Commentary on the forum

WriterDom said:
I think a major shortcoming of the forum is that BDSM is too broad of a subject for one forum. Take a look at sometime. Their discussion homepage is larger than Lit's. Here everything is thrown in together. What would draw experienced people to this forum when there are better alternatives elsewhere?

That's a good point WD. It is definitely a very broad topic. I haven't been to that site, but I'll try checking it out.

P. B. Walker said:
That's a good point WD. It is definitely a very broad topic. I haven't been to that site, but I'll try checking it out.


The boards and the matchmaking part of it are free. If you want to read stories or see naked pics you have to pay. Or submit a story and you get 3 free months.
WriterDom said:
The boards and the matchmaking part of it are free. If you want to read stories or see naked pics you have to pay. Or submit a story and you get 3 free months.

Stay away from the matchmaking part, trust me.
skye in silk said:
hmmm i don't participate in skin to skin. understand that this makes me unworthy of comment in some people's eyes therefore i don't comment much. but i read and lurk and learn. i have found this forum to be totally focused on Real Life BDSM and understand that i can't participate in most threads because of it. (the one and only thread i posted was a question asking about the validity of online in D/s...and frankly i was suprised with the response)

funny that thread ended up the same way...with a Dream Drama...a PBW ass search etc. like most other threads here. i do read daily, but mostly the library...the wealth of info there is amazing.

on a side note. i have found it interesting that People have to prove their worth here to be considered worthy of response. Why must one defend their stance on things, their viewpoints by responding if they are real, how many years in the lifestyle, if they are regulars here? this is the only forum where the conversations about the validity of ones postings outweigh the postings themselves. could someone explain this to me? if you don't like someone's postings...don't respond. yet "trolls" or "flame" posts get 101 posts telling them to go away...or how wrong they are, etc.

this post is not meant to flame...but i am wondering why this phenomena occurs?

Thanks :) Skye

What is wrong with kidding about PBW's ass?

This forum

I come here and post cause it pleases me to do so. If someone really cares they can do a seach on my screen name and find many thought provoking threads about my style of D/s. FemDom Malesub relationships.

This is the only list I post on that is not focused on Femdom/malesub issues.

So I like to have fun. This is not brain surgery folks. This is a fricking porn site.

If there are people who think that this site has gone downhil cause their favorite "buddies" are no longer here, too bad.

Frankly, when I have posted on a subject, I do not like re-posting the same information over and over again.

Why? Because all you have to do is search the Library and it is there to you to read at will. Why should I get carpel tunnel re-posting? If you are too lazy to read, then perhaps you are too lazy to learn. There is a lot of good information to read it you will put forth the effort.

When someone new asks me something that intrigues me, then I post in a serious manner. If you do not like my style, then do not read anything I write.

I am a Domme who is successful training and keeping male subs. What I do works whether you like it or not; whether you believe it or not. If you want to learn from me, fine, if not, fine. It is all the same to Me.

I am here to share information, not to kiss ass.

Re: This forum

Ebonyfire said:

I am here to share information, not to kiss ass.


I don't think there is a wrong reason for coming here. I have no interest in PBW's ass. He seems like a cool guy to hang out with.

But I can pick and chose what I read.
Re: Who am I?

OutsideObserver said:
Ebonyfire, do you not care about my opinion because I am not a registered user? Or because it's an unpopular opinion? Or because you do not have my creditials? Your first words to me were "Bugger off asshole", and yet, suddenly I enjoy calling you names because I made light of your title? I will only say to you: listen to the message and ignore the messenger. As for your second post, you are right, I probably will not have much effect on this forum, certainly not when I am met with such narrow, closed minds. Yet again, you make an assumption about whether or not I like or dislike you. Does it matter either way? If I had began my initial post with "I worship the ground Ebonyfire walks on..." would you have treated me differently?

When you behave as a troll, you get treated as a troll. You should have posted honestly rather that hide behind insult and half truths.

Look in the mirror Samantha. I believe you have the narrow and closed mind. You do not know me, so you are not qualified to comment on the state of my mind.

Post your opinion, but leave the name calling at the door. It just diminishes any credibility you might have had.

I do not need your approval. Do what you want, it is all the same to me.

