DoctorKnotty's KnottyNurse

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Well lets see if this pic can get everyone through the weekend.


It does the trick!!!
Lets talk about about what I think makes for good photos on lit. Please keep in mind this is only my opinion, but I think it is a solid one. Perhaps other people who post on lit or who are thinking of posting on lit will see this and benefit from what I feel I have learned after being poster here for several years now. And please. If you do not agree with what I have to say, let me know. I love being proven wrong. Thats how I learn.

There are three rules I follow when posting pictures on lit.

1. Music
2. Theme
3. Lighting

Honestly, I don't know that even need to go deeper then this, but since I am in a writing mood this evening I will elaborate. And for those of you who are just here for the pictures of my wife, KnottyNurse. Don't you worry. I will post a picture at the end of all of these words.

So Let get started.

MUSIC - Why music? What does music have to do with taking sexy pictures that are going to be shared online. Well, weither your a single collage girl in her door, a 40 something muscle building auto mechanic or newly wed couple just looking to show off to the fine people on Literotica's forums, music is going to play an important role in getting you comfortable, relaxing and opening up to the camera. Have you ever set the auto timer on your camera and then tried to hold a pose waiting for the shutter to go off? Thats hard work yo!

Music can be someone to lean on. Music can be encouragement. Music can be that friend who says "May buddy, its ok to make a fool of yourself once in a while. This is all about having fun and enjoying life."

Its a lot easier to be spontaneous, to hold a smile, or strike a pose if you have a good soundtrack in the back ground.

Knottynurse loves to have some Britney Spears or Shakira (among others) playing when she is posing for pictures. I can tell you that when we discovered this trick for our photo sets it made our work so much easier. We both had fun and it quickly stopped feeling like work to us.

So if you are playing with the idea of posting on lit, or you just want to try and improve the photos you are posting on lit, pump up the jams. Don't be afraid to experiment and be foolish when you do it. Those of us on the internet who are looking at your photos are only seeing what you allow us to see.

THEME - For KnottyNurse and myself Themes play a very important role in the photos we take. This was one of my ideas early on. You see, I learned early on in life to treat people how you, yourself wants to be treated. I apply this lesion to most things in my life. Including the photos that KnottyNurse and I post on Lit.

I like to be teased. So, I assume most of you want to be teased as well. If I just posted photos of KnottyNurse with out close on from one day to the next, as beautiful as she is, that would get dull pretty quickly. This is just one reason why choosing a theme is so important. It can give you a whole series of photos to work with that can tell a story as well as keep your viewers engaged and interested in what is going to happen next.

Themes can be, and even should be, very simple ideas that you play with.

For Example:

- Car (Taking pictures inside your car while you expose yourself)
- New underwear ( photos of you trying on new underwear you bought)
- Bath (pictures in a bubble bath)
- Kitchen (wearing only an apron. Maybe will get lucky and see something naughty?)

Because I like to be teased a lot of the photos that I have taken are of my wife startting off clothed in a setting like a car, or kitchen and over the corse of 10 to 40 photos she slowly and teasingly exposes her self.

Taking pictures in this manner solves, what I think are some big problems for posters. For one, by having a theme you are struggling or feeling the presser to take and post a new photo every day. Picking a theme you can take several photos and post them randomly over the next few days or weeks.

When KnottyNurse and I take photos for a theme we normally end up with 200 to 500 photos per theme. Easily that many. After the photos are shot I will go through them and weed them down to about 50ish photos that I think my wife looks great in and they still tell a story when shown in order. KnottyNurse then goes through the 50 i have selected and will at the very least remove 10 she is not happy with or more. What is left are photos we have both approved of and get posted on lit after I have watermarked them.

When we gear up to take a themed photos we try and shoot at least 3 or more themes in a day. Which gives us about a months worth of photos to post with out feeling any kind of presser to take photos again unless we are in the mood.

LIGHTING - To finish up my rant lets talk about lighting because, my god it is important! I don't care what kind of a peace of crap camera you have. If your lighting sucks your pictures are going to suck. Take pictures in a well lit room. Natural sun light is the best, but you can also do some good work if you go out and replace the lights in your place with energy efficient white light, light bulbs.

To expand on this just a little bit more I am going to recommend two items if you are planning to getting into posting on lit like we do.

Item 1 - The book Understanding Exposer. Get this book and read the first half of it. You will understand how to use any camer and it will make you a far better picture taker. Don't take a class at your local collage. They are over priced and over rated. Save your self the money and headache and learn in one hour what teachers are taking a semester to convey to their students.

