EEK! Sorry sorry sorry sorry

hehe, we're fun people, anyway, I had a fun moment (totally nonsexual, being as how it was with a girl I am not dating, but, I'll turn it into an erotic story...

Her name is Kasey... and my gods she's so fun to talk to, and her smile is so ... alluring... it's not love, I know that, but it's just... teenage attraction...

"Love isn't in the aiir...." hehe, anyway, I'm having fun without a sex life, I find I'm reading Donne a lot more, and also some Weis & Hickman, but yeah, I like those authors.

So, yeah, cowboy boots... have we no better things to argue about MG? It's boots... I don't care the realism I care the usability.

Aaaanyway, I'm going to play pool, I'll be back on when I'm back.

I'll miss all of you... Perdita most though ^_^,

Medieval-Man said:
I'm having fun without a sex life, I find I'm reading Donne a lot moreB]
Medi, I keep missing you, but you're in my thoughts often. Love that line up there, I'm going to send it to a prof. friend, she'll love that an 18 year old boy wrote it, as do I.

hugs, Perdita :heart:
Ohhh, really? My mom was a Donne scholar, so I love his work and brilliance, I read it often, trying to sort out all of the meaning, he's a very brilliant priest.

So anyway, borling sucked, I got a 62 and a 50 for total scores... I went to be with my friends, not bowl...

Anyway, I'm up a while so PM's are very welcome!

Medieval-Man said:

So anyway, borling sucked, I got a 62 and a 50 for total scores... I went to be with my friends, not bowl...


Ouch Medi .. You end up in the gutter more often than not?

Raph, who always wanted to bowl, but could never seem to quite get the hang of it.
Well Raphy, I never was a good bowler... then again, I mean, c'mon, I'm only 18, and have only done it 10 times in my whole life.... so I think I have room to suck, and yes I ended up in the gutter a lot.

Heh, well, I had bad fries, enough second hand smoke to equal a pack, and old enough shoes to dance to the Charleston in. So aaanyway, as any Clevelander would know, it's nearing 4 am. So, bed time I suppose...

See you all tomorrow!

And it's good to see *you* back, Lou..


Raph, happy.
Hi Lou! I forgot to give you a biiiig hug, because I didn't spot you :( *HUG!*

So yeah, I'm here, tired, but here,

hey what is up all i am medi's friend and all my name is derek and well i am frustrated and all about female behavior i mean not like that sense but i understand most of them when talking about them but when i am involved i am lost so yeah plz help me outs if you can..
BiGaZnMaLe said:
hey what is up all i am medi's friend and all my name is derek and well i am frustrated and all about female behavior i mean not like that sense but i understand most of them when talking about them but when i am involved i am lost so yeah plz help me outs if you can..

Hey c'mon in the water's fine Big
you may want to invest in a pen and paper to take notes:D
I'm destinie21 nice to meet you you should start a thread on your burning question.
BiGaZnMaLe said:
hey what is up all i am medi's friend and all my name is derek and well i am frustrated and all about female behavior i mean not like that sense but i understand most of them when talking about them but when i am involved i am lost so yeah plz help me outs if you can..
gosh its really great to have you here and i just can't tell you how wonderful it makes us all feel well possibly i can you see because we all have different opinions about that sort of stuff as well i can picture you know who saying who gives a shit while someone else who will remain unnamed will say kissy huggy and i try to maintain a more wait and see perspective if you know what i mean and im sure you do of course you do anyone would feel that way i think well its been nice conversing with you and i hope this finds you well and in fine fettle its a lovely morning here with the sun up and all so i think i'll take a nice run after my morning exercises which i hardly ever miss if you know what i mean oh gosh and heck i forgot to punctuate this darned message oh well ill just put them all down there at the end and you can sort of stick them in wherever you find appropriate and make the best of it i hope thats okay well of course it is bye bye M.G.
Ps.......!!!!!!!'''''''''????:::::::" '" " " " " " "(sp?) (sp?) (sp?)
Pps. :::::::::..............
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Maths, you're so cool. I love "fine fettle", and presume you'll let me use it. The do-it-yourself punctuation was brilliant.

no k-h, just some fettle,

en re MG's ramble,

The great drive-in movie critic, Joe Bob Briggs, would be envious, maybe even jealous of that effort. But since he claims to be from Grapevine, Texas, who cares?

Rumple Foreskin said:
The great drive-in movie critic, Joe Bob Briggs,
Rumply! I haven't met anyone who knows of JBB! I miss him, haven't read him in years (our dopey paper discontinued him).

Ah, thanks for the recollection,

Yeah Derek's cool, he's having a bit of lady problems, which all men and many women happen to have. And, being so young and innocent ^_^, can't exactly help him out, yeno?

Well, I'm on for a bit, hope to hear from some one ^_^

Medieval-Man said:
Hi Lou! I forgot to give you a biiiig hug, because I didn't spot you :( *HUG!*

So yeah, I'm here, tired, but here,


BIG hugs back, you sweetie pie. ;)

Raphy, BIG hugs for you, too. Thanks for noticing I was gone for a while.

Lou :kiss:
Medieval-Man said:
And, being so young and innocent ^_^, can't exactly help him out, yeno?

Well, I'm on for a bit, hope to hear from some one ^_^
Dylan, you sweet Welshie you. Always a pleasure to see you here. Two innocent boys, eh? There's a line from 'Winter's Tale' I'll have to find for you re. boyhood friendship and innocence.

anon, Perdita :heart:

Edit: Found it! Polixenes says this of his friendship with the other king (whose name I have already forgotten, haha).

We were as twinn'd lambs that did frisk i' the sun,
And bleat the one at the other: what we changed
Was innocence for innocence; we knew not
The doctrine of ill-doing, nor dream'd
That any did.

WT, I.ii
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Medieval-Man said:
Yeah Derek's cool, he's having a bit of lady problems, which all men and many women happen to have. And, being so young and innocent ^_^, can't exactly help him out, yeno?

Well, I'm on for a bit, hope to hear from some one ^_^

Hey, Medi-man,

If Derek's so cool, where the hell are the Dominos? :)

Rumple "Oldie but a Goodie" Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
If Derek's so cool, where the hell are the Dominos? :)
LOL, I don't know if he'll get it, Rumps; the kid's only 18!

perdita said:
LOL, I don't know if he'll get it, Rumps; the kid's only 18!


Youth is no excuse for ignorance of classical composers such as: W. Mozart, J. Bach, and E. Clapton.
