Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

Here's what I'd like to say/know after reading this thread:

1. Is Blessed Be also a Pony Girl? A Furry? Just curious, as they're animal play, too.

2. Does Pure have a position on Bestiality in BDSM of her own? If so, what is it?

3. I always liked the Alanah Myles "Black Velvet" video, in which there seems to be a hint of horse play going on...but Alanah in leather & velvet is my thing in the clip...honest. That being said, there has always been a slight kink surrounding women and horses, and I've dated a couple of hot horsewomen who used to become quite excited about seeing an excited stallion. Is there a pecking order of bestiality I wonder? (Horses=noble, Dogs=saucy, Sheep=Redneck, Chicken=LowIQ)

4. I saw a girl blow a dog at a party once...all involved seemed to enjoy themselves. It wasn't BDSM though, because the dog wasn't wearing leather. But I can see it being used by those who like it. Me, I find it more amusing than a turn on, but I haven't tried it.
Originally posted by Lancecastor <snip>
It wasn't BDSM though, because the dog wasn't wearing leather.

That is the funniest thing I've seen all day! ROTFL
Is beastiality a part of BDSM?

IT depends on the parties involved and how they have come to the point where they may want to include it in the BDSM play i.e. inclusive power exchange etc.

Is vaginal sex a part of BDSM?

It is sure well listed on many of the BDSM activity checklists I have completed. OF course, that is simply my experience.

What does or does not constitute BDSM is determined, not by a group of people with diverse experiences, but by two people engaging in a power exchange.

Chosing beastiality as a hard limit in no way condemns someone else who choses to engage in the act.

The shit started hitting the fan, not over anyone's preferences, but between two people bumping heads, two different opinions.

We are a forum full of strong personalities and head bumping must be part of BDSM!

We certainly see a lot of it!


And Pure?
Before you take apart my post, fi you chose to do so.
Two questions...
Is your pm box empty?
Are you male or female?
(Just curious.)
Pure said:
(I wonder if any of the "Ew" crowd have ever found Fido turning up in an erotic dream?).

Only if Fido had a naked, rampant Denzel Washington holding his leash. Puleeze!

Well this is a most interesting thread and discussion topic.

While beastiality is certainly one of my hard limits I can certainly see where some are titilated and excited by this most perverse act.

I received an email from one of the leaders of our local BDSM group descibing a scene where there was a party and this woman wanted very badly to by f**cked by this dog that belonged to one of the other members who was known to had a way with humans... that is the dog I am speaking about. At any rate nothing would interest the dog in the woman... however there was a male there that the dog coveted and made use of...

Consentual? It would seem so by all parties... not my cup of tea but I would liked to have viewed the show.

Someone asked when sex with dogs became part of BDSM... I don't know about anyone else, but on every checklist I have ever seen there has always been a section on animals.

BDSM covers such a wide spectrum... as perverse as the people involved in the scene.

2. Does Pure have a position on Bestiality in BDSM of her own?

On all fours, honey child.
I saw Lance fist a cow once. Since that's leather still on the hoof, does that make it premature bdsm ?
Pure said:
I saw Lance fist a cow once. Since that's leather still on the hoof, does that make it premature bdsm ?

Again....nothing about you. Ishmael had you pegged it seems.

Too bad; I'd hoped he was wrong, because you have a good strong brain.

zipman7 said:
I don't think that bestiality is anymore a part of BDSM than anal sex is. Plenty of people engage in anal sex who have absolutely no interest in BDSM. I think the same holds true for bestiality.
Yes, but the converse is true as well--there *IS* some overlap. Some people practice bestiality in the confines of a BDSM relationship. For some it acts as erotic humiliation, for some it's an act of submission, for some it's about the physical pleasure of the act itself.

Not my bag, but neither is electro-stimulation.
Yet we talk about electric play, even though it's not directly sexual, is practiced by a minority of BDSMers, and isn't about power exchange--at least, not inherently so.

We seem to be interested in expanding and contracting the boundaries of BDSM to fit our own preferences. This is the kind of behavior that creates the social marginality of BDSM in the first place--attempting to fit everyone to our own preferences. Isn't that what happens to us, that judgement we get so irked by when others do it?

