Bernie Sanders backs Biden bid

Gotta vote in order to pick winners or losers.

Rocket science. Not your strong suit.
You have to deal with the way world is and not the way you wish it was.

People do not vote for weenie, milquetoast, policy wonk, pencil neck geeks like Mayor Pete or Al Gore, or smug, arrogant, career politicos, like Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton just because they believe it's their turn in office because party bosses anointed them.

Decades of this philosophy and campaign strategy have led to where we are now. A Trump presidency and a Supreme Court that is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. But by all means keep what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you've been getting. Abortion rights lost, assault weapons bans discontinued, and shit smeared walls in the Capitol.
BD66 and Susan Sarandon had it all figured out in 2016:

Hillary wasn’t perfect, so trash / boycott her candidacy, and help the corrupt orange traitor win to accelerate the complete destruction of democratic governance, which would ultimately result in a left wing utopia that would rise from the ashes of the corrupt orange traitor’s “American carnage”.

That ^ strategy worked out really well.


👉 BD66 and Susan Sarandon 🤣

Yeah. Some has been actress from the 1970's caused Hillary Clinton to lose the election. WTF? Hillary in her arrogance was too busy measuring for new drapes in the Oval Office to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin. That's why she lost. The notion that anyone other than Hillary is responsible for the epic loss to the dumbest motherfucker to ever run for President is absurd. It's like a heavy weight boxer losing a fist fight to a Girl Scout in a wheel chair. There's no excuse for that. Beyond pathetic.
You have to deal with the way world is and not the way you wish it was.

People do not vote for weenie, milquetoast, policy wonk, pencil neck geeks like Mayor Pete or Al Gore, or smug, arrogant, career politicos, like Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton just because they believe it's their turn in office because party bosses anointed them.

Decades of this philosophy and campaign strategy have led to where we are now. A Trump presidency and a Supreme Court that is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. But by all means keep what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you've been getting. Abortion rights lost, assault weapons bans discontinued, and shit smeared walls in the Capitol.

That's some grand irony coming from someone who wants the candidates to cater to them and then use that as an excuse to abdicate their civic duty and not vote at all.

It's like you don't even listen to yourself.
That's some grand irony coming from someone who wants the candidates to cater to them and then use that as an excuse to abdicate their civic duty and not vote at all.

It's like you don't even listen to yourself.
Cater to me? Seriously? I'm so selfish because I want abortion rights protected and won't settle for anything less? I guess I'm some kind of radical leftie because I think 11 year old rape victims shouldn't have to birth the babies of their attackers. I'm off the charts because I criticize the Democrats for giving thousands of dollars and support to anti-abortion, right wing, conservatives like Joe Manchin.

I tell you what, why don't you whip out your check book and send a nice big donation to the Democratic Party so they can distribute to all their right wing, anti-abortion, conservative friends in the party and I'll send you over some wire coat hangers to hold you over until abortion rights are restored.
Cater to me? Seriously? I'm so selfish because I want abortion rights protected and won't settle for anything less? I guess I'm some kind of radical leftie because I think 11 year old rape victims shouldn't have to birth the babies of their attackers. I'm off the charts because I criticize the Democrats for giving thousands of dollars and support to anti-abortion, right wing, conservatives like Joe Manchin.

I tell you what, why don't you whip out your check book and send a nice big donation to the Democratic Party so they can distribute to all their right wing, anti-abortion, conservative friends in the party and I'll send you over some wire coat hangers to hold you over until abortion rights are restored.

Perfect should not be the enemy of good.

You are the one who keeps bitching about the quality of candidates being not perfect for your policy goals.

The democratic politicians are the ones we have. You talk about the way the world is... that's the way it is.

Not participating in voting will never change that. But it's guaranteed to make it worse.
BD66 and the rest of the angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros didn’t vote for Hillary and Democrats in 2016, etc, and now blame DEMOCRATS for the fall of Roe and the courts that were packed by the corrupt orange traitor and “republicans”.


Hopefully younger less ideologically rigid far left voters than BD66 and the other angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros will recognize the importance of joining the Democratic coalition that most closely aligns with their goals.


Perfect should not be the enemy of good.

You are the one who keeps bitching about the quality of candidates being not perfect for your policy goals.

The democratic politicians are the ones we have. You talk about the way the world is... that's the way it is.

Not participating in voting will never change that. But it's guaranteed to make it worse.
I do not advocate not voting. What I do is recognize and acknowledge the reality why other people don't vote. You want people to vote? Give them something to vote for other than smug lectures about how you're entitled to their patronage. Then actually fight for and deliver on the policies you advocate for.

Democrats love to give give lip service to common sense policies then immediately surrender at the slightest inkling of push back from conservative right wingers be they Republicans or Democrats. A quick declaration of, "We don't have the votes!", and the policy is immediately abandoned never to be mentioned again. Any landmark legislation that actually gets as far as a vote will be quashed by "Democrats" in good standing like Joe Manchin.

