dribble believes the USA must break up into two countries... how would that even be possible?

The rural vs city divide is vast...mostly because of gerrymandering and extremists hijacking the parties.

Outlaw gerrymandering. Increase the House proportionally to population and require districts to be setup by geographical distance based on that proportion.

Those who want the country to be broken up are small minded.

From 2019. Since then...the US Government has only gotten more and more dysfunctional. Solutions? None. Just lump and bear it. It will get better. Yada Yada Yada. With no plans on how to solve the issues except...we ain't them.

If the country were to break up...takes time. It is illegal. That would have to be worked through. We are realistically looking at 50 years down the line.

Let's look at realities. 50 years ago...we started saying...fuck...our environment is fucked. We have to do something. We did nothing. Now we are fucked...having to take what there is. We have zero choices.

Talking about breaking up...is the same. Do nothing...solve nothing...it will happen. Or...you can put it on the table...and give states choices.

I find it odd...Democrats here believe a woman should have a choice....but a state should not. What's the difference? Aren't choices good?
Even if we did have the US break up like that it won't stop the divisions. Even if everyone agreed with you now eventually some issue will pop up that they don't and will want to go their own way making the broken up countries mire broken up and smaller and smaller.

The only real solution is for representatives of both sides to accept their fellow Americans' differences and approach governing along side them with open minds and a willingness to compromise in order to serve the American people.
Even if we did have the US break up like that it won't stop the divisions. Even if everyone agreed with you now eventually some issue will pop up that they don't and will want to go their own way making the broken up countries mire broken up and smaller and smaller.

The only real solution is for representatives of both sides to accept their fellow Americans' differences and approach governing along side them with open minds and a willingness to compromise in order to serve the American people.
But this "solution" will never occur. Ever. The chance for it has been destroyed by the choices of each Party. So....for ever and ever...the US will exist on a single Party rule...whichever is in power this week. And what gets done? Nothing. And that is ok?

I am only saying...insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

By giving States the right to leave...the rest have a choice...work to keep them...or not. Which do we have? Giving States the right to leave...does not equate to them leaving. This is the part my dear British friend fails to understand. It keeps options open. Options...that if aren't available...only speeds the backwards trend the US is presently trending.

Ask any one. Is our country heading in the right direction? Answer: No. So how do you change that? More of the same? Or something different?
America is a great society. All great societies eventually crumble. You can go through the motions of pitching wild ideas in an effort to delay the inevitable, but what you're describing isn't a solution to fix America's problems - it's a fire sale. States leaving the Union would just be fancy dress for the funeral.

I don't know if we're a great society however the idea that they all eventually crumble really isn't born out of history. In one form or another China has been the same forever, same with India.

I agree states leaving would make things worse. Half more than half the states have no access to the sea which given how much we and every nation import and export for the most part a land locked nation is never going to be in anyway independent. Hell depending on how the split was made many would have little choice but to pay for water.

This as you almost put it. This isn't a plan, this would be a suicide pact for a lot of states.
Even if we did have the US break up like that it won't stop the divisions. Even if everyone agreed with you now eventually some issue will pop up that they don't and will want to go their own way making the broken up countries mire broken up and smaller and smaller.

The only real solution is for representatives of both sides to accept their fellow Americans' differences and approach governing along side them with open minds and a willingness to compromise in order to serve the American people.
Your last paragraph. You left out the /sarc tag. Most Americans want to kill their fellow Americans.
The rural vs city divide is vast...mostly because of gerrymandering and extremists hijacking the parties.

Outlaw gerrymandering. Increase the House proportionally to population and require districts to be setup by geographical distance based on that proportion.

Those who want the country to be broken up are small minded.
Outlaw gerrymandering? That’s hilarious! You should be a comedian.
The rural vs city divide is vast...mostly because of gerrymandering and extremists hijacking the parties.

Outlaw gerrymandering. Increase the House proportionally to population and require districts to be setup by geographical distance based on that proportion.

Those who want the country to be broken up are small minded.

I don't really think you can stop gerrymandering and I suspect its a much smaller problem than we pretend it is. However the real problem is you can't just lay down a grid and expect it to work. Where I live or at least where I work North of the sixty is a very mixed race area with middleish class life styles. South of 60 if you don't speak Spanish make sure your cell phone is charged cus they are almost all Hispanic to the point where many of them know JUST enough english to do things like order pizza but anything more complicated than you already goofed.

