Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

Some people care about the dogs "feelings", some don't - we base this on our own feelings. Tigg might possibly be the biggest animal lover here in that regard - pun intended, along with the point. If she says she loves animals, including sexually, I would assume she cares deeply about them and considers their feelings. Could be wrong but it seems to make sense.

To me, it's rude and highly annoying when a dog is sniffing crotches, and humping legs - anyone who encouraged that in my dogs would be highly unappreciated. Anyone who owned a dog that was allowed and encouraged to do these things, is a person I wouldn't be visiting in their home. I am not turned on by a dog's sexual interest... my dogs love to lick their butts, eat cat poop, hump their bed blankets and eachother, rub in dead, decaying things... I don't think my dogs would be exceptionally traumatized and scarred by someone spreading peanut butter on their genitals and hoping they would lick it off, but I would be. :p
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lark sparrow said:
I don't think my dogs would be traumitized by someone spreading peanut butter on their genitals and hoping they would lick it off, but I would be. :p

I wouldn't be traumatized by it, but I surely would be bored by it.

Funny, I didn't know 25 year olds were kids. :rolleyes: Ignorance really is a bliss with some.

And, with that, I am done with the "Domme" who thinks she's hot shit. :rolleyes:
BlessedBe said:
Funny, I didn't know 25 year olds were kids. :rolleyes: Ignorance really is a bliss with some.

And, with that, I am done with the "Domme" who thinks she's hot shit. :rolleyes:

I think I can live with that. And btw, I am hot! But not shit!

Now run along. roll you eyes all you like, you have just proved my point.

Blessed Be said

"I'm sure I am a rare exception (as I seem to be in many ways). I am a Zoophile. Simply put, that means I love animals. Technically that is supposed to be "NO more, NO less", but I do engage in bestiality (sex with non human animals).

I've never been "forced" to have sex with an animal. Nor have I been "tricked", "persuaded", etc. But, I will admit I love name calling and humiliation within sex. In the past, my man has called me a "dog whore" and I love that name! So, even though I feel I have a deep love for non human animals I can enjoy the "humiliation" aspect of 'role play'. "[end]

Thanks for posting, even after the 'ecks' and 'ews'.

While it's possible to injure or scare an animal, I'm not sure sex would necessarily have that effect. As Lark said, you can train a dog to be unreceptive;... or receptive, imho.

Kinsey had some stats on bestiality and it's hardly unknown among farm boys.

In reading the thread it's been interesting to see who can stop at 'yech' [RisiaS] and who feels obliged to condemn, ridicule etc.

What some of the 'disgust' group don't seem to realize is that anything with such a potent effect is possible material for humiliation/degradation (erotic)--- for some at least.

While there may be common aversion, among many to the pair,
K-9 and 'scat', I'm not sure they are very much related. There are definite health issues with the latter. As for the beasts: outside the anal stuff, I'm not sure there's evidence of health risks.

It's always a kick to see those with one kink ("we're not sick, we're just different") say--or imply, as here--to those of another kink, "You're sick." (and of course these two kinks may easily overlap as blessedbe's post shows.).

I'm not sure about the reality, but the fantasy is certainly potent!
(I wonder if any of the "Ew" crowd have ever found Fido turning up in an erotic dream?).
Ebonyfire said:
How do you know an animal does not feel not feel violated?

In my humble opinion that is a rationalization. (I am not talking about you cirrus specifically so do not take it personally). We humans treat animals like chattel.

Eb <edited for clarification>

No offense taken, and that's the very reason why I personally did not do it. I have no way of knowing FOR SURE what the dog would have been thinking/feeling, and I would have never been able to look my friend in the eyes again knowing I had done something like that. She loves her dogs beyond anything I've ever seen and I felt very honored that I was entrusted with their care. It was a cool fantasy, but that's as far as I'd take it.

I know how I'd feel if I found out someone had done something sexual with my cat. In my eyes he's a little dependant baby who relies on me to look out for his care and well being, and if I or someone I trusted with him used him in that manner, I'd feel terrible.

But like has been said, to each their own. It's not for me, but if you believe your/an animal can or has consented, cool. I was just presenting another view on the topic, in that we don't know that an animal can NOT consent any more than we know that one can. But I'm not taking the chance.
Pure, I don't believe I put anyone down. All I said was it isn't my thing and one simple "ick".

Nope, I don't have any dreams that I remember involving Fido. :)
Pure said:
In reading the thread it's been interesting to see who can stop at 'yech' [RisiaS] and who feels obliged to condemn, ridicule etc.

