Do you honestly like women?

Re: no no no no no

bridgetkeeney said:

You must not be catching Oprah!, dear.

Good old Chicago Policed Dept. violent crimes specialist spent quite a bit of time emphasizing that rapists are looking for easy victims. Easy is the important word.

When approached or uncomfortable a woman is supposed to be loud and difficult.. okay, I don't have to work at that part...

cherrylips_au said:
After reading throught the thread lots of points have been made, some relevant some not.

I would like to add on the rapist part that they don't only go after young pretty women, what about older women even grandmothers that are raped or children and young teenagers or men?

No one can say how a rapists mind works as different things make them do it but basically it still comes down to the power and control over their victim.

Reclaiming the words slut, whore, and bitch doesn't appeal to me as I would never feel comfortable be called that by a complete stranger, you don't know exactly what context they are meaning it. Also I wouldn't feel comfortable about anyone calling my daughters those names.

Back to the orginal question, do authors who use those words hate women? Only the author can answer that but do we always have to like characters we write about?
If we are writing about a rapist or a murderer or racist it doesn't mean we like them or anything that character does. It just means that person (not the author) has evolved into that character for their part of the story.

I'm a female chauvanist pig. I think that woman are superior to men in just about every way. I use those words in my stories. A lot.
Svenskaflicka said:
bridgeburner, I don't think that reading a rape story will automatically make someone want to go out and rape someone. But I DO think that reading tons of stories where women are insulted, degraded, hurt, raped, or used sexually, desensitizes a person, so that next time he hears someone saying "yo, bitch, where's my pen?", he won't question the choice of words, and next time he hears about a woman getting raped, he'll shrug his shoulders and think that it's not such a big deal.:(

We are desensitezed already. If men where raped at the rate that women are, there would probably be a lot more dead rapists, and a lot fewer repeat offenders. Those that did survive would recieve a lot longer sentences. (you'd be shocked, how a man can mollest his step-daughter for years and end up serving months after admiting to his crime and pleading guilty.)

I right non-consent, because I have non-consent fantasies. No one should read them if they are not comfortable with that. Do I want to be raped? Of course not. The reason for this type of fantasy amoung women is because many of us at some point are or where unable to admit that we *want* sex (back to the 'slut' thing) Even to ourselves, even in the privacy of our own minds. Someone has to force us, trick us, hypnotize us or whatever (in our fantasy) and then we remain good little girls. (Its not my fault)

I guess in the same way, the male fantasy is that he is so overcome with desire, that he simply takes what he wants- she's a slut, or whatever so its not his fault either.

In real life these actions are not ok. As a person realizes this, I think its ok for them to enjoy there thoughts inside there head (or on paper) The whole point of fantasy is doing something (in your mind) that you couldn't or wouldn't do in real life. Its the same as your elf-stories. ANd yes, people have violent fantasies. Sometimes when I get mad at my bf, I fantasies about beating the crap out of him- but I don't -becuae real life actions have consequenses. I just read 'the best little whore-house in Middle Earth" and the girl threatens to bite the elfs dick off. One could ask (and I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to stir the pot, just showing you the other side) do you like men? or the men in your stories?
curious2c said:
Hmmm...I am a I write from mostly my perspective. However, since I do respect and love women, I try to keep an even handed avenue in my stories.

I have recieved feedback in which I was asked what I had against women. For the life of me I cannot figure out how or why I was asked this question. It has given me pause for thought. Since I am not sure why this response was brought out to this individual.(anon of course so I could not write to ask them what or why)

Since then I have read and reread my stories searching for anything that would tell me or let me know why they thought this. I have gotten great feedback on all stories written so far. I have also gotten those hateful ones where they have sugestions for the characters that are not inline with my views...This one response has bothered me more than I like to think.

If someone would read one and let me know...if I truly do come across as a woman objectifiying or hating person please tell me. I am not sure that in the style of my stories, I can write to prevent that type of thing, but I hate to be putting out something that states that which I do not believe in.

Keeping in mind that my stories are on the cheating/nonconsent/controlling vein more than not, so to be 'in' the story is to be seeing it from the viewpoints that are presented. Some of the characters will and do cross the line of being 'good'. But, like any author, what I write is not necessarily my true belief or conviction. I have to present the characters in a realistic fashion, that sometimes takes the reader on a ride that can be hard.

I may get too involved in trying to present my story in a somewhat believeable way...I have been told that I caused some readers emotional anguish at times...but to my way of thinking...isn't that what a writer is suposed to do? Involve the reader's emotions and responses?

I try to show a husband and wife loving relationship that has had bad things occur to it. I try to show them staying together (which by the way is a major problem for quite a few of my readers) and I try to show the pain, the emotional storm, and the actual process of how and why as much as I am able to.

This whole comment on women hating/dislike has bothered me more than I can imagine at times. I know that what I think and believe is far from that...line of thinking, so I am at a loss as to why and how they would have seen that or conveyed that from my story/ies.


Ya can't please alla the people alla the time. Remember that, or go crazy.

I get mostly positive feedback, but I had one person ask if I was really a girl. he said I sound like an 18 year old male virgin, and that he couldn't believe that a woman would actually enjoy the situation I put her in (rape) I wrote back- good! I'm glad you don't believe it, It means that not all of the readers of my story have lost touch with reality! (I do worry that some have, but I doubt that my story will be the determining factor in someone elses sanity) It was intended to be a fantasy, and yes it did turn me on. :)
Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
You folks seem to hold the word slut in a decidedly unfavorable light. I'm of the opinion that words like slut, whore and bitch are merely indicative of men's abject fear of a woman's free exercise of her sexuality. A sexually autonomous woman whose libidinous desires aren't dutifully subjugated to a man, or else wholly rejected in accordance with some patriachal, faux-moralistic, asexual notion of appropriate feminine fidelity and chastity, is anathema to the prevailing, albeit ailing, male power structure throughout most of the world. A woman's witchy power to, without even trying, dominate the male will, has to be controlled through physical intimidation, or in this case, societal disparagement ... hence the male invention of God (who drowns babies, blames all of the world's evil on the manipulation of a male at the hands of a woman*, and turns disobedient women into pillars of salt (ROFL).

Marry me!

* not to mention that Adam's first wife who is considered something of a demon because she refused to be ruled by a man) ... Lilith.
curious2c said:

Some women like to have calling and others find it offensive...just like some men like to give oral sex and others will not. A matter of taste.

I work with men who do call women sluts and whores, and some of them mean it...seriously. They have an attitude caused by being (in their opinion) burned by women in prior relationships.

In bed however, well if both parties agree to the verbal interplay, then I see no problem. I think that it is kind of sexy to be verbal and have the name calling...both ways. It livens things up a bit. I just don't htink it should cary over into day to day living, unless it has a healthy and loving attitude behind it.

Absolutely. The only man who calls me these names is the one who I know doesn't really mean them. It's play. It's concentual. If he says something that hurts my feelings, he usually apologizes quickly when he realizes I'm upset. If I was just having a casual fling and I had any doubt in my mind that the guy might just be thinking of me as a "piece of ass" he could never get away with saying it!
DVS said:
OK, I'll bite. You and your husband are both bisexual switches and like the same sexual acts? :D :rolleyes:

are you saying that if you taste your own sperm you are bisexual? Or if you have a finger or object inserted into your anus? or was it the threesome comment? cause I don't think that is quite what she was saying- she was saying, do not expect of me more than you are willing to give. And also, you will know and appreciate what I do for you.
Re: back on track

bridgetkeeney said:

I think Svenska and I were responding to your blanket assumption (granted you may have said it with your tongue in yor cheek, but there are men who do believe it) that every woman finds being surprised by cum bathing their throats a treat and then your follow up that implied that we women live to please men...

I don't want to wrangle over it, but I think Svenska brings up a point that is relevant to this thread... when a woman's pleasure or desires are ignored or seen to only derive from pleasing a man, does that dehumanize the female character?

:rose: b

I get great pleasure in pleasing my man. But I want him to get great pleasure in pleasing me. To get otherwise is a great disappointment.
Pookie_grrl said:
Yes, I mean a party like you describe. And let's say he should ask her before she sits on his face if her pussy is full of cum ... but doesn't or forgets to ask. It just happens to be the first such party they have been to together in their short dating period. Should he be angry with her for not telling him? Her last boyfriend LOVE this type of thing. And after all ... it's a gift from her to him.

As you stated above,

"If a (man) has something (he) really hates, (he) should inform the (woman) ahead of time, or (she) can't be blamed for what happens. (He) can't assume (she) knows what (he) wants (or doesn't). Maybe the (man) (she) was with last loved the spontaneous surprise.

