Chyoo 3???

Nor I.

But who's to say the whole Chyoo2 user database was copied across or whether the db connection between the two domains is open.
Yet another suggestion....

Hey everyone...
I'm gone for a few days and suddenly there are SO many posts... It seems the sleeper has woke.

I have one more suggestion...

You may have noticed on other sites that they code stories not only by "Anal" and "Lesbian"... But the include a code...

M/F - Male on Female
m/FFFF - 1 guy, 4 gals
F/F - No penises involved
bd - Bondage and Domination
cons - consensual... (Not rape)
best - with animals (Just an example, not a suggestion of a category)

This is such a nice thing to have when browsing a vague category, or when a story has SO many crossovers...

"Incestuous lesbian anal sex" is hard thing to imply from a title, or blurb about the story. And what category does that really belong in?

And lets face it... The search is damn near useless. Over 1000 results, refine your search comes up on ALL of my searches. Part of the problem is that the search is INCLUSIVE... "Slut" and "Wife" pulls up EVERYTHING with SLUT and WIFE. (That's a lot of stories), and not all hits are the wife-slut stories you are looking for.... "My slut son" will come up. And "I turned into such a lesbian anal slut" will also some up. That is kinda broad.

But if stories were coded, it would make it easier to search. For example, when submitting a story, Pick your category,

Characters are:
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] both

Story is:
[ ] Hereto
[ ] Homo
[ ] Bi

Story contains:
[ ] oral
[ ] vaginal
[ ] anal

Fettishes are:
[ ] inter-racial
[ ] incest
[ ] toys
Etc... Etc.. Etc...

And it can (and probably should be) optional. If you want to be vague and secretive..... Whatever.

In the search, have the same check boxes, and a keyword search.

What do you guys think?
I'm unable to log in to chyoo 3 either, and i have a theory...

first time i tried to log in i used wrong password, would this have anything to do with me not being able to get in now i am using the correct password?? i had to go into chyoo2 and request my password as i havent had to manually type it in for so long.

if i do ever get in, im desperate to get my stories over, finally people will get to see them, as opposed to six months unapproved in the old site.

2 problems:

1- I can't log in. I just get a log in page.

2- I can't access the categories. I just get the front page again.
Shendude said:
2 problems:

1- I can't log in. I just get a log in page.

Try try again until you see your username displayed on the top right.

2- I can't access the categories. I just get the front page again.

The categories aren't implemented yet, as far as I can tell.

OK, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it appears someone at chyoo/literotica is hip to what's going on, and is thwarting our little game. Whenever I have the chyoo3 website try and access the chyoo2 page for any reason (the site does this to log in and to import stories), it is redirected to the frontpage. It is possible that my webhost is doing this for some reason, but I can't imagine why.

Unless this changes, that means:

(a) I'll have to set up a "Sign Up" system, instead of just using chyoo2's website to log people in. This means that you might not have the same username on chyoo3 that you did on chyoo2.

(b) If you want to copy over any stories, you'll have to do it by hand. THAT SUCKS. Sadly, I can't think of a good solution off the top of my head.

So ... I only figured all this out after trying to debug the login process this weekend.

Ugh. So obnoxious ... Chyoo2/Literotic people ... if this is indeed a willful choice on your part, please, please, PLEASE speak up, and talk to us. If we just got kicked for requesting too many webpages at once, well, I guess that was my fault.
ofhabit2 said:
OK, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it appears someone at chyoo/literotica is hip to what's going on, and is thwarting our little game. Whenever I have the chyoo3 website try and access the chyoo2 page for any reason (the site does this to log in and to import stories), it is redirected to the frontpage. It is possible that my webhost is doing this for some reason, but I can't imagine why.

Um... does anyone here believe this is ofhabit2's ISP? Or do you believe it's some jackhole screwing with us?

Unless this changes, that means:

(a) I'll have to set up a "Sign Up" system, instead of just using chyoo2's website to log people in. This means that you might not have the same username on chyoo3 that you did on chyoo2.

Honestly, if we have sign ups now, I don't think it will be a problem. There isn't enough volume (yet) to have people rushing for names. How many people do we have on these boards?

(b) If you want to copy over any stories, you'll have to do it by hand. THAT SUCKS.

This is true. Oh well... what is it they say about omlets and broken eggs?
Manually copying stories would solve some of the ownership issues.

Ugh. So obnoxious ... Chyoo2/Literotic people ... if this is indeed a willful choice on your part, please, please, PLEASE speak up, and talk to us.

We have heard nothing for 6 months... More silence is not surprising. It is however, unfortunate.

I'll be happy when I can sign in/on/up....

I just hacked in a sign-up system. It's very basic, blah blah blah, but this should help those of you who were not able to log in before :) . The usernames and passwords are using letters and numbers only, and you have to enter an email address. The email address is not actually used for anything yet, so feel free to enter "" if you're paranoid. I'd like to make it so that "lost" passwords will be emailed to that address, but that's a bit down the road.

Also, while I was dreaming of features I'd like to code up, and feeling frustrated about the thought of people importing stories over, I thought of how nice it would be to be able to see an entire story on one html page. Granted, this page would be HUGE, so there would have to be some kind of controls to make sure it didn't tax the server, but it seems to me like it would be really nice for those people who might want to BACKUP their stories. Is there any interest in a feature like this?

Oh, and, I like the ideas of better searching through more accurate categorization. I'm still thinking of how I'm going to do search, and since I don't know how to write a whole search engine, the way I code it up will very likely affect what you'll be able to search for, not the other way around :) .

So, everybody test the login / signup system; mail me with any problems, or post them here.
Well, I have given up trying to log in on my chyoo2 login, so have just registered a new name on the new site. so, 334 threads now to cut and paste, this could takje some time, think it will be done over a few days. Isnt it lucky i keep a copy of all my own stuff in a word document, but there are errors i have edited online that i dont think were corrected in my offline copy, but oh well, better than nothing.

This site better work now after all this effort, and make sure this story doesnt spend six months in limbo waiting for approval please!!!!

Rob... now known as "Justrob"
OK, i've added the first page, but its not offering me a link to add threads??? does that mean i have to wait for it to be approved?? If so, hurry up, i have another couple hundred threads to do, this could be a slow process lol

ofhabit2 said:
OK, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it appears someone at chyoo/literotica is hip to what's going on, and is thwarting our little game. Whenever I have the chyoo3 website try and access the chyoo2 page for any reason (the site does this to log in and to import stories), it is redirected to the frontpage. It is possible that my webhost is doing this for some reason, but I can't imagine why.

Would it help if you ran the script from another IP address?

I'd offer mine.
It would help to be run from a different IP address, but who knows if it would just be shut down again, and then your IP would be messed up. I suppose it may come to something like this, but I'd still like to avoid it if possible.
ofhabit2 said:
It would help to be run from a different IP address, but who knows if it would just be shut down again, and then your IP would be messed up. I suppose it may come to something like this, but I'd still like to avoid it if possible.

You might try running imports according to polite web crawler guidelines -- not fetching pages at line speed, but a few per minute perhaps. Not sure how you have that set. (Or sneaky web crawler guidelines ... make it a background task of a thread every few minutes). There may be some other clever tricks to play to make it look more like browser traffic.

I notice no /robots.txt at Chyoo... nor Literotica... so they haven't declared a machine-readable policy about crawling the site.

Thank you again for trying to revive Chyoo by direct action. Let us know what the rest of us can do to support you.

(b) If you want to copy over any stories, you'll have to do it by hand. THAT SUCKS. Sadly, I can't think of a good solution off the top of my head

Trouble with that is that it means that other people who have posted on my stories won't be credited as having written. lame.
Importing is back, though I'm not sure for how long. It takes a *really long time* now ... don't worry, it's working, just slowly. I'd rather not lose the ability to import entirely ... so it's going slowly. Start the import, then go on with your life :) , and come back later.

(It's slow because it's behaving like robots should ... accessing pages slowly -- as was suggested above.)

Also, stories and threads that you choose to import will no longer have the same numbers on chyoo2 and chyoo3 ... just a heads up.
OK, here's what I've done. I signed up onto chyoo3 with my chyoo2 username and pasword, then imported my stories. Great, works fine. Petty useful if, like me, you couldn't log in with your chyoo2 username. However, I've kinda fucked up. I clicked the import button a LOT of times and now my storiy appears on the 'My stories' list 6 times.

To make matters worse, i can't access my story. I get to the introduction screen and when i click 'begin story' it refers me back to the chyoo3 homepage. This might be because it's stilll importing, but just wanted to check.

Is there ay way I (or you, ofhabit2) can delete my excess versions of the story (story numbers 2835-2839 inclusive)?
OK, I've totally fucked up now. Gone back to check on my stories list, and my unapproved stories have come through as well. A lot.

I need to get rid of stories 2841 - 2879 inclusive. Is there any way I can do that? or maybe even just start again?
Yep the same thing has happened to me as happened to gizmoo69.

My story The Choices We Make has gone across though it hasnt gone across fully. It has only about 50% of the threads transfered.
My other four stories have all gone across fully but each has gone four times.

Looks like I will need some deleting aswell.

On the whole, the importing worked well for me.

Still have a problem with apostrophies and quotation marks on some pages getting replaced with a funny code.

Also the immersive text feature isn't working.
Small problem:

On Chyoo2, the login id was case insensitive (as it is here; you can login as Torg or torg). But if you logged in as the lowercase version of your userid, stories got marked with the lowercase version of your userid.

I have a couple threads that are attributed to 'torg', not 'Torg'. If I'm logged in on Chyoo3 as 'Torg', I can't edit anything saved as 'torg'. At least not if I don't own the story.

Could it be made that only one version of the userid is stored, or at least make either 'torg' or 'Torg' abel to edit the same stories.
hidden popularity of Chyoo!!!

Excuse my spelling.... I've been up for 30 hours or so... But I noticed something and I just HAD to point it out...


Since this thread started on 11/02/04, (just over 2 weeks) It has had TWICE the activity as any other thread in the Chyoo Forums > Chyoo General, in the past YEAR, and is one of the 5 largest threads in all of the Chyoo forums!!!

The boards have been dead for so long because we all had nothing to say. How many times can you really say,
"Nope... No update yet."

But look!!! At the smallest glimmer of life, we all come crawling out of the woodwork!!! GO US!!!

You would think that with this kind of intrest, we could get SOME kind of attention from Literotica or Chyoo2....
But NO!!!
It's all being done by one guy/gal/whatever.

Thank you ofhabit2, and if there is anything that you need help with, just ask! (and if no one here know how to do it.... I'll bet dollars to douhnuts that someone will learn)