The nature of BDSM is about power exchange, and in determining the acceptable limits for that exchange, there are a lot of areas that need to be clearly identified as being off limits. That does not mean it is necessarily a part of BDSM to me.
It's not necessarily a part, but it's not necessarily outside BDSM either.

And I disagree that the "nature of BDSM is about power exchange." The nature of D/s is power exchange, but D/s isn't all of BDSM. Many sadists, masochists, confinement-seekers, and other kinds of players do not make power exchanges of any kind. Yet their version of BDSM is also "real."

The fact that I don't personally engage in, nor even condone, a particular act isn't sufficient reason to judge the act, or the people who engage in it, without having all the facts. Can any of us claim to have all the information? If so, why isn't that being introduced here?

Resident Alien


So far, the hair pulling and back-biting has been minimal. I ask that it stay that way, particularly among those of you who damned well know better--you know who you are.

Thank you,
Risia Skye
Forum Moderator
RisiaSkye said:
We seem to be interested in expanding and contracting the boundaries of BDSM to fit our own preferences. This is the kind of behavior that creates the social marginality of BDSM in the first place--attempting to fit everyone to our own preferences. Isn't that what happens to us, that judgement we get so irked by when others do it?

It's not necessarily a part, but it's not necessarily outside BDSM either.

Sorry RS, but IMO, my point stands that Bestiality is not necessarily a part of BDSM. It can be, but is not necessarily so. This is not about trying to shrink or expand boundaries, but attempting to clearly say that it can be a part, just like a variety of other activities that 2 people may or may not choose to do. I do not think that this socially marginalizes BDSM any more than saying that anal sex may or may not be a part of BDSM marginalizes it or attempts to make it more palattable.

RisiaSkye said:

And I disagree that the "nature of BDSM is about power exchange." The nature of D/s is power exchange, but D/s isn't all of BDSM. Many sadists, masochists, confinement-seekers, and other kinds of players do not make power exchanges of any kind. Yet their version of BDSM is also "real."

While I understand your point, I think it could also be argued that giving someone a flogger to use on you is in fact an exchange of power, as the sub/bottom/masochist is giving clear permission (power) to another to inflict pain on them or confine them. Granted that it is not as strong of a power exchange, as in D/s or B/d. My point was not to define BDSM as ONLY being about power exchange, but if you view it as the large category that it is, then the unifying factor or basic commonality for me is a power exchange of varying degrees, even in just SM.

When did I say that anyone's BDSM isn't "real?" Or even imply it in any of my posts? These are just my opinions, which I still think are rational and make sense in the context of my posts.
Re: Re: Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

lark sparrow said:

Adding a PS... I wouldn't mind "being the dog" in play... and think this is a much more consensual way to play with the fantasy or taboo of human to animal sexual relations :D

i have to agree with lark sparrow. Infact, the lil puppy girl during play is actually alot of fun, and very, very sensual.

P. B. Walker said:

Actually, the more I think about it, the more this is working for me. I mean, cows should be part of BDSM too. Is this an S&M song or what?

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Keep movin', movin', movin',
Though they're disapprovin',
Keep them doggies movin' Rawhide!
Don't try to understand 'em,
Just rope and throw and grab 'em,
Soon we'll be living high and wide.
Boy my heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin', be waiting at the end of my ride.

Move 'em on, head 'em up,
Head 'em up, move 'em out,
Move 'em on, head 'em out Rawhide!
Set 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out,
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in Rawhide.

Full Lyrics

Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dogies rollin'
Rain and wind and weather
Hell-bent for leather
Wishin' my gal was by my side.
All the things I'm missin',
Good vittles, love, and kissin',
Are waiting at the end of my ride

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Count 'em out, ride 'em in,
Ride 'em in, count 'em out,
Count 'em out, ride 'em in

Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope, throw, and brand 'em
Soon we'll be living high and wide.
My hearts calculatin'
My true love will be waitin',
Be waitin' at the end of my ride.

lark sparrow said:
Sounds like someone needs to be milked.

