Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

kgboot said:

Has anyone ever heard of this?? Have you been forced to perform with a canine?? Does the thought of this excite or repulse you?? Have you ever had any sexual relations with a dog?

I'm sure I am a rare exception (as I seem to be in many ways). I am a Zoophile. Simply put, that means I love animals. Technically that is supposed to be "NO more, NO less", but I do engage in bestiality (sex with non human animals).

I've never been "forced" to have sex with an animal. Nor have I been "tricked", "persuaded", etc. But, I will admit I love name calling and humiliation within sex. In the past, my man has called me a "dog whore" and I love that name! :eek: So, even though I feel I have a deep love for non human animals I can enjoy the "humiliation" aspect of "role play".

dr_mabeuse said:

And what kind of asshole would want to get within ten feet of someone who's fucked a dog?

I guess my man, and several of my friends are assholes.

Is there anything more degrading?

There's always something. :rolleyes:
Ebonyfire said:

Dogs and other animals cannot give their consent.

That is not entirely true. But, I didn't enter this thread to argue pros and cons of bestiality.
I know I got here late, but I almost did it this last summer. I was house sitting for a friend with 2 dogs, and my Dom at the time was over. Long story short, we got to kicking around the idea of applying peanut butter to strategic places and letting the dog get a "treat". We never did it, so I can't say FOR SURE if I would have or not...but I don't think I actually would have. It was fun to joke about, even to fantasize about, but there was just something about it that didn't quite appeal to me if it would be put into practice.
BlessedBe said:
That is not entirely true. But, I didn't enter this thread to argue pros and cons of bestiality.

I posted my opinion, and I do not recall mentioning the fact that I was debating anything.

so I know you are not talking to Me,

Ebonyfire said:
I posted my opinion, and I do not recall mentioning the fact that I was debating anything.

so I know you are not talking to Me, and btw, whether you agree or not does not change my opinion.

Ebonyfire said:

I posted my opinion, and I do not recall mentioning the fact that I was debating anything.

I had no idea knowing you were voicing an opinion *only*. It sounded like you were trying to state "fact" of sort and I was merely pointing out it was not true. :)
Ebonyfire said:

Originally posted by Ebonyfire

I posted my opinion, and I do not recall mentioning the fact that I was debating anything.

so I know you are not talking to Me, and btw, whether you agree or not does not change my opinion.


Always quote yourself? :confused:
I am jusy curious blessed did you get into beastiality? was it somethign you stumbled on one day?
I have been a zoophile all my life, just as I have been bisexual and submissive all my life. I was sexually attracted to non human animals before I was humans. Next it was adult women. Then "other kids my own age".
BlessedBe said:
I have been a zoophile all my life, just as I have been bisexual and submissive all my life. I was sexually attracted to non human animals before I was humans. Next it was adult women. Then "other kids my own age".
I was gonna say someone oughtta hunt up Tiggs if they want to talk to a zoophile and get a little perspective. Thanks for having the cojones to jump into a not-necessarily-friendly-convo about it, to speak from the other side.

As much as I've been judged on Lit, it doesn't even phase me anymore.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank You to all that have responded.

Desdemona said:
OMG Eb, I am sooo grateful I wasn't drinking anything just now!

i dont drink while in lit anymore. and i thought you gave it up after my paintball comment.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank You to all that have responded.

lorddragonwolf said:
i dont drink while in lit anymore. and i thought you gave it up after my paintball comment.

Sometimes I backslide. :D:kiss:
i say to each their own. its not my thing but i have seen pics and videos dogs, horses. sheep and other animals. my question would be is how do you fit a horse dick in a womans pussy and how do you get a dog to fuck them?
As far as the issue of animals and consent, even though bestiality isn't my thing, so to speak, I don't see how you'd do any psychological damage to an animal by engaging it sexually. They don't have the kind of cognition to recognize sexualized behavior as we humans perceive it. So if one were to have sex with an animal, I don't think it's like it would feel "violated" in any way.
Cirrus said:
As far as the issue of animals and consent, even though bestiality isn't my thing, so to speak, I don't see how you'd do any psychological damage to an animal by engaging it sexually. They don't have the kind of cognition to recognize sexualized behavior as we humans perceive it. So if one were to have sex with an animal, I don't think it's like it would feel "violated" in any way.

That could very well be true, Cirrus, and I am open to the possibility (for other people), but if one has a question in their own mind about whether this act is harmless and consensual - that's were the violation comes in.

Since I've never participated in it, nor spoken in depth with someone regarding the topic of their sex with dogs, I wouldn't know, and it's not a topic I want to consider for myself. I would assume it's possible to have a very eager "loving" sexual relationship with a dog if that's what you really want, and also that it's just as easy to use them, make them uncomfortable, and engage them in acts they would otherwise not do naturally.