This is not the General Board. This board is not about putitng people on the spot, or making them defend their position. It is about shairng information about BDSM.

Do you have any information to share? If not then I stand by my first comment. Let me reiterate, bugger off. Or don't bugger off. It is all the same to Me.

If making fun of my title makes you feel big, then have it, I do not give a shit!

Last edited:
Re: Re: This forum

WriterDom said:
I don't think there is a wrong reason for coming here. I have no interest in PBW's ass. He seems like a cool guy to hang out with.

But I can pick and chose what I read.

It's a joke and a good bit. I (and others like it).

Re: This forum

Ebonyfire said:

Frankly, when I have posted on a subject, I do not like re-posting the same information over and over again.

Why? Because all you have to do is search the Library and it is there to you to read at will. Why should I get carpel tunnel re-posting? If you are too lazy to read, then perhaps you are too lazy to learn. There is a lot of good information to read it you will put forth the effort.
Amen to that, Eb. I hear ya. that's the other reason I've gone largely silent. I've already posted much of what I have to say. Some of it literally dozens of times.

Oh come on, I've post nothing over 9,000 times and you're complaining because you've had to post the same thing a couple dozen?
That said, the amount you post and your abilities as a moderator have little or nothing to do with one another.
Ebonyfire said:
What is wrong with kidding about PBW's ass?


Fluff has always been wrong in a lot of eyes.

Tis no matter if it is here or elsewhere.

People are offended by it.
lovetoread said:
Fluff has always been wrong in a lot of eyes.

Tis no matter if it is here or elsewhere.

People are offended by it.

I post on 3 other lists, and they all have fluff sometimes. No on eis offended, they just ignore it. It is labelled off topic and then people move on.

This list gets offended if you post on topic. It is still a frickin porn site, and so should not take itself so seriously.

At least MY fluff is on topic. Many others cannot say the same. LOL

Re: Re: This forum

RisiaSkye said:
Amen to that, Eb. I hear ya. that's the other reason I've gone largely silent. I've already posted much of what I have to say. Some of it literally dozens of times.


Yes, RS, I frequently search the Library to mine the great material you and others have there.

I also have a full library at home on the subject, which I have invested in over the years. I read and re-read the books when I need to recharge my batteries.

So, when an "outside observer" troll, wants to exercise their right of free speech at my expense, I can look at it for what it is, bulls___!

If a newbie asks me the same question I have answered ad nauseum, I am not inclined to answer. I advise them to search the Library and read, because the information is there.

It is up to the individual to make this forum as useful or useless as they need it to be. I, for one, have my D/s life in order, and am enjoying the fruits of my labor and study.

If you are not getting what you need, then you only have yourself to blame. Don't look at Me. We are all adults here. If you do not drive your own bus, then you need to invest in a good chauffeur.

RS, you rock as usual. Peace to you and yours.

One last time

Back from a long lunch and ready to jump back into it. I am sure you all are pleased. I trust you all had a enjoyable weekend. I was pleased to see some of the responses and saddened by others. But I will say, at least some are moving forward. I will dispense with the pleasantries and jump right in. It seems the easiest format will be to address individual concerns/reactions and then move on to general comments and larger issues at the end. I will make use of the quote function as much as possible to avoid confusion on your part. Of course, I will skip the non-relevant posts, "fluff", and repeats.

Originally posted by vixenshe
WHen I first began posting about online domination, I was shunned because 'online wasn't REAL'. I don't agree with that, and I felt kinda crappy that, just cus I'm not ready to experience in real life, people thought it wasn't real submission, people thought it wasn't valid submission. In the last little while, people have become more understanding that online leads to RL, and it's a precursor to that RL experience that was so highly valued before. I've also found that this is becoming a place that is comfortable for people new to the lifestyle, more so than it was before. I feel more comfy here now that there's some fluff, because I don't feel quite so bogged down or intimidated by coming in here. It shows me that the people in here are as real as I am, that they can be silly and vacant sometimes, like me, and that's a comfort for someone who is/was intimidated by people so involved in the lifestyle.

vixenshe, thank you for taking the time to share. I happen to agree with everything you said. It was like that here in the past, people being shunned for not having the real life experience. I thought that was a poor attitude because it drove away newbies, which is what you must have in order for a BB to survive, IMHO. You are correct, IMHO, that this place has become much more newbie friendly, as well as online friendly. I am pleased about that. But at what price? We seemed to lost quite a few people in order to make this happen. Maybe it is a matter of not being able to have your cake and eat it too. I am glad you are finding a place here. I was very much in your shoes at one point in my life. I wish you the best in your journey.

