For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Let's examine the definition...
Guy who admits that he doesn't agree with definitions wants to examine definitions

Contempt for electoral democracy. Only one side on record has actually stolen an election using a time of created crisis to commit an entire nationwide string of electoral fraud. I know you lefties are in denial of that, and since you own almost the whole of the media and most of the state and federal courts (impressive strategy, by the way), you get to have your perversion of the story on blast as "truth". It doesn't change facts, just what popular belief about the facts is.
"The election was stolen"

Political and cultural liberalism. You are literally considered LIBERAL. It's in the name. Fascist regimes either denied the rights of churches to preach and teach Scripture or dictated what they could teach and preach about it. Literally killed Christians simply for being Christian. Still do. Not exactly a trademark of Conservatives.
"War on Christianity"

Subjection to elites. Almost to a man or a woman, every person controlling information flow, media, and entertainment is a wealthy liberal. About the only exception it Elon Musk, and he's more a free speech libertarian than a conservative. Your biggest