Favorite Movie Quotes

Martin Q. Blank: [Leaving a message on Dr. Oatman's machine] Dr. Oatman, please pick up, pick up! It's Martin Blank! I, I'm standing where my, uh, living room was and it's not here because my house is gone and it's an Ultimart! You can never go home again, Oatman... but I guess you can shop there.
Grosse point blank
Black and white had more verisimilitude for people growing up with news reels and newspapers.

Color was for lavish musicals and comedies or melodramas
In recent decades (since the 1960's?) most movies are in color. There have been exceptions, like a few of Woody Allen's films and, say, Lenny and Raging Bull which could be defined as period pieces. It's interesting to speculate what some movies (like The Godfather films) would have been like in black-and-white.
I'm walkin' here!
A different scene in the same movie. If Joe Buck had been in New York longer, he would have had a comeback line, maybe, "So you must take a leak right next to her then."

Nice view down Park Avenue, but one of the most downbeat mainstream movies I've ever seen.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Rutger Hauer's take on the movie thirty years later. It was indeed ahead of its time. I walked out on it at a Manhattan theater. It wasn't until a second viewing (probably on videotape) that I got it.

A different scene in the same movie. If Joe Buck had been in New York longer, he would have had a comeback line, maybe, "So you must take a leak right next to her then."

Nice view down Park Avenue, but one of the most downbeat mainstream movies I've ever seen.

The only X-rated film to win the Best Picture Oscar. 💡
(Heavy fake Middle Eastern accents.)

"You cannot kill someone just because he give you a Datsun!"
"You cannot kill everyone just because you get mad at them! Have to have permission first. That is democracy. You go around killing everybody, you'll never get a green card!"
Exactly. The X rating was a bit too broad at that time.

You have to remember that 1969, although it was post-"Sexual Revolution," was a more restrained time than the present. It seemed wide-open compared to earlier decades. Now more than five decades on, standards have loosened even more. Certainly the Internet, social media, and almost unlimited on-line porn have been factors.
You have to remember that 1969, although it was post-"Sexual Revolution," was a more restrained time than the present. It seemed wide-open compared to earlier decades. Now more than five decades on, standards have loosened even more. Certainly the Internet, social media, and almost unlimited on-line porn have been factors.
Medium Cool in 1969 featured both male and female full frontal nudity
You have to remember that 1969, although it was post-"Sexual Revolution," was a more restrained time than the present. It seemed wide-open compared to earlier decades. Now more than five decades on, standards have loosened even more. Certainly the Internet, social media, and almost unlimited on-line porn have been factors.
I want to add that I entered high school in 1969 and college in 1973, so I've seen a lot of this first-hand. I'm sure other people had different experiences, but I think I have a baseline understanding, call it, about those times. Of course, that means an urban, American experience for me. I've even written an essay on Lit about it.