Originally posted by A Desert Rose
Sad to say, that to a degree, I agree with your assessment of this forum. It does seem to be on the decline. I do not, however agree that it should be closed. There are still many educational and entertaining threads to read here and there are still the few valiant ones who are attempting to keep it alive. For those posters and the lurkers and the new faces, this forum should remain intact.

A Desert Rose, thank you for contributing. I see we are in agreement in some small way. I was being a bit overdramatic suggesting the forum should be chopped up and tossed in the bin. I have to wonder, can we rely on a few valiant posters to keep this place alive? What can be done to maybe draw more people in? To draw people back? To keep people from leaving? Not putting you down here hun, but I noticed you used to post here with much more regularity and now you do not. I know you may be having personal issues, might be too busy, are interested in other things, what have you, but I think you can see my point that people are departing. Yes, there are legitimate reasons for departing. But I think some of it is an issue of boredom and their needs not being met. They go elsewhere because they are not getting their requirements met here. My whole commentary is meant to try and change this. Nothing more.

Originally posted by MissTaken
I rather enjoy being able to come and post, openly and honestly, without fear of flame wars or retribution.

Similar to vixenshe's comments, so I will not go over it again.

Originally posted by Never
That said, forums are like money: Their value is based on the value people agree they have.

Interesting take on this Never. Like the currency markets. If demand is high, the price is high, if the demand is low, it is a shitty stock. Again, you bring a smile to my face. You may be right. And like all currency markets they ebb and flow, and sometimes crash, but they all keep going. The ebb and flow arguments have not really changed my mind in the past, but this one has me thinking. Are we due for a crash? Another Black Monday? Makes one wonder.

Originally posted by Freya2
I have noticed a small decline, if you want to call it that, in this forum lately. It's different than it was a
And as long as people are still here, and learning, and interacting, I don't see a need for it to be closed down. Just because some older posters are no longer with it, does not mean that the ones who have taken their spots are any less worthy.

I'm glad I am not the only one to notice the decline. I am sorry if I implied that the current posters are less worthy. I do not think that at all. I think the current set of posters are what is keeping this place open. Might as well make last call without them. No, I do not think that at all.


I have to admit, my opinion of you has fallen, but then you are still young. I will say this: You make hypocrites seem like good people. I had actually typed up my entire reply and when I looked at it once more, I noticed it was almost entirely devoted to you. That seemed too much like picking on you, and that is not my intent, so I went back and paired this down considerably. I will do my best to stick to important points I need or want to make and blow off the non-relevant stuff.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
I think you suffer from the same problem many of the old Guard did--you want to control the content too much. Just because you (or anyone else) doesn't find it particularly useful or fun doesn't invalidate it.

No place in my posts do I advocate controlling content. I do not know how you can jump that conclusion without specific evidence. I state clearly that I think a lot of people are leaving, and that there are many more threads about non-BDSM material (i.e., fluff). This of course, does not include what I say about you. I go on to ask, how can we change this? I do not see where I say "I want to control all content". I think you are just being bitchy and irrational because you can not simply dismiss me.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
Since I only participate in one other BB, I can only assume you mean KT. And my total posts in their BDSM forum number somewhere around 20. So, *I* have to wonder if you're smoking crack. Don't compare apples and oranges--my post total at KT is across the entire BB system, and it's mostly generic babble, because I go there to unwind.

