For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

That’s your opinion. Many legal immigration experts say he did. If it wasn’t for the fact that Biden owns the corrupt DOJ and the senate he would’ve been impeached and possibly removed.
"Many people are saying XXX". One of Trump's favorite ways to project and lie.
Charge the kid? Are you that stupid? How bout the doctor performing the abortion? How bout the parents? How about anyone who has any knowledge of the crime.

Why would you charge the doctor? Unless you wanted to have no doctors performing abortions. So like I said are you going to be willing to charge the parents, and leave the child an orphan or a charge of the state? You're not thinking any of this out.

You're relying on trite assumptions that just don't play out in reality. The biggest problem is you are utterly committed to your erroneous assumptions based on this lack of understanding.
"Many people are saying XXX". One of Trump's favorite ways to project and lie.
Are you aware that many cities are about to go belly up over the influx of illegal migrants. Biden has left these cities out to dry. 420 billion spent on undocumented ( :ROFLMAO: ) migrants.
Why would you charge the doctor? Unless you wanted to have no doctors performing abortions. So like I said are you going to be willing to charge the parents, and leave the child an orphan or a charge of the state? You're not thinking any of this out.

You're relying on trite assumptions that just don't play out in reality. The biggest problem is you are utterly committed to your erroneous assumptions based on this lack of understanding.
It’s like traversing the up the down staircase with you.
Are you aware that many cities are about to go belly up over the influx of illegal migrants. Biden has left these cities out to dry. 420 billion spent on undocumented ( :ROFLMAO: ) migrants.
By the way, many people are saying that you used to molest farm animals. So tell us: when did you stop molesting farm animals?
And, like most things credited to Trump, he stole it from someone else. In this case Fox News, which is undoubtedly also where Ican'thelpmyself picked it up.
Hannity! Right. He can't have a show without using that a few times. Never any evidence, facts, or even any one of the "many people" saying that thing.
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Good points. If drugs were decriminalized they would be properly produced with better ingredients (no more brick dust in heroin). Much safer.

No more importation of foreign babies to satisfy the needs of adoptive parents. Let them die in poverty in their own shithole countries! Spoken like a true White Supremacist Evangelical Christian. Strangely, those keen adopters tend to turn their noses up at babies with complex needs. Only perfect white ones will do, they tick their adoption papers more carefully than choosing the options on a used car. Those babies rejected by the adopters can stay with their abused mothers, not your problem.
I don't know what Evangelicals you are talking about, because none of the ones I am aware of are white supremacist (at least half of them are black or Hispanic), several of them HAVE adopted from overseas, and they are the ones founding and funding the organizations that help the homeless, the widows, the orphans, the pregnant mothers, the women and mothers at risk, the mothers who have babies they need resources to care for, and the victims of abuse. In fact they have been on the front lines in these battles.

But because they oppose the murdering of babies in the process, you have to lie and misrepresent their work. Can't have women actually know there are more and better options than abortion. That would mean less murdered babies. And we know you guys do love murdering babies.
I prefer to follow and support the legal commitments Government has enshrined.
You only prove one thing by this statement.... Government IS your God.

And both sides are about belief. If I believe segregation is wrong, it doesn't matter what the law says. If I believe rape is wrong, it doesn't matter is a law says it's okay. And if I believe murdering babies is wrong, it doesn't matter if the law says it's okay.
Laws vs beliefs...which one to follow.
Since the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't constitutional, based on their own majority interpretation of the document, the six conservatives could easily repeal any "right" that we have. And there's not a goddamn thing we could do about it. Who's to stop them? The states? Ha! The Supreme Court decides what is considered a federal right and what is a states' right. In fact, they just did that.

If there were six liberals on the court and they decided that the Second Amendment should be interpreted differently, maybe decide that only official militias should be able to carry firearms, not individual private citizens, you guys would be up shit creek without a paddle. And there's not a goddamn thing you could do about it. Except disobey the law, like you all love to do. "We will not comply" is your battle cry.
Problem with your logic. The Supreme Court is not the ultimate anything. We have 3 branches, co-equal, in a system of checks and balances. That Supreme Court also made rulings enshrining slavery, segregation, and a number of other horrific acts. The court is there to give an opinion. But it also has no policing force to enforce that opinion. That's by design. The founders actually openly wrote that the Judicial Branch is the most dangerous branch and must be held in the tightest check.
I don't know what Evangelicals you are talking about, because none of the ones I am aware of are white supremacist (at least half of them are black or Hispanic), several of them HAVE adopted from overseas, and they are the ones founding and funding the organizations that help the homeless, the widows, the orphans, the pregnant mothers, the women and mothers at risk, the mothers who have babies they need resources to care for, and the victims of abuse. In fact they have been on the front lines in these battles.

