How replacing Biden as Democratic nominee would actually work

Wow, PeePee!!! I'm sooooo glad you're OK!!!

I was worried, honey.

Just working on your show. Your titties are gonna be so big you'll have to dance on your hands! I'm setting it all up now.

Candy Crabs is gonna be WAAAAY rich.

I figure this should be your signature number:

Say thank you, PeePee. 💕

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You are a degenerate gutter rat.

Go change your diaper you russian tweeker.
Are you neocon-shaming me?

Are you vote-shaming me? Answer: no, you are stalking me. Demanding insistently to know who I will vote for is instantly recognized by any Real American, esp. LEOs, as psychotic behavior.

I said all along that you are an imitator of any other fatass dingbat who shows up at book events demanding that an author serve their repulsive needs.

I always list my events as INVITATION ONLY with police present. Watching a nice officer drag a loud termagant out of a bookstore is just plain fun.

Are you career-shaming me?

Are you age-shaming me?

Are you alt-shaming me?

Now. Let me explain something to you.

I have two partners, both cis women. I am a very extreme Masochist, in the psychiatric sense. Not according to some Internet guff you use because you are too impaired to read anything but comix. I hate bourgeois society so much I have deliberately lived in defiance of the concept of the family.

People often ask if Big Domme lives with me. Where is she? They ask.

I answer: let us conduct one of several BTB Thought Experiments. In the spirit of my great mentor Robin Lakoff. You have, in fact, asked me if I purchased a female companion at a slave auction, force her to serve my domestic needs, and keep her on a leash.

No, I don't.

I wear a dog collar to symbolize ownership of me by Big Domme. All day. I sleep with it on.

I carry a leash in my purse in case I find a man who will fuck my pretty ass real, real hard while pulling my neck back with the leash. If I could cum I would. But I can't. And that's fine.

I work in a sex club where i take on up to ten men a night. Sometimes I go home in hijab because my hair is covered with cum. My goal is to serve 500 men per month.

The doms I serve in the club act like fascists. ICYMI, I hate fascists.

I like to be raped nonviolently. I.e. locked door but no hitting. Not a scene. IRL.

I am making a romantic feature film about my gangrape by a group of 20 indigenous men in Mexico, including poetry, music, and lyrical camera work. Title: BLISS. Inspired by a Literotica story.

That said, yes. I am kink shaming you. I tongue kissed a Siamese cat, not a furry. I despise kink. It's amateur. Like you. And it's fash, also like you.

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I don’t read American comics. Since the 90’s they’ve mostly served the tastes of American fanboys, not people like me. I will admit that Squirrel Girl is fun, but for the most part I read manga and watch anime.

If you’re interested in dipping your toe in, the new live-action adaptation of One Piece is very accessible to newbies. Give it a try!
Easiest way to replace Biden is to take the doddering old fool to the airport to meet the exchanged prisoners. Wait around for awhile and he'll notice the air stairs on the plane that brought in the prisoners from Russia. Thanks to all of that training and conditioning and drugging to vigorously climb the air stairs to Air Force One so as to maintain the facade of mental competency, the senile sock puppet will board the Russian plane. Close the door and wave bye bye as he is flown away to Russia where he will become Vladimir Putin's new plaything.
I don’t read American comics. Since the 90’s they’ve mostly served the tastes of American fanboys, not people like me. I will admit that Squirrel Girl is fun, but for the most part I read manga and watch anime.

If you’re interested in dipping your toe in, the new live-action adaptation of One Piece is very accessible to newbies. Give it a try!
Why on earth would I be the slightest bit interested in what you have to say?

You couldn't find the butterflies. They reappeared yesterday everywhere in the.English-speaking world. You missed them.

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