Breast Cancer Awareness ----- Give me your BOOBS!!

We have chatted off and on for a while and I had no idea you had a battle with cancer. I am glad to hear you are doing well. My wife had breast cancer and people who have not experienced it have no idea how truly painful and frightening it can be. People it is so important to have regular check ups!

Hotoldguy….l think at the time l couldn’t talk about it…
Honestly l think l went numb from the actual phone call telling me l had cancer. I couldn’t remember what the doctor actually told me after l heard the word cancer. I remember thinking how am l going to tell my family. The look on their faces still haunts me to this day.
My sister took me to the cancer clinic for my first apt to meet my Radiation and chemo doctors. Both of my doctors were females…somehow l think it comfort me.
The clinic was huge…and the people, my god all ages with cancer blew me away.
The list of preparations before starting chemo…my sister said l went pale. They took my blood pressure and wouldn’t let me leave the clinic because my reading was so high. l have never had high blood pressure in my life.
The list, that dreadful list…. Just a few examples.
Get your hair cut short, but don’t shave you head that will hurt more..your hair will fall out the first treatment
Buy a night cap, you don’t want your head to get cold…you can’t get sick or that will delay treatments.
Buy a plastic shower curtain and lay it out on your side of the bed under your sheets. You will sweat out at night and you don’t want that on your mattress
Get a separate hamper for your clothes. They can’t touch other people’s clothes. You have to wash your clothes separate in boiling water.
Don’t let anyone use your towel…
Flush the toilet twice when you go pee make sure to close the lid….wipe down the seat if you remember when done.
I remember talking to my hub six months before a friend of ours was diagnosed and telling him l wouldn’t do chemo if l was ever had cancer. l asked the doctors if l could do just the radiation…. Doctor looked me straight in the eye and said l would die within a yr.
Don’t mess around if you find anything out of the ordinary…get it checked. I was lucky l was still early stage…and that is what saved my life for now.

Great thread....Get checked men and women. :rose:
Patti, that's quite a story. That list would have made my head explode. But you do what you must. Stay well. :heart:
Hotoldguy….l think at the time l couldn’t talk about it…
Honestly l think l went numb from the actual phone call telling me l had cancer. I couldn’t remember what the doctor actually told me after l heard the word cancer. I remember thinking how am l going to tell my family. The look on their faces still haunts me to this day.
My sister took me to the cancer clinic for my first apt to meet my Radiation and chemo doctors. Both of my doctors were females…somehow l think it comfort me.
The clinic was huge…and the people, my god all ages with cancer blew me away.
The list of preparations before starting chemo…my sister said l went pale. They took my blood pressure and wouldn’t let me leave the clinic because my reading was so high. l have never had high blood pressure in my life.
The list, that dreadful list…. Just a few examples.
Get your hair cut short, but don’t shave you head that will hurt more..your hair will fall out the first treatment
Buy a night cap, you don’t want your head to get cold…you can’t get sick or that will delay treatments.
Buy a plastic shower curtain and lay it out on your side of the bed under your sheets. You will sweat out at night and you don’t want that on your mattress
Get a separate hamper for your clothes. They can’t touch other people’s clothes. You have to wash your clothes separate in boiling water.
Don’t let anyone use your towel…
Flush the toilet twice when you go pee make sure to close the lid….wipe down the seat if you remember when done.
I remember talking to my hub six months before a friend of ours was diagnosed and telling him l wouldn’t do chemo if l was ever had cancer. l asked the doctors if l could do just the radiation…. Doctor looked me straight in the eye and said l would die within a yr.
Don’t mess around if you find anything out of the ordinary…get it checked. I was lucky l was still early stage…and that is what saved my life for now.

