Chaos... to be continued

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This has been my experience sometimes too. Most guys ask het women if they've been with another women. I get asked here too
As if not actually being with another woman somehow negates you being bi …

That being said… I’ve had lots of sex with women and dates with women… no female - female relationships as of yet … unless you include my poly-MFF relationship.. which I guess does count. So 1.
Goodnight, lovely people!

@MsNatalie99 says gn too
I need backup that I’m not overreacting to something…

In a social FB group I’m in, a woman posted about having sex with a guy on their third date. She said she told him he could “grab her hair and throat (yes, I know, not smart)” but then out of nowhere, he hit her across the face.

The other comments were so almost forgiving!!! Like, oh if you see him again, make sure to tell him that’s not ok. My comment was that’s assault. Am I overreacting?? 😲
I need backup that I’m not overreacting to something…

In a social FB group I’m in, a woman posted about having sex with a guy on their third date. She said she told him he could “grab her hair and throat (yes, I know, not smart)” but then out of nowhere, he hit her across the face.

The other comments were so almost forgiving!!! Like, oh if you see him again, make sure to tell him that’s not ok. My comment was that’s assault. Am I overreacting?? 😲
Not in my opinion. I can see where a mistake was made, but it's a pretty damn big mistake. You should have your boundaries in place before you begin, so if hitting wasn't pre-established is okay, then it isn't
Not in my opinion. I can see where a mistake was made, but it's a pretty damn big mistake. You should have your boundaries in place before you begin, so if hitting wasn't pre-established is okay, then it isn't
Thank you, that was my thought. I can imagine things getting heated but like you say, that’s a pretty big mistake. 😟
I guess I never thought about that. You mean men don't want a one on one? And it seems odd to me that lesbians would not date bi women. That sucks. And not in a good way
Well, the thing is is that every bi man I've ever dated has cheated on me with a girl. My girlfriend has reported the same thing about bi women. I was her first guy, she was my first girl. So, who the hell knows where we'll end up. It's just hard to commit yourself to somebody, who could be craving something you can't provide
A Short List of Things that Bisexual People Often Hear...
  • It's just a phase. You're just experimenting. You don't know what you want.
  • How can you say that you're bi if you've never actually had sex with a person of the same sex?
  • Bisexuals are promiscuous/will cheat.
  • Bisexuals are narcissistic.
*info taken from the GLAAD and LGBT Hero sites and my/friends' personal experiences
I only speak from experience, not on anyone as a whole
I need backup that I’m not overreacting to something…

In a social FB group I’m in, a woman posted about having sex with a guy on their third date. She said she told him he could “grab her hair and throat (yes, I know, not smart)” but then out of nowhere, he hit her across the face.

The other comments were so almost forgiving!!! Like, oh if you see him again, make sure to tell him that’s not ok. My comment was that’s assault. Am I overreacting?? 😲
That was assault and he will do it again or worse if given the opportunity. She should stay far away from him.
I need backup that I’m not overreacting to something…

In a social FB group I’m in, a woman posted about having sex with a guy on their third date. She said she told him he could “grab her hair and throat (yes, I know, not smart)” but then out of nowhere, he hit her across the face.

The other comments were so almost forgiving!!! Like, oh if you see him again, make sure to tell him that’s not ok. My comment was that’s assault. Am I overreacting?? 😲
This is a red flag for me. On both ends but more so him. In this scenario I think a conversation is needed and paying attention to how he responds to it bc that'd be very telling as to whether there are other major red flags that will make me stop dating him.
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