Wo finde ich das mit den 100?
Also keine meiner Geschichten hat die 100 bisher erreicht, trotzdem sehe ich sie beim Aufruf der Bestenliste im Bereich der Top Ten.
Und bei den Contest Bedingungen findet sich folgendes:
Stories must receive at least 50 votes to be eligible for any contest or category nomination. In the event that there are no stories with more than 50 votes in a particular contest or nomination category, then stories with 25 or more votes will be considered. If no story has more than 25 votes in a contest or nomination category, then stories with 10 or more votes will be considered. If no story has more than 10 votes in a contest or nomination category, then stories with any number of votes will be considered.
Also keine meiner Geschichten hat die 100 bisher erreicht, trotzdem sehe ich sie beim Aufruf der Bestenliste im Bereich der Top Ten.
Und bei den Contest Bedingungen findet sich folgendes:
Stories must receive at least 50 votes to be eligible for any contest or category nomination. In the event that there are no stories with more than 50 votes in a particular contest or nomination category, then stories with 25 or more votes will be considered. If no story has more than 25 votes in a contest or nomination category, then stories with 10 or more votes will be considered. If no story has more than 10 votes in a contest or nomination category, then stories with any number of votes will be considered.