Sure, (she) can take the initiative and ask (him). But, (he) still can't blame (her) for not knowing or asking, if (he) doesn't take the initiative and tell (her). The (man) needs to take charge of what goes in (his) own mouth. It's not really a two way street. "

Pookie says, "what's good for the goose ..." ;)

I was going to using a few other analogies, but for the sake of "taste", I decide not to use the one where the new girlfriend surprises her new boyfriend to the fact that she likes pissing in a guy's mouth without warning. (Her last boyfriend just LOVED her when she did that!) Or the woman who's last boyfriend just LOVED doing oral sex oh her, in the dark when she was menstruating. ;)

Oh yeah guys ... I would ask before ... well, you know ... because payback from a woman can be hell. ;)

Some excellent points! lol
Any man who's been with a couple of woman knows damn well that most will not let you come it there mouths. If he says otherwise he is being lying and manipulative. I suppose if he's a virgin,and the first time you give him a blowjob, he comes in your mouth because he doesn't know better, and doesn't have that much control anyway, it might be forgivable. But that doesn't still mean that she won't try to teach him a lesson. :)
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I greatly prefer performing cunnilingus to receiving fellatio. And, I have no compunction about a woman (with whom I'm suitably well acquainted) cumming in my mouth and all over my face. That's not to say that I don't like getting blown. It's great as foreplay, but it would take a year for me to come from solely from a hummer. On the other hand, it's relatively easy (in my very finite experience) to make a woman have one gut-wrenching orally induced orgasm after another. So, given a choice, I'd generally opt for me doing her. There's just more bang for the buck in licking the kitty. Once you've made a woman have 3 or 4 big O's in your face, you're golden. You can then bang any way you want, and still receive rave reviews ... even if you're asleep before your dick stops twitching.

again, Marry Me!
Svenskaflicka said:
I've been with guys who didn't care about my orgasm, only their own. I'm supposed to be multi-orgasmic, but with such aguy, I only have time to come about 3-4 times!:mad:

What pisses me off is the idea that a woman doesn't have to come every time. What if we had our orgasm and just crawled off of him with his dick still pointing strait up? (sorry to be crude) How well would that go over? Talk about being an evil bitch. But men seem to think that its ok to do that to us. GGGGRRRRRRRR!!!
sweetnpetite said:
I just read 'the best little whore-house in Middle Earth" and the girl threatens to bite the elfs dick off. One could ask (and I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to stir the pot, just showing you the other side) do you like men? or the men in your stories?

Oh, I like men, very much! Well - when they act like human beings, like dear, wonderful, intelligent Cuck.

I think that I have only disliked 2 men in my stories, and that was for them being stuck-up or selfish. All the other men in my stories are great - loving and sexy and giving.

Meredith only threatened to bite the elf's dick off because she was fed up with him being a jerk. And it worked, didn't it? She got his attention - and he got off his high horses.

No, I don't recommend women threatening men to get what they want. But I do recommend women not accepting any shit from men, either.
sweetnpetite said:
What is promiscuous? [serious question]

What do you call a man who is promiscuous?

How many partners makes a man promiscuous vs. how many makes a woman promiscuous?

I read a quote once, saying: "Who is promiscuous? Anyone who has more sex than yourself.":)

There is the idea in patriarchic society that for a woman to be truly feminine, she should be demure, whereas for a man to be masculine, he should be the exact opposite of a woman, so he should be a horndog. Therefor, a woman who is NOT demure, is promiscuous, and called slut, bitch, whore, etc. A man who is promiscuous is patted on the back by other men, being called "son of a gun" or "ladies' man", and patted on the head by women, being called "boy" or "casanova".

So, how many women does a man have to sleep with to be promiscuous? Oh, I don't know... 20?

How many men does a woman have to sleep with to be called promiscuous?


As long as we think of having sex as "doing the dirty" and someone having a lot of sex as "a dog" or "a ho", we will have problems. Sex is one of the strongest powers that motivate us to live, along with hunger and survival instinct. Sex not only makes it possible for us to procreate, it also gives us energy, makes us strong and vital and dizzy with the joy of being alive.
If we call something that beautiful and important for something ugly and demeaning, ofcourse we get confused. It's like saying "shame on you for wanting to be alive".

I think the greed for power of the patriarchic Christianity/Islam/Judaism, etc, is the root of this evil. I say - let's go back to worshipping the equality between the Mother Goddess and the Deer God!
So, how many women does a man have to sleep with to be promiscuous? Oh, I don't know... 20?

seems rather low. only 20? that boys barely lost his virginity! lol

even if a man slept with 500 woman, I somehow doubt many people would actually refer to him as "promiscuous"- I mean have you ever ever heard anyone say that about a guy?
Well I don't know. I hear a lot more women using the words bitch and slut in referring to other women than I hear men using it to refer to women. And despite the current dogma, you can make a very convincing argument that monogamy itself is a female invention, not a male one.

As far as the Mother Goddess and all, it's pretty well established that agricultural societies tend towards matriarchgal religions while hunting and herding societies tend towards patriarchal.

I thought we were done with looking at everything in terms of the politics of oppression. I think it's been done to death. And I for one am tired of being called an oppressor.

Do I like, love, dislike, hate the women in my stories...

