Bernie Sanders backs Biden bid

Stupid people will keep making ignorant statements not backed up by the demographic data. Just like the Trumpster dumpsters except they are Democrats. They tout lies.

We should look at Electoral College map from 2016.

Then let's look at the 2016 Democratic Primary map

Now comes the fun me one State that Hillary lost in the Electoral map...that the sum of both her and Sanders vote in the Primary exceeded that obtained by the Republican party in the General Election. It doesn't exist.

When the analyses first started happening, we found approximately 12% of the Sanders supporters either voted Trump OR didn't vote. And this BS of blaming Sanders started. But deeper analyses have yet to show one single state that Hillary lost where this made a difference. How can this be? Because Hillary still won the States where this could have had an impact. It is numbers 101. One plus one equals two.

Demographics point to 2 very specific electorates that failed to back Clinton as expected. Wanna guess what these were? Suburban women and Hispanics. Neither of these groups embraced the Sanders narrative.

Go ahead...keep pointing fingers. All it does is make you just like them.

At the bottom of the Times article linked, is a historic Electoral map from 1972 through the present. Lookie there...almost identical to the Trump map. You people are expecting a State won by Sanders in the carry Clinton in the General. Show me the last time Oklahoma went Democrat.

You obviously have zero knowledge about how elections (the 2016 election in particular) actually play out.

Bernie, Susan Sarandon, etc, savaged / wounded / damaged Hillary and her campaign before, during, and after the primaries.

Hillary SHOULD have won easily against the corrupt orange traitor, but forces of progressive “perfect” were the enemy of moderate good, and actually portrayed Hillary as being equally bad or worse than the corrupt orange traitor.

The progressive “perfect” ideologues need to own their contribution to the corrupt orange traitor’s presidency and all the regressive policies, judges, and societal “norms” that came with it. - Then they have to NEVER do it again.


Bernie and his bros had what they thought as a good chance to shift teh Overton Window back in 2016. Hillary Clinton had locked down the Democratic nomination, and was facing a clown show candidate in Donald Trump. They attempted to push her leftward as a condition of their support, which backfired spectacularly on them as they did not factor in the central states animosity toward the status quo.

Bernie and his bros did not embrace the nomination of Hillary Clinton until scant weeks before the election, which by then was too late to make much of a difference.

Duly chastened, and with an eye on ameliorating his damaged legacy, Bernie Sanders now embraces the reality of Democratic politics, eschewing (for the moment) the ideological purity which gave him his initial spotlight on the national stage.
Hillary was handed the easiest election to win in U.S. history and she spectacularly shit the bed. A tv game show host with absolutely no political experience beat her for the highest office in the land. Outsmarted by a blithering moron. That's her well deserved legacy. A loser who can't take responsibility for the biggest fuck up in modern political history.

What Happened: The long list of who Hillary Clinton blames

"Wha-, wha-, what happened???"

It's up to readers to decide for themselves, but in Mrs Clinton's recent interviews and in her book, which was formally released on Tuesday, she offers plenty of explanations from which to choose.
Here's a list of just some of the factors to blame for the fact that she's hitting book stores across the country, while Donald Trump is redecorating the Oval Office.

James Comey

"If not for the dramatic intervention of the FBI director in the final days we would have won the White House."

Vladimir Putin

"I never imagined that he would have the audacity to launch a massive covert attack against our own democracy, right under our noses - and that he'd get away with it."

Barack Obama

"I do wonder sometimes about what would have happened if President Obama had made a televised address to the nation in the fall of 2016 warning that our democracy was under attack. Maybe more Americans would have woken up to the threat in time. "

The media

"Many in the political media … can't bear to face their own role in helping elect Trump, from providing him free airtime to giving my emails three times more coverage than all the issues affecting people's lives combined."

Bernie Sanders (and his supporters)

"His attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign."

Jill Stein

"There were more than enough Stein voters to swing the result, just like Ralph Nader did in Florida and New Hampshire in 2000."


"This has to be said. Sexism and misogyny played a role in the 2016 presidential election. Exhibit A is that the flagrantly sexist candidate won."

White resentment

"He was quite successful in referencing a nostalgia that would give hope, comfort, settle grievances, for millions of people who were upset about gains that were made by others … millions of white people."
You obviously have zero knowledge about how elections (the 2016 election in particular) actually play out.

Bernie, Susan Sarandon, etc, savaged / wounded / damaged Hillary and her campaign before, during, and after the primaries.

Hillary SHOULD have won easily against the corrupt orange traitor, but forces of progressive “perfect” were the enemy of moderate good, and actually portrayed Hillary as being equally bad or worse than the corrupt orange traitor.

The progressive “perfect” ideologues need to own their contribution to the corrupt orange traitor’s presidency and all the regressive policies, judges, and societal “norms” that came with it. - Then they have to NEVER do it again.