True, your posts in that *one* forum may or may not be that low, but your posts elsewhere, not just there are easily 15 to 20 times that number. So please do not play the "I'm too busy to post elsewhere or here" role. Just be straight up about it. We will all respect you for it in the morning. The fact that you do not post here is not the issue. You are just one person. It is the fact that many people are not here anymore. We gain something like 4 or 5 newbies and lose about 10 or 12 established posters. Does that not equal downslide? According to my calculations it does. I could care less if you are here everyday or once a month. But I made my statement about you and then you tried to rebluff it with mis-direction and outright lies. That's where *I* have to wonder if *you* are smoking crack.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
Not to mention, didn't you just finish admonishing WD that post total says nothing about content or quality? Pick an argument and stick with it, for crissakes. Your argumentational ground is shiftier than Lance on a quad cappucino.
I apologize dear princess, I will be much more clear:

I "admonished" WriterDom because he felt the forum post total was so important, that it somehow showed the forum was not degrading and was instead moving upward. Whereas, I felt that the forum post total said nothing about the content. I did not bring post totals into that part of the conversation, he did.

I did however, bring them into the conversation where you were concerned because you felt that my statement about you not being here as much was false. So I looked at your posts to indeed prove that my statements were true.

Was that logic too much for you?

It was too different arguments to rebluff two separate points. Not getting enough sleep lately?

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
This forum no longer meets my discussion needs, much of the time. It's become a place very useful and helpful for those who participate in online BDSM. I am not of them, and do not care to discuss it as there's no place for online roleplay in my BDSM sexuality. That's not a value judgement, just a dose of reality. Onliners need a home, too.

Sorry this forum no longer supports your needs. I think you have just proven one of my points, that being that you only rarely come here. And I see even one of your most logical supporters is questioning some of your statements. I made this point in my first post, and yet you felt a need to argue with it. Now, you finally come around to making my point for me. Whereas, we could have been having a logical discourse all along.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
My opinions are not based in laziness, but I *do* disagree with your characterization of the forum, and the value judgements which seem to inform it. Amazingly enough, one can have thought through the issue and still disagree with one as learned as yourself. Arrogant much?

Yes, it is true that brains and confidence are often construed as arrogance by people of lesser minds. That is not my fault. I propose that you will just have to "get over it".

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
I disagree, heartily. I've put more hours into steering and managing and participating in this forum than any other person still here. Your annoyingly off-base claims and reductive generalizations are beginning to get on my nerves.

I will accept that you disagree with my statements. That is fine. It's obvious that you would not care even if you did agree. It is cleaner this way. It is obvious you feel I am infringing upon your territory or some mother-hen type situation.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
In short: I'm tired of playing with you now, as it's become Pure drivel. So, I'm done doing so.

Again the mentality of crucify the messenger and ignore the message. You state elsewhere and here that you think you know who I am. You are "purely" wrong. Typical. Putting more effort into finding my identity than just addressing the issue. This is exactly why I have chosen to remain anonymous. You are more concerned with who the message is coming from than even considering that the message might have merit. I pity you. And supposedly you are a scholar. I wonder, do you happen to attend Xavier and study under Professor Kirstein?

Originally posted by P. B. Walker
I generally don't follow these types of threads mainly because they don't interest me much and they never solve anything. They usually go like this: A troll posts a theory, and everyone jumps down their throat. Doesn't matter if it's a poor argument or the most brilliant theory you've ever seen. And even if it's a good point, what the hell are we gonna do? Yanno? lol. I mean please. Start having forum improvement meetings? Pfffth.

P. B. Walker, while I do not quite appreciate your sophmoric humor and incessant flirting like the rest of the women here, I will say that you are logical to a fault. I have to say you are right about how these types of threads go, this thread just proves it. However, I have to disagree with your pessimistic outlook. Changes can be made for the better.

Originally posted by SexyChele
I have to go along with this line. Yes, I know that there are still a few folks here who engage in skin to skin, and every once in a while an interesting topic does appear. But, sadly, it usually devolves into flirtations, chasing trolls, or attempting to get PBW to give up his anal virginity. (Not that I wouldn't want to see that either, but, hey, after the 4th go round it got a little old, ya know?

When I come here, I usually only read the first few posts of any thread that might interest me. After that, it simply becomes one of the three listed above. And quite frankly, I can do that anywhere at Lit, with a much larger population. I mean, really check out the thread "Training an ass to take a dildo." It has one half of the first page that might give some interesting info. The rest? Not worth the time to read it, unless you are one of the posters who is engaging in the firtations.

