Chain Story Sign Up!

So, what's our deadline for the title? (And let's please make it long before I send this in, Okay?)

- Judo
Speaking of my suggestion for a title... has anyone but me read the southafrican cartoon "Madam & Eve" ???
It's hilarious!!!
Title Deadline

Well since the first chapter is due in two days, let's say that the deadline is, well, tonight.

If anyone dislikes "It Happened One Night" then say so now! We have two votes for that title, and two for "Adam And Evening"

The next person to vote will probably decide the title! If no one votes, Judo, then I say that YOU should be the one to decide.

Happy happy.

Thanks, Chicklet. It's done. "It Happened One Night, Ch.1" is winging it's way bit-by-bit to Laurel as we speak.

- Judo

Hey DJ? Are you there?

I was looking at the beginning of this thread and your question was deleted...and your sig says that you've left the building...and out of concern I checked the last few posts you made...which...were...also blank...

Anyone else hear from DJ?

DJ, you out of the story?

Re: The First Chapter

Chicklet said:
I love it!

Great work Judo! I *love* that he drives a Yugo!!! Now I'm nervous that my own chapter won't be as good.

Anyone have a problem with Adam somehow taking advantage of his boss?

Theresa? Nah, I think she's asking for it, don't you? East coast ice queen that she pretends to be and then dresses and teases Adam like that, hmmm...

- Judo
woo-hooo! goin' good so far with my chapter. Just wanted to let you know <wink>

Chicklet, I think DJ is out, because he has taken away all his stories in the Survivor list, so I doubt he needs this story anymore.

We're just gonna have to give his cat to someone else.:(
= (

sadness about DJ. Oh well, no chapter about Angelina Jolie, I guess = ) = )
No sweat, my pet!

Since I'm already combining Interracial and Gay Male, I can take on DJ's Celebrity Cat too - I'll just have Adam fucking Orlando Jones!!!:D
Considering that Orlando was penetrated by aliens in that movie "Evoloution", I think we can add a bit to the Sci Fi & Fantasy genre, too...

Last post at Literotica Guru!!!:)
Important Deadline Information

Hey there,

Does anyone want the date that their story is due shifted? We have to compensate for our missing member. I have no problem writing another one to fill the date in if someone doesn't want to be moved forward.

The options could be Svenskaflicka and Route66girl moving up, or me filling in, or something else.

So speak now if you have an opinion.

DJ's Story

I'm not going to do celebrities. I don't know what I'm going to do, yet. For now I'll just put my name there and see if anyone else claims anything.


ps - everyone still feel free to object.
Re: Important Deadline Information

Chicklet said:
Hey there,

Does anyone want the date that their story is due shifted? We have to compensate for our missing member. I have no problem writing another one to fill the date in if someone doesn't want to be moved forward.

The options could be Svenskaflicka and Route66girl moving up, or me filling in, or something else.

So speak now if you have an opinion.


See if you can get another author to join in. Maybe if you post a "Help Wanted" thread. lol.

- Judo
Lesbian Sex

I'm going to plan to write a Lesbian Sex story.

If anyone else wanted this, just let me know, okay? I'm not totally attached to the idea and I won't cry if someone wants it instead.

Hey, Chick!

I wouldn't mind signing up. Just tell me what you need and I'll write it. Just no gay male. Besides being Svenska's bailiwick, the mere idea pretty much squicks me out.

An all female orgy, though? I wouldn't mind writing something around that idea ...

Hmmm. It Happened One Night Ch. X -- Look, But Don't Touch. Has possibilities!

Just kiddin' Chicklet. I wouldn't dream of scamming the F/F thing out from under you.


Hey been thinking I need a bit of stretching - is there any chance of joining this chain story (after the last one I must be crazy to even think about it) I'll write to any category you want except for scifi

BDSM I can do if that is what is needed to replace DJ

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jon.hayworth said:
Hey been thinking I need a bit of stretching - is there any chance of joining this chain story (after the last one I must be crazy to even think about it) I'll write to any category you want except for scifi

BDSM I can do if that is what is needed to replace DJ


Jon would be great, Chicklet. I highly reccomend him. Besides, he's likely bored out of his mind up there in the frozen north and needs a bit of stretching. Eh?

- Judo
Jon and Tate -

You can choose WHATEVER you'd like. Tate, if you want to do lesbian, go ahead! Jon, basically you can have any category you'd like. Willowpuss is doing a BDSM story so if you want your chapter to be unique you might want to skip that one.

Have you read Judo's first chapter? Have you got any ideas in your head?

Is one of you willing to be due on DJ's date? I think it was...uhm...November 14th or something
