Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

Name: William Traves

Nickname: Bill, Chief

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 185

Hair Color: Jet black.

Eye Color: Real eye (right): Brown. Cybernetic Eye (left): Ice Blue

Written Description: Bill physical attributes can be described as many straight lines and angles. His black hair is cropped short in a flat top which accentuates the overall square look of his head ending with his sharp jaw and square chin which is shaved clean. A thick neck leads to broad shoulders; he is well built though definition has faded being five years removed from service and 2 years of cryosleep. His skin is lightly tanned from his half Asian/Caucasian heritage.

The most noticeable feature aside from his multicolored eyes would be the scar that runs from his left eye socket to his temple when the socket was rebuilt. It is a thick scar line that ends in a circle at the temple.

Brief Background: Bill grew up in a small town in East Texas. Joining the Colonial Navy at the age of 18, he eventually obtained the rank of Chief Petty Officer by the end of his service. He was medically discharged at the age of 30 when a live fire training exercise took out his left eye. Tired of military life and without the funds for a military grade implant, Bill sought out Oracle Corporation for a career change. In exchange for the optical implant, he signed a 10 year contract with them and was trained as a helmsman in their fleet. After 3 years of service at the helm of small shuttles, he was placed on board the Odysseus as his first major assignment; it was a quick way to take 2 years off the contract without much work even if he didn't know what he was getting into.

Occupation: Helmsman

Personality: Lacking subtly, Bill is blunt with his words and actions. He is calm, collected and often singularly focused on completing the task at hand, sometimes to his detriment. People might think he's a stick in the mud because of his dour demeanor when in the company of people whom he should 'behave' around. Though a few curses and jeers usually does the trick to open up his sarcastic personality. He is realistic in expectations, but he doesn't give up despite what might be a grim outlook.

In private, he can be caring and compassionate as he's used to providing an ear to the enlisted men underneath him. But he doesn't beat around the bush and says what needs to be said even if it's abrasive. He's protective of the people close to him if they make the effort to get past the cool exterior.

He prefers the simple life and strives to keep it uncomplicated by doing what is required of him and fleeing from drama. Despite putting his military background behind him, he seeks out order and stability where he previously thrived. While not being one to ask for more work, he has no qualms in doing what is asked of him though that's bound to elicit more than just grumbles.

Likes: People who do their jobs, women (especially leggy women), sex, eating (preferably meat), order, a job well done

Dislikes: People who don't do their job, people who question his loyalty, people who can't accept the consequences of their actions, deception, chaos

Talents: Spatial awareness, navigation/maps, Judo.

Psychological Quirks: Chaotic situations causes him to rub his scar.


Ocular Implant - The basic function of the implant provides 20/20 vision in a manner that is indistinguishable from normal human sight. It also stores the last 48 hours of visual data. External access to the implant is available at the base of his neck. Two small circular metal disks on each side of his spine with a hole in each center. The left port provides access to the historical data while the right provides access to his current visual data stream. Bill cannot access the historical data without using the external port.

Alien Encounter: B, C, D, E

Dos: Foreplay, flirtation, dirty talk, rough sex, group, anal, oral, cumplay, toys, clothed sex, public sex, light bondage, sex in many positions

Don'ts: Guy on guy, scat, bloodplay
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Spectacles and Story when you finish making edits to your profiles can you repost your profiles as the final draft for me? It helps me better keep track of the new product, and also allows me to see who actually made the changes versus who didn't. Because if I got to find replacements for inactive people and that helps me make judgments.

I've been updating my first post so you might have to check one of your posts that quoted it if you want something to diff against. Let me know if it's approved and I'll throw up an intro/mess hall combined post.
Name: Benjamin Blackburn
Nickname: Ben
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue-green
Visual Description:

Written Description: Ben's tall. A tall, lanky fellow. Nothing sticks to him. He simply doesn't gain weight. He's lean. Rippling with toned muscle. His frame has broad shoulders and culminates in narrow hips and long legs. His eyes are blue. The blue of the sea, flashing between blue and green depending on the light. They're kind eyes. Compassion is never far from them. His lips form subtle smiles and fun-loving grins that deepen the dimple in his cheek. Stubble casts a shadow over his cheeks, leaving them sandpaper-rough. He wears thick-rimmed, black glasses on his narrow nose, a throwback to earlier times before cybernetic replacement body parts. His short hair is wavy and dark, the black a sharp contrast to his fair skin.

