First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

I'm sitting here listening to the likes of my dumbass senator Warren and NY's Chuck Schumer screaming to a fever pitch, hypocrites. What I say to them is ***SHUT THE FUCK UP *** you have the house, the senate and the WH, TABLE IT!!! VOTE ON IT!!! and CODIFY THE DAMN BILL. No need to wait till June. Stop the fucking whining, riots in the streets and codify it already.
I thought the House passed a bill a while back, and in the aftermath of the leak Schumer said he was going to bring it to the floor of the Senate to force every Senator to put their vote on the record. Did I get that wrong? Or did they chicken out?
I thought the House passed a bill a while back, and in the aftermath of the leak Schumer said he was going to bring it to the floor of the Senate to force every Senator to put their vote on the record. Did I get that wrong? Or did they chicken out?
I guess my point is Schumer and Warren are whistling through their dentures over the possibility of the court overturning Roe vs Wade while they themselves can't do anything about it, they don't have the votes or the support by the people so they chastise the court for their own ineptness. I guess threatening to eliminate the filibuster is blowing up in Schumer's face and packing the court is even less popular. You can tell it's an election year the (D)s are screaming foul. The thing is this issue broke too early and will be a distant memory in Nov.

I don't recall if the house passed the bill or not.

I can't believe their doxing judges for future protesting at their homes.
I guess my point is Schumer and Warren are whistling through their dentures over the possibility of the court overturning Roe vs Wade while they themselves can't do anything about it, they don't have the votes or the support by the people so they chastise the court for their own ineptness. I guess threatening to eliminate the filibuster is blowing up in Schumer's face and packing the court is even less popular. You can tell it's an election year the (D)s are screaming foul. The thing is this issue broke too early and will be a distant memory in Nov.

I don't recall if the house passed the bill or not.

I can't believe their doxing judges for future protesting at their homes.
If I was developing election strategy for the Democrats, I know I would do nothing about circumventing the SCOTUS ruling. In fact all I would do is keep it public. Message that to create new legislation, the Democrats need 10 Republicans to vote for the bill. We all know that won't happen, so don't vote on it, just message on that fact.

When the court decision lands in July, run on that public anger in the fall. The message would be simple , "if you want legal abortion, vote Democrat. Remember it was the Republicans who failed to agree to support legislation and as such took it away".

Irrelevant of if you think the poll numbers are correct, between 65-80% of Americans ( all partisan politics aside that is the percentage range) do not want to Roe vs Wade overturned. Even if they say otherwise in public.

So given everything else that is sinking the Democrats at this point in time. This potential SCOTUS ruling has the same potential to get the soft Republicans ( especially suburban women), true centre Independents, and majority Democrats, voting the full Democratic party line on the ballot at both State and Federal levels.

Remember, this is exactly what sunk Trump, yet since the issue was only about Trump, not the Republican party itself, the voters still party voted the rest of their ticket after Trump.