What some of the 'disgust' group don't seem to realize is that anything with such a potent effect is possible material for humiliation/degradation (erotic)--- for some at least.[/B]

Exactly what thread have you been reading Pure? I saw one post that condemned or ridiculed the act out of 56 posts so far. In fact, I think that this board showed a remarkably open-minded attitude in discussing this in an open-minded way.

Pure said:
It's always a kick to see those with one kink ("we're not sick, we're just different") say--or imply, as here--to those of another kink, "You're sick." (and of course these two kinks may easily overlap as blessedbe's post shows.).

Again, I didn't see this at all during this thread. I'm kind of wondering how you did.
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?

P. B. Walker said:
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?


I was wondering the same thing PBW. Unless it is some part of humiliation play, there really isn't much of a connection.
P. B. Walker said:
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?

Just a stray thought running through my head when reading this..

Is it not on many people's hard limit list? So, therefor, would be included under BDSM in some way?
SierraMoon said:
Just a stray thought running through my head when reading this..

Is it not on many people's hard limit list? So, therefor, would be included under BDSM in some way?

I don't think that bestiality is anymore a part of BDSM than anal sex is. Plenty of people engage in anal sex who have absolutely no interest in BDSM. I think the same holds true for bestiality.

The nature of BDSM is about power exchange, and in determining the acceptable limits for that exchange, there are a lot of areas that need to be clearly identified as being off limits. That does not mean it is necessarily a part of BDSM to me.
P. B. Walker said:
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?


You know, I have been wondering the same thing for the past couple days, too. What this has to do with BDSM is really a mystery to me.

And for the record, I think beastiality is perverse. This is an area where I will not say "to each their own." Also, this will be my one and only post to this thread.
BlessedBe said:
Funny, I didn't know 25 year olds were kids. :rolleyes: Ignorance really is a bliss with some.

And, with that, I am done with the "Domme" who thinks she's hot shit. :rolleyes:

Chronologically 25 is not a child but when you act like a child you are usually treated like a child. There really is no reason for you to be so defensive. Why do you care if someone agrees with you or not? I've read quite a few of your posts and you frequently throw temper tantrums, seeminly stamp your feet and declare yourself misunderstood. Act like an adult and you will be treated like one.
Hi Zip,

Zip said,
Exactly what thread have you been reading Pure? I saw one post that condemned or ridiculed the act out of 56 posts so far. In fact, I think that this board showed a remarkably open-minded attitude in discussing this in an open-minded way. //

These are just my impressions; make of them what you will: two or three seriously negative (Bunn B; dr Mab, Goddess H) and one marginal (PBW--dumping ground for all sexual perversions**). There's also an unusual, early, angry exchange, with labels thrown about for which both sides bear some resposibility, imo, but which probably wouldn't have happened on another topic.

Be that as it may, no one's perfect. I'm not, for sure. Yes there's some openminded discussion; at least two cases, LS and Cirrus, seem very willing to discuss.

I guess we're no better or worse than anywhere else.

Out of curiousity, though, for all readers of this thread. How many or which things do you do and even enjoy now, that you said (or would have said) EWW, ECHH, about, 10-15 years ago?

[on another issue]
Originally posted by P. B. Walker

Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?


[Zipman said, in response]
I was wondering the same thing PBW. Unless it is some part of humiliation play, there really isn't much of a connection.

[Zipman later added,
I don't think that bestiality is anymore a part of BDSM than anal sex is. Plenty of people engage in anal sex who have absolutely no interest in BDSM. I think the same holds true for bestiality.

The nature of BDSM is about power exchange, and in determining the acceptable limits for that exchange, there are a lot of areas that need to be clearly identified as being off limits. That does not mean it is necessarily a part of BDSM to me. [end]

Well, Zip, is there a limitation of threads to essential parts of BDSM--nothing 'fringe', marginal or associated? It's an interesting point though: yes, anal sex is not essential--though it's traditional. Indeed no sex is required for a 'bdsm' exchange, right? (Some local prof. dommes advertize, 'no sex')

Going along with your other statement--bdsm is about power exchange, it follows that almost ANYTHING can be the vehicle, does it not? Fetching someone a cup of tea. Scrubbing the sink.
Giving oral sex to the next dozen persons to enter the club (recent posted example).

Which brings me to my main point; an assertion of power is "Do it although it's unpleasant (or scary or distasteful)." (Within an overall consensual arrangement.)

"Play the piano!" is not an assertion of power over a sub who loves to play and is eager to.

That's why 'scrub the sink' is on the above list. Well, 'fuck the dog' is just a far extension of that--as BB said, a degradation that's erotic for her. Indeed, I'm sure most readers understood this.

**Note to PBW: Shouldn't you have said "a dumping ground for all the other sexual perversions"? ;-)
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Re: Geeks

dr_mabeuse said:
And after you finish with the dog you can start biting the heads of live chickens.