Great thread....Get checked men and women. :rose:

:heart: :heart: And this is only 1 reason you are amazing. :rose:
Hotoldguy….l think at the time l couldn’t talk about it…
Honestly l think l went numb from the actual phone call telling me l had cancer. I couldn’t remember what the doctor actually told me after l heard the word cancer. I remember thinking how am l going to tell my family. The look on their faces still haunts me to this day.
My sister took me to the cancer clinic for my first apt to meet my Radiation and chemo doctors. Both of my doctors were females…somehow l think it comfort me.
The clinic was huge…and the people, my god all ages with cancer blew me away.
The list of preparations before starting chemo…my sister said l went pale. They took my blood pressure and wouldn’t let me leave the clinic because my reading was so high. l have never had high blood pressure in my life.
The list, that dreadful list…. Just a few examples.
Get your hair cut short, but don’t shave you head that will hurt more..your hair will fall out the first treatment
Buy a night cap, you don’t want your head to get cold…you can’t get sick or that will delay treatments.
Buy a plastic shower curtain and lay it out on your side of the bed under your sheets. You will sweat out at night and you don’t want that on your mattress
Get a separate hamper for your clothes. They can’t touch other people’s clothes. You have to wash your clothes separate in boiling water.
Don’t let anyone use your towel…
Flush the toilet twice when you go pee make sure to close the lid….wipe down the seat if you remember when done.
I remember talking to my hub six months before a friend of ours was diagnosed and telling him l wouldn’t do chemo if l was ever had cancer. l asked the doctors if l could do just the radiation…. Doctor looked me straight in the eye and said l would die within a yr.
Don’t mess around if you find anything out of the ordinary…get it checked. I was lucky l was still early stage…and that is what saved my life for now.

Great thread....Get checked men and women. :rose:
Thank you for sharing all of this. You are amazing.
As an extra note and I’m sure you ladies are aware, having an all clear doesn’t mean you can stop checking or miss follow up appointments.

My neighbour had a mastectomy almost 30 years ago, 2 years after her all clear she had a lump removed from her other breast, 8 years ago she had most of her vulva removed, and currently is undergoing laser treatment on her head to remove some small lesions there.

Each time she was given the all clear and kept up follow up appointments with her oncologist.

She has been unlucky, I know, but it goes to show, cancer is sneaky and life threatening, as in the case of my sister.
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^^^ Yes. I have already discovered that from this day(or the day back in January) moving forward. Every ache and pain I have. Every weird feeling, funny appearance. Anything off. I will be freaked out. I will worry that it has come back, or isn't really gone. (I don't have new scans until January, there is still too much swelling)

I have already learned this with a massage that was so aggressive, it bruised my boob. I freaked out on my Oncologist (Before realizing it was from the Massage) thinking the Cancer was back.

So yes. The future joy of always worrying about Cancer. :(
Even before I had cancer, I have always loved October. One of my favorite Months. Breast Cancer Awareness is important.

So this month. Please Give me your Boobs!!!

Please get in and get checked. It is important to check your boobs. Mine tried to kill me!!
Please don't look if you are squeamish.


Sassy! You are amazing. :kiss::rose::heart:
So this morning as Fara messaged me to tell me she Scheduled her Mammogram. I smiled. Teased her about how it was not too often I could say I was being thought of when someone got their boobs squished. I went back to that day.

The one part I always forget to tell people. What started it for me. A rash. I had red spots on my boob. Covid.. So Doctor on phone said "okay, lets prescribe you a powder for that"
After seeing no change of it after a week or so. I told her that I was also getting pain in my breast about 2-3 O'clock on my right breast.
So finally a Mammo.
I have had Cysts before. So I was already on a yearly schedule. But because of Covid. I was late by almost a year.
When I went in, did my exam, then was told to wait for an Ultrasound. I didn't freak out. Because of those Cysts.
However, after the Ultrasound, when they came back and said "There is something lighting up that we'd like to send you for a Biopsy"
I did freak out. Because, I've never had to go past the Ultrasound.

Jan 5th. Off to get my Biopsy. Fairly simple procedure.

Jan 8th. The day I will never forget.

Driving down the coast, on Vacation with my family. I get a phone call and the Nurse tells me that it was positive for Breast Cancer.

Before I was even off the phone. Before I could truly process it. My daughter was in tears.
We were in Depoe Bay Oregon. One of the best places to Whale watch. We pulled over so I could take the call. My daughter got out and instantly my son saw her face (he was in the car behind us) As I sat there on the phone, finally processing my news. I looked up to see this huddle of kids in tears. (there was 8 of us there)
My husband being the usual strong one. Trying to comfort them. When I hung up the phone. I sat there for a minute. The kids all piled in the car to hug me and cry with me.

When Patti says this moment will haunt her forever. This is the moment that will haunt me. ALWAYS.

We made a pact that day. No matter what. We'd enjoy our vacation and have the best time ever. And we did.

Within days of getting home. Everything started moving fast.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer. One of the most aggressive kinds.

My Biopsy got horribly infected, which you can sort of see in one of the pics above. I wont repost those pictures. But I ended up in the hospital with the words "Sepsis" floating around.
Yeah for Covid. I was in the hospital alone again.
By the time I was sent home. I was on 5 different antibiotics. Staph infection.

January ended up being one of my scariest months ever...

Please get checked. Please do your self exams. Please be aware of your body.

Fuck Cancer!!!

Please show me more boobs guys and gals. I love this cause.:rose::rose:
So this morning as Fara messaged me to tell me she Scheduled her Mammogram. I smiled. Teased her about how it was not too often I could say I was being thought of when someone got their boobs squished. I went back to that day.

The one part I always forget to tell people. What started it for me. A rash. I had red spots on my boob. Covid.. So Doctor on phone said "okay, lets prescribe you a powder for that"
After seeing no change of it after a week or so. I told her that I was also getting pain in my breast about 2-3 O'clock on my right breast.
So finally a Mammo.
I have had Cysts before. So I was already on a yearly schedule. But because of Covid. I was late by almost a year.
When I went in, did my exam, then was told to wait for an Ultrasound. I didn't freak out. Because of those Cysts.
However, after the Ultrasound, when they came back and said "There is something lighting up that we'd like to send you for a Biopsy"
I did freak out. Because, I've never had to go past the Ultrasound.

Jan 5th. Off to get my Biopsy. Fairly simple procedure.

Jan 8th. The day I will never forget.

Driving down the coast, on Vacation with my family. I get a phone call and the Nurse tells me that it was positive for Breast Cancer.

Before I was even off the phone. Before I could truly process it. My daughter was in tears.
We were in Depoe Bay Oregon. One of the best places to Whale watch. We pulled over so I could take the call. My daughter got out and instantly my son saw her face (he was in the car behind us) As I sat there on the phone, finally processing my news. I looked up to see this huddle of kids in tears. (there was 8 of us there)
My husband being the usual strong one. Trying to comfort them. When I hung up the phone. I sat there for a minute. The kids all piled in the car to hug me and cry with me.

When Patti says this moment will haunt her forever. This is the moment that will haunt me. ALWAYS.

We made a pact that day. No matter what. We'd enjoy our vacation and have the best time ever. And we did.

Within days of getting home. Everything started moving fast.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer. One of the most aggressive kinds.

My Biopsy got horribly infected, which you can sort of see in one of the pics above. I wont repost those pictures. But I ended up in the hospital with the words "Sepsis" floating around.
Yeah for Covid. I was in the hospital alone again.
By the time I was sent home. I was on 5 different antibiotics. Staph infection.

January ended up being one of my scariest months ever...

Please get checked. Please do your self exams. Please be aware of your body.

Fuck Cancer!!!

Please show me more boobs guys and gals. I love this cause.:rose::rose:

OK... One more. This is such an important thread to raise awareness about the impact of cancer. And, I know, mammograms aren't easy, but the alternative could be much tougher. And, just as important, odds of finding cancer via self detection is virtually equivalent to mammogram detected cancer. So... PLEASE... Do your self exams... Or find a special person who can help with that! I'm sure the ladies here would have plenty of volunteers.

For Sassy:heart:. Hairy Chest warning...
So this morning as Fara messaged me to tell me she Scheduled her Mammogram. I smiled. Teased her about how it was not too often I could say I was being thought of when someone got their boobs squished. I went back to that day.

The one part I always forget to tell people. What started it for me. A rash. I had red spots on my boob. Covid.. So Doctor on phone said "okay, lets prescribe you a powder for that"
After seeing no change of it after a week or so. I told her that I was also getting pain in my breast about 2-3 O'clock on my right breast.
So finally a Mammo.
I have had Cysts before. So I was already on a yearly schedule. But because of Covid. I was late by almost a year.
When I went in, did my exam, then was told to wait for an Ultrasound. I didn't freak out. Because of those Cysts.
However, after the Ultrasound, when they came back and said "There is something lighting up that we'd like to send you for a Biopsy"
I did freak out. Because, I've never had to go past the Ultrasound.

Jan 5th. Off to get my Biopsy. Fairly simple procedure.

Jan 8th. The day I will never forget.

Driving down the coast, on Vacation with my family. I get a phone call and the Nurse tells me that it was positive for Breast Cancer.

Before I was even off the phone. Before I could truly process it. My daughter was in tears.
We were in Depoe Bay Oregon. One of the best places to Whale watch. We pulled over so I could take the call. My daughter got out and instantly my son saw her face (he was in the car behind us) As I sat there on the phone, finally processing my news. I looked up to see this huddle of kids in tears. (there was 8 of us there)
My husband being the usual strong one. Trying to comfort them. When I hung up the phone. I sat there for a minute. The kids all piled in the car to hug me and cry with me.

When Patti says this moment will haunt her forever. This is the moment that will haunt me. ALWAYS.

We made a pact that day. No matter what. We'd enjoy our vacation and have the best time ever. And we did.

Within days of getting home. Everything started moving fast.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer. One of the most aggressive kinds.

My Biopsy got horribly infected, which you can sort of see in one of the pics above. I wont repost those pictures. But I ended up in the hospital with the words "Sepsis" floating around.
Yeah for Covid. I was in the hospital alone again.
By the time I was sent home. I was on 5 different antibiotics. Staph infection.

January ended up being one of my scariest months ever...

Please get checked. Please do your self exams. Please be aware of your body.

Fuck Cancer!!!

Please show me more boobs guys and gals. I love this cause.:rose::rose:
I'm so glad you had support when you got that news, Sassy, having people around you who love you is also important for recovery. HUGS! :rose::heart:
OK... One more. This is such an important thread to raise awareness about the impact of cancer. And, I know, mammograms aren't easy, but the alternative could be much tougher. And, just as important, odds of finding cancer via self detection is virtually equivalent to mammogram detected cancer. So... PLEASE... Do your self exams... Or find a special person who can help with that! I'm sure the ladies here would have plenty of volunteers.

For Sassy:heart:. Hairy Chest warning...

Yes it is important not to put it off and with my health history, I have a standing appointment every year. :):heart:
OK... One more. This is such an important thread to raise awareness about the impact of cancer. And, I know, mammograms aren't easy, but the alternative could be much tougher. And, just as important, odds of finding cancer via self detection is virtually equivalent to mammogram detected cancer. So... PLEASE... Do your self exams... Or find a special person who can help with that! I'm sure the ladies here would have plenty of volunteers.

For Sassy:heart:. Hairy Chest warning...
I'm super happy to see your hairy chest :heart:

And yes. A reminder to do both. I could not feel mine yet. Where I felt the pain, is not where my "spot" was. So I got lucky that I got in early.
My GF is who is also going through this right now. By the time she found hers. She could feel it, and is still going through hell. Double Mastectomy, several rounds of Chemo, and she's still not done.
I'm so glad you had support when you got that news, Sassy, having people around you who love you is also important for recovery. HUGS! :rose::heart:

I am glad you are going in regularly.

And thank you. I've had an amazing support system. I've watched my gf who's had no where near the support I have had. Really struggle. :(
Patti, that's quite a story. That list would have made my head explode. But you do what you must. Stay well. :heart:

Yes beachbaby, you do what you have to do. Thank you for the well wishes. :rose:

:heart: :heart: And this is only 1 reason you are amazing. :rose:

You are amazing Sassy. :rose:

Thank you for sharing all of this. You are amazing.

