Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

LoL! Veggies? Is this the consensus?

I need to write today... but first work must be accomplished.
Eh, does anyone actually know what that crap is? Maybe one of the Docs can study it to see what the components are. =P

It's probably artificial food coloring to make an otherwise formless goo look appealing. hahhahah
Mystery goo fortified with vitamins designed to replenish the body after a long comatose sleep. Please ignore the lack of flavor and it is best washed down with water for effective hydration.
I think your character should say something along those lines. Though, perhaps, to make it at all appealing, most would rather toss down unaltered, undiluted alcohol instead.

What's the deal with coffee? Doesn't it exist?!?!
Hey! Like I said, just because Bry got slopped with the gooey broccoli, doesn't mean everyone else has to. Apparently, if you're a hot guy, Rita will get you chicken sandwiches.

Ask the other doctor where she got the coffee! That will probably be the first thing to run out.
Heh... I could probably work that into my post.

There must be coffee or at least tea! If no limits were technically set then why not. It's our playground to an extent. ...yes?

SoB-- But the green goo is so much fun! Sofia has a few thoughts on the substance.
Never fear! Dev has brought tea with her stuff and she'll definitely work on a food synthesizer. Hahahah!

No one is impressed with the so called chicken sandwich! Not even Victor! :D
I was out with friends all day lol. So, I'm just now sitting on my ass and able to read up on this. babyblueeyes, yes you can post whenever you like. I got some PMs to respond to before I crash asleep. Getting up at 0400 blows, but eh, you get used to it.
Name: William Traves

Nickname: Bill, Chief

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 185

Hair Color: Jet black.

Eye Color: Real eye (right): Brown. Cybernetic Eye (left): Ice Blue

Written Description: Bill physical attributes can be described as many straight lines and angles. His black hair is cropped short in a flat top which accentuates the overall square look of his head ending with his sharp jaw and square chin which is shaved clean. A thick neck leads to broad shoulders; he is well built though definition has faded being five years removed from service and 2 years of cryosleep. His skin is lightly tanned from his half Asian/Caucasian heritage.

The most noticeable feature aside from his multicolored eyes would be the scar that runs from his left eye socket to his temple when the socket was rebuilt. It is a thick scar line that ends in a circle at the temple.

Brief Background: Bill grew up in a small town in East Texas. Joining the Colonial Navy at the age of 18, he eventually obtained the rank of Chief Petty Officer by the end of his service. He was medically discharged at the age of 30 when a live fire training exercise took out his left eye. Tired of military life and without the funds for a military grade implant, Bill sought out Oracle Corporation for a career change. In exchange for the optical implant, he signed a 10 year contract with them and was trained as a helmsman in their fleet. After 3 years of service at the helm of small shuttles, he was placed on board the Odysseus as his first major assignment; it was a quick way to take 2 years off the contract without much work even if he didn't know what he was getting into.

Occupation: Helmsman

Personality: Lacking subtly, Bill is blunt with his words and actions. He is calm, collected and often singularly focused on completing the task at hand. People might think he's a stick in the mud because of his dour demeanor. He is realistic in expectations, but he doesn't give up despite what might be a grim outlook.

In private, he can be caring and compassionate as he's used to providing an ear to the enlisted men underneath him. But he doesn't beat around the bush and says what needs to be said even if it's abrasive. He's protective of the people close to him if they make the effort to get past the cool exterior.

He prefers the simple life and strives to keep it uncomplicated by doing what is required of him and fleeing from drama. Despite putting his military background behind him, he seeks out order and stability where he previously thrived. While not being one to ask for more work, he has no qualms in doing what is asked of him.

Likes: People who do their jobs, women (especially leggy women), sex, meat, order, a job well done

Dislikes: People who don't do their job, people who question his loyalty, people who can't accept the consequences of their actions, deception, chaos

Talents: Spatial awareness, navigation/maps, Judo.

Psychological Quirks: Chaotic situations causes him to rub his scar.


Aeronautical Ocular Implant - The ocular implant provides interaction with the navigation system on Oracle Corporation vessels. While seemingly redundant with the helmsman console, it allows him to process information quicker than usual as it bypasses the visual step. He can access navigation information possessed by the AI of the ship, ranging from ship layout to stellar maps, anywhere on board the ship. It also provides 20/20 vision without any extra visual enhancements.