I'm glad that this forum suits the needs of those who come here regularly. It is obviously needed. But I do think that those of us who have differing opinions do have the right to express them. Whether we be registered or not.

Another vote for the fact that there is increasingly more fluff here. And not from a newbie either. I have to appreciate someone just looking at the facts and not trying to tear me down. Thank you SexyChele.

Originally posted by zipman7
You seem to think you are doing some great civic duty by starting a discussion on this topic. Perhaps it could have been a positive conversation had you handled it differently. However, your remarks about KT show that you are simply trying to stir up some shit. Shadowsdream has been on vacation from there as well, and has posted a few times over the last two months. So why mention KT and your participation there if not to stir some shit? There's no reason. If your intent was good reading on BDSM, why complain about this place. If all the great posters are there, why care about this forum at all? The fact that you needed to raise KT on this thread shows your true intent in my book.

zipman7, I disregarded the rest of your post since it was mostly just antagonistic. I see no need to further the unpleasantries. Am I doing some great civic duty? Not really. It is a bulletin board. Am I hoping to make it better? Yes. I think the fact is, since I started this thread, you have returned. RisiaSkye has made more posts here than she did in the prior month almost. Never has come in for a few turns. People have started questioning what is really going on. There is less fluff. I will let you be the judge about whether or not I have started the ball rolling in a better direction.

Stir some shit, stir some shit... I could have done much better in that respect trust me. I will leave it at that. About KT. I did not name names, but I felt I had to raise the red flag when RisiaSkye said she (ShadowsDream) was gone for 2 months. I mean, please. She is posting regularly some place else. Let us not pretend. Please do not fall into the hypocritical stance that RisiaSkye has. The "other place" would never have entered into this dicussion if someone had not tried to blow one over on us. I hope you can see that.

Complaining, sarcasm, arrogance, humor, wit... are these not valid forms of commentary. Look back in history. Look at some of the popular comics of the present. This is exactly what my post is about, a commentary on the forum. My intent behind the commentary is change for the better, as is usually the case with commentary. You are right, if I did not care about this place, I would not have bothered with this undertaking at all.

Sorry I have wasted your time so far, but then you could have simply not read the thread I suppose.

Originally posted by MissTaken
Now, as to the issue at hand, I believe this forum is wide open to any translation of BDSM,. Why? Because I have no idea who is in real time relationships or long distance or on line. You all bring your own flavor, insight and color to the forum.

Hear, hear! I concur. I would add, that this forum (IMHO) needs to keep it this way and not be reduced to discussion only one type of BDSM flavor.

Originally posted by WriterDom
I think a major shortcoming of the forum is that BDSM is too broad of a subject for one forum. Take a look at sometime. Their discussion homepage is larger than Lit's. Here everything is thrown in together. What would draw experienced people to this forum when there are better alternatives elsewhere?

Excellent idea. I believe this would draw some people back as well as help newbies find the information they need. Instead of facing one large, broad forum, they would be presented with smaller, more focused chunks. I applaud you for putting more effort into this than anyone else. I apologize for butting heads earlier.

Originally posted by EbonyFire
When you behave as a troll, you get treated as a troll. You should have posted honestly rather that hide behind insult and half truths.

Look in the mirror Samantha. I believe you have the narrow and closed mind. You do not know me, so you are not qualified to comment on the state of my mind.

Post your opinion, but leave the name calling at the door. It just diminishes any credibility you might have had.
It is about shairng information about BDSM.

EbonyFIre, I almost skipped you since most of your messages are just involved with trying to berate me. But I thought I would respond to this one. First, my initial post never insulted anyone, nor did it contain falsehoods. None of my follow-on posts contain falsehoods IMHO either. Insults were actually started by you. I apologize for returning them because it has made you hyper-protective and unwilling to at least try to see what I am trying to do.

Narrow and closed minded? I am sorry, but you are the one that would not even address my concern in the beginning. That is by definition a closed mind. In addition, you stated your believe, rather harshly I might add, and then said you would not waste more time with me. That is by definition narrow minded. I am sorry if you can not see that. I have no need or want to get into a brawl with you EbonyFire. No, I do not know you and I am not qualified to comment on your state of mind. I can only give my opinion from what I read here.

