravitate back to it again and again and again (which isn't to say there haven't been a few others exchanged as well) :D

I think it's going to be *very* warm in NYC this weekend. :catroar:

P. :rose:

You had better wear some very light clothing then ... hmmmm???

Ohhhhh I do pray that your weekend wil be everything you dream of.
I hope you have a good time too, Pers.

I have some fantasies, some of which have been fulfilled, some of which haven't. Many of them are pretty much "normal" BDSM fantasies- being tied up, blindfolded, spanked, played with, teased,brought to orgasm over and over again....
WillowPuss said:

You had better wear some very light clothing then ... hmmmm???

Ohhhhh I do pray that your weekend wil be everything you dream of.

Lol, yes, well I think I'm going to be *slightly* more covered up when I actually meet him at the airport. ;)

Thank you for the sweet wishes. :)

I know we're going to have a lot of fun together, just spending time together...aside from the occasional heat waves. ;) That's the great thing about liking someone, getting on well with them just as a person -- it's simply a pleasure just to talk to them.

But hey, kissing doesn't hurt either. ;)

P. :rose:

I wish for you all the happinessI myself felt when i met my Master in Arkansas sweety :heart: ~:heart:
Thanks Dream!

Uh, lol, I think I should clarify here that we're just getting to know each other -- feel each other out to see what kind of chemistry we have together, and where that might go. So, I wouldn't say this is a big romance...we're just seeing where things might lead.

All of which is a good start to anything. :)

P. :rose:
lol@ Pers.. uh yes uh well

Persephone36 said:
Thanks Dream!

Uh, lol, I think I should clarify here that we're just getting to know each other -- feel each other out to see what kind of chemistry we have together, and where that might go. So, I wouldn't say this is a big romance...we're just seeing where things might lead.

All of which is a good start to anything. :)

P. :rose:

it all sounds so vaguely FAMILIAR TO ME...HEHE:)
Master and I knew alot about each other already but NOT THE "good stuff":devil: