Don't post the chain story yet!!!

Wait and see is okay by me.

Non-erotic poetry submission? Hell, even I'd give it a One!

[Edited by Ulyssa on 05-05-2001 at 07:50 AM]
What's Important RIGHT NOW

for Laurel is the decision on when to post submissions. The current standing is;

Submit it all at the end: 4

Submit chapters as they come in, but in order: 6

Submit chapters whenever they come in (anthology option):0

Three people left to vote mind you. Gaucho, Charly and circe! who has sent in a doctors note and is also excused from gymn.
My question is this....

With all the yackin and discussin and with the general consensus at this time we seem to be headed towards posting the story one chapter at a time. Does that mean that our due dates will be shifted back to accomodate the delay that has ocurred because we have been trying to decide how to do this?? As it was originally proposed we were to start on May 1 and here it is May 5 and nothing has been posted yet! So does that mean that Laurel will post what ever was due up to the date she posted those parts that have been turned in or will she post the story one chapter at a time starting on the date that the first chapter is posted. Personnally I don't care as my story will be ready on it's due date. So what is it to be???
SuzieSurfin said:
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin, Gaucho

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss, SteamyChik, Gaucho

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, Gaucho

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin
MunchinMark said:
Three people left to vote mind you. Gaucho, Charly and circe! who has sent in a doctors note and is also excused from gymn.
~g~ Bet you're a blast at a party, MM. I think circe! will better soon and Gaucho has posted his vote. That only leaves the mysterious and missing Charly. How long do we wait for his vote?
bulld said:
Does that mean that our due dates will be shifted back to accomodate the delay that has ocurred because we have been trying to decide how to do this?? As it was originally proposed we were to start on May 1 and here it is May 5 and nothing has been posted yet!
Anyone care to venture an opinion? Personally, i don't care. Mine is far enough back so it won't bother me overmuch either way. Some of you who are up to bat now, or will be soon, might have a feeling on this one way or another, though.

Current vote standings:
4 votes - Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

5 votes - Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin, Gaucho
(MM, where did you get your count of 6 votes here??)

8 votes - Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, SteamyChik, Gaucho

7 votes - Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, Gaucho

3 votes - Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin
Postponement of dates due to this little thread party? That, I think, should be up to WS and Gaucho. I think they're the only ones really affected by the delay so far.

As for the others who've not gotten back to us, don't worry too much about it, until their times grows nigh. In which case, I think that they should be skipped so that the person following the no-show can get working with the person prior to the no-show so that there will be some kind of flow.

Are well all agreeing to go with the majority? What if bulld, steamy chick, and suzie surfin don't do that and write their own little thing that has nothing to do with the rest of the story?
KillerMuffin said:
Are well all agreeing to go with the majority? What if bulld, steamy chick, and suzie surfin don't do that and write their own little thing that has nothing to do with the rest of the story?
Flog 'em until they scream for mercy?

Seriously, we're all adults. If some of us want to go our own way and not tie in so closely with others of us, such will be the way this cookie crumbles. It'll be obvious to those who read about Erica that some of us worked more closely together and from a similar template but that won't mean the other stories, those that stand alone, aren't worthwhile reading in and of themselves.

Just, uh, try not to kill Erica off or make her be a great horsewoman or tell us in detail about her first sexual relationship or anything you *know* the rest of us are building upon, okay? Makes it hard for those who come after and that's just sorta disrespectful to the work the rest of us a putting in on this thing.
Okay, lemme see if I've got this right...

1. Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

2. Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, Munchin

3. Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

4. Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie, Lyss, Munchin

5. Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, Munchin

6. Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld
My "votes" are:

1. Nah
2. Yeppers
3. Nope
4. Yeah
5. Nod
6. Shake

(No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No.)

Hopeing there's no quiz in the morning,
Final vote standings

These are the final vote standings with all Chain authors weighing in (except Charly).

4 votes - Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samurai, Mickey, Lyss

8 votes - Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin, Gaucho, Mark, circe!

9 votes - Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samurai, Mickie, Lyss, SteamyChik, Gaucho, Mark

9 votes - Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samurai, Mickie, Lyss, Gaucho, Mark, circe!

3 votes - Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin

By popular vote, then, we'll
1. post the chapters as they are finished but in the order they were assigned
2. develop Erica gradually, with each author building, a bit at least, on what was written before.

Any dissenting opinions?

A question:
Should the due dates be wiggled around to reflect the fact that we just decided how to handle the posting of the Memoirs or should we leave then as they are? I think the authors who have chapters due in the next two weeks or so should have more of a say in answering this question.
I think so. I think all the "posted by" dates should be pushed back to reflect the new time schedule based on when the first story is posted.