And what kind of asshole would want to get within ten feet of someone who's fucked a dog? Is there anything more degrading?


This is funny. I once made an online story-writing partner write me a story about her being forced to blow a gang of chimpanzees-then refered to her constantly as "chimpsucker", as in "get away from me, you---!". But she likes stuff like that.
Pure said:
Hi Zip,

Zip said,
Exactly what thread have you been reading Pure? I saw one post that condemned or ridiculed the act out of 56 posts so far. In fact, I think that this board showed a remarkably open-minded attitude in discussing this in an open-minded way. //

These are just my impressions; make of them what you will: two or three seriously negative (Bunn B; dr Mab, Goddess H) and one marginal (PBW--dumping ground for all sexual perversions**). There's also an unusual, early, angry exchange, with labels thrown about for which both sides bear some resposibility, imo, but which probably wouldn't have happened on another topic.

Considering the fact that probably 90% of people invoved in BDSM list Bestiality as a hard limit, I think the conversation was open minded. You seem to have read the replies selectively. Many wrote Ick, eww because the topic is not erotic to them. Do you deny them their right to express that. As long as they don't say "you are sick for doing this," then it was a very open minded discussion. I have also seen many angry exchanges over a lot more non-controversial topics. The "angry" exchange wasn't as much about the topic as it wa about personalities.

Be that as it may, no one's perfect. I'm not, for sure. Yes there's some openminded discussion; at least two cases, LS and Cirrus, seem very willing to discuss.
Lark Sparrow was also very willing to discuss the topic, she just didn't agree with it, as did others

I guess we're no better or worse than anywhere else.

Out of curiousity, though, for all readers of this thread. How many or which things do you do and even enjoy now, that you said (or would have said) EWW, ECHH, about, 10-15 years ago? For me, my limits haven't changed in the last 15 years, so I would answer nothing. However, if you want to have a go with Rover in 15 years, be my guest.

[on another issue]
Originally posted by P. B. Walker

Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how dog sex got tossed in under the heading BDSM? Are we suddenly the dumping ground for all sexual perversions?


[Zipman said, in response]
I was wondering the same thing PBW. Unless it is some part of humiliation play, there really isn't much of a connection.

[Zipman later added,
I don't think that bestiality is anymore a part of BDSM than anal sex is. Plenty of people engage in anal sex who have absolutely no interest in BDSM. I think the same holds true for bestiality.

The nature of BDSM is about power exchange, and in determining the acceptable limits for that exchange, there are a lot of areas that need to be clearly identified as being off limits. That does not mean it is necessarily a part of BDSM to me. [end]

Well, Zip, is there a limitation of threads to essential parts of BDSM--nothing 'fringe', marginal or associated? It's an interesting point though: yes, anal sex is not essential--though it's traditional. Indeed no sex is required for a 'bdsm' exchange, right? (Some local prof. dommes advertize, 'no sex')
No, there is no limitation of topics as they apply to BDSM, whether fringe or marginal. Nor was I suggesting there should be. My point was that this is marginal and not reflective of the vast majority of how most people in BDSM practice it.

Going along with your other statement--bdsm is about power exchange, it follows that almost ANYTHING can be the vehicle, does it not? Fetching someone a cup of tea. Scrubbing the sink.
Giving oral sex to the next dozen persons to enter the club (recent posted example).

Which brings me to my main point; an assertion of power is "Do it although it's unpleasant (or scary or distasteful)." (Within an overall consensual arrangement.)

"Play the piano!" is not an assertion of power over a sub who loves to play and is eager to.

That's why 'scrub the sink' is on the above list. Well, 'fuck the dog' is just a far extension of that--as BB said, a degradation that's erotic for her. Indeed, I'm sure most readers understood this. I understood this as well, and my posts reflect that understanding.

**Note to PBW: Shouldn't you have said "a dumping ground for all the other sexual perversions"? ;-)
You can always ask Laurel for another BDSM forum

Big Dogs & Sexy Maltese
zipman7 said:
I don't think that bestiality is anymore a part of BDSM than anal sex is. Plenty of people engage in anal sex who have absolutely no interest in BDSM. I think the same holds true for bestiality.

The nature of BDSM is about power exchange, and in determining the acceptable limits for that exchange, there are a lot of areas that need to be clearly identified as being off limits. That does not mean it is necessarily a part of BDSM to me.

Exactly... I couldn't agree more. Sex (in any form) does not have to be a part of what you and your partner do in order for you to do BDSM. Just ask Ebony.

