Emily’s NEW positivity and being nice to each other thread

The downvotes trolls weren’t as big an issue when I first started posting here. My main issue was with low numbers of votes pulling down my scores. I also don’t always pick the most popular subjects.

You can turn voting back on, but I’m not sure I ever will.
Don't give up: I've had a quick glance at your first story, and you have a pleasant style, and it's an interesting concept. So stick at at. More writers is always a good thing.

If you're open to some suggestions (from someone who's been around for less than a year, not some revered guru), you might try some of the following:

Make your chapters longer. I know that when you first start writing anything that covers more than one or two pages in Word seems like an epic, but here on Lit there's a preference for longer works, particularly in the lower-traffic categories such as Non-Erotic and Non-Human. See if you can put together something in the region of 6-8,000 words.

Before submitting for publication, run your story through Read Aloud in Word or some other text-to-speech function. This will help you spot typos. From my quick glance at your story I didn't see any, but I did spot one contraction in an otherwise formal style. Read Aloud helps you to maintain consistency too.

And lastly, but this is more of a nerdy thing, if you're going to write about Frankenstein, be sure to refer to "Adam" as a creature, not a monster. That's part of the point of the story: it's about Man playing in God's domain and "creating" another being. I quote Gary Larson:

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Thanks for that last note! I got so used to everyone calling him “Frankenstein’s Monster” that it stuck.
Hey y’all! I’ve never been on the forums before!

I’m wondering if I should just stop writing?

My two newest stories got a one-star and a two-star rating within just 12 hours of publishing, and that freaked me out a bit - the two newest installments in Frankenstein’s Awakening are the chapters that I’m the most proud of. So I panicked and closed audience voting.

I love love LOVE writing these, but if I'm just embarrassing myself by posting them here then maybe I should stop.
Y’all are so sweet and helpful, thank you 💝😭 I might be a bit too fragile to absorb feedback about my writing without it feeling like an attack rn, but I really do appreciate what y’all have already said.
Y’all are so sweet and helpful, thank you 💝😭 I might be a bit too fragile to absorb feedback about my writing without it feeling like an attack rn, but I really do appreciate what y’all have already said.
It's always going to feel like an attack. You're presenting people with something that's sprung purely from inside your mind, something that you've created because you love it. If those people don't like it, it's as if they're saying, "I don't like your mind." That always hurts.

There's no defence against that except to remind yourself that your own opinion is just as valid as theirs. You love your story, and you put time, effort and emotion into it, whereas a reader spent a few minutes looking at it before commenting "U suxxx!" So screw them, and keep doing what you're doing. Take constructive feedback on board, improve your weaknesses, and remember that every writer started somewhere.

See also here: I will love my story even if...
Me watching the forum and seeing certain threads:
It's always going to feel like an attack. You're presenting people with something that's sprung purely from inside your mind, something that you've created because you love it. If those people don't like it, it's as if they're saying, "I don't like your mind." That always hurts.

There's no defence against that except to remind yourself that your own opinion is just as valid as theirs. You love your story, and you put time, effort and emotion into it, whereas a reader spent a few minutes looking at it before commenting "U suxxx!" So screw them, and keep doing what you're doing. Take constructive feedback on board, improve your weaknesses, and remember that every writer started somewhere.

See also here: I will love my story even if...
Gonna save this to re-read when I’m feeling down, this is SO good 😭💝
My oldest daughter turned 19 today.
She loved her gifts.
Her friend Kaylee cooked her a homemade deep dish pizza with garlic bread.
Her entire Criminal Justice class, surprised her by singing the Happy Birthday song to her.
My oldest daughter turned 19 today.
She loved her gifts.
Her friend Kaylee cooked her a homemade deep dish pizza with garlic bread.
Her entire Criminal Justice class, surprised her by singing the Happy Birthday song to her.
Ok. I feel like shit. I post a nude and you come back with this. Tell your daughter happy birthday from the transgender degenerate lech, will you? 😘🤣
Ok. I feel like shit. I post a nude and you come back with this. Tell your daughter happy birthday from the transgender degenerate lech, will you? 😘🤣
I will.

I don't understand what the "transgender degenerate lech" has to do with it though :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Hell I didn't know you were. :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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