Critics Awards - The rest of us

Here Here Sven.......

Excellent idea.........

And taking that concept one step further. If women just started leaving their breasts exposed, maybe we wouldn't keep trying to get a peek at them.


I remain,
Except that it's the peek that matters. Exposed breasts hold no mystery.

Now if they slid those skirts round so the slit was at the front, well...

Could I be any more

Re: Sort of like dating in high school.......

Thesandman said:
You have someone take the girl out you want to be with, let him buy her all the snacks at the drive in. Show up...beat the shit out of him, prove your manhood, and walla. You take over.

I can't believe I just said that.........

I remain.....(someone else)

Well, I don't think I want THAT to happen. ;)

I do enjoy drive-in theatres though (I assume that is what you are referring to). There is one not too far away from where I live. There are so few of them left.

Ditto this end.......

Ah.....for the good old days. Only one remaining here too. Constantly packed during the summer. Serves as a "swap meet" during the winter.

Fond memories....the number of girls breasts I finally got to touch, (hardly ever seen). Wonder why that was. Hmmmm interesting topic perhaps.

Something about "drive in". Even the title is a little suggestive. :)

And yes again, wouldn't mind reliving some of those experiences now.

Hey......maybe I should buy up the drive in. Wouldn't have to show movies, just sell tickets for people to drive in, park next to one another and simply have some nice romantic car-sex.

Any takers?

I remain,

Gee.......Maybe I could write a story about that!
I always get the *look* when I tell someone I went to the drive-in. Usually the *look* was well deserved. ;)

There is something very romantic about a drive-in. The one my fiancee and I go to is always packed, unless the weather is bad. The atmosphere is so different. There are people of all ages there. The one close to us stays open from about Feb to Nov. Usually they play first run movies as double features. I can't always tell you what the movies were about afterwards though. :eek:

Re: Sort of like dating in high school.......

Thesandman said:
"If you don't have a first half to a date, how do you know if you will even want a second half?

Pookie "

You have someone take the girl out you want to be with, let him buy her all the snacks at the drive in. Show up...beat the shit out of him, prove your manhood, and walla. You take over.

I can't believe I just said that.........

I remain.....(someone else)

Sandy... That's cheating... (course I was always the ass kickee not the ass kicker...)

And svenska... the reason the ass kickee never get the girl is usually because of the blood coming from his nose... Makes for a really yucky kiss...

Pookiegirl... what would you pay for a can of window fogging spray... so you wouldn't have to fog those windows yourself... or you could take a little better advantage of the fog?

Re: Re: Sort of like dating in high school.......

Just_John1 said:
Pookiegirl... what would you pay for a can of window fogging spray... so you wouldn't have to fog those windows yourself... or you could take a little better advantage of the fog?


I wouldn't want a can of window fogging spray. It would take some of the fun out of it! ;)

Would you prefer to go skiing on "natural" or "machine made" snow? :eek:

Pookie :rose:
Re: Re: Sort of like dating in high school.......

Just_John1 said:
And svenska... the reason the ass kickee never get the girl is usually because of the blood coming from his nose... Makes for a really yucky kiss...


On the other hand... I'd rather go for the bleeding guy that is no good at fighting, than the guy who causes bleeding - who says he won't make me bleed, too, if he doesn't approve of something I do?
D Fiant

There's a thread on here entitled "Where's D Fiant." I just want to go on record as denying I have anything to do with it. I've never heard of D Fiant, do you hear me? Never! Never!

Just wait until I get back down to the basement. I'll show him.

Highly Insulted,
it doesn't take long....

I am gone for one day and this thread wanders out into the hinterlands.....

*struggling to maintain maternal tone of voice as bikini shifts*

:rose: b

Bringing things back into perspective. were saying about bikini's?


I remain,
and the rose goes to....

The rose for a story that has forever changed my perspective on puff pastry goes to The Sandman for Valerie Valentine .

Sandman... you have forever altered the thoughts that will run through my mind when I bite into a cream puff. :rose:

:rose: b

I feel honored Bridget, and graciously accept this this token of your esteem. :D

Admittedly, the curiosity of wondering what that might feel like while standing in line at the bakery, reveling in all the delicious aroma's wafting at me from the trays of various 'cream-filled' delights filled my head with wonder.

That....and the sexy girl behind the counter with a dab of cream on the side of her cheek perhaps.

I remain,
Re: it doesn't take long....

bridgetkeeney said:
I am gone for one day and this thread wanders out into the hinterlands.....
:rose: b

Dear BKeeney,
Thank God you're back. When you're gone, things just go all to hell around here. We're so lucky to have you as a steadying influence. I'm glad you're back to restore some order to this chaotic thread. Without you, it's anarchy, and that's on a good day.
Diane the Relieved
Bridget, my apologies.

I lost track of this thread and was unaware that you had given me an award much better than the one I nominated myself for. So, thank you.

doc, I kind of like the title my 11th or 12th time, I can' remember...

Makes me think of the people who take recreational Viagra after drinking all night. (Yes, that really happens)
what do you think I do all day... just lie around in bed?

The rose for the story best describing why should not take over the book sales of the world goes to Cookiejar for Bookstore Voyeur .

Cookiejar- I need to get one of those library ladders I think... :rose:

:rose: b
Now why didn't I think of this?:

Makes me think of the people who take recreational Viagra after drinking all night. (Yes, that really happens)


The rose for the story that actually had me say "Awwwwww" and smile as I finished reading it goes to Dirt Man for St Valentine's Day Gift .

DM- Very sweet and very romantic story. I could really feel his earnestness. Well done! :rose:

:rose: b
A rose by any other Award...

Thanks Bridget, it's probably the only award I'll ever get here at literotica. Glad you were one of the three people to read it. LOL Just kidding. Only story other than my STNG stories that grossed under 20, 000 views in a week.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Bridget... there are worthy authors here at the hangout that haven't received their awards! I know you've been off your feet, but it's time you got back to work! ;)

Pookie :rose:
Back to work!

Yeah, Bridget. It's time to get back to work.

We want Bridget
We want Bridget
We want Bridget

Similes and Metaphors

The rose award for the best simile in a story goes to jfinn for Amy's Smile ch1.


"But she was as dull as the finish on my old Mazda" is too perfect! I am eagerly chomping my way through the whole series. :rose:

:rose: b

Great line..........

"But she was as dull as the finish on my old Mazda"

Thanks for doing this Bridget......some wonderfully delightful stories coming out of this.

I'm now looking at this thread as the "best sellers" list for my selected reading!

I remain,