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Pure said:
**Note to PBW: Shouldn't you have said "a dumping ground for all the other sexual perversions"? ;-)

Actually, that doesn't change the meaning of what I said, it just implies that dog sex and BDSM are separate perversions. Which is true also. My intent was meerly to say all sexual perversions (anal, dogsex, scat, you-name-it) are being lumped together (along with BDSM activities) under BDSM.

But thanks for the grammar lesson.

Hi Zip,

You said,

No, there is no limitation of topics as they apply to BDSM, whether fringe or marginal. Nor was I suggesting there should be. My point was that this is marginal and not reflective of the vast majority of how most people in BDSM practice it. //

It's good that you're concerned with public image.

That said, you seem quite selective: topics like G.S., fisting, knife play, have been discussed in threads. Are they appropriate for this forum, in your view? Did you feel compelled to say, "Hey folks, remember these are marginal and 'not reflective of the vast majority'?

It's a double edged sword, Zip and PBW: Your own practices, viewed in the wider context are themselves 'marginal' and 'not reflective of the vast majority' (of citizens, generally, in US or 'the West').

Perhaps Blessed Be should be as proud and accepted in her marginality as you wish to be in yours.

But hey, every one has their 'turn offs', don't they? She said, she doesn't react that much any more to statements of 'turn-off'; just as you've learned to do in the wider 'vanilla' context.

Everyone gets their say, here; that's their right!
Pure said:
Hi Zip,

You said,

No, there is no limitation of topics as they apply to BDSM, whether fringe or marginal. Nor was I suggesting there should be. My point was that this is marginal and not reflective of the vast majority of how most people in BDSM practice it. //

It's good that you're concerned with public image.

That said, you seem quite selective: topics like G.S., fisting, knife play, have been discussed in threads. Are they appropriate for this forum, in your view? Did you feel compelled to say, "Hey folks, remember these are marginal and 'not reflective of the vast majority'?

It's a double edged sword, Zip and PBW: Your own practices, viewed in the wider context are themselves 'marginal' and 'not reflective of the vast majority' (of citizens, generally, in US or 'the West').

Perhaps Blessed Be should be as proud and accepted in her marginality as you wish to be in yours.

But hey, every one has their 'turn offs', don't they? She said, she doesn't react that much any more to statements of 'turn-off'; just as you've learned to do in the wider 'vanilla' context.

Everyone gets their say, here; that's their right!


The truth is I find bestiality to be more than distasteful. I do allow everyone the right to their opinions and I don't feel that I was disrespectful to anyone, nor did I not marginalize anyones else's opinions. However, I also am concerned about public image of BDSM and would not want people from other forums to come here and think that ALL people who enjoy BDSM are into bestiality. I think that using animals for sexual pleasure crosses a line and is in fact different from other activities that two consenting "Humans" decide to do. My opinion but I stand by it.

There are other activities in BDSM that are also extreme, such as knife play, breath play, branding etc. Have I posted a disclaimer on those threads - no, I haven't. Would you like me to? Would you feel better if I did? Personally I find Scat to be extrememly disgusting as well, but if two "people" decide to do it that is their business. Do you understand the difference now?

I'm glad BlessedBe is comfortable with her choices about her sex life. But did you see me try and stop her from posting them or put her down for her views? No, because I didn't. She is welcome to post here and give her opinions, as am I and anyone else.

I guess I don't understand what you're issue is here Pure. BlessedBe wasn't ridiculed, and there was a reasonable discussion on the topic. If some people were grossed out by it, then they are entitled to say it. If I said that I like to pick my nose and have my sub eat it would I be surprised if people were disgusted by that, no I wouldn't. Asides from being the champion of the downtrodden, what is your point here?
Hi Zip,

Your postings are always well stated, and they cause the reader the think! :)

Zip said,
Asides from being the champion of the downtrodden, what is your point here?//

The point: Being ourselves 'marginal', a small minority, with practices "more than distasteful" to the vast majority, perhaps we should be more restrained in applying the label to the minorities (or their practices**) within the bdsm community.

Can you grok that?

Keep up your fine postings! You're one of our best spokespersons!

**Added Nov 12, 12:04 pm.
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Pure said:
Hi Zip,

Your postings are always well stated, and they cause the reader the think! :)

Zip said,
Asides from being the champion of the downtrodden, what is your point here?//

The point: Being ourselves 'marginal', a small minority, with practices "more than distasteful" to the vast majority, perhaps we should be more restrained in applying the label to the minorities within the bdsm community.

Can you grok that?

Keep up your fine postings! You're one of our best spokespersons!

I grok it and thanks for the comments about my posts. The point I was making was I still feel that for the most part, we were restrained in applying the label. And I personally applied the label to an act, not to a person, which in my opinion, makes a huge difference.