Companion to the Five in Five

unpredictablebijou said:
Leonine, she stretches her languid arms to
nearly touch mine across the restaurant table.
Uh, wow.

At first read that is, uh, well, good. Very good.

You have an attractive form, Kansassian. ;)
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Saturday Morning

do I have to pick a subject?
can't I just write all the shit in my head
questions....fucking questions
lists of things to do
little snips here and there
list upon list
pile upon pile
days into nights
over and over
full moon, no moon
it changes very little
we just get older every day

saturday midmorning

but sometimes it stops
quiet now,
just breathe...

saturday noon

No more voices.

Saturday afternoon

just the waves on the side of the boat...

Nice to see you started off and running. And the photo is just gorgeous. Do you live near that? Jesus tits indeed!

Angeline said:
Nice to see you started off and running. And the photo is just gorgeous. Do you live near that? Jesus tits indeed!


Yes, it's about an hour away....where we spend all summery weekends. There is a little camp spot, actually I am standing on the camp site to take that picture and we moor the boat just off the beach.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
jesus tits!

I put this in the wrong spot.

Could you cut and paste it into the right spot, just so it doesn't confuse the hungover.

And why not put the photo on photobucket so that it displays with the poem?

Beautiful scene btw. I feel calmer just looking at it.
Hmmnmm (golly i hope i spelled that right)

how very brave of you to be in the 5 in 5 all alone.

I'm liking your work, and can even see shifts already in the way you're treating words and lines, just from the first to the fifth (I've been gone so I just caught up this morning)

Keep up the good work. That last one was particularly evocative. And the first few lines of number 2 do some excellent things with sound.

Yes, Hmmnmm, I like that sweater poem too. It's got a very nice casualness about it, and a surprise finish. Good stuff you've been posting!
Wow, thanks.
Just saw this.
It felt kind of conspicuous, didn't know if I was supposed to wait for another to post.

I'll say this though, which was part of my wonderment: Just the last few days I gravitated slightly back towards a few prosy ideas, and I really think this work with poetry has helped some. I like the way the two can interact and sort of feed the other, like two related but different plants growing next to each other... nah, not that. But something like dat.

Maybe try again in a few days.

hmmnmm said:
Wow, thanks.
Just saw this.
It felt kind of conspicuous, didn't know if I was supposed to wait for another to post.

I'll say this though, which was part of my wonderment: Just the last few days I gravitated slightly back towards a few prosy ideas, and I really think this work with poetry has helped some. I like the way the two can interact and sort of feed the other, like two related but different plants growing next to each other... nah, not that. But something like dat.

Maybe try again in a few days.


I find that to be true as well, sometimes - just turning my attention to some other form can catalyze some piece or idea with which I might have been really struggling, and make it easier, break it loose. Good for you.

I'm back now, and no more traveling for a while. If you decide to do another 5/5, I'll join you so you won't be eating your broccoli all alone.

unpredictablebijou said:
I find that to be true as well, sometimes - just turning my attention to some other form can catalyze some piece or idea with which I might have been really struggling, and make it easier, break it loose. Good for you.

I'm back now, and no more traveling for a while. If you decide to do another 5/5, I'll join you so you won't be eating your broccoli all alone.


I like the 5/5. Good number. 30/30 just looks too insurmountable.
Maybe go for another dip in a few days.
New poet alert

Hey, people! You are missing out if you is skipping new poet PandoraGlitters. She is currently performing nightly at Eluard's Five in Five nightclub in what I must assume is a limited engagement. Luckily she's recorded here and here. Awesome stuff. Go read 'em and tell her how brilliant she is. Like, for me. (I'm telling her with this love-note post.)

Is she alt or is she Memorex? Who knows? She writes so well, I don't effing care.
Tzara said:
Hey, people! You are missing out if you is skipping new poet PandoraGlitters. She is currently performing nightly at Eluard's Five in Five nightclub in what I must assume is a limited engagement. Luckily she's recorded here and here. Awesome stuff. Go read 'em and tell her how brilliant she is. Like, for me. (I'm telling her with this love-note post.)

Is she alt or is she Memorex? Who knows? She writes so well, I don't effing care.

i'm guessing alt. was kinda wondering that myself. And i've been reading too - good stuff.

i'm guessing new. hoping so too.

either way, it's a great start.

welcome Pandora, whoever you are.

unpredictablebijou said:
today's piece was astounding.


He bends to drink
from my belly as from a magnolia,
dew filled and nectar laced,

and as I am consumed, the endings
and beginnings fall away until it is only this
that has ever existed:

his thirst and my small stream.

--- that's the poem -- and i agree. that is terrific.
Shy Smile

Thank you for reading and mentioning my attempts. It has been awhile since I tried to write every day. I've mostly jotted on paper scraps, but it is good motivation to write here if I "owe" a poem, I think. I will take Unpredictablebijou's guess that I am another writer's alternate as a compliment, since I have been impressed by much of the writing around here. I'm just me, though. Again, thanks for your welcome, Tzara, Unpredictablebijou and TheRainMan.