Dear X,

Dear Mickey,

I simply do not have the heart to give you a "thumbs down" when that song plays on Pandora. Each time it plays I just resign myself to listening all the way through out of respect for you.

Dear Rainsome One,

Don't let little, stupid people break your happiness.


Dear Saucy,

A Minx by any other name could never be the same.

Welcome back, you were missed. Some feared you were eaten by the latest feline taken under your wing.

Dear Saucy,

A Minx by any other name could never be the same.

Welcome back, you were missed. Some feared you were eaten by the latest feline taken under your wing.

Thanks dear E.

Nah, she is easily as saucy as I am though the little punk. She has taken to stealing dryer sheets, underwear, and wire ties and hiding them under my bed. She also likes to sneak attack your feet from under there too, when you are on the way past. I totally adore her.

My happy is just a little tarnished at the moment. I will be my ebullient self soon enough--I hope. (And yes, that is my forearm, but no, not a new authentic tat--it was the temporary one I wore during the Color Run in Hershey.)

I do appreciate the messages that I've been missed from Miss RS and the Nipster too. :rose:
Dear X

I fucking hate you, or at least I do in this moment. I can't wait till this is over and I never have to see you again. I want as little to do with you as possible. You are not worth it. You are not worth any of my time. You don't even deserve my anger.
Dear X,

That thread has nothing at all to do with you. It is for me, just using that handle for anonymity. (Pseudonymity??)

Dear X,

It's been nearly 3 weeks. Still missing you. Wish you would let me know you're okay. Just a single word would do.

Dear X,

One word, one letter, one line, and I'll feel a whole lot better.

Dear Australia,

We do not want your shit.


*sends talentless (yet nice) arse back to Australia*

I'll take another Australian please.



Dear Rest Of The World,

For the love of baby Buddha, take this game of soccer back away from the sweet USA. I'm so tired of seeing people in America pretend to give a fuck about a game that no one here REALLY cares about.

It's like the US started dating Brazil and we feel pressure to like the sport? I'm not sure.

But here you go rest of the world. *gives back the game of soccer*


Dear Rest Of The World,

For the love of baby Buddha, take this game of soccer back away from the sweet USA. I'm so tired of seeing people in America pretend to give a fuck about a game that no one here REALLY cares about.

It's like the US started dating Brazil and we feel pressure to like the sport? I'm not sure.

But here you go rest of the world. *gives back the game of soccer*



Dear Pmann,

You are so spot on! Can't stop laughing here.

We are obnoxious every four years aren't we?


Proud but honest American

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Dear Rest Of The World,

For the love of baby Buddha, take this game of soccer back away from the sweet USA. I'm so tired of seeing people in America pretend to give a fuck about a game that no one here REALLY cares about.

It's like the US started dating Brazil and we feel pressure to like the sport? I'm not sure.

But here you go rest of the world. *gives back the game of soccer*



Dear pmann,

She's your punishment for Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Nickleback, and every other moronic American "musician" we put up with.

Harden the fuck up, Stefan.


Nickelback are actually Canadian.... but happy for them to be in Rain's suck pack.
Dear colleague,
thanks for giving me another chance, let's hope the other one will come around soon.
p.s. I hope you're alright, you looked like shit when you left