If you go a west you're in Orange County. You know, where the Kardashians and Lebron James and plenty of other names you'd recognize but I don't follow celebrities. These three groups all have differing issues that are their primary issues. I know we try not to talk too much about race, religion, class but these things are all factors. Kim Kardasian doesn't give a damn about raising the minimum wage. Her father was one of the laywers for OJ way back in the day. I'm not mad about it.

The Hispanic community just a little ways away does care about the minimum wage but really don't care about taxes especially if means the pot holes get fixed.

I think all people basically want the same things to be safe, have shelter maybe have a few nice things or at least taking month off from work isn't called bankrupt its just a major annoyance. However the things that would help each of us are different or at least the things we want. If the Kardasians have their workers a little more or higher taxes well they don't want that for obvious reasons. The Hispanics really need English Second Language teacher and in general more bilingual people in the government/schools/police. I'm not one of those we only speak English in this country types, typically first gen immigrants never fully learn the language.

Sometimes the lines aren't technically jerrymander as well. Sometimes this side of the river/freeway/tracks is where the lines are drawn. It may or may not make since but often it splits minority communities because they live right on those lines

I'm not saying we don't have problems. We very much do. I just think when we have 50 states and only 1 current lawsuit for intentional jerrymandering either the problem is either greatly exaggerated OR we don't have enough lawyers in the country.
I don't really think you can stop gerrymandering and I suspect its a much smaller problem than we pretend it is. However the real problem is you can't just lay down a grid and expect it to work. Where I live or at least where I work North of the sixty is a very mixed race area with middleish class life styles. South of 60 if you don't speak Spanish make sure your cell phone is charged cus they are almost all Hispanic to the point where many of them know JUST enough english to do things like order pizza but anything more complicated than you already goofed.

If you go a west you're in Orange County. You know, where the Kardashians and Lebron James and plenty of other names you'd recognize but I don't follow celebrities. These three groups all have differing issues that are their primary issues. I know we try not to talk too much about race, religion, class but these things are all factors. Kim Kardasian doesn't give a damn about raising the minimum wage. Her father was one of the laywers for OJ way back in the day. I'm not mad about it.

The Hispanic community just a little ways away does care about the minimum wage but really don't care about taxes especially if means the pot holes get fixed.

I think all people basically want the same things to be safe, have shelter maybe have a few nice things or at least taking month off from work isn't called bankrupt its just a major annoyance. However the things that would help each of us are different or at least the things we want. If the Kardasians have their workers a little more or higher taxes well they don't want that for obvious reasons. The Hispanics really need English Second Language teacher and in general more bilingual people in the government/schools/police. I'm not one of those we only speak English in this country types, typically first gen immigrants never fully learn the language.

Sometimes the lines aren't technically jerrymander as well. Sometimes this side of the river/freeway/tracks is where the lines are drawn. It may or may not make since but often it splits minority communities because they live right on those lines

I'm not saying we don't have problems. We very much do. I just think when we have 50 states and only 1 current lawsuit for intentional jerrymandering either the problem is either greatly exaggerated OR we don't have enough lawyers in the country.
A party that can rig the system to stay in power is a huge problem.

They should be drawn so that no two people in the same district should be far apart. I use Jordan's district often - he has constituents in Cleveland and Columbus. No fucking way that should be possible.
A party that can rig the system to stay in power is a huge problem.

They should be drawn so that no two people in the same district should be far apart. I use Jordan's district often - he has constituents in Cleveland and Columbus. No fucking way that should be possible.
It’s never going to happen. White Americans hate democracy and do everything in their power to ensure that all votes are NOT equal. Republicans will abolish voting before they give up power because they represent white supremacy.
Even if we did have the US break up like that it won't stop the divisions. Even if everyone agreed with you now eventually some issue will pop up that they don't and will want to go their own way making the broken up countries mire broken up and smaller and smaller.

The only real solution is for representatives of both sides to accept their fellow Americans' differences and approach governing along side them with open minds and a willingness to compromise in order to serve the American people.

Can we please for the love of everything unholy stop with this both sides bullshit as if both parties were equally responsible. Does anybody remember an actual government shut down under Bush or Trump. I sure as hell don't. I remember a few times the idea was flirted with but the Dems never pulled the trigger. The Republicans on the flip side pulled this bullshit twice under Obama and strictly speaking we went over this time around Honestly for shit like the budget if they aren't finished by the date its supposed to be in they don't go home until the work is done just like a lot of us.

Right now one party hates immigrants and where will the labor needed come from? Thus far 5 states have relaxed their child labor laws to let children as young as 14 or 15 work around dangerous machinery. One state working to get 14 year old people to work in bars serving liquor. In a best case scenario this keeps wages stagnant by expanding the work force. Much more likely it causes inflation on everything because people will be expected to have 3 income families at minimum. I would expect that kids working until 9pm aren't gonna get home until say 9:30 they gotta eat, shit and shower so asleep at ten? After doing real work. This isn't the kid who is up till 12am playing Halo or exploring Facebook. How is it even theoritically possible that this does not increase the drop out rate? You can barely get a job in a warehouse without a High School Degree! There's no reason you need one to unload and load trucks but there it is.

This is asking the firefighter to negotiate with the arsonist. There is no such thing as I get to burn down half the house. That's just not how things work.
It’s never going to happen. White Americans hate democracy and do everything in their power to ensure that all votes are NOT equal. Republicans will abolish voting before they give up power because they represent white supremacy.
I don't give a shit who stands in the way.

Impossible isn't a word I subscribe to.
I believe in equal rights for all Americans. The country as a whole does not. That could be fixed.

I believe certain guns are a problem. The country as a whole does not. That could be fixed.

I believe politics should stay out of the Judicial System. The country as a whole does not. That could be fixed.

I believe in a health care system that worked. The country as a whole does not. That could be fixed.

I believe we are spending more as a country than is sustainable. That could be fixed.

Name any problem...any...that our country can't solve...because we are too big...we have too many social differences...any. and tell me focusing on a smaller geographic region wouldn't potentially solve.

This is not the best solution...the best is a government that works. But it doesn't. Denial of this only kicks the can down the road.

This post illustrates the real problem.

You believe in something but the majority doesn't and yet you still continue to believe that you're idea is the correct one for everyone when all the data proves that everyone else rejects your idea.

The problem here isn't the rest of the people, it's you. You have the privilege in believing whatever you want and then implementing your beliefs into your life (as long as those things aren't illegal).

What you don't have the privilege of doing is FORCING everyone else to conform to your beliefs.
You believe in something but the majority doesn't and yet you still continue to believe that you're idea is the correct one for everyone when all the data proves that everyone else rejects your idea.

The problem here isn't the rest of the people, it's you. You have the privilege in believing whatever you want and then implementing your beliefs into your life (as long as those things aren't illegal).

What you don't have the privilege of doing is FORCING everyone else to conform to your beliefs.
I spit out my drink reading this,from fucking Carbon Water Boy. This has to be the funniest post of his...EVER
This post illustrates the real problem.

You believe in something but the majority doesn't and yet you still continue to believe that you're idea is the correct one for everyone when all the data proves that everyone else rejects your idea.

The problem here isn't the rest of the people, it's you. You have the privilege in believing whatever you want and then implementing your beliefs into your life (as long as those things aren't illegal).

What you don't have the privilege of doing is FORCING everyone else to conform to your beliefs.
It’s not that everyone rejects his ideas. In certain parts of the country, his ideas ARE shared by everyone. So why shouldn’t those parts of the country that agree with him control their destinies in accordance with those ideas and fuck all the states that don’t agree.

Personally I don’t give a fuck if the Russians nuke Florida, Texas and the entire south - it would be a blessing to humanity if they did.
This post illustrates the real problem.

You believe in something but the majority doesn't and yet you still continue to believe that you're idea is the correct one for everyone when all the data proves that everyone else rejects your idea.

The problem here isn't the rest of the people, it's you. You have the privilege in believing whatever you want and then implementing your beliefs into your life (as long as those things aren't illegal).

What you don't have the privilege of doing is FORCING everyone else to conform to your beliefs.

The majority not believing in facts doesn't change the facts however. I've shown the data time and time again. It is literally impossible to argue anything but guns are the real problem. You are basically saying that if I believe the Earth has a gravitation pull that keeps us on the ground and the rest of you, not event he majority that you're flat out lying about, who believe we have a guardian angel that keeps us on the ground cus otherwise we'd fly away we are not the same.
“Make Amurika Great Again” by tearing it up into pieces? Brilliant

Do Russia’s, China’s. and all our enemies work for them
It’s not that everyone rejects his ideas. In certain parts of the country, his ideas ARE shared by everyone. So why shouldn’t those parts of the country that agree with him control their destinies in accordance with those ideas and fuck all the states that don’t agree.

Personally I don’t give a fuck if the Russians nuke Florida, Texas and the entire south - it would be a blessing to humanity if they did.

Because this is the United States of America. Not the We're Going Our Own Way Nimrods Of The Continent.
This as you almost put it. This isn't a plan, this would be a suicide pact for a lot of states.
And why it would work.

Certain states would survive. Others...maybe not. Those that wouldn't...might be willing to compromise more if they know they are on their own.

Way better than any solution you all are providing