Emily’s NEW positivity and being nice to each other thread

Alex was my hero back when I was climbing more…

This is sexy in so many ways
I still have climbing-related muscles. But Alex is like a Greek goddess. I guess some guys get threatened by physically strong women. Then she’s only an inch taller than me.

And I just saw that her mom was in a terrible car accident with an uninsured DUI. Fucking awful 😢. Best wishes to Alex and her family.

I still have climbing-related muscles. But Alex is like a Greek goddess. I guess some guys get threatened by physically strong women. Then she’s only an inch taller than me.

And I just saw that her mom was in a terrible car accident with an uninsured DUI. Fucking awful 😢. Best wishes to Alex and her family.

Well, not a man so not intimidated, but it definitely turns me on.
It’s hard to argue that homosexuality is deviant when it is very prevalent in the natural world. Of course some will argue that humans are somehow different (we have a soul or some such nonsense), but - given we are simply animals - we behave pretty much like the rest of them do. Including girls fucking girls and boys fucking boys.

Well stated. Thank you
I read recently that elephants will often exhibit positive homosexual behavior. Males rile each other up prior to mounting females. Females separated from males masturbate each other with their trunks. Nothing abusive, everything soothing and supportive per the Wikipedia description. Why can’t we humans behave like this?
Somewhat related and pertinent to me and some people I know...

I saw a presentation from a neurophysiologist from Stanford talking about neuroreceptors in the brain that when examined post mortem, can identify the gender of the individual with an 80%+ accuracy. Interesting thing is, with transgendered individuals, the gender indicated by these receptors matches their identified gender not their biological one. He also noted that men who had lost genitalia due to things like penile cancers had an instance greater than 60% of phantom sensation syndrome. The occurrence in transgendered women, post op, was zero.

Not absolutely conclusive, but an indicator that, like sexuality, gender isn't as hard-coded as we thought.
Somewhat related and pertinent to me and some people I know...

I saw a presentation from a neurophysiologist from Stanford talking about neuroreceptors in the brain that when examined post mortem, can identify the gender of the individual with an 80%+ accuracy. Interesting thing is, with transgendered individuals, the gender indicated by these receptors matches their identified gender not their biological one. He also noted that men who had lost genitalia due to things like penile cancers had an instance greater than 60% of phantom sensation syndrome. The occurrence in transgendered women, post op, was zero.

Not absolutely conclusive, but an indicator that, like sexuality, gender isn't as hard-coded as we thought.
We have at best a rudimentary understanding of how the human body works. It’s a very, very complicated system and we only really understand the building blocks, not how they work together.
