Double the fun?

Congrats iceman. Hope you do get double the fun.


The Earl
Icingsugar said:
Just saying Goodnight everyone and thanks for the cheering!

This has been the third most intense day of my life. Second most intense was "Wanna hear someting funny? I'm pregnant!"-day.

On top of the list...naah, some other time.

Off to bed.

/Ice - as if I'll be able to sleep...

*staying up all night wondering what could possibly top "I'm pregnant" and "you're gonna have twins"*

Och vad det gäller manualen - du kommer att längta efter en sån tills du blir morfar!:D
Svenskaflicka said:
*staying up all night wondering what could possibly top "I'm pregnant" and "you're gonna have twins"*

Dying. That was pretty weird. I got caught in a drifting fishing net while taking a swim in the sea. I drowned, and (technically) was dead for about a minute. It was actually Lin (who I had just started seeing) and her brother who managed to cut me out and bring me to shore, where the ambulance crew pulled out the starter cables...

Later that day, the good ole pump feltlike it had had it and stopped again.

So I died (well almost), twice, the same day. There you have it.

Hmm. I haven't really given that a thought... First she saved my life, and now she's having my children. How bad in debt am I here? ;)
Don't you mean, "Holy Sniwt"? Good fucking luck! If they're boys, no problem. If they're girls, GOOD FUCKING LUCK!

Nevertheless, it won't be dull. My daughters were four years apart and there was never a dull moment, once they were past 14 months old.

Hang on for the ride!!

In any case, best of everything.
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falcon29 said:
Don't you mean, "Holy Sniwt"? Good fucking luck! If they're boys, no problem. If they're girls, GOOD FUCKING LUCK!

Nevertheless, it won't be dull. My daughters were four years apart and there was never a dull moment, once they were past 14 months old.

Hang on for the ride!!

In any case, best of everything.

Yep, I'm with you on that. My two girls are only 18 months apart, and do they bicker, or what? They are now 5 and 7, which is a wonderful age of self-awareness, however, it's also an age of...
C: "I wanna play with that,"
G: "no, it's mine,"
C: "give it here,"
G: "NO!"
Me: "Girls, lets calm down and try to share."
C: "She started it,"
G: "No I didn't,"
C: "Yes, you did,"
G: "Didn't,"
C: "DID!"
Me: "Right, go to your rooms now, both of you!"
C: "NOT FAIR!!!"

Little girls can be such a joy. :cathappy:

Good luck, Ice. :D

Tatelou said:

C: "I wanna play with that,"
G: "no, it's mine,"
C: "give it here,"
G: "NO!"

I'm the oldest of five siblings.

I was 16-17 then my sisters went at it like that.

Being the old and sensible one, I was supposed to b-a-b-y-s-i-t.

A lot.

Belive me, THAT part I'm pretty prepared for.

And I think I'm gonna call in favours from my folks. :)

Lou, Falcon, are you implying that boys would be more easy to handle? In their teens, maybe. But up until then my somewhat limited exerience tell me this, they're first and foremost kids.


oh, and we don't know which kind we're gonna get (yet), forgot to mention that.
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Icingsugar said:
Lou, Falcon, are you implying that boys would be more easy to handle? In their teens, maybe.
Sugar, I've two nice young men for sons, but in their teens I sometimes wondered if I'd raised sociopaths. It was some relief to me to know other parents of sons felt this way. One man told me, "When my son became a teenager he turned into someone else who wanted nothing to do with me. Then at 20 he returned and we're great friends."

I am the oldest over three brothers so I grew up knowing men closely but it didn't help all that much in relating to my sons (or men in general, ha hah).

Just love and protect them best you can esp. the first few years (i.e., total attention). Oh, and my sons are best friends now and we all get along fine and seem to like each other as people. Phew!

Perdita, I don't think it is possible for females to ever understand males or the other way around either. Fact of life.

My kids are 2 years apart, boy and girl, and it goes like this:

Him: I hate you! I wish I had a brother instead of you!
Her: You suck too! Stay out of my room!

Next day:
Him: Hey, you wanna go get ice cream with me?
Her: Are you buying?
Him: Sure, let's stop and rent some movies on the way home.

Next day:
Him: Why did you tell my friend I died when she called?
Her: Because I wish it was true.
Him: You are nasty, stay away from me!

Although that was some time ago, I always laughed at their up-and-down relationship. It is a sibling thing. They are annoyed by the picture I have of them hugging each other in Grandma's flower garden. I got it blown up, it is adorable!

Wantonica :rose:
Form ages 16-19 my parents and I had mutual feelings for each other

My mother and me: Awww That fuckin Bitch

My father and I: Oh god it's her/him again avert eyes and walk fast.

Now my mother and I are great friends provided we don't spend more than 3 days in the other's physical presence, My dad and I are closer than ever too :D
Poor, poor me!

As an only child, I was the sole focus of my parents' attention. I received 100% of the beatings, sendings to bed without dinner, screaming tantrums, tongue lashings, withholdings of allowance, lockings in closet for weeks, starvations, chainings in basement, and general physical and mental abuse. If that wasn't bad enough, I was sent to Catholic schools to be taught by nuns. It wasn't my fault I turned out the way I did.
Re: Poor, poor me!

MathGirl said:
It wasn't my fault I turned out the way I did. MG
Yeah, but you got to leave home a lot earlier than most of us.

enviously, Perdita :rolleyes:
Obviously a little slow on the uptake

That is absolutely fantastic Icing... Congrats!

Kids are the best experience I've ever been through, even including making them, which was pretty cool too. You get what you put into it, go into it with a sense of humor and humility and you'll be great!

TWO!!!! you're having TWO!!!! I thought one was awsome I can't imagine TWO!!! (don't mean to shout but I just can't help it). Save up on sleep!

Sugar, I suggest you check out meditation, I've sound it takes place of sleep pretty well in my own use.

Good luck!
Re: Re: Poor, poor me!

Originally posted by perdita Yeah, but you got to leave home a lot earlier than most of us.
Dear Perdita,
Yeah, sure. Kicked out into the street when I was barely fifteen.
Re: Re: Re: Poor, poor me!

MathGirl said:
Yeah, sure. Kicked out into the street when I was barely fifteen.
Dear Maths,

At least it wasn't Fresno or Detroit.

only slightly sympathetic, Perdita
Originally posted by Icingsugar
Just wanted to share this:

Twins. We're gonna have twins sniwt! Holy shit. Virgin Mary on a surfingboard. Jesus Christ in drag. My head is spinning.

This is a very base and sad thing for you to say, even when quoting another. You can do nothing directly to save their soul but you might wish to look after your own! Please stop blaspheming here. If you have no concern for your soul, at least you should be respectful of the sensibilities of others who find that sort of language, that sort of blaspheming repugnant.

The Cleaning Lady
TheCleaningLady said:
Originally posted by Icingsugar
Just wanted to share this:

Twins. We're gonna have twins sniwt! Holy shit. Virgin Mary on a surfingboard. Jesus Christ in drag. My head is spinning.

This is a very base and sad thing for you to say, even when quoting another. You can do nothing directly to save their soul but you might wish to look after your own! Please stop blaspheming here. If you have no concern for your soul, at least you should be respectful of the sensibilities of others who find that sort of language, that sort of blaspheming repugnant.

The Cleaning Lady
Laidies and Gentlemen, I think we've had a troll-storm in several threads while I was asleep.
Who is this?
1. A true religios zealot?
2. A nut?
3. A troll?

Lady, in the case of you being for real and honest, I'll reply. Please don't insult God by putting your petty bigotry in his mouth. My soul need none of your concern.

hugs and kisses,
This is a very base and sad thing for you to say, even when quoting another. You can do nothing directly to save their soul but you might wish to look after your own! Please stop blaspheming here. If you have no concern for your soul, at least you should be respectful of the sensibilities of others who find that sort of language, that sort of blaspheming repugnant.

The Cleaning Lady

Maybe you can pray for the rest of us, since clearly god hears only you and others who believe as you do.


and Icing guy congrats! :) I have two, four years apart, who adore each other and also try to kill each other on a daily basis. The thing with kids is that two somehow becomes not two, but some exponent of it. I don't understand how this works, but I know I'm right. :)