Chaos... to be continued

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Ummmm… did it with a boyfriend in my 20s. Was young enough to block out the fact that everyone, especially the flight attendants knew what was going on 🤣. Airplane bathrooms are super small & cramped. No chance of me cumming at all… just do not recommend 🤣
Never left my seat. Just covered up with the blanket, and came while pretending to watch Pootie tang
well at least my totally lack of class and high threshold for gross things lets me shove sticky to the side.
I mean, we both had shoes on, the floor wasn’t really a concern. He was
sitting on the toilet & I was sitting on him, if you want the play by play 🤣
I have a touch of OCD, I just can't. I do my best not to use the restroom at all on the plane but sometimes it can't be helped.
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