Item 2 - Fast Camera. If you are an iphone/ipod user and don't have someone to help you take photos, this app on your i phone and a tripod will do the trick. It just takes pictures in rapid succession. So you can modle all you want in front of the camer and know you are getting the shot.

I hope some of you found this useful. Someone should take this and make it a sticky topic on the forums.



  • red-white-stars.jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 1,023
Lets talk about about what I think makes for good photos on lit. Please keep in mind this is only my opinion, but I think it is a solid one. Perhaps other people who post on lit or who are thinking of posting on lit will see this and benefit from what I feel I have learned after being poster here for several years now. And please. If you do not agree with what I have to say, let me know. I love being proven wrong. Thats how I learn.

There are three rules I follow when posting pictures on lit.

1. Music
2. Theme
3. Lighting

Honestly, I don't know that even need to go deeper then this, but since I am in a writing mood this evening I will elaborate. And for those of you who are just here for the pictures of my wife, KnottyNurse. Don't you worry. I will post a picture at the end of all of these words.

So Let get started.

MUSIC - Why music? What does music have to do with taking sexy pictures that are going to be shared online. Well, weither your a single collage girl in her door, a 40 something muscle building auto mechanic or newly wed couple just looking to show off to the fine people on Literotica's forums, music is going to play an important role in getting you comfortable, relaxing and opening up to the camera. Have you ever set the auto timer on your camera and then tried to hold a pose waiting for the shutter to go off? Thats hard work yo!

Music can be someone to lean on. Music can be encouragement. Music can be that friend who says "May buddy, its ok to make a fool of yourself once in a while. This is all about having fun and enjoying life."

Its a lot easier to be spontaneous, to hold a smile, or strike a pose if you have a good soundtrack in the back ground.

Knottynurse loves to have some Britney Spears or Shakira (among others) playing when she is posing for pictures. I can tell you that when we discovered this trick for our photo sets it made our work so much easier. We both had fun and it quickly stopped feeling like work to us.

So if you are playing with the idea of posting on lit, or you just want to try and improve the photos you are posting on lit, pump up the jams. Don't be afraid to experiment and be foolish when you do it. Those of us on the internet who are looking at your photos are only seeing what you allow us to see.

THEME - For KnottyNurse and myself Themes play a very important role in the photos we take. This was one of my ideas early on. You see, I learned early on in life to treat people how you, yourself wants to be treated. I apply this lesion to most things in my life. Including the photos that KnottyNurse and I post on Lit.

I like to be teased. So, I assume most of you want to be teased as well. If I just posted photos of KnottyNurse with out close on from one day to the next, as beautiful as she is, that would get dull pretty quickly. This is just one reason why choosing a theme is so important. It can give you a whole series of photos to work with that can tell a story as well as keep your viewers engaged and interested in what is going to happen next.

Themes can be, and even should be, very simple ideas that you play with.

For Example:

- Car (Taking pictures inside your car while you expose yourself)
- New underwear ( photos of you trying on new underwear you bought)
- Bath (pictures in a bubble bath)
- Kitchen (wearing only an apron. Maybe will get lucky and see something naughty?)

Because I like to be teased a lot of the photos that I have taken are of my wife startting off clothed in a setting like a car, or kitchen and over the corse of 10 to 40 photos she slowly and teasingly exposes her self.

Taking pictures in this manner solves, what I think are some big problems for posters. For one, by having a theme you are struggling or feeling the presser to take and post a new photo every day. Picking a theme you can take several photos and post them randomly over the next few days or weeks.

When KnottyNurse and I take photos for a theme we normally end up with 200 to 500 photos per theme. Easily that many. After the photos are shot I will go through them and weed them down to about 50ish photos that I think my wife looks great in and they still tell a story when shown in order. KnottyNurse then goes through the 50 i have selected and will at the very least remove 10 she is not happy with or more. What is left are photos we have both approved of and get posted on lit after I have watermarked them.

When we gear up to take a themed photos we try and shoot at least 3 or more themes in a day. Which gives us about a months worth of photos to post with out feeling any kind of presser to take photos again unless we are in the mood.

LIGHTING - To finish up my rant lets talk about lighting because, my god it is important! I don't care what kind of a peace of crap camera you have. If your lighting sucks your pictures are going to suck. Take pictures in a well lit room. Natural sun light is the best, but you can also do some good work if you go out and replace the lights in your place with energy efficient white light, light bulbs.

To expand on this just a little bit more I am going to recommend two items if you are planning to getting into posting on lit like we do.

Item 1 - The book Understanding Exposer. Get this book and read the first half of it. You will understand how to use any camer and it will make you a far better picture taker. Don't take a class at your local collage. They are over priced and over rated. Save your self the money and headache and learn in one hour what teachers are taking a semester to convey to their students.

Item 2 - Fast Camera. If you are an iphone/ipod user and don't have someone to help you take photos, this app on your i phone and a tripod will do the trick. It just takes pictures in rapid succession. So you can modle all you want in front of the camer and know you are getting the shot.

I hope some of you found this useful. Someone should take this and make it a sticky topic on the forums.


Thanks for posting this Doc. It's well stated and educational and the visual image of Nurse at the end proves every word.
Lets talk about about what I think makes for good photos on lit. Please keep in mind this is only my opinion, but I think it is a solid one. Perhaps other people who post on lit or who are thinking of posting on lit will see this and benefit from what I feel I have learned after being poster here for several years now. And please. If you do not agree with what I have to say, let me know. I love being proven wrong. Thats how I learn.

There are three rules I follow when posting pictures on lit.

1. Music
2. Theme
3. Lighting

Honestly, I don't know that even need to go deeper then this, but since I am in a writing mood this evening I will elaborate. And for those of you who are just here for the pictures of my wife, KnottyNurse. Don't you worry. I will post a picture at the end of all of these words.

So Let get started.

MUSIC - Why music? What does music have to do with taking sexy pictures that are going to be shared online. Well, weither your a single collage girl in her door, a 40 something muscle building auto mechanic or newly wed couple just looking to show off to the fine people on Literotica's forums, music is going to play an important role in getting you comfortable, relaxing and opening up to the camera. Have you ever set the auto timer on your camera and then tried to hold a pose waiting for the shutter to go off? Thats hard work yo!

Music can be someone to lean on. Music can be encouragement. Music can be that friend who says "May buddy, its ok to make a fool of yourself once in a while. This is all about having fun and enjoying life."

Its a lot easier to be spontaneous, to hold a smile, or strike a pose if you have a good soundtrack in the back ground.

Knottynurse loves to have some Britney Spears or Shakira (among others) playing when she is posing for pictures. I can tell you that when we discovered this trick for our photo sets it made our work so much easier. We both had fun and it quickly stopped feeling like work to us.

So if you are playing with the idea of posting on lit, or you just want to try and improve the photos you are posting on lit, pump up the jams. Don't be afraid to experiment and be foolish when you do it. Those of us on the internet who are looking at your photos are only seeing what you allow us to see.

THEME - For KnottyNurse and myself Themes play a very important role in the photos we take. This was one of my ideas early on. You see, I learned early on in life to treat people how you, yourself wants to be treated. I apply this lesion to most things in my life. Including the photos that KnottyNurse and I post on Lit.

I like to be teased. So, I assume most of you want to be teased as well. If I just posted photos of KnottyNurse with out close on from one day to the next, as beautiful as she is, that would get dull pretty quickly. This is just one reason why choosing a theme is so important. It can give you a whole series of photos to work with that can tell a story as well as keep your viewers engaged and interested in what is going to happen next.

Themes can be, and even should be, very simple ideas that you play with.

For Example:

- Car (Taking pictures inside your car while you expose yourself)
- New underwear ( photos of you trying on new underwear you bought)
- Bath (pictures in a bubble bath)
- Kitchen (wearing only an apron. Maybe will get lucky and see something naughty?)

Because I like to be teased a lot of the photos that I have taken are of my wife startting off clothed in a setting like a car, or kitchen and over the corse of 10 to 40 photos she slowly and teasingly exposes her self.

Taking pictures in this manner solves, what I think are some big problems for posters. For one, by having a theme you are struggling or feeling the presser to take and post a new photo every day. Picking a theme you can take several photos and post them randomly over the next few days or weeks.

When KnottyNurse and I take photos for a theme we normally end up with 200 to 500 photos per theme. Easily that many. After the photos are shot I will go through them and weed them down to about 50ish photos that I think my wife looks great in and they still tell a story when shown in order. KnottyNurse then goes through the 50 i have selected and will at the very least remove 10 she is not happy with or more. What is left are photos we have both approved of and get posted on lit after I have watermarked them.

When we gear up to take a themed photos we try and shoot at least 3 or more themes in a day. Which gives us about a months worth of photos to post with out feeling any kind of presser to take photos again unless we are in the mood.