Occupation: Medic

Personality: Ben's a nice guy. Mostly. He is a bit of an asshole if crossed. Otherwise, he's fairly laid-back. Friendly, even. He's not talkative by any means and prefers to listen before speaking. But his comments, when he makes them, are off-color and often sexually tinted. His language is peppered with the frequent use of “fuck”, and he takes pleasure in using it as a verb, noun, and adjective, sometimes all within one sentence.

He has an aversion to technology that replaces human anatomy. His glasses are a technology that's millennia old, and he prefers them by far to any form of fake eyes. But the heart beating within his chest is mechanical. He had no say in the matter and likes to wryly comment that it torments him like “The Tell-Tale Heart” of old American literature.

He's a flirt. Nothing pleases him quite like putting a smile on a pair of pretty lips. But fucking ranks pretty damn high. He just gets on better with women in general, even when he's not trying to bed them.

Likes: Women, flirting, sex, rum and coke, hard hitting rock music, spicy food

Dislikes: Intoxication to the point of insobriety, overly loud people, insects, religion

Talents: He's calm under pressure. Doesn't panic. His mind stays as steady as his mechanical heartbeat.

Psychological Quirks: He has this fear of death. Not his own. He fears the moment breath leaves someone's body. That instant when everything changes, and there's no going back to that time just a minute before when they were breathing and alive.

Brief Background: Ben's from Asheville, North Carolina. Following high school, he trained and worked as a paramedic. The irony? His co-workers were the first responders the night he lost his heart. But that tree leaped out of nowhere.

He woke up days later with a new heart. Something mechanical deep within him. It motivated him to strive all the harder to save lives when he returned to work, to try and keep others from needing replacement organs.

The manufacturer of his heart, Oracle, contacted him about a job, and he took it for the promise of a higher pay than that of a typical paramedic.


BioTech Shock Glove: The glove snugly fits on any hand due to miniscule sensors within the fabric that react to body heat. The main device of the glove rests in the palm, forming a raised starburst pattern when activated by a light tap. Its function is to deliver a shock directly to a patient's heart. Quantity: 1

Biotage Compress: Nicknamed “The Leech” by Ben, the compress actively sucks up blood when applied to an open wound and stretches to cover that wound. The black material will even wiggle about as if alive, as if hungry for more blood. Quantity: 3

Alien Encounter: B, C, E
Dos: Foreplay, kissing, flirting, biting, oral (both giving and receiving), anal, spanking, bondage, rough sex, light hair-pulling, groping, and gentle sex
Donts: The usual. No toilet-play, bestiality, or ageplay.
If you need anyone else or would welcome a fresh face, please let me know. I am up for playing either a male or female character (even though I am a female).
I can't wait to see what's coming up. I mean, I guess we're gonna have a party. Slow build up, ya'll. Slooooooow! But good things are worth waiting for, yah? =D
Spectacles and Story both of your characters are approved. You have my permission to write posts before I start the third round. I think we're still waiting on babyblueeyes to get something up as well.

elvenjodi: We need another Helmsman and we need a Captain. So whatever role you fancy.
We're doing pretty well with the male and female ratio.

Currently it's:

6 females and 5 males.

Not bad. I won't be accepting any other roles besides Captain and Helmsman.
I'm going to say it one more time because ignorance is not an excuse when there is a full-ship description on the first post of the IC.

The SHOWERS are COMMUNAL. Nobody has a private shower (except The Director). Nobody.

The only thing in your room is a toilet, sink, and bath tub.

So if you want SHOWERS then you need to walk a short distance.
Gah! I read them over and read bathroom in quarters. Assumed that meant tub & shower. I have to go edit my post.
I think I like it better that the showers are separated.

Still waiting for a few more posts before I take another crack at it. Although, if everyone's in the Mell Hall now, I hope the briefing will be soon. :)
Briefing better happen soon! I want to actually, ya know, interact with people. =P Though, I am planning on making a holographic Slimer to be our resident mascot. Now... how to program it so it can fly around and "pass" through people, leaving a tingly cool feeling sans slime?
We're waiting on one person to post at this point, and then my next post will be the briefing to move us along.
I'll be getting the brief up tomorrow. This post may be the last post I post for awhile. I don't know what the Texas situation is going to be like, but I can inform you all about it Thursday after I get there and settled in. Who knows how long that'll take. But that's what smart phones are for. :)
I know I've lagged this week between a busy schedule and lacking words I was at a stand still. I will get post up today... with any luck shortly.
Fooooood Fiiiiight!! :D

Just kidding...

I've been itching to yell that. :eek: