Don't post the chain story yet!!!

My thoughts.......???

I lean towards the looser style. Personally I think we are all stiring up a pot that needs no stiring. The original premise of the story was a memoir including poetry and letters sent to Erica. In this format no one needs to worry about sequence although an intro in her "voice" from the prolog might be apropriate, but keeping the story in sequence and age her as we progress seems to put unecessary restraints on the folks who have to write the final chapters.
*runs screaming*

I think I'm having trouble tracking with this thread. I'm not on the same bus here.
Re: Chain Story Authors Look Here

Whispersecret said:
Let's tally our responses here. Cut and paste this and add your name where appropriate.

Post it when the entire chain is complete: I can see several reasons for doing this, but foremost it will alow the editer(s) the ability toassist thos of us who are not as talleneted to achieve the proper 'voice'. It will also give them the opertunity to round out the chapters into a smoothly flowing story. Unless we want to post the entire editing process, which might be educational, but in my experance, invarably messy.

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned:

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: of course part of the reason for this is to allow the reader to get to know Erica naturaly, the way you do your friends, and that takes time, as the friends learn to trust each other and so reveal more about themselves, becoming more vulnerable to each other.

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: One of the things that I do not want this to become is an anthology. Somewhere I have a Sci fi novel that is the colective work of some 15 authors. In the Editor's Preface, he apologizes for steping on some author's toes rather heavily in order to make the story flow well. In addition the editor wrote several short conecting 'inner chapters' to maintain consistency and provide transistions between chapters that otherwise would be disconnected.

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom:
Re: Chain Story Authors Look Here

Whispersecret said:
Let's tally our responses here. Cut and paste this and add your name where appropriate.

Post it when the entire chain is complete: I can see several reasons for doing this, but foremost it will alow the editer(s) the ability to assist thos of us who are not as talleneted to achieve the proper 'voice'. It will also give them the opertunity to round out the chapters into a smoothly flowing story. Unless we want to post the entire editing process, which might be educational, but in my experance, invarably messy.

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned:

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: of course part of the reason for this is to allow the reader to get to know Erica naturaly, the way you do your friends, and that takes time, as the friends learn to trust each other and so reveal more about themselves, becoming more vulnerable to each other.

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: One of the things that I do not want this to become is an anthology. Somewhere, I have a Sci fi novel that is the colective work of some 15 authors. In the Editor's Preface, he apologizes for steping on some author's toes rather heavily in order to make the story flow well. In addition the editor wrote several short conecting 'inner chapters' to maintain consistency and provide transistions between chapters that otherwise would be disconnected. I think that we should apoint one of these tallented editors to do this task, and give him/her the power to "step on our toes" as nessesary to make the story the best that it can be.

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom:

[Edited by Samuari on 05-03-2001 at 01:19 AM]
Authors by order of chapter due date

Due Date / Chapter / Author Name
May 1 - Chapter 1 - Killer Muffin
May 8 - Chapter 2 - Whispersecret
May 15 - Chapter 3 - Gaucho
May 22 - Chapter 4 - Charly
May 29 - Chapter 5 - SuzieSurfin
June 5 - Chapter 6 - Madame Pandora
June 12 - Chapter 7 - Samuari
June 19 - Chapter 8 - cymbidia
June 26 - Chapter 9 - bulld
July 3 - Chapter 10 - Ulyssa
July 10 - Chapter 11 - circe!
July 24 - Chapter 12 - MunchinMark
July 31 - Chapter 13 - SteamyChik
Aug 7 - Chapter 14 - Mickie

MP is, of course, out of the lineup, as you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know. No offense if you are, of course. That means everyone moves up a week in terms of due date.

There's no law that says we can't talk amongst ourselves on this. WS has a thread devoted to Chapter plots; i'll post mine and i urge you to post yours, too. The more we know about Erica, the easier she'll be to write when it's our turn. (Well, actually, we should be writing BEFORE it's our turn, but that might be just my own little paranoia on the subject, hmmm?) All of our email addys are avail here. I have them all too, obviously, alternatively.

Hate to ask this at this point but should we open it up to more writers or are there enough of us? We're 13 in number, if we all actually contribute as we said we would. (No, i am not superstitous. Are you?)

Lyssa, darlin'? You're no longer 10th. That should make your Thursday!