Nobody likes Hillary. She's god awful. Stop trying to blame everybody else for her epic failures. Grossly unlikable people don't win popularity contests. Get over it. Party bosses need to understand that selecting Presidential candidates cannot be based on whose turn it is. People have to actually like and want to vote for a candidate to win elections.

The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton

In a bruising primary campaign against rival Bernie Sanders, she also made enemies on the left, one of whom, Andrew Levine, a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, told the BBC he would "swim through vomit" before voting for her.

Interesting. The man who had lower favorables and a higher unfavorables was elected. But nah, no sexism. :nana:
Drivel still spewing over somebody that isn't running?

Interesting. The man who had lower favorables and a higher unfavorables was elected. But nah, no sexism. :nana:
Oprah Winfrey or Michelle Obama both women and Black would have beaten the pants off Trump. Additionally Barack Obama, a Black man was elected twice. You're overstating bigotry and understating likability.

So tired of lazy left wingers hustling sexism every time some god awful female Democratic politician gets a couple of ugly posts calling them some sexist slur online. Then acting like that's the intrinsic behavior of everyone in that forum. I don't care where you go there well always be a couple of racist/sexist assholes.

Just like right here. Would it be fair to characterize this forum by the handful of hateful right wing nut bags that spam the board on a daily basis? Would you consider this forum dominated by conservative loonies obsessed with hating on trans people, immigrants, and espousing every right wing conspiracy theory broadcast in right wing media? Of course not. Would you appreciate being associated with them? Of course not. Everyone knows a handful mentally challenged retirees bored and seeking attention say outrageous things here but in no way represent most people here.

These sexist crying wolf diatribes about Obama Boys and Bernie Bros, (the most reliable liberal and progressive voters in the country) are somehow really unrepentant sexist creeps is absurd. This only trivializes real sexism and sets feminism back.
Drivel still spewing over somebody that isn't running?
Clinton 2.0 (aka Kamala Harris) the smug, fake and phony, completely unlikable next Democratic Presidential candidate to be anointed by party bosses (because it's her turn) will be ready to lose the White House again. Just giving you a heads up.

I always love it when in these conversations women who aren't running are always listed. But then as soon as it actually comes about, all of a sudden things change.

See Elizabeth Warren as senator. See HRC as senator and SOS. See Kamala as senator.

Perceptions change for these hypothetical darlings very quickly when it is no longer hypothetical.

Go fig.
I always love it when in these conversations women who aren't running are always listed. But then as soon as it actually comes about, all of a sudden things change.

See Elizabeth Warren as senator. See HRC as senator and SOS. See Kamala as senator.

Perceptions change for these hypothetical darlings very quickly when it is no longer hypothetical.

Go fig.
Women are not monolithic. Some are good. Some are bad. Just like everybody else. Warren, Clinton, and Harris all have very serious struggles with the truth and/or shoddy records in office. They are being judged on the content of their character past and present performance in office, not their gender. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Female politicians should not and will not get a pass because they are women.

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes for DNA Test, Identifying as Native American

Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized to a largely Native American audience for “harm I have caused” after years of occasionally identifying herself as Native American, as well as for releasing a DNA test last year that she said supported her ancestry claims.

How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up

As California attorney general, she spent years subverting a 2011 Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to reduce its prison population. The overseeing judicial panel nearly found the state in contempt of court.

Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

–Hillary Clinton, speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008

The Pinocchio Test

Clinton’s tale of landing at Tuzla airport “under sniper fire” and then running for cover is simply not credible. Photographs and video of the arrival ceremony, combined with contemporaneous news reports, tell a very different story. Four Pinocchios.
Yup. We know. All of these women are rendered unelectable because of a lie.

Regardless that the man who has told the most lies as candidate and president won the presidency.

Nope... no sexism to be seen here folks.
Yup. We know. All of these women are rendered unelectable because of a lie.

Regardless that the man who has told the most lies as candidate and president won the presidency.

Nope... no sexism to be seen here folks.
Here's a thought. Don't be a liar and you won't have that problem. The way everyday people of all genders with a shred of morality and self respect behave. Getting normal people to feel sorry for and have sympathy for rich and privleged habitual liars is going to be a tough row to hoe.
Oh for Christ sake. Get off the cross. We need the wood.

By the way all the card carrying members of the Clinton's Liar's Club had nothing but the most vile opinions and outlandish lies about female politicians Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard. They called them every name but a child of God. Words I never seen in the Bible. So please spare me all these crocodile tears for the treatment of women in politics.

Your types whine about it when it's convenient but are the biggest mean spirited bashers of women whenever it suits you.

Jill Stein Rips Hillary Clinton on CNN For Calling Her a Russian Asset: ‘Unhinged Conspiracy Theory’

“I am not a Russian spy. I think this is a completely unhinged conspiracy theory for which there is absolutely no basis in fact. Not for myself and not for Tulsi Gabbard. I think it’s really outrageous that Hillary Clinton is trying to promote this crazy idea. You know, you can’t just slander people. You have to present some basis and fact,” Stein said.

