Critics Choice - Round 3

Sorry NWR, you are now officially a judge. Diane, go for it. It's reading a few stories (One at present) and marking htem out of ten. Come on.

Speaking of which: we need more stories. We have four and a half judges and one story.

The Earl (who is now going to bed)

As I submitted a story for the Feb award I will accordingly offer to be a judge for the March award.

I have given feedback although it is neither as perceptive nor as analytical as that of some of the authors here.

Alex De Kok said:
Flicka, with a title like that I'd be tempted to read your story in any event. And roll on The Order of the Phoenix!

Roll on as in a compliment or roll on as in "update, damned!"?

I TRIED to post a script in my sig line, that would put an automatic counter, counting down the days, hours, minutes AND seconds to the release of OP, but it didn't work, it just came up blank. Until scripts become acceptable in sigs, I'll just have to update my sig every day. I do so every night, but due to time differences, sometimes I get behind.

Please, don't hate me. :rose:
Idiomatic English - beware!

Roll on as in a compliment or roll on as in "update, damned!"?

Roll on as in "Please let the time pass as quickly as possible without me missing anything interesting (to me, that is!) that happens in the meantime."

Will that do?

What the heck, I'll pony up. If it's stories you need, it's stories I got.

I'm a bit leery of putting this one up because of its length, but I think it's my best story and it isn't part of a series, so let's give it a shot. It's called "My Twin Loves". My best story, and my worst-titled one. Sorry.

Here's the link:
Hey, great! I'm in!
Okay, so what happens now?
How many stories do we need?
Sorry, it's my first time Mr, Earl sir...

But I'm keen!:eek:
Size, again

christo said:
I'm a bit leery of putting this one up because of its length,

Hey, Svenska,
Here it comes again. Someone bragging about size.
I nominate ...........

Oh, what the hell. I'll nominate something I wrote for a second place award in the humor and satire division.

"Frieda the Cat"

If any judge reads it, please ignore the fact that the first third is all in italics. I didn't write it that way, but I can't change it.
Last edited:
Judges: English Lady, Alex de Kok, Chicklet, NorthwestRain, Octavian
Stories so far: SF's, JJ1's, Christo's and Just-Legal's

We now have 5 judges and 4 stories which is technically enough to start the comp. I will add one of my stories if there are no complaints of nest-feathering:I've judged the last two and haven't had a chance to submit yet. Anyone think I shouldn't be allowed to, speak now.

I'll give people until Sunday to propose judges or stories and then I'll start the competition thread.

English Lady: So sorry, but the nomination of a story has to be by the author. It's just to prevent innocent bystanders from getting burned.

The Earl
I nominate .............

TheEarl said:
Judges: English Lady, Alex de Kok, Chicklet, NorthwestRain, Octavian
Stories so far: SF's, JJ1's, Christo's and Just-Legal's

We now have 5 judges and 4 stories which is technically enough to start the comp.
The Earl

Dear Earl,
Make the five (5) stories. See above.

I have two college degrees and almost a third, but it's taken me WEEKS to figure out how to put a stupid URL in a message.

Hooray for MEEEEE!!

Diane the Shy and Modest
I thought that was round one? I thought we could nominate ANY story? Ok I am sorry if I am blowing this out of proportion, but surely this then IS turning into just some elitest Authors hangout way of giving ourselves a pat on the back? Which I thought was what we didn't want.

We nominated our own stories in round one, so we could iron out the wrinkles, then in round two we could nominate other authors work. I thought that was to continue.

I am sorry but I willl seriously have to reconsider being a judge if this is how it is going to go.

Unless you can show me some form of information that can be seen by ANY author(not just people who come here and look in this thread) I will have to reconsider.

And even then I don't like the idea that its only the Author who can nominate his/her own work. I know Iwould never have volunteered my own story for judging if it hadn't just have been the round 1 trial run!

I really am sorry to upset the apple cart,but i need some clarification.
English Lady: Anyone can nominate a story - it doesn't have to be a judge. Anyoen can Pm me or post her and say "Please include my story." Links to this thread are now in the Feedback forum and the SDC to increase the readership.

I htink the rules are pretty much dependent on who was stupid enough to volunteer to be chairman. IMHO I think it'd be unfair to volunteer another person's story without their permission, cause they could get hurt and stuff. Just a matter of opinion.

Unfortunately this always will be an elitist award, despite our best efforts. The only people who will know about it will have had to come to the forums, which wipes out 80% of Lit's author pop in a stroke. I have tried ot broaden the award by placing links and infor in the Feedback forum and the SDC and by requiring judges to be seconded (which didn't actually work that well. "I'll volunteer", "Yeah I'll second you" D'oh). Unfortunately I can't think of anything more to spread it without the chance of hurting another author.

Any suggestions would be appreciated htough. This award is always evolving.

The Earl
Sorry Earl but i don't personally think thats fair. I informed the person who I put forward that I'd put forward their story and they didn't mind.

Last round deliciously Naughty contacted all authors who's writing was put forward to check they were ok with it. I think that is a fairer way of doing things. If an author then comes back and says "no thanks, I don't want to be included" there story is simply taken out of the judging. It means we as critics can put forward any story we think worthy and it also doesn't limit the entrants to just those who use the boards.

If this self nomination rule is to stand then I shall step down from this round as a judge.
I informed the person who I put forward that I'd put forward their story and they didn't mind.

Ah, well that's alright then. If you can get the person to PM me to say it's okay, then no problem. It's just that I didn't want innocent bystanders getting hurt.

The Earl
Re: Size, again

MathGirl said:
Hey, Svenska,
Here it comes again. Someone bragging about size.

As long as they can proove it, I have no problem with someone bragging about sizes...:D