Sharing is caring, Thank you *hugs*

After the first visit…l was scheduled to get my Port a Cath surgically inserted in my chest.

It was an unnerving procedure…played on my mind for days.
You lay on the operating table with you head turned sideways and your chest exposed for all to see. They laid a sterile paper sheet on the side of my face so my eyes were shielded. I felt my anxiety rise 10 notches. The nurse noticed l was in panic mode. She took my hand and explained to me it was so l couldn’t see the doctor’s instruments he was using, needles for freezing and scalpel, clamps….It’s a good thing l didn’t see any of that because I’m sure l would have leaped off the table and ran like hell…lol!!

Then the waiting game begins again, all the incisions had to be healed, under my arm from removing lymph nodes, the chest catheter, the area on my breast where the cancer was removed before chemo could be administered.

A lot of endless time passes by when diagnosed with that frightful Cancer. Waiting for procedures to be booked, waiting for results to be diagnosed, waiting for treatments to be administered.
Eternity of thoughts goes through your mind forever in a day. I sure look at life with a different view since l was on this journey that was chosen for me and Not by me.

Let's keep this thread alive....
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Please get checked !


old borg fred
So this morning as Fara messaged me to tell me she Scheduled her Mammogram. I smiled. Teased her about how it was not too often I could say I was being thought of when someone got their boobs squished. I went back to that day.

The one part I always forget to tell people. What started it for me. A rash. I had red spots on my boob. Covid.. So Doctor on phone said "okay, lets prescribe you a powder for that"
After seeing no change of it after a week or so. I told her that I was also getting pain in my breast about 2-3 O'clock on my right breast.
So finally a Mammo.
I have had Cysts before. So I was already on a yearly schedule. But because of Covid. I was late by almost a year.
When I went in, did my exam, then was told to wait for an Ultrasound. I didn't freak out. Because of those Cysts.
However, after the Ultrasound, when they came back and said "There is something lighting up that we'd like to send you for a Biopsy"
I did freak out. Because, I've never had to go past the Ultrasound.

Jan 5th. Off to get my Biopsy. Fairly simple procedure.

Jan 8th. The day I will never forget.

Driving down the coast, on Vacation with my family. I get a phone call and the Nurse tells me that it was positive for Breast Cancer.

Before I was even off the phone. Before I could truly process it. My daughter was in tears.
We were in Depoe Bay Oregon. One of the best places to Whale watch. We pulled over so I could take the call. My daughter got out and instantly my son saw her face (he was in the car behind us) As I sat there on the phone, finally processing my news. I looked up to see this huddle of kids in tears. (there was 8 of us there)
My husband being the usual strong one. Trying to comfort them. When I hung up the phone. I sat there for a minute. The kids all piled in the car to hug me and cry with me.

When Patti says this moment will haunt her forever. This is the moment that will haunt me. ALWAYS.

We made a pact that day. No matter what. We'd enjoy our vacation and have the best time ever. And we did.

Within days of getting home. Everything started moving fast.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer. One of the most aggressive kinds.

My Biopsy got horribly infected, which you can sort of see in one of the pics above. I wont repost those pictures. But I ended up in the hospital with the words "Sepsis" floating around.
Yeah for Covid. I was in the hospital alone again.
By the time I was sent home. I was on 5 different antibiotics. Staph infection.

January ended up being one of my scariest months ever...

Please get checked. Please do your self exams. Please be aware of your body.

Fuck Cancer!!!

Please show me more boobs guys and gals. I love this cause.:rose::rose:

Having to stay in the hospital by yourself because of covid is such a traumatic experience for you and your family. :(
The Lumpectomy was worse. I was scared as fuck, and my husband couldn't come in with me. :(

Thank you Beth. Very pretty. :rose:

They should realize that even with covid, you have been in the same house with your husband and why can he not come in with you. It is horrible enough, to not have anyone with you is cruel.
To everyone testifying here...
I can only admire your courage and bravery.

If I would believe in prayer I would pray for you all...