Chat and OOC thread for "The Emissary"

Sorry I'm not posting. My father's in the hospital. The hospital doesn't have Wi-Fi that works with this erotic website. I had to go outside just to send a message to you all.
How morbidly ironic. I'm sitting with family after losing my great aunt yesterday. She was in hospice a LONG time, so this was expected.

I hope your father is well and going home soon. Post when you can. NO rush, EVER, but particularly now. I probably won't post until this evening.
I've lost a partner and three kids, one parent, all grandparents and almost lost a brother a few years back. The pain is beyond compare.
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Hey, folks. I'm afraid that I need to step away. I'm so sorry. I was having a lot of fun. Family issues are just taking too much time. I've been at the hospital more hours over the last four days than I haven't. I don't think it's fair for me to hold things up.

If things get better here, I will check back with you later and see if you are still interested in having me participate.
Hey, folks. I'm afraid that I need to step away. I'm so sorry. I was having a lot of fun. Family issues are just taking too much time. I've been at the hospital more hours over the last four days than I haven't. I don't think it's fair for me to hold things up.

If things get better here, I will check back with you later and see if you are still interested in having me participate.
I'm sorry to hear this, too, but I understand. RL can be a bitch sometimes, even when you are expecting it, as my family was.

We will figure out something with your characters. I'm sure that TWA and/or I can write the VP for a while, and we can figure something out for your other characters, too.

And you are welcome back as soon as RL gives you a break.