Stein went on to defend Gabbard, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who many assumed Clinton was referring to when she said a 2020 candidate was being “groomed” by the Russians for a third-party run. Gabbard herself forcefully condemned Clinton for her comments.
Yes we know you hate the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the United States and you do not and cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism. I understand you hate her and I also understand quite clearly how it colors your perception. This discussion with you is a waste of time because you are a zealot when it comes to your hatred.

You have changed no minds. You have, however, handsomely demonstrated the levels of your hatred and how irrational it makes you become.
Yes we know you hate the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the United States and you do not and cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism. I understand you hate her and I also understand quite clearly how it colors your perception. This discussion with you is a waste of time because you are a zealot when it comes to your hatred.

You have changed no minds. You have, however, handsomely demonstrated the levels of your hatred and how irrational it makes you become.
Your hysterical defense of all things Hillary is the outlier here. Most Americans don't like her. You are the one with the minority opinion here.

A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 41 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, while
56 percent have an unfavorable one.

The most qualified presidential candidate picks anti-abortion ultra sound asshole for running mate. You bitch and complain about women losing abortion rights and controlling your own body, yet support politicians who legislate women being forced by the state to undergo unnecessary medical procedures. Hillary's hand picked Tim Kaine is a danger to women's reproductive rights. Get a clue.

By Picking Anti-Abortion Tim Kaine, Hillary Is Testing Feminists’ Loyalty

...he ran for governor on promises to promote adoption, reduce abortion, and support the farce that is abstinence-only sex education. While in office, he backed a so-called partial birth abortion ban, which prohibits a certain method of mid- and late-term abortion,

Kaine also bears some responsibility for Virginia’s “informed consent” law, which, among other things, requires women seeking abortions to submit to a medically unnecessary ultrasound.

...many states provide women with “incomplete or inaccurate information,” and that laws like the one Kaine shepherded into Virginia’s constitution often amount to “informational manipulation” of women in already vulnerable situations.
Yes we know you hate the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the United States and you do not and cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism. I understand you hate her and I also understand quite clearly how it colors your perception. This discussion with you is a waste of time because you are a zealot when it comes to your hatred.

You have changed no minds. You have, however, handsomely demonstrated the levels of your hatred and how irrational it makes you become.
Yes I hate her and her shitty friends. You want to know who people are? See who they hang out with socially. Who's company do they enjoy. Who do they smile with and laugh at their jokes. Who do they want to been seen with and pose for pictures. You are the company you keep.

Hillary Clinton had ONE JOB. Not to lose the most important election in modern history to a fucking moron. Through her arrogance and incompetence she furiously and famously shit the bed.



Yes we know you hate the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the United States and you do not and cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism. I understand you hate her and I also understand quite clearly how it colors your perception. This discussion with you is a waste of time because you are a zealot when it comes to your hatred.

You have changed no minds. You have, however, handsomely demonstrated the levels of your hatred and how irrational it makes you become.
Saying "cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism" is like saying, "cannot accept that one of the factors in OJ's loss of popularity is racism". It's a meaningless distraction. People hate Hillary for what she's done. Her record in office. Her smug and reckless lying. Not her gender.

Clinton’s Iraq War Vote Still Appalls

In 2002, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York voted to authorize the Iraq War; her rival for the Democratic nomination for president, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, opposed it. Clinton’s vote continues to haunt her on the campaign trail—and for good reason.

First, there are the consequences of that illegal and unnecessary war:
4,500 American soldiers killed and thousands more permanently disabled; hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths; the destabilization of the region with the rise of ISIS; and a dramatic increase in the federal deficit, resulting in major cutbacks to important social programs.
Yes we know you hate the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the United States and you do not and cannot accept that one of the factors in her loss is sexism. I understand you hate her and I also understand quite clearly how it colors your perception. This discussion with you is a waste of time because you are a zealot when it comes to your hatred.

You have changed no minds. You have, however, handsomely demonstrated the levels of your hatred and how irrational it makes you become.

Are Clinton and Trump the Biggest Liars Ever to Run for President?

In their personalities and their politics, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump might not have much in common, but in the public eye they share one glaring characteristic: A lot of people don’t believe what they say. In a July New York Times/CBS poll, less than one-third of respondents said Clinton is honest and trustworthy. Trump’s scores were about the same.
..,this philosophy and campaign strategy have led to where we are now.
Precisely! And doing what we’ve always done will always give us what we’ve got. You know what they say about those who keep doing the same thing but expecting different results…

Had democrats anything but platitudes and puerile remarks to offer, they would.

As it is, we get what we’ve got.

The Vote Strike is an entirely legitimate position. Under current conditions, it is the highest expression of proletarian civic duty — despite the overweening screeches of hysterical, sully-lipped democrats.