If you want people to fully participate in the system the system has to be fully functional. The American people know it's broken.

No Matter How You Vote, Politicians Don't Represent You

And yet, in spite of all the evidence that elected officials neither know the preference of voters, nor vote in accordance with them, we continue to be told that governments must be respected and obeyed because they have legitimacy granted to them by the fact they are "democratic" and "representative."

For centuries, this myth of representation has served to quash opposition to government abuse, and to bolster claims that submission to government is "voluntary." It's time to abandon the myths.

Do politicians care about people like me? Nonvoters say no.

WASHINGTON – Eight in 10 Americans who didn’t vote in the presidential election said that traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like them, according to a Medill School of Journalism/NPR/IPSOS survey. But voters weren’t far behind – seven in 10 agree that there is a disconnect between politicians and the public.

Most Americans do not feel represented by Democrats or Republicans – survey

As they go to the polls in a historic presidential election, more than six in 10 Americans say neither major political party represents their views any longer, a survey has found.
I do not advocate not voting. What I do is recognize and acknowledge the reality why other people don't vote. You want people to vote? Give them something to vote for other than smug lectures about how you're entitled to their patronage. Then actually fight for and deliver on the policies you advocate for.

Democrats love to give give lip service to common sense policies then immediately surrender at the slightest inkling of push back from conservative right wingers be they Republicans or Democrats. A quick declaration of, "We don't have the votes!", and the policy is immediately abandoned never to be mentioned again. Any landmark legislation that actually gets as far as a vote will be quashed by "Democrats" in good standing like Joe Manchin.

If you want people to fully participate in the system the system has to be fully functional. The American people know it's broken.

No Matter How You Vote, Politicians Don't Represent You

And yet, in spite of all the evidence that elected officials neither know the preference of voters, nor vote in accordance with them, we continue to be told that governments must be respected and obeyed because they have legitimacy granted to them by the fact they are "democratic" and "representative."

For centuries, this myth of representation has served to quash opposition to government abuse, and to bolster claims that submission to government is "voluntary." It's time to abandon the myths.

Do politicians care about people like me? Nonvoters say no.

WASHINGTON – Eight in 10 Americans who didn’t vote in the presidential election said that traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like them, according to a Medill School of Journalism/NPR/IPSOS survey. But voters weren’t far behind – seven in 10 agree that there is a disconnect between politicians and the public.

Most Americans do not feel represented by Democrats or Republicans – survey

As they go to the polls in a historic presidential election, more than six in 10 Americans say neither major political party represents their views any longer, a survey has found.

You have to deal with the way world is and not the way you wish it was.


Grow up. You and the rest of the children who stamp their feet need to grow up.
BD66 and the rest of the angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros didn’t vote for Hillary and Democrats in 2016, etc, and now blame DEMOCRATS for the fall of Roe and the courts that were packed by the corrupt orange traitor and “republicans”.


Hopefully younger less ideologically rigid far left voters than BD66 and the other angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros will recognize the importance of joining the Democratic coalition that most closely aligns with their goals.


Excuse me. I don't see Susan Sarandon or Bernie Sanders nowhere near this cluster fuck of the Roe vs Wade decision. But you know who I do see smiling and grinning, working across the aisle, finding compromise with the honorable opposition, working together to find solutions and getting things done.


Grow up. You and the rest of the children who stamp their feet need to grow up.
Thankfully I don't have that same cavalier attitude about your abortion rights. "Hey, you just need to grow up. Getting all triggered about your abortion rights. Waa waa waa. My abortion rights are gone. Waa waa waa, like a little baby"
Thankfully I don't have that same cavalier attitude about your abortion rights. "Hey, you just need to grow up. Getting all triggered about your abortion rights. Waa waa waa. My abortion rights are gone. Waa waa waa, like a little baby"

This post makes my point for me.

There's this thing called voting. More people should try it. But they didn't. And don't. You can make excuses for them all day long. But they made their choice.
Hopefully younger less ideologically rigid far left voters than BD66 and the other angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros will recognize the importance of joining the Democratic coalition that most closely aligns with their goals.


Good luck with that.

70% of millennials say they'd vote for a socialist

Young Americans continue to lose faith in capitalism and embrace socialism, according to a new YouGov/Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey of more than 2,000 Americans 16 years and older.

Why it matters: Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed democratic socialist, is one of the top presidential candidates in the 2020 Democratic field. His flagship health care proposal, Medicare for All, has driven the national conversation and moved the Democratic Party significantly to the left — even among candidates like Elizabeth Warren who consider themselves capitalists.