LIGHTING - To finish up my rant lets talk about lighting because, my god it is important! I don't care what kind of a peace of crap camera you have. If your lighting sucks your pictures are going to suck. Take pictures in a well lit room. Natural sun light is the best, but you can also do some good work if you go out and replace the lights in your place with energy efficient white light, light bulbs.

To expand on this just a little bit more I am going to recommend two items if you are planning to getting into posting on lit like we do.

Item 1 - The book Understanding Exposer. Get this book and read the first half of it. You will understand how to use any camer and it will make you a far better picture taker. Don't take a class at your local collage. They are over priced and over rated. Save your self the money and headache and learn in one hour what teachers are taking a semester to convey to their students.

Item 2 - Fast Camera. If you are an iphone/ipod user and don't have someone to help you take photos, this app on your i phone and a tripod will do the trick. It just takes pictures in rapid succession. So you can modle all you want in front of the camer and know you are getting the shot.

I hope some of you found this useful. Someone should take this and make it a sticky topic on the forums.


Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you two have a fantastic relationship!
Lets talk about about what I think makes for good photos on lit. Please keep in mind this is only my opinion, but I think it is a solid one. Perhaps other people who post on lit or who are thinking of posting on lit will see this and benefit from what I feel I have learned after being poster here for several years now. And please. If you do not agree with what I have to say, let me know. I love being proven wrong. Thats how I learn.

There are three rules I follow when posting pictures on lit.

1. Music
2. Theme
3. Lighting

Honestly, I don't know that even need to go deeper then this, but since I am in a writing mood this evening I will elaborate. And for those of you who are just here for the pictures of my wife, KnottyNurse. Don't you worry. I will post a picture at the end of all of these words.

So Let get started.

MUSIC - Why music? What does music have to do with taking sexy pictures that are going to be shared online. Well, weither your a single collage girl in her door, a 40 something muscle building auto mechanic or newly wed couple just looking to show off to the fine people on Literotica's forums, music is going to play an important role in getting you comfortable, relaxing and opening up to the camera. Have you ever set the auto timer on your camera and then tried to hold a pose waiting for the shutter to go off? Thats hard work yo!

Music can be someone to lean on. Music can be encouragement. Music can be that friend who says "May buddy, its ok to make a fool of yourself once in a while. This is all about having fun and enjoying life."

Its a lot easier to be spontaneous, to hold a smile, or strike a pose if you have a good soundtrack in the back ground.

Knottynurse loves to have some Britney Spears or Shakira (among others) playing when she is posing for pictures. I can tell you that when we discovered this trick for our photo sets it made our work so much easier. We both had fun and it quickly stopped feeling like work to us.

So if you are playing with the idea of posting on lit, or you just want to try and improve the photos you are posting on lit, pump up the jams. Don't be afraid to experiment and be foolish when you do it. Those of us on the internet who are looking at your photos are only seeing what you allow us to see.

THEME - For KnottyNurse and myself Themes play a very important role in the photos we take. This was one of my ideas early on. You see, I learned early on in life to treat people how you, yourself wants to be treated. I apply this lesion to most things in my life. Including the photos that KnottyNurse and I post on Lit.

I like to be teased. So, I assume most of you want to be teased as well. If I just posted photos of KnottyNurse with out close on from one day to the next, as beautiful as she is, that would get dull pretty quickly. This is just one reason why choosing a theme is so important. It can give you a whole series of photos to work with that can tell a story as well as keep your viewers engaged and interested in what is going to happen next.

Themes can be, and even should be, very simple ideas that you play with.

For Example:

- Car (Taking pictures inside your car while you expose yourself)
- New underwear ( photos of you trying on new underwear you bought)
- Bath (pictures in a bubble bath)
- Kitchen (wearing only an apron. Maybe will get lucky and see something naughty?)

Because I like to be teased a lot of the photos that I have taken are of my wife startting off clothed in a setting like a car, or kitchen and over the corse of 10 to 40 photos she slowly and teasingly exposes her self.

Taking pictures in this manner solves, what I think are some big problems for posters. For one, by having a theme you are struggling or feeling the presser to take and post a new photo every day. Picking a theme you can take several photos and post them randomly over the next few days or weeks.

When KnottyNurse and I take photos for a theme we normally end up with 200 to 500 photos per theme. Easily that many. After the photos are shot I will go through them and weed them down to about 50ish photos that I think my wife looks great in and they still tell a story when shown in order. KnottyNurse then goes through the 50 i have selected and will at the very least remove 10 she is not happy with or more. What is left are photos we have both approved of and get posted on lit after I have watermarked them.