But because they oppose the murdering of babies in the process, you have to lie and misrepresent their work. Can't have women actually know there are more and better options than abortion. That would mean less murdered babies. And we know you guys do love murdering babies.


“Superstar pastors like Bill Hybels and Andy Savage have been forced to resign over allegations of misconduct. The New York Times also published a recent expose on the “sexual abuse crisis” at Evangelical churches. While some churches have apologized for the abuse, few victims have seen any restitution or justice.Apr 25, 2023”




Here's an interesting wrinkle in that "plan." How does the snitch know that the mother is preggers? AND how does the snitch know she's going to get an abortion?

And then how are the cops going to justify that under the standard of probable cause so that the cops can get a warrant? "We had an anonymous tip that she was pregnant..."?

Talk about over reaching.

This Texas law will fall like all the other laws of this type which the State has tried to pass.
Was it overreach when the government paid snitches to tattle on neighbors who dared to show up at a January 6 Trump rally? Y'all are hypocrites.
Can't have women actually know there are more and better options than abortion.
Do you really think women who choose to abort have never heard of adoption? Just because they don't share your belief that it's a cure-all - or the right answer for them - doesn't mean they're not aware of it.
If they're below the age of "consent", then every teen pregnancy from someone older is statutory rape. Although it's not a legal term, molestation would seem to apply in those cases, as well.
Most teen pregnancies are the result of sex with fellow teens. Because Sex Ed telling sex outside of marriage has no risk or little risk as long as it's "safe" and you "love each other" has such a great track record of effectiveness.
Because Sex Ed telling sex outside of marriage has no risk or little risk as long as it's "safe" and you "love each other" has such a great track record of effectiveness.
No sex ed curriculum that I'm familiar with teaches that.

Here's an interesting wrinkle in that "plan." How does the snitch know that the mother is preggers? AND how does the snitch know she's going to get an abortion?

And then how are the cops going to justify that under the standard of probable cause so that the cops can get a warrant? "We had an anonymous tip that she was pregnant..."?
Yes. That's exactly how they will do it. In fact, it seems the law was engineered specifically that. Anonymous tips. Although Abbott will know what address to send the bounty reward to.
Talk about over reaching.

This Texas law will fall like all the other laws of this type which the State has tried to pass.
So you agree that Texas abortion laws are Draconian and unreasonably intrusive, correct?
Most teen pregnancies are the result of sex with fellow teens. Because Sex Ed telling sex outside of marriage has no risk or little risk as long as it's "safe" and you "love each other" has such a great track record of effectiveness.
That whole preaching abstinence until marriage thing has worked out really well, too. See the above, showing that at least 54% of abortions are had by "good Christian women".

“Superstar pastors like Bill Hybels and Andy Savage have been forced to resign over allegations of misconduct. The New York Times also published a recent expose on the “sexual abuse crisis” at Evangelical churches. While some churches have apologized for the abuse, few victims have seen any restitution or justice.Apr 25, 2023”



You are citing mega "churches" mostly tied to stations like TBN and other "Word of Faith" frauds. Problem . Most Evangelicals reject them and their Emergent Church cousins openly. As with Jersey Shore, what you see on TV, on TBN and on Falwell's network, does not even remotely reflect or represent Evangelicals. We have the same issues with these nut jobs and more. And we regularly call them out on it.

You're even more like Rightguide than I thought. Just like him, you 1) apparently either don't read or don't understand your own cites, and 2) tend to provide cites that actually prove you wrong:

Judy Woodruff:

You're not getting paid for this, are you?


No. No. I haven't gotten paid a dime. This is literally your friends, your neighbors, your fellow citizens dedicating their time, their money, and their energy in holding people accountable.
That whole preaching abstinence until marriage thing has worked out really well, too. See the above, showing that at least 54% of abortions are had by "good Christian women".
Actually, when you aren't getting your stats from corrupt sources like Planned Parenthood, who actually make a fortune off of teens getting pregnant then murdering their babies behind their parents back before the parents ever know they are pregnant, the evidence actually shows an incredible success rate of abstinence based sex ed. For one reason. If you don't have sex before marriage, you won't get pregnant before may. If you aren't having sex until it is with that one person for life, you are highly unlikely to get STDs. In other words, it is in fact factual that the only safe sex practice is waiting til marriage. I wish I had waited. I wish I hadn't cheapened the value of intimacy. I wish I would've taken the warnings seriously.