Critics Choice - Round 3

Well i can try, not sure if the athor uses the boards though.

Still maybe you should think of PMing/emailing everyone who's story has been nominated letting them know it has and when the results will be available.
Story nominations


I don't want to be out of order (I'm not out of order YOU'RE out of order... sorry couldn't help it, I loved that movie) but what I think we decided while we were struggling through the first CCA was that we could nominate any stories. We made the decision (with Killermuffins help I think) that if someone was willing to put their story up for public reading and welcome public comment then they are subject to any review anyone is willing to provide.

My feeling (IMHO) is that nominations of others' work should be accepted and actually should be the norm as opposed to the exception. It should give the author who's work is nominated a nice compliment that their work caught enough attention to be reviewed and nominated. Getting permission from the author is the cherry on the cake so to speak. If I'm not mistaken that's what this was intended to do in the first place. To review, and judge against their peers, work that stood out but didn't win the monthly reader's choice awards.

Just some thoughts for you oh grand master of ceremony... LOL

We really do appreciate your effort Earl. This is not an easy job.

Just_john1 I remember that same instance too, I remember that we had lots of discussion on the subject in those early stages.maybe we should look back to that original thread and see what we decisions were made in it

And TheEarl,I stand by my guns on this one, if self nomination is standing, I will stand down as judge.

Nothing personal mate, you've took on the respnsibility of this round and I admire you for that, but basically i'd notwant to judge and therefore wouldn't do my best job if i carried on whilst in disagreement with this rounds rules.
Re: Sheeeesh

MathGirl said:

Ok, I got the ROLFMAO part but the MEM was new to me... Care to interpret...

JJ1 the admonished for using acronyms.
Re: Re: Sheeeesh

Just_John1 said:
Ok, I got the ROLFMAO part but the MEM was new to me... Care to interpret...

JJ1 the admonished for using acronyms.


I thought that was an accredited acronym. Well, it should be.
Re: Re: Re: Sheeeesh

MathGirl said:

I thought that was an accredited acronym. Well, it should be.

I'll second your nomination of the ear wax thing... Just because I like your AV...

JJ1 The admonished for using acronyms but also the admiring...
Okay, okay. English Lady, you're right in principle, but it would be something of a mare to organise having it so that people nominate and then the chairman has to e-mail all to ask their permission.

But okay, sure why not. You've got a valid point and abusing the chairman into changing the format of the award is somehting of a tradition. Plus nitelite just e-mailed me to say she gives permission.

Judges: English Lady, Alex de Kok, Chicklet, NorthwestRain, Octavian
Stories so far: SF's, JJ1's, Christo's, Just-Legal's, Mathgirl's, DN's, nitelite's, The Earl's (providing no-one complains)

We have two spaces left. If anyone wants to nominate one of their stories, or indeed someone else's story, then hurry, hurry, hurry. While stocks last.

Who's going to be stupid enough to volunteer for moderating round four then?

The Earl

Well, when is the competition or whatever it is going to begin? It seems to me that WAJSAHWOCTUOCA. As I always say, TJNAGTTDGDIOWSOL
Deadline is Wednesday night for submissions (English time). Then I'll post the actual comp thread and PM all the judges.

The Earl
Diane, sweet moon-huntress, if you want me to understand you, you're gonna have to use real words.:p
Someone has to be last, might as well be me

TheEarl said:
We have two spaces left. If anyone wants to nominate one of their stories, or indeed someone else's story, then hurry, hurry, hurry. While stocks last.

The Earl

Ok then, I never thought I'd do this but Across the Street is one of my stories from last year. If it qualifies count it as an entry.

In round 2, if you nominated someone elses work, it was the nominees responsibility to inform the author and to let me know that they had recieved permission. In one or two cases I pm'd the author, but in general I had the person who did the nominating do the pm'ing.
If no one objects I'd like to throw my hat into the ring as a judge for this one. Anyone willing to second a shaggy wolf from the antipodes?
Hey Earl I have a question.

In the second round there was mention made of the winner recieving a Blue 'C', along the lines of the 'H' and 'E' symbols, next to the story as recognition of the award. I was wondering if this coulod be straightened out for the winner of this round. After all aside from the regognition here there is no mention made anywhere else that the author has penned a winning story. It doesn't appear on the Contest Forum or anywhere else that I could find.

Just something to think about.
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Dear Kiwi,

I couldn't help notice your motto, or whatever you call it, above your avathingie.

Exactly how is a Hobbit hung? By the ears, perhaps?

Diane the Inquisitive
Re: Hobbit

MathGirl said:
Dear Kiwi,

I couldn't help notice your motto, or whatever you call it, above your avathingie.

Exactly how is a Hobbit hung? By the ears, perhaps?

Diane the Inquisitive

Diane have you ever seen the feet on those little suckers??? Let your imagination run riot hon.:D