I know several of us have MSN Messenger, it is also possible to work it story details via IM if we all so desire. Though now that my part is finished, I'm rather sitting on pins and needles to see how the rest of it comes together. I've never not known the ending of a story I'd begun before. It's weird. Like a realllllly lengthy RP.
The Great and Powerful Oz has Spoken!

Okay people! I'm voting in with the majority. I'll also have my chapter ready early in case it's needed early.

"Don't pay any attention to the naked woman up on her tiptoes behind the curtains!"

Oh my gosh, I think that naked woman is me!

[Edited by Ulyssa on 05-06-2001 at 12:26 PM]
Dry biz

Are these suggestions any good?

1. KM will notify Laurel and let her know that it's time to post Chapter 1.

2. As soon as KM's chapter is posted, a new due date schedual will be posted here delimiting the due dates for all subsequent chapters at weekly intervals. (Any volunteers to do this?)

3. If someone doesn't submit their chapter on time, it doesn't negate the responsibility for the rest of us to do so.
quote -
Are these suggestions any good?

1. KM will notify Laurel and let her know that it's time to post Chapter 1.

2. As soon as KM's chapter is posted, a new due date schedual will be posted here delimiting the due dates for all subsequent chapters at weekly intervals. (Any volunteers to do this?)

3. If someone doesn't submit their chapter on time, it doesn't negate the responsibility for the rest of us to do so.

My opinion is --

1. -- yes. If we're going to do it this way, let's get it done.

2. -- Just inform everyone that their chapters will be due a week later than the first schedule. It's rather easy and obvious.

3. -- True enough. Not submitting a chapter would only leave a blank spot in time, not in the story. I wouldn't worry about it.

KillerMuffin said:
Well, shall we ask Laurel to post mine on Friday the 11th?
Sounds good. Then everyone's due date is pushed back by 10 days?
I wannna seeee.
Can we see advance copies of KMs portion? Maybe email? It would be usefull to me.
Spotted that vote thing then? I was the sixth man. No I wasn't being clever, it's just that people were pasting of'f earlier posts than mine.

Yep, I reckon we've pretty much sorted everything out now.
Update on my Chapter

I'M FINISHED! <leaps from her chair and performs a tarentella!> I busted my butt this weekend to get it done, but am glad that I now have time to polish it and have a couple of my friends give it the once-over.

Just putting the finishing touches on and snipping out the parts that aren't necessary. (THAT is the truly hard part for me, the cutting!) It came out on the longish side, but I seem to have trouble in that area. (I even refrained from writing an additional sex scene.) It weighs in at 8400 words.

If anyone would like to see an "advance copy," just e-mail me. I have no compunctions about anyone seeing it imperfect if it will help them with their own chapter.

Personally, I think you get a much more complete idea of who Erica is if you see how she acts and reacts in the other authors' chapters. (Of course, I only got to see KM's.)

I have been away for weeks. Can I have a copy of what you have written. I will try to catch up. I confess I have just glanced at the comments and can't understand how the story can go ahead without reference to the earlier chapter. If you can shed any light on that I'd appreciate it.

Re: Will the real Charly please stand up...

cymbidia said:
Does anyone know Charly?
Has anyone heard from him/her in the last couple of weeks?

If you answered "YES" to one or more of these questions, will you please either
(A) ask Charly to come in from the cold and participate in this discussion, or
(B) ask Charly to let someone know whether s/he intends to

Hi, yes I know him and I know for a fact he is ready to jump in.



Gaucho said:
SuzieSurfin said:
Post it when the entire chain is complete: WS, Samuari, Mickey, Lyss

Post it as parts are finished, but in the order the chapters were assigned: KM, cym, bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin, Gaucho , Charly

Post it as parts are finished, whenever authors get them done, not necessarily in the order chapters were assigned:

Develop the character gradually: KM, WS, cym, Samuari
Mickie Is there any other way? Lyss, SteamyChik, Gaucho, Charly

Connect the chapters, each author building on what was written before: KM, WS, cym, Samuari, Mickie, Lyss, Gaucho, Charly

Allow the chapters to be separate and distinct from the others, allowing authors more freedom: bulld, SteamyChik, SuzieSurfin
Well, mine hasn't been posted yet (we put it off), but it's due up soon.
Hi Charley! I thought you were a ghost. All caught up now? Need any back info? :) You should probably have a look at the Spoilers thread. Send me your email addy and i'll send you KM's 1st chapter and WS's second chapter. Those are all that're done, so far. You're up to bat pretty soon, aren't you? Woo-hoo! What a welcome home present!

[Edited by cymbidia on 05-10-2001 at 08:39 PM]