Alien Encounter: B, C, D, E

Dos: Foreplay, flirtation, dirty talk, rough sex, group, anal, oral, cumplay, toys, clothed sex, public sex, light bondage, sex in many positions

Don'ts: Guy on guy, scat, bloodplay

I can't allow the implant with those abilities. I already had a player send me a Captain application with the exact same idea (no lie, eye and everything), and I shut her down. Same to you, I won't allow it.
I can't allow the implant with those abilities. I already had a player send me a Captain application with the exact same idea (no lie, eye and everything), and I shut her down. Same to you, I won't allow it.

I've updated it with the following text.

Ocular Implant - The basic function of the implant provides 20/20 vision in a manner that is indistinguishable from normal human sight. It also stores the last 48 hours of visual data. External access to the implant is available at the base of his neck. Two small circular metal disks on each side of his spine with a hole in each center. The left port provides access to the historical data while the right process access to his current visual data stream.
I've updated it with the following text.

Ocular Implant - The basic function of the implant provides 20/20 vision in a manner that is indistinguishable from normal human sight. It also stores the last 48 hours of visual data. External access to the implant is available at the base of his neck. Two small circular metal disks on each side of his spine with a hole in each center. The left port provides access to the historical data while the right process access to his current visual data stream.

That sounds very interesting. I accept it. Just add it and I'll put him up when I get home. Sorry for my lack of communication. I got a four day weekend and I have been spending it with my buddies before I change stations Thursday.

Do engineers also use the Lab to work in? Seems like it would be a bit crowded that way? I would guess that there's an engineer work room on the first floor.

Do engineers also use the Lab to work in? Seems like it would be a bit crowded that way? I would guess that there's an engineer work room on the first floor.

If you invent one, then there will be one.

Spectacles and Story when you finish making edits to your profiles can you repost your profiles as the final draft for me? It helps me better keep track of the new product, and also allows me to see who actually made the changes versus who didn't. Because if I got to find replacements for inactive people and that helps me make judgments.

As of right now, we have a surplus on women! It's never a bad thing. :p

But if Spectacles is still in the game, we have one Helmsman, and honestly, since BRIGHTWELL hasn't made an effort to correct his post, I'm really just about ready to get rid of him. So we're going to need a second Helmsman. I'm going to recruit some old interest.

And of course, finally, we need a Captain. If we don't get a captain soon, then I'm going to make her/him a GM position. Worst case scenario, certain position can be filled with NPCs, but I try to keep the gender levels balanced.

We're going to be out of the slump soon but so far a good pace for everyone seems like, to do each round as a 7 day period. If you don't post within 7 days, then I'll keep pushing the round along. If you find that hard to keep up with, then yeah, maybe your life needs to be your priority.

If someone doesn't post for 14 days, then I'll simply mark them inactive, and we'll keep cycling interest in here.
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Name: Aaron
Nickname: (Optional; does your character have a nickname or preferred nickname?)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: 138
Hair Color:black
Eye Color: Red (dyed)
Visual Description: (Optional; you add a picture here, but if you can’t find one that matches what you envision, then I expect a very detailed written description to give a basic idea of what your character looks like.)
Written Description: (If your character has more details than what the picture describes such as tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, etc. You
Occupation: Engineer (training)
Personality: Bright allways smiling
Likes: Respect, beutiful women, electronics
Talents: Can quickly disable any lock, fighting
Dude, read the rules and be patient. there's no way you'll be let in with that profile. Put some meat on that character.
I think they are trying to play in here...

Can you dye your eye color? That's a new one on me.
Obviously the cybernetic orbs aren't cool enough. Maybe someone should get strobe light artificial eyeballs. They'll be great at the Christmas party! Maybe someone will strip dance!
oh awesome idea. Kat will set her eyes to strobe and then we can all rock out. There's stripper poles in the break room, right? Next to the work out gear.

Untz Untz untz
I'm an engineer. I'm sure I can rig up a stripper pole! It'll be awesome! I'll even pull out the Human size circus hoop and do a hoop dance!

I'm sure someone can play awesome music to go with our pole, hoop and your snazzy strobe lights!
I'm an engineer. I'm sure I can rig up a stripper pole! It'll be awesome! I'll even pull out the Human size circus hoop and do a hoop dance!

I'm sure someone can play awesome music to go with our pole, hoop and your snazzy strobe lights!

Well considering how the last thread went it devolved pretty quick at the party into madness. The one thing you can be sure of is the ship is pretty awesomely stocked with booze. Or was...but what kind of party would it be without it?