As a dog owner, I know that they are pack animals, and are hard-wired for a very D/s outlook on life. Some may take to sexual relations with their "leader", but I imagine others would be uncomfortable with this. My dogs can hump eachother (both neutered males) all they like (as long as it's NOT on my bed), but they have been harshly reprimanded as puppies for humping people, and show no sexual interest in humans.

They do know it is "wrong", according to me, and I enforce it. I would be furious if I found out that someone I had entrusted my dogs to used them in this manner. Again, to each their own, but as my dogs are literally my property and I don't think it is prerequisite for animals to have sex with humans for a fulfilling life, I would consider it a very large breach of trust personally. It's my own value judgement - but they are mine, and fall under it. In that case, I may even consider prosecution, as it is an illegal act.
lark sparrow said:
That could very well be true, Cirrus, and I am open to the possibility (for other people), but if one has a question in their own mind about whether this act is harmless and consensual - that's were the violation comes in.

Since I've never participated in it, nor spoken in depth with someone regarding the topic of their sex with dogs, I wouldn't know, and it's not a topic I want to consider for myself. I would assume it's possible to have a very eager "loving" sexual relationship with a dog if that's what you really want, and also that it's just as easy to use them, make them uncomfortable, and engage them in acts they would otherwise not do naturally.

As a dog owner, I know that they are pack animals, and are hard-wired for a very D/s outlook on life. Some may take to sexual relations with their "leader", but I imagine others would be uncomfortable with this. My dogs can hump eachother (both neutered males) all they like (as long as it's NOT on my bed), but they have been harshly reprimanded as puppies for humping people, and show no sexual interest in humans.

They do know it is "wrong", according to me, and I enforce it. I would be furious if I found out that someone I had entrusted my dogs to used them in this manner. Again, to each their own, but as my dogs are literally my property and I don't think it is prerequisite for animals to have sex with humans for a fulfilling life, I would consider it a very large breach of trust personally. It's my own value judgement - but they are mine, and fall under it. In that case, I may even consider prosecution, as it is an illegal act.

Great post Lark Sparrow! I think you just voiced my view on the subject perfectly. Personally, bestiality or zoophilia is a hard limit for me.
Originally posted by BlessedBe [/i]
I had no idea knowing you were voicing an opinion *only*.
It sounded like you were trying to state "fact" of sort and I was merely pointing out it was not true. :)

First of all, I did not "sound" like anything. You read into my post your own agenda.

If I was stating a fact, (like you seem to be doing), I would have said so.

How do you know it is not true? Just because you disagree, that does not serve as expert proof. Disagree all you like.

Be real, do not put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head. You are not qualified.

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Cirrus said:
As far as the issue of animals and consent, even though bestiality isn't my thing, so to speak, I don't see how you'd do any psychological damage to an animal by engaging it sexually. They don't have the kind of cognition to recognize sexualized behavior as we humans perceive it. So if one were to have sex with an animal, I don't think it's like it would feel "violated" in any way.

How do you know an animal does not feel not feel violated?

In my humble opinion that is a rationalization. (I am not talking about you cirrus specifically so do not take it personally). We humans treat animals like chattel.

Eb <edited for clarification>
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It's like a kone, really...

Which is funnier: the notion of applying SSC notions to the decision to have sex with Rover ...or...the concept of boning the family boxer in the first place?

I suppose if you wanna put peanut butter on Fido's nuts and lick'em, cool.

But I really don't think Fido needs to be consulted first, unless he has a known brand preference.

As for arriving home to find the dogsitter blowing the German Shepherd, I'm not exactly sure whether I'd laugh or run for the camera. But I don't think I'd be concerned about the dog being psychologically scarred or anything.

BlessedBe said:
Someone's full of themselves. :)

Yeah you should watch that, it shows. I am however full of you.

Now pardon me, but I am discontinuing conversation with you.

Go play with kids your own age. Enough is enough.

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Re: It's like a kone, really...

Lancecastor said:
Which is funnier: the notion of applying SSC notions to the decision to have sex with Rover ...or...the concept of boning the family boxer in the first place?

I suppose if you wanna put peanut butter on Fido's nuts and lick'em, cool.

But I really don't think Fido needs to be consulted first, unless he has a known brand preference.

As for arriving home to find the dogsitter blowing the German Shepherd, I'm not exactly sure whether I'd laugh or run for the camera. But I don't think I'd be concerned about the dog being psychologically scarred or anything.


Whatever, Lance