*chuckles* these midterms seem to be shaping up to be as fun to watch as the last Presidential election was....
45 outsmarted the retarded inbreds who voted for him. The rest of us voted for Hillary as proven by the poll results.
Reality check: Trump, a racist, moron, tv game show host with no political experience, won the election against Clinton. The election wasn't between Trump and Trump supporters. It was between Trump and Clinton. Your framing of the election to excuse the massive failures of Clinton and Democratic party is feckless and sad.
Hillary made a bad calculation that should have worked for her. Though some people told her it was a bad move but really you can't always account for cray cray.
Hillary made a bad calculation that should have worked for her. Though some people told her it was a bad move but really you can't always account for cray cray.
Hillary was a shitty candidate with shitty policies that was rejected at the ballot box. Trying to pick the kernels of corn out of that turd to blame her loss on will not change that reality.
Hillary was a shitty candidate with shitty policies that was rejected at the ballot box. Trying to pick the kernels of corn out of that turd to blame her loss on will not change that reality.
She also had a “likability” problem, exacerbated by her late night drinking.
Reality check: Trump, a racist, moron, tv game show host with no political experience, won the election against Clinton. The election wasn't between Trump and Trump supporters. It was between Trump and Clinton. Your framing of the election to excuse the massive failures of Clinton and Democratic party is feckless and sad.
I quite literally told it as it happened. Hillary was an awful candidate that should have never run and we wouldn't be in the current mess. Wanna know what's really sad? Adult humans being duped by a carnival barker. Wanna know what's even more sad and pathetic? Almost half of the country is full of you dumbfucks.
I quite literally told it as it happened. Hillary was an awful candidate that should have never run and we wouldn't be in the current mess. Wanna know what's really sad? Adult humans being duped by a carnival barker. Wanna know what's even more sad and pathetic? Almost half of the country is full of you dumbfucks.
What's sad is a carnival barker outsmarting the entire Democratic party. What's sad is the American public trusting a carnival barker over the Democratic party to improve their lives. What's sad is party that is defenseless and useless against a carnival barker.
What's sad is a carnival barker outsmarting the entire Democratic party. What's sad is the American public trusting a carnival barker over the Democratic party to improve their lives. What's sad is party that is defenseless and useless against a carnival barker.
If that were true, Biden wouldn't be in the White House with the most votes in the history of our Nation. Pro-tip: Think and research before you post and embarrass yourself.
"What's sad is a carnival barker outsmarting the entire Democratic party."

What is really sad is a corrupt, criminal, treasonous, racist, sexual abuser, lousy business man, and mental midget outsmarting the entire Republican Party, putting them on their knees to him and sucking him off.
  • Law experts say if Roe were overturned because a right to choose an abortion isn't constitutional, other rulings could be next.
  • One ruling, in particular, Griswold v. Connecticut, could be at risk because a right to privacy isn't mentioned in the Constitution.
  • In the leaked initial opinion, Alito maintained that the right to an abortion was a part of the right to privacy — neither of which are included in the Constitution.
Law experts cautioned that singling out the right to privacy this way exposes a weak spot that could jeopardize more than just abortion rights, including access to birth control pills and emergency contraception as well as marriage equality and gay rights.
If that were true, Biden wouldn't be in the White House with the most votes in the history of our Nation. Pro-tip: Think and research before you post and embarrass yourself.
You and I both know the only reason Biden won was because of the pandemic. In other words he got lucky. You really need to shut the fuck up about research until you learn to do some. The Democrats are about to get trashed in the mid terms and in 2024.

Poll: Trump leads Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.
You and I both know the only reason Biden won was because of the pandemic. In other words he got lucky. You really need to shut the fuck up about research until you learn to do some. The Democrats are about to get trashed in the mid terms and in 2024.

Poll: Trump leads Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.
Biden won because he won the right states.

That's how 45 won last time.

And also got the most votes.

45 didn't do that last time.

2 years is a lot of time.
You and I both know the only reason Biden won was because of the pandemic. In other words he got lucky. You really need to shut the fuck up about research until you learn to do some. The Democrats are about to get trashed in the mid terms and in 2024.

Poll: Trump leads Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.
Do you practice being an idiot or were you born this way? Bush got lucky with Chad. Biden won because that's how the electoral process works. How the fuck are you gonna tell me to do research and then link with the boldness to pure speculation two fucking years out?

Gottdamn, I hate stupid people.
Do you practice being an idiot or were you born this way? Bush got lucky with Chad. Biden won because that's how the electoral process works. How the fuck are you gonna tell me to do research and then link with the boldness to pure speculation two fucking years out?

Gottdamn, I hate stupid people.
The only reason Biden won was because of the pandemic. Know your history.

Most Americans continue to be deeply worried about the virus, and the poll found that 65%, including 9 in 10 registered Democrats and 5 in 10 registered Republicans, agreed that “if President Trump had taken coronavirus more seriously, he probably would not have been infected.”

Only 34% said they thought that Trump has been telling them the truth about the coronavirus, while 55% said that he was not and 11% were unsure.

Of those polled, 57% of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic overall, up about 3 points from a poll that ran late last week.