Chaos... to be continued

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In my field of work cursing is less and less accepted.
it probably should be for me, but I find it actually helps me. I could write a book, it is kind of shocking, but me being a female in my field, especially what I specialize in, makes me rare, especially as old as I am. Most of my teammates over the years had never worked with women teammates or subordinates, and are small close knit teams by necessity. Some are deployed short term from foreign counties where women don't work, don't speak, walk behind men, etc. In the 90s, I just had to let them see a woman could be qualified and do the job, but as the world grew more strict about women in the workplace, some felt so paranoid that they could easily be viewed as offensive to women and would result in their termination and hurt future employment. I could give dozens of examples, and they are nothing. In the early 90s, I worked in a skanky want to be hooters, as a tub girl, a bartender, a booth girl, and a tuxedo shop (how bad that was surprised me). These men are nothing compared to customers. I need them to understand their behavior would have to be so egregious, so persistent, so pervasive and my direct requests to stop ignored many times in many ways before I would consider HR, and get that fast. I have never come close to going to HR. The height of #metoo made it worse. My often flamboyant appearance, my inappropriate language, discussion of racy and funny news articles is truly, in part, by design to break those paranoid men rapidly so the see their fears are unfounded. I feed them my walking HR violation self, and trust they won't report me, so they trust I am honey badger, that I got their back just like the guys do, and like I trust them to have mine. I am their peep not the hypothetical chick they fear. Being worse than they could accidental be has proven effective. Though I am often asked to speak for women kind on non work female topics because I am "kind of a woman" lol. Plus side, I have them convinced that black wide leg yoga pants and black wide leg pajama pants are women's work pants and that girly print t-shirts are actually womens business casual tops, so I have worked in pjs for years lol.
When I saw one, the guy was very much awake and regretting his life choices

Sounds about right.
The early-twenties kid who shot himself in the penis on accident is the poor life choices one that always stands out to me - I just remember him asking himself over and over before and after ‘why am I so stupid?’ So much regret.
Sounds about right.
The early-twenties kid who shot himself in the penis on accident is the poor life choices one that always stands out to me - I just remember him asking himself over and over before and after ‘why am I so stupid?’ So much regret.
I've gotten petty mangled, but thankfully haven't completely destroyed my noodle
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it probably should be for me, but I find it actually helps me. I could write a book, it is kind of shocking, but me being a female in my field, especially what I specialize in, makes me rare, especially as old as I am. Most of my teammates over the years had never worked with women teammates or subordinates, and are small close knit teams by necessity. Some are deployed short term from foreign counties where women don't work, don't speak, walk behind men, etc. In the 90s, I just had to let them see a woman could be qualified and do the job, but as the world grew more strict about women in the workplace, some felt so paranoid that they could easily be viewed as offensive to women and would result in their termination and hurt future employment. I could give dozens of examples, and they are nothing. In the early 90s, I worked in a skanky want to be hooters, as a tub girl, a bartender, a booth girl, and a tuxedo shop (how bad that was surprised me). These men are nothing compared to customers. I need them to understand their behavior would have to be so egregious, so persistent, so pervasive and my direct requests to stop ignored many times in many ways before I would consider HR, and get that fast. I have never come close to going to HR. The height of #metoo made it worse. My often flamboyant appearance, my inappropriate language, discussion of racy and funny news articles is truly, in part, by design to break those paranoid men rapidly so the see their fears are unfounded. I feed them my walking HR violation self, and trust they won't report me, so they trust I am honey badger, that I got their back just like the guys do, and like I trust them to have mine. I am their peep not the hypothetical chick they fear. Being worse than they could accidental be has proven effective. Though I am often asked to speak for women kind on non work female topics because I am "kind of a woman" lol. Plus side, I have them convinced that black wide leg yoga pants and black wide leg pajama pants are women's work pants and that girly print t-shirts are actually womens business casual tops, so I have worked in pjs for years lol.
In my field of technology women are not rare, and I haven't had problems with men even when I was a fresh graduate. (Actually, I was even told I am a bit scary to approach as a woman, when I was just about 25.) Especially the bigger the city or company, the less cursing is thought to be ok.

Now usually cursing wouldn't raise eyebrows if you are damning some unfortunate happening, but if you direct it to others...
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