Breast Cancer Awareness ----- Give me your BOOBS!!

They should realize that even with covid, you have been in the same house with your husband and why can he not come in with you. It is horrible enough, to not have anyone with you is cruel.
I could rant about this for a while. But it does no good. :(
For Sassy, Patti, and every other brave person who has shared their story. :heart:
For my late mother-in-law. :rose:
I go a week from today.

Sun drenched breasts...

So beautiful Angelica. Thank you. :rose::rose:
If the women and men of Lit didn't get your attention...

My wife had breast cancer two years ago, lumpectomy, and 30 days of radiation. She came out pretty well but had a second scare last year during the pandemic. Suspected cancer in her ovaries, and uterus but the biopsy was inconclusive, and they delayed the damn op until almost Christmas year. It wasn't cancer, but possibly the breast cancer meds she was taking made the walls of her uterus thickened.
Her breast cancer surgeon told us repeatedly that her mammogram saved her life.
So ladies, don't put that off.
A good friend lost his wife last year from complications following her lumpectomy, although she was not in great health when they found her breast cancer.
We still have regular follow-up visits with her cancer docs, she gets her lymph glands checked and bone scans for five years afterward.
We contribute regularly to the M.D. Anderson cancer center and at least two other breast cancer charities.
Check your boobies ladies!
What do you expect of a pumpkin headed squirrel?

My first post on this thread was done sincerely, but I inadvertently posted the wrong pic. I bared my chest to support this important cause to promote cancer awareness.

Therefore, my moobs...
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My wife had breast cancer two years ago, lumpectomy, and 30 days of radiation. She came out pretty well but had a second scare last year during the pandemic. Suspected cancer in her ovaries, and uterus but the biopsy was inconclusive, and they delayed the damn op until almost Christmas year. It wasn't cancer, but possibly the breast cancer meds she was taking made the walls of her uterus thickened.
Her breast cancer surgeon told us repeatedly that her mammogram saved her life.
So ladies, don't put that off.
A good friend lost his wife last year from complications following her lumpectomy, although she was not in great health when they found her breast cancer.
We still have regular follow-up visits with her cancer docs, she gets her lymph glands checked and bone scans for five years afterward.
We contribute regularly to the M.D. Anderson cancer center and at least two other breast cancer charities.
Check your boobies ladies!
This is a fear of mine. Other Cancers. Well. Face it. I'll be scared of Cancer every time I have an Ache or pain.
My first post on this thread was done sincerely, but I inadvertently posted the wrong pic. I bared my chest to support this important cause to promote cancer awareness.

Therefore, my moobs...

You may Bare your chest any time you feel like it. It is a great chest!! :heart: Thank you for your Moobs, and for posting. :kiss:
Showing my support and love for all the ladies who have dealt with this and who are dealing with this. You are all brave powerful souls nothing will keep you down! :kiss::rose::heart:

A quick flash while still "adulting"
A quick flash while still "adulting"

Adulting... whats this

and thank you for sharing!
100 % support

Moobs for a good cause!


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Showing my support and love for all the ladies who have dealt with this and who are dealing with this. You are all brave powerful souls nothing will keep you down! :kiss::rose::heart:

A quick flash while still "adulting"
A beautiful one at that. ⚘⚘ Thank you for this. It's very nice to see you back.
Moobs for a good cause!
*sigh* flash any time you like. 😍 Thank you so much!
I'm a day late. I missed yesterday. Yesterday was International Flat Day.


“International FLAT Day” was created to celebrate going flat – to promote breast reconstruction awareness, to promote flat closure (breastless, chest wall reconstruction after mastectomy), to promote flat reconstruction as a valid choice, and to bring together the flat community in sisterhood! October is breast cancer awareness month, and the 7th is the “Day of Maat” – the Egyptian Goddess who represents TRUTH and JUSTICE.

The 7 principles of Maat are: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, and Propriety. These principles really reflect the “heart” of the shared flat movement!

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2 other days to mention in October.

*National Mammography Day is the third Friday of October
*Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week is the third week of October
In memory of my mom and mother-in-law, who didn't make, and for my wife who's been a warrior for more than 6 years

here goes nothing

Thank you, Sassy, you're the best :rose:
Ladies grab your pumpkins and go get a mammogram!
So pretty. Thank you Ginger. Much appreciated!! :rose::rose:
In memory of my mom and mother-in-law, who didn't make, and for my wife who's been a warrior for more than 6 years

here goes nothing

Thank you, Sassy, you're the best :rose:

:eek: Very nice!! :D Thank you Vibes.

I appreciate all the pictures everyone! :D
Thank you ladies for sharing and knowing this is more then the boob pics as I had family members with breast cancer and lost a friend to it too. Stay safe and live life
Thank you ladies for sharing and knowing this is more then the boob pics as I had family members with breast cancer and lost a friend to it too. Stay safe and live life

Two family members and three very close friends here..
In fact one of them had the most aggressive type. Had a double mastectomy. That's was 6 years ago.. She is now in Chemotherapy for the second time as we speak..
CANCER of ALL kinds SUCKS.. But Breast Cancer has affected too many of the people I love !! Thanks for making and keeping us aware Sassy.. It is not just an October thing :rose::heart:
You are an incredibly strong woman.. I look forward to all of your posts..
Keep up the good fight !!
Today is National Mental Health day, and as many of you know. There are a million reasons for mental health issues. For me. I can only speak for me.

This year has been incredibly hard, on just about every level possible.

It is hard to explain how one can feel so alone, when you have so many around you willing to offer to be there for you.
I've never felt so alone. This year has found a way to push me into being strong, when I only wanted to fall apart.
Because of Covid. Every appointment I had. My surgery, my treatments. All of it. I had to do alone.

Mentally. Radiation took the biggest toll on me. I was in the same room the entire time, as my Dad was when he was fighting his own Cancer. Every time I laid on that table. I looked up and saw my Dad. I felt him with me. But it hurt so much. I had to explain more than once, why laying on that table made me cry to my techs.
My Dad did not win his fight.

So today. With no explanations needed. I want everyone to know. It is okay to not feel right, all of the time. It is okay to need help. It is okay to feel different.


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