[Edited by cymbidia on 05-03-2001 at 02:03 AM]
Will the real Charly please stand up...

Does anyone know Charly?
Has anyone heard from him/her in the last couple of weeks?

If you answered "YES" to one or more of these questions, will you please either
(A) ask Charly to come in from the cold and participate in this discussion, or
(B) ask Charly to let someone know whether s/he intends to participate in this Chain collaboration after all.


(btw, cute little av you've got there, babes)
1. read all the threads that pertain to this project.
2. contact the person before you in line (better skip Charly and go to Gaucho) for their ideas on furthering the story.
3. Get to work on your part. It might be here sooner than you know since we've lost MP and we've maybe lost Charly.

Ask KM and WS for advice, too. They're very knowledgeable and helpful sorts o' gals.

[Edited by cymbidia on 05-03-2001 at 01:48 AM]
It's cut 'n paste time, guys

Please mark your ballot in the time-honored online cut'n paste fashion.

No, no, don't write your answers. I know you're an author; we're all authors. And yes, we do like words. But it's cut'n paste time, guys. Just do it.

Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom:
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickie

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom:
Did I do good? No other words added except my name. *grins* But I have more to say, of course. I just took a peek at the ideas for chapters thread. Yup. Like it a lot so far. But, in order to do that complete of an outline of my own chapter -- number 13? Yippee! -- I'd like to have more of an idea of the rest. So please, oh, PLEASE post your ideas on that thread! I don't want to write it before hand and be completely off base with the rest.

And, can I make a suggestion (I'm full of 'em) -- is it possible to send in email to each member the completed chapter when the author feels close to done? If we decide not to submit until the entire thing is finished, then this would be a must.

Thanks, Cym, for the reminders. It helps keep track.
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom:

As so many others have said: Thank you, Cym. You are an angel with an adorable ass.

[Edited by Ulyssa on 05-03-2001 at 08:02 AM]
Ulyssa said:
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld

I still believe this is a tempest in a teapot. The original thread proposing how we were to do this covered what, when, where, and how. Still my voice will be heard. I would not count any of the authors who volunteered out until they either do not produce or opt out themselves. As for me I already have my idea of how and what to write and am working on my chapter as we argue this. I will be ready to post on my due date. I don't really care that Erica is an art history buff or if she speaks fluent Italian or Esperonto. To me she is whole and complete and all the things in previous chapters have value but little impact on what I envision as my part of the story. I am not worried about first, second, lasts or in betweens. I simply have a portion of Erica's life in my head and it is screamin to get out and be read. Let us not beg trouble where none exists. OK, I am off my soap box now. Good luck to my fellow authors!! See ya's in the funny papers!!
bulld said:
[BI would not count any of the authors who volunteered out until they either do not produce or opt out themselves. [/B]

The possibility of an author not producing on time is the point I wanted to address when I suggested that the segments be ready in time to fill in the gaps. Inever intended to suggest that they be posted in any sequence other than the original plan, just that when someone drops out, or doesn't produce on schedule that the next segment be moved up a week if a laggard isn't going to finish a segement in a timely manner.

What happens to segments that are more than a few days overdue is another question entirely.
a msg from circe!

circe! has food poisoning and can't really concentrate all that well at the moment. Consequently, she doesn't really understand what we're talking about at the moment. (Probably cuz she's too busy puking and feeling like she's gonna die. Ever had food poisoning?) She wants and intends to be a fully-enmeshed participant in our Erica saga but just...can't...right now.

Personally, i think we should vote her off the project. Anyone who can't tell good food from bad food, well, we don't need thier kind round here, right?


Well, about the voting off stuff, anyway, the rest is real. You knew that, right?)
Re: a msg from circe!

cymbidia said:
circe! has food poisoning and can't really concentrate all that well at the moment. Consequently, she doesn't really understand what we're talking about at the moment. (Probably cuz she's too busy puking and feeling like she's gonna die. Ever had food poisoning?) She wants and intends to be a fully-enmeshed participant in our Erica saga but just...can't...right now.

Personally, i think we should vote her off the project. Anyone who can't tell good food from bad food, well, we don't need thier kind round here, right?


Well, about the voting off stuff, anyway, the rest is real. You knew that, right?)

<looking around for a paddle> Jezze, bet you talk to sea sick victoms about the greasy bacon cheese buger you just had for lunch with cheader fries.
Paddling Cymbidia?

