feedback confusing fiction with fact?

Perhaps you're right, sweetsubsarahh. A good writer evokes feelings. Happiness, a warm fuzzy belly, horniness, amazement, fear, queezyness (HOW do you spell that word?), outrage... If the story doesn't touch you at all, it's a waste of cyberspace.

But I agree with MG. I mean, the incest story was one of my least favourite one to write, I only wrote it to get 3 points in the Survivor contest. And people LIKE it???:confused:

I was much more thrilled when I heard from a couple who simply said
"We read your story and we both like sit very much. Thank you!
Bill and Marie"

Or something like that. That's my main target: nice, sensual, sexual stories that will tease people's appetite, so that they will go to their partner in the mood for some "eating out"...
Svenskaflicka said:

<massive edit>
. That's my main target: nice, sensual, sexual stories that will tease people's appetite, so that they will go to their partner in the mood for some "eating out"...

thank you for the chance to plug my latest Ross the Boss tale: " Eating Lunch In"

as i write this, it has a cool 4.48 vote score- I would love a Hot 4,.50, so if you read it, and like it, send me whatever feedback you wish, but a 5 would be really appreciated.
reohoko said:
... Personnally, I would rather consider them some godlike beings that see into other dimensions and universes. I don't want to know who they are, just when they will publish next.
At last, a reader who really understands authors and their true status.
Un-registered said:
At last, a reader who really understands authors and their true status.

I wonder if I should be worried you said that. ;)

hmmm, kind to think of it, I suppose I should be worried that I said it.

Oh well, gotta have coffee before I give this any real thought.
The weirdest feedback I've ever had was someone asking whether my celebrities story was autobiographical. Yes, I'm actually Michelle Trachtenberg writing under a pseudonym and everything in Buffy is actually true, rather than just a story.


The Earl

Originally posted by TheEarl I'm actually Michelle Trachtenberg writing under a pseudonym and everything in Buffy is actually true, rather than just a story.

You are?? Wow, wait until I tell my sorority sisters!
The Earl can't be MT- she's still under 18, so wouldn't be on Lit, right?
Svenskaflicka said:
Happiness, a warm fuzzy belly, horniness, amazement, fear, queezyness (HOW do you spell that word?), outrage...

I think it's queeziness. But not sure.

The Earl
Thank you, Earl. As always, I crawl behind my usual "English-really-IS-my-secon-language" - excuse. Quite handy, that is.:cool:
TheEarl said:
The weirdest feedback I've ever had was someone asking whether my celebrities story was autobiographical. Yes, I'm actually Michelle Trachtenberg writing under a pseudonym and everything in Buffy is actually true, rather than just a story.


The Earl

Can you introduce me to Angel? He is soooo dreamy.

Svenskaflicka said:
Thank you, Earl. As always, I crawl behind my usual "English-really-IS-my-secon-language" - excuse. Quite handy, that is.:cool:

Any ideas what I can use for my excuse?

The Earl
Svenskaflicka said:
"I'm a man" ..?:)

Oh! That's cold. :eek: Anyway, according to anonymous feedback, I'm actually a teenage girl living in Sunnydale.

The Earl
Re: wishful thinking

bridgetkeeney said:
I think that there is a good bit of wishful thinking involved. Thinking that the author really has done all those things makes the story a hotter read for some. The chance that the author might be interested in doing some of those same things with the reader is too good of a fantasy to pass up.

I take the projections as compliments. It must be my phenomenal writing that engenders such a response.. not the depravity or the desperation of the readers! :D
I think this is exactly right, and I always do take it as a compliment, even if the reader is basically saying I'm an incestuous bisexual nymphomaniacal cocksucking whore who can't keep her legs closed.

On the other hand, I'm always a little curious about this kind of feedback. Would the average man *really* want a woman who would do all the things that (for instance) my character does in my stories? Isn't it exciting enough just to think that your woman can (and does) imagine all these things, and can express them in a way that gets you hot? But maybe they're thinking, "Hey, if this is true, she might just fuck anyone, and I'm anyone, right?"

ps. MG - I thought all your stories were true, and that extended to DG's efforts as well. I'm disappointed, I think. :(
Lol. I'm tired. I don't mean to present such an easy target.

The Earl
Re: Re: wishful thinking

openthighs_sarah said:
I'm an incestuous bisexual nymphomaniacal cocksucking whore who can't keep her legs closed.


So when are we getting together? ;)
fact or fiction?

Y'know, come to think of it, I think I sent feedback to math_girl for a bit of work I thought was less fiction and more "Have a glimpse into my bedroom", but hey, party foul if I did.
But I think I may have some of you guys beat. Check this out. I wrote a story about a fellow living in Denver, visiting some friends, he's got an explained history and everything, but I wrote it in the first person, right? Most feedback I've gotten has been excellent, asking me to just keep the stories coming--all good.
But then I tell a friend about my story being on thise site. She reads it. She has her friend read it. Eventually, word gets to an ex-girlfriend of mine who reads it and then emails me to ask if it's true! LOL
I replied, Darling, you've been one of my best friends for ten years... you would recognize the story, if it had ever really happened, even if I *had* changed the names (which she insisted I had done).
Wish I had read that Hemingway quote sooner. Though, "magicians never reveal their secrets," worked fairly well for me.

ok, you all have a valid point...

I shall endeavor to be less honest with my audience and more mysterious...

*falls out of her chair laughing


but the truth is SO much more shocking.

(it is a joke, 'cept the valid point part)
I don't get that much feedback that's irritating any more. My faves have run along the lines of "Youre writing sucks you republican bitch!" or "Good story, but I gave you a one cause mine is better." and leave us not forget: "ur hot, im a 29/bi-m/nyc luv ur voice ur sexy accent made me cum, we shud chat sumtime."


I did get into a rip-snorting argument over my, oh what did he call it "butcher of the language" or something with some guy that was quite fun while it lasted.

I had a stalker a long time ago, but he's gone onto somenoe else now.

Re: Re: Re: wishful thinking

sweetsubsarahh said:
So when are we getting together? ;)
As soon as I can get this strap-on situated, dear... damn thing is a pain, really, but it's so cute.

And speaking of politically charged criticism (KM's "Youre writing sucks you republican bitch!"), I almost never get that kind. There's a definite Libertarian subtext running through all my work, I think, but maybe it's hidden beneath all the ass-fucking.
Posted by MathGirl

A lot of my stuff is in the first person. That doesn't <necessarily> mean it's autobiographical. I certainly would never tell a reader if it was.

Next you'll be telling me that the avatars here showing beautiful women and buff, well-hung men might not be actual pictures! :(
one of my fave feedback responses had this final line:

Originally posted by a reader who will remain anonymous
...I'm sending you an invoice for batteries
which made me feel all warm inside...


PS both my Av and the photo on my profile are genuine ;-) that sunset is directly behind my monitor every night
Shared readership

Originally posted by KillerMuffin "ur hot, im a 29/bi-m/nyc luv ur voice ur sexy accent made me cum, we shud chat sumtime."

Dear Muffie,
Sounds like we have at least one reader/feedbacker in common. Does he ever offer to ========== your=========?