The big picture: 50% of millennials and 51% of Generation Z have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of capitalism — increases of 8 and 6 percentage points from last year. Meanwhile, the share of millennials who say they are "extremely likely" to vote for a candidate who identifies as a socialist doubled.
BD66 and Susan Sarandon had it all figured out in 2016:

Hillary wasn’t perfect, so trash / boycott her candidacy, and help the corrupt orange traitor win to accelerate the complete destruction of democratic governance, which would ultimately result in a left wing utopia that would rise from the ashes of the corrupt orange traitor’s “American carnage”.

That ^ strategy worked out really well.


👉 BD66 and Susan Sarandon 🤣

"Left wing utopia" is the corporate Democrats "woke". Never really defined. Just something very scary and radical.
BD66 and the rest of the angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros didn’t vote for Hillary and Democrats in 2016, etc, and now blame DEMOCRATS for the fall of Roe and the courts that were packed by the corrupt orange traitor and “republicans”.


Hopefully younger less ideologically rigid far left voters than BD66 and the other angry Susan Sarandon / Bernie Bros will recognize the importance of joining the Democratic coalition that most closely aligns with their goals.


Bernie and his bros had what they thought as a good chance to shift teh Overton Window back in 2016. Hillary Clinton had locked down the Democratic nomination, and was facing a clown show candidate in Donald Trump. They attempted to push her leftward as a condition of their support, which backfired spectacularly on them as they did not factor in the central states animosity toward the status quo.

Bernie and his bros did not embrace the nomination of Hillary Clinton until scant weeks before the election, which by then was too late to make much of a difference.

Duly chastened, and with an eye on ameliorating his damaged legacy, Bernie Sanders now embraces the reality of Democratic politics, eschewing (for the moment) the ideological purity which gave him his initial spotlight on the national stage.
Bernie and his bros had what they thought as a good chance to shift teh Overton Window back in 2016. Hillary Clinton had locked down the Democratic nomination, and was facing a clown show candidate in Donald Trump. They attempted to push her leftward as a condition of their support, which backfired spectacularly on them as they did not factor in the central states animosity toward the status quo.

Bernie and his bros did not embrace the nomination of Hillary Clinton until scant weeks before the election, which by then was too late to make much of a difference.

Duly chastened, and with an eye on ameliorating his damaged legacy, Bernie Sanders now embraces the reality of Democratic politics, eschewing (for the moment) the ideological purity which gave him his initial spotlight on the national stage.

Exactly this ^.

And BD66 and others seem to have memory holed the bitterness of the far left towards Hillary in 2016.

I have zero doubt that between Susan Sarandon and the Bernie Bros, the damage done to voter turnout for Hillary in 2016 made all the difference in the world in the election. - Of course James Comey added the Coup de grace.

Stupid people will keep making ignorant statements not backed up by the demographic data. Just like the Trumpster dumpsters except they are Democrats. They tout lies.

We should look at Electoral College map from 2016.

Then let's look at the 2016 Democratic Primary map

Now comes the fun me one State that Hillary lost in the Electoral map...that the sum of both her and Sanders vote in the Primary exceeded that obtained by the Republican party in the General Election. It doesn't exist.

When the analyses first started happening, we found approximately 12% of the Sanders supporters either voted Trump OR didn't vote. And this BS of blaming Sanders started. But deeper analyses have yet to show one single state that Hillary lost where this made a difference. How can this be? Because Hillary still won the States where this could have had an impact. It is numbers 101. One plus one equals two.

Demographics point to 2 very specific electorates that failed to back Clinton as expected. Wanna guess what these were? Suburban women and Hispanics. Neither of these groups embraced the Sanders narrative.

Go ahead...keep pointing fingers. All it does is make you just like them.

At the bottom of the Times article linked, is a historic Electoral map from 1972 through the present. Lookie there...almost identical to the Trump map. You people are expecting a State won by Sanders in the carry Clinton in the General. Show me the last time Oklahoma went Democrat.
Bernie backs Biden because Bernie knows Joe is an empty vessel being filled by every fellow communist in the Democrat Party and they know that through him, they are the closest they'll ever get to total power in the US.
Bernie backs Biden because Bernie knows Joe is an empty vessel being filled by every fellow communist in the Democrat Party and they know that through him, they are the closest they'll ever get to total power in the US.
Bernie backs Joe because he has worked to get multiple important pieces of legislation passed that he supports.

RG continues to have BDS.
Bernie and his bros had what they thought as a good chance to shift teh Overton Window back in 2016. Hillary Clinton had locked down the Democratic nomination, and was facing a clown show candidate in Donald Trump. They attempted to push her leftward as a condition of their support, which backfired spectacularly on them as they did not factor in the central states animosity toward the status quo.
She was always a radical leftist having feverishly studied at the knees of the Black Panthers and Saul Alinsky.