Mmmm yeah... I guess you could call it "milking". LOL. Squeeze and pull, squeeze and pull, squeeze and pull... oh oh... mmmm...

Any volunteers?

zipman7 said:
Sorry RS, but IMO, my point stands that Bestiality is not necessarily a part of BDSM. It can be, but is not necessarily so. This is not about trying to shrink or expand boundaries, but attempting to clearly say that it can be a part, just like a variety of other activities that 2 people may or may not choose to do. I do not think that this socially marginalizes BDSM any more than saying that anal sex may or may not be a part of BDSM marginalizes it or attempts to make it more palattable.
On that point, we don't disagree. I was responding to more than just you, though, and many asked some version of "what does this have to do with BDSM?"

While I understand your point, I think it could also be argued that giving someone a flogger to use on you is in fact an exchange of power, as the sub/bottom/masochist is giving clear permission (power) to another to inflict pain on them or confine them. Granted that it is not as strong of a power exchange, as in D/s or B/d. My point was not to define BDSM as ONLY being about power exchange, but if you view it as the large category that it is, then the unifying factor or basic commonality for me is a power exchange of varying degrees, even in just SM.
I still disagree with you, but I do understand what you're saying.

When did I say that anyone's BDSM isn't "real?" Or even imply it in any of my posts? These are just my opinions, which I still think are rational and make sense in the context of my posts.
On this count, I was directing my comments at you only peripherally, in that your post was the most coherent and rational one that leaned in this direction somewhat. Not a personal attack; not even particularly targetted at you. Sorry my using your post as a springboard to jump into a bigger question about this thread caused confusion--it wasn't meant to do so. :rose:

Re: I don't know about other places

MissTaken said:
but beastiality is illegal in NYS.

I have a hard time believing it's legal in any state.

Talk about having blackmail on someone...

I clearly misunderstood the thread, thinking first of the two black labs (male and female) I had. The male was always coming to me with the leather in his mouth, wagging his tail, so I'd bind up the bitch and he'd have his fun for an hour or so.
I chose to not become involved, and can't imagine any circumstances where the idea would appeal to me.
I love my puppies, I have a New Foundland and a german shephard. I would not want to mate with either one of them. I do however admit to the sexual thrills I get just thinking about being dressed and made to act like a pretty pussycat or his favorite puppy.

Drinking from bowls, eating out of them, curled at his feet while he pets me. Hmmm! I have never indulged being at an age where comfort rules more then the fun of the kink.

I do have a younger friend in her thirties who wears a complete cat suit including a tail which she can swish with the best and it is one of her Master's favorite ways to play. Master and his pet. SHe bats balls, fetches things, plays with knitting yarn etc. It is a sight to see.

ANother thing that rings my bells is ponypeople pictures. I think they are hot. Maybe it's a holdover from the Beauty Trilogy series .We went to a real pony farm one time and it was very stimulating to watch all those naked men and women with bits in their mouth harnessed and pulling carts and racing and in the case of the stronger men being ridden.

I got ridden a lot later thanks to the sexual energy these magnificent creatures created in both of us.:D
Re: Re: Re: Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

His_sugar said:
i have to agree with lark sparrow. Infact, the lil puppy girl during play is actually alot of fun, and very, very sensual.


lol nice to see someone noticed and appreciated this other option! As well as the above post ^ (the one before this).

Make me bark, meow or mooooo... let's leave fido and fefe to explore their own carnal doggy pleasures together. There's enough sex for everyone, without actually crossing that species line. Yes, to each their own... but this is a form of animal play that is not only legal, but much more inclusive to the BDSM community as a whole.
"this is a form of animal play that is not only legal, but much more inclusive to the BDSM community as a whole."

Lark Sparrow, why do you say this? Aren't the pony folk a bit rare? And the subs that eat from doggie bowls?
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Pure said:
"this is a form of animal play that is not only legal, but much more inclusive to the BDSM community as a whole."

Lark Sparrow, why do you say this? Aren't the pony folk a bit rare? And the subs that eat from doggie bowls?

I've seen them on hbo real sex :) And it looked like they were having fun.