All of the above. The same goes for the men in each of my stories. After all they are stories, fictional or otherwise. And the true author tries hard to make his characters as close to real people's character as is humanly possible. So if the guy in the story doesn't think much of women than that they are a furry knotehole, then I'll use words that portray him that way for accuracy's sake. Do I agree with him? No, but then I'm not him, I just put him in the story is all. And that's what I do, I write stories. Here at literotica I write erotic, semi-erotic, hard core stroker, and pornographic fantasies. Do I agree with my characters actions, or the results of such action? It's funny you should ask. In answer I can only say that it depends on what the story is about, and what I want the reader to get out of it. I don't have to agree, or disagree in any case as that is not the issue. Does each character have some part of me in them? Yes, my sweat and blood.

Now as to the side issues brought up:

Rape: I'm against it, and anyone who commits it.

I got to page four of this thread before finally coming to the conclusion that people were just venting their own opinions about the opposite sex in general. Only an insane person loses control of themself, so women, please don't be afraid of men, they are actually more afraid of you than you can ever know. And men, please, they take their panties off the same way we take off our jockies, one leg at a time.

Feminism is the belief that women are worth as much as men. That they should have the same rights and possibilities to study, to work, to make the same money as a man with the same job/experience/education, etc. That they should have the right to decide over their own bodies, to decide whether or not they want to have sex with this or that man or not, if they want to have children or not. Svenskaflicka

If that's true, then truly I am a Feminist. As I see no difference between men women human beings other than plumbing, and upper body strength. No more than I do between people whose color is different than my own, or who believes, or doesn't believe in my God, or whether they are older, or younger than me for those things.

Yes when I see a pretty woman, I admire her beauty. That doesn't lessen her value and it doesn't hurt her. I don't have "uncontrollable urges" to fuck her. I don't get "blue balls" if I don't fuck her. I'm in no physical pain and I'm not even uncomfortable around her. And of all the men I know, I only personally know one who claims any of that shit. And he is a complete fucking idiot and an asshole! Big Texan

I think I know his brother, but in this, Big Texan is absolutely correct about most men, including myself. My wife used to get jealous when we were first married, and especially when my head turned to look at another woman. So I finally sat her down and explained that it's like driving coast to coast across the USA. You're driving down the road, and on the left is Mount Rushmore. (That's the place the presidents faces are carved out of of the side of a mountain.) You automaticly turn in and take a look. It really is quite a magnificient achievement. But you just stop to look. It doesn't mean you want to climb the damn thing.

Now as to words we use to discribe women by the men in our stories. As I said it depends on the character using the words in my stories. But for those who take offense, please, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Yes, I've heard the referal of bitch to a female dog. But Dame is also a word for a female dog. Where as they only have one word for the male, and that is Stud. Of course I'm speaking of show animals now, but in truth even mongrel bitches become Dames when the puppies arrive. So the real problem comes down to one of pride. Any single man, and many married men considers himself fortunate when a woman calls him a stud. And rightfully so as a stud is a breeding male dog or stallion, bull, ram, etc. that is purchased for its prowess in mating with more different females in the shortest period of time, and knocking them up with prized offspring that will make more money for the person who hired his services. A great job if you can get it, but there's no monogamous conotation to the metaphore, and thus I should be offended as a married man. Now you don't hear the word Dame used very often these days because women where against that term back in the 60's, but the truth is a Dame is a highly thought of female animal because of the wonderful puppies, colts, lambs, calfs, etc. that she produces as well as how wonderful a mother she is to her offspring. Of course if these dames where thought of in human terms we'd probably call them sluts, and whores just for having sex out of wedlock, but thankfully we don't. So the problem really becomes one of what do we think of men having sex with as many females as they can get verses what do we think of women who act like men and have sex with as many men as they can?

When I was young dumb, and full of sperm, I often said that: "If I were born a women, I'd be a whore, or at the very least a closet slut." Sounds pretty stupid now, but the truth is, men call women what they only wish they could be called at that moment. To me a Whore conotates a woman that's lose even to the point of this side of selling it as a prostitute. Slut is a woman who just loves to fuck. What I guess I'm saying here is that we don't really have anything as good as these two words used for women to use on men. Yes, I did say as good. Hey, I like to fuck, but nobody calls me a slut except my wife. When I was single I would have loved for a woman to take me out to dinner just for the express reason that she wanted me to fuck her afterwards. But once again it all comes down to plumbing. Men can't get knocked up. But then again, we'll never know the wonder, nor the pain, of having a new life grow inside of our bodies, and mores the loss for us.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

I wonder if a word was inadvertently omitted from the question when bridgetkeeny initiated this thread.

Did she mean to ask

Do you honestly like women drivers?

Desperately looking for somewhere to hide!
Why are women so crap at parking?
Cause men keep telling them that this: | . | is six inches.

The Earl
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