When we gear up to take a themed photos we try and shoot at least 3 or more themes in a day. Which gives us about a months worth of photos to post with out feeling any kind of presser to take photos again unless we are in the mood.

LIGHTING - To finish up my rant lets talk about lighting because, my god it is important! I don't care what kind of a peace of crap camera you have. If your lighting sucks your pictures are going to suck. Take pictures in a well lit room. Natural sun light is the best, but you can also do some good work if you go out and replace the lights in your place with energy efficient white light, light bulbs.

To expand on this just a little bit more I am going to recommend two items if you are planning to getting into posting on lit like we do.

Item 1 - The book Understanding Exposer. Get this book and read the first half of it. You will understand how to use any camer and it will make you a far better picture taker. Don't take a class at your local collage. They are over priced and over rated. Save your self the money and headache and learn in one hour what teachers are taking a semester to convey to their students.

Item 2 - Fast Camera. If you are an iphone/ipod user and don't have someone to help you take photos, this app on your i phone and a tripod will do the trick. It just takes pictures in rapid succession. So you can modle all you want in front of the camer and know you are getting the shot.

I hope some of you found this useful. Someone should take this and make it a sticky topic on the forums.

This does have me standing at attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am such a huge fan of panties. I buy and pick out all of her underwear. She doesn't complain much either :)



  • white-lace-panties.jpg
    76.6 KB · Views: 975
Lets talk about about what I think makes for good photos on lit...


Hello Dr K,

Great post and well stated, however I believe we will require more visual evidence of said examples such as car, panties, bath etc. Keep up the great work and please pass along to your Mrs that she is just stunning.

Lovely new panties guys :) oh oh and i see 200 pages coming up :) think we should have a beer and celebrate ? :)
Lovely new panties guys :) oh oh and i see 200 pages coming up :) think we should have a beer and celebrate ? :)

We should do something fun shouldn't we? Has anyone else done anything fun? You guys have any suggestions?



  • blond-bewbs.jpg
    90.4 KB · Views: 714
We should do something fun shouldn't we? Has anyone else done anything fun? You guys have any suggestions?

Such a pretty smile :)

maybe both of you in the shots ?? some action shots are always nice :) even if hosted elsewhere ;)
We should do something fun shouldn't we? Has anyone else done anything fun? You guys have any suggestions?


Enchantingly enticing Nurse! Congrats on the impending 200 pages! :kiss: for nurse!
As for suggestions, I'd love to see some new vids of Nurse in action! Or some public flashing?!
Enchantingly enticing Nurse! Congrats on the impending 200 pages! :kiss: for nurse!
As for suggestions, I'd love to see some new vids of Nurse in action! Or some public flashing?!

Will post a new video. It will be part 2 of the Q&A.

Not to sound corny but you have a very beautiful wife no matter what she has on. My compliments :)

Thanks man. Not corny at all. Very respectful.



  • red-and-white-panties.jpg
    89.5 KB · Views: 585
KnottyNurse has recently informed me that she prefers to wear lacy panties then what I would call "normal" ones like you see below.

As some of you know I am tasked every morning with picking out what underwear the nurse will be wearing for the day. I had now been tasked with buying her underwear and replacing her "normal" panties (or most of them anyway) with more lacy panties. My question to all of you is what recommendations do you have for places I can go online to buy her new panties?



  • Panties-black-and-white.jpg
    77.8 KB · Views: 1,094
KnottyNurse has recently informed me that she prefers to wear lacy panties then what I would call "normal" ones like you see below.

As some of you know I am tasked every morning with picking out what underwear the nurse will be wearing for the day. I had now been tasked with buying her underwear and replacing her "normal" panties (or most of them anyway) with more lacy panties. My question to all of you is what recommendations do you have for places I can go online to buy her new panties?


Victoria's Secret is classic and is awesome, Doc!
Love Nurse's stomach in this one!
KnottyNurse has recently informed me that she prefers to wear lacy panties then what I would call "normal" ones like you see below.

As some of you know I am tasked every morning with picking out what underwear the nurse will be wearing for the day. I had now been tasked with buying her underwear and replacing her "normal" panties (or most of them anyway) with more lacy panties. My question to all of you is what recommendations do you have for places I can go online to buy her new panties?


She sure looks amazing in any pair! If you ever need more help picking her out some undies to wear feel free to shoot me a message!
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