I thought you were looking to punish her. Keep threatening her like that and you'll have Such A Bad Girl On Your Hands.

All right you guys, stop licking your lips!
more voting?

Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, Munchin

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually:
KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie, Lyss, Munchin

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, Munchin

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld

I shouldn't think that there will be much trouble about Circe! (apart from in her immediate personal point of view). It is a while before it is her turn, a month in fact, so hopefully no trouble there. Having said that, my sympathies.

We are mildly at risk here of upsetting people who don't think that they are being given much space to handle their work in their way. I'm sorry about that, of course there is room for individuality but a collaboration needs some kind of common purpose, and that is what we are thrashing out here. Don't be afraid to thrash back for something you want.
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss, SteamyChik

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik
Due Dates Still this...

Authors by order of chapter due date
Due Date / Chapter / Author Name
May 1 - Chapter 1 - Killer Muffin
May 8 - Chapter 2 - Whispersecret
May 15 - Chapter 3 - Gaucho
May 22 - Chapter 4 - Charly
May 29 - Chapter 5 - SuzieSurfin
June 5 - Chapter 6 - Madame Pandora
June 12 - Chapter 7 - Samuari
June 19 - Chapter 8 - cymbidia
June 26 - Chapter 9 - bulld
July 3 - Chapter 10 - Ulyssa
July 10 - Chapter 11 - circe!
July 24 - Chapter 12 - MunchinMark
July 31 - Chapter 13 - SteamyChik
Aug 7 - Chapter 14 - Mickie

Are these still valid? I've been away a while and trying to catch up. Thanks!
I can see we're splitting pretty evenly.

I have made my preferences known, however if the "vote" doesn't go my way, I won't demand a recount. Let's vow to settle any differences like the drooling, over-sexed, subhuman, hack writers we are; so we can pretend to be civilized about it.

BTW Steamychik, as I let you know in the e-mail we may be moved up as much as 2 weeks on the schedule. I'm lucky that most of mine may be worked on immediately.

[Edited by Ulyssa on 05-04-2001 at 12:38 PM]
And someone lemme know what's up once you make a decision, so I'll know when to post KM's chapter. Gracias!
Well it seems to me that it comes down to wiether we want to have it edited into a coherent work or an anthology that centers around Ericka, and her lovers. Either will work but a desigion needs to be made. Maybe Laurel would like to weigh in on the issue.

As those who have worked with me know, I will need to be edited regardless of which plan we chose.
I think I am following this.... I THINK!

Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss, SteamyChik

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin
Updated: chapter due dates

Due Date Chapter Author Name
May 1 - Chapter 1 - Killer Muffin
May 8 - Chapter 2 - Whispersecret
May 15 - Chapter 3 - Gaucho
May 22 - Chapter 4 - Charly
May 29 - Chapter 5 - SuzieSurfin
June 5 - Chapter 6 - Samauri
June 12 - Chapter 7 - cymbidia
June 19 - Chapter 8 - bulld
June 26 - Chapter 9 - Ulyssa
July 3 - Chapter 10 - circe!
July 10 - Chapter 11 - MunchinMark
July 24 - Chapter 12 - SteamyChik
July 31 - Chapter 13 - Mickie

A question:
What should we do about chain authors who haven't shown up to say hello? Do we:
1. assume their work will come in as scehduled.
2. drop then from the schedual under the assumption they're no longer interested in being a part of this thing.
3. do nothing, allowing events to unfold as they will.
absent authors

quote -
<B>A question:
What should we do about chain authors who haven't shown up to say hello? Do we:
1. assume their work will come in as scehduled.
2. drop then from the schedual under the assumption they're no longer interested in being a part of this thing.
3. do nothing, allowing events to unfold as they will.</B>

I don't think we should be assuming anything. It's possible people are on vacation, just haven't been checking email or the boards, or are just plain will submit at the time they're scheduled without comment. So what if we have to skip someone who maybe ended up in the hospital or something and forgot about this? If we get a gap in the posting it won't hurt anything. Just put a note on the author board that there has been no submission from so and so for that time period and the next will be posted asap. Not a problem.

So, I guess my vote is 3, with the addition of informing the general public that someone has fudged out when it isn't an assumption but a fact.
