BDSM Thread - Show Us Your Face!

Ooh, many new, lovely faces here! Always a pleasure to see this thread pop to the top. ☺️
having so many naughty thoughts this morning… can you see them in my eyes?


Sorry folks, my line falls once TAN sees. You’ll have to wait for a glimpse again when I’m up to it. 😏
Hahahaha. Sorry people!

Good to see you Moochie.

I am inspired. I will post one tonight.
It’s been so long. Hi there.

Hello there. 👋

I'm not sure I see naughty necessarily, but to me you look innocent with a hint of mischievousness. Then I see the collar...

Mischievous… not the first time I’ve been given that descriptor. 😉

You do have a somewhat fruity look. :D
Fruity? My hair smells nice today… I’ll take it! 🌷
Yes, and that smile speaks naughty volumes. (And you look contented).

I am very happy today as there are plans and things and stuff is going good and all kinds of good stuff. 😊