Favorite movie quotes

Well all-time favorite comes from a Disney show I used to watch when I was young. "People should accept you for who you are, not who they think you should be." That quote got me through HS.
Well all-time favorite comes from a Disney show I used to watch when I was young. "People should accept you for who you are, not who they think you should be." That quote got me through HS.
And don't forget Fess Parker as Davy Crockett saying "Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
One of my all time favorites.

Hi. I'm, uh, I'm a pet psychiatrist. I sell couch insurance. Mm-hmm, and I - and I test-market positive thinking. I lead a weekend men's group, we specialize in ritual killings. Yeah, you look great! God, yeah! Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you? Hi, I'm Martin Blank, you remember me? I'm not married, I don't have any kids, but I'd blow your head off if someone paid me enough.

A thousand innocent people get killed every day! But a millionaire's pet gets detonated, and you're marked for life.
One of my favorite quotable movies. Great writing. Right after that, he says to the writer, who's trying to figure out the key to his success as a gunfighter, "I've always been lucky when it comes to killing folks."
I loved that movie because I've always been a sucker for the grilled old bad ass coming back for whatever reason for that one last fight they have left in them. Logan was another great example of that trope.

The Unforgiven didn't sanitize the west in any way, and I enjoyed the realism to a gunfight where most people were so nervous or adrenalized, they couldn't hit shit, and the final shoot out showed that as he basically stood still and picked them off while they're firing all over the place.
One of my favorite quotable movies. Great writing. Right after that, he says to the writer, who's trying to figure out the key to his success as a gunfighter, "I've always been lucky when it comes to killing folks."
All I can tell you is whose gonna be last
I loved that movie because I've always been a sucker for the grilled old bad ass coming back for whatever reason for that one last fight they have left in them. Logan was another great example of that trope.

The Unforgiven didn't sanitize the west in any way, and I enjoyed the realism to a gunfight where most people were so nervous or adrenalized, they couldn't hit shit, and the final shoot out showed that as he basically stood still and picked them off while they're firing all over the place.

Right. Everybody likes a good revenge story, but this movie got it right because it didn't sugarcoat it. It was pitch perfect. Ned was one of the few likeable characters in the movie, and when Will found out Little Bill killed him, you knew what was going to happen. But it wasn't glamorous, it wasn't a display of gunfighting speed or skill. The coldest-hearted guy in the room survived because he didn't get nervous, unlike Little Bill's hapless deputies. Little Bill didn't get nervous, but he was unlucky. Will was right.
  • Eleventh Doctor : [to himself] I could be a curator. I'd be great at curating, I'd be "The Great Curator" ha-ha. I could retire and do that. I could retire and be the curator of this place.
    The Curator : [behind him] You know I really think you might.
    [the Doctor turns and studies the Curator curiously]
    Eleventh Doctor : I never forget a face.
    The Curator : I know you don't. And in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few... but just the old favorites, eh?
    [the Eleventh Doctor winks at him]
  • [the Curator and the 11th Doctor look at a painting]
    The Curator : You were curious about this painting, I think. I acquired it in remarkable circumstances. What do you make of the title?
    Eleventh Doctor : Well, which title? There's two: "No More" or "Gallifrey Falls".
    The Curator : No. You see, that's where everybody's wrong. It's all ONE title: "Gallifrey Falls No More". Now... what would you think that means, eh?
    Eleventh Doctor : ...That Gallifrey didn't fall. It worked! It's still out there!
    The Curator : I'm only a humble curator. I'm sure I wouldn't know.
    [moves off]
    Eleventh Doctor : Then where is it?
    The Curator : [comes back] Where is it indeed?
    Eleventh Doctor : Yes!
    The Curator : Lost! Shhh!... Perhaps. Things do get lost, you know. And now you must excuse me. Ohhh... you have a lot to do.
    Eleventh Doctor : Do I? Is that what I'm supposed to do now, go looking for Gallifrey?
    The Curator : Well, that's entirely up to you. Your choice, eh? I can only tell you what I would do. If I were you...
    The Curator : "If I were you..." Perhaps I was you, of course. Or, perhaps you are ME.
    [both laugh, and the Curator shakes the Doctor's hand]
    The Curator : Congratulations.
    Eleventh Doctor : Thank you very much.
    The Curator : Or, perhaps, it doesn't matter, either way. Who knows? WHO knows?
“Who are you? I kill four of your people, you kill forty of mine! You’re no soldier, you’re a goddamn monster!

- Kill.
"I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."

Is that the best line ever by a movie computer character?
"I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."

Fun fact: Douglas Rain recorded the HAL dialogue over two days (ten hours) with Kubrick speaking every other line.

Martin Balsam was the first voice, but Kubrick decided he wasn't neutral enough.

And Mission Control, when the astronauts call Earth to discuss what to do, was a USAF flight controller from a nearby USAF base. Kept tapping his foot on the floor, so Kubrick put a blanket under his foot.

This is film buff trivia!
"Life. Don't talk to me about life."

...whoops, movie. As you were.
...Is this a thinly veiled allusion that the adaptation was so bad it doesn't bear mentioning? C'mon, it was at least passable (and Marvin was one of its high points, too).
...Is this a thinly veiled allusion that the adaptation was so bad it doesn't bear mentioning? C'mon, it was at least passable (and Marvin was one of its high points, too).

No, just that that line was originally from the book. I wasn't thrilled with the movie but Alan Rickman did a fine job as Marvin.
Karen: “We’ve seen you like this before. Is it over, or is it just beginning?”

Margo, after downing her martini: “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”
Wolff: What the hell are you?
Nicki: What do you think I am, you scrawny earthbag? I'm a woman! (Molly Ringwald pre-Brat Pack)

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (1983)
We're mixing our lives together, Maily, and we'll never be able to unmix them again, and we'll never want to. I take you for what you are, and all that you are, and mix you with all of me, and I don't hold back nothing. When you're cold, and hungry, and afraid, so am I. I'm going to stay with you all that I can, take the best care of you that I can, and love you 'til I die.