You are correct. The name calling does hurt my credibility. How did it affect your credibility when the second post in this thread is you calling me an asshole? Sorry to hold up the mirror.

Yes, I could not agree more, this forum is about sharing information. I want that too. What I was seeing was a decrease in the sharing of information. I felt a need to comment. Simple as that.

Originally posted by RisiaSkye
Amen to that, Eb. I hear ya. that's the other reason I've gone largely silent. I've already posted much of what I have to say. Some of it literally dozens of times.

So you've learned and shared all you can about BDSM. Color me amazed.

Originally posted by lovetoread
Fluff has always been wrong in a lot of eyes.

Tis no matter if it is here or elsewhere.

People are offended by it.

To some extent I think you are very much correct. I believe some fluff is a necessity. However, excessive fluff, which as been apparent here recently, just annoys people. Excessive fluff just turns this into the BDSM version of the General Board. Again, IMHO.

General Comments:

I will admit, I have learned a lesson. I could have worded my first post much differently. I could have also ignored the initial insults and just addressed my concerns in a concise, non-threatening manner. I will admit I was somewhat put off by the hypocritical comments and I retaliated. Please know my intent was for the good. In my opinion, I see small changes already. I hope this trend continues. At first I thought nobody really cared, but I see that there are still a few that do. I will leave you now, please hold the applause. I see no further need for me to post like this, nor do I think it will help make changes. While I am sure you are all dying to know my identity, anyone you think I am, is "purely" a coincidence.
I have not been here long but .....

This is a very good forum so far .........

To have a place to come to and put in your opinion or enjoy commenting is really nice. And just because it does not roll along at your pace all the time ........ should not indcate that it is broken.

I have been around on the net abit and visited my share of rooms and have been a member of a few communities but many do not last because they think that some thing needs to change.

The problem usually ends up being the one or few that want the change ....... and in most cases it is in some way for thier own gain.

I am but a........ virgin ........(points to the corner up thier )...but
I have enjoyed what I have seen and done here so far. If you want change so much ........ check out MSN .. I think they change something everyday.

Re: Re: This forum

WriterDom said:
I don't think there is a wrong reason for coming here. I have no interest in PBW's ass. He seems like a cool guy to hang out with.

But I can pick and chose what I read.

I think my post had nothing to do with PBW's ass.

Eb<who likes PWs ass nonetheless>
Re: Re: Re: This forum

Ebonyfire said:
I think my post had nothing to do with PBW's ass, but had everything to do with my opinion about this forum.

Eb<who likes PWs ass nonetheless>
Slander, jealousy and personal violation

Edited by RS for content.
Accusations have been made without evidence. Personal flames have been removed.
Last edited by a moderator:
for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

OutsideObserver said:
I will leave you now, please hold the applause. I see no further need for me to post like this, nor do I think it will help make changes. While I am sure you are all dying to know my identity, anyone you think I am, is "purely" a coincidence.
Re: for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

cymbidia said:

I figured it was she after that last post - she highlighted "purely" more than once.

I don't know the history here, nor do I want to, but I had noticed that, at times, she had been given a hard ride here due mostly to her overly academic appraoch to questioning about BDSM, and seeming as if she was studying rather than actively participating in the lifestyle.
Re: Re: for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

Freya2 said:
I figured it was she after that last post - she highlighted "purely" more than once.

I don't know the history here, nor do I want to, but I had noticed that, at times, she had been given a hard ride here due mostly to her overly academic appraoch to questioning about BDSM, and seeming as if she was studying rather than actively participating in the lifestyle.

Is pure a guy or a girl? I thought he was a he.
Re: Re: Re: for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

WriterDom said:
Is pure a guy or a girl? I thought he was a he.

Ya know? I don't know. I thought she was a she, but cymbidia says she's a he, so I'm, as usual, confused.
Re: Re: for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

Freya2 said:
I figured it was she after that last post - she highlighted "purely" more than once.

I don't know the history here, nor do I want to, but I had noticed that, at times, she had been given a hard ride here due mostly to her overly academic appraoch to questioning about BDSM, and seeming as if she was studying rather than actively participating in the lifestyle.

"It" was given a hard ride here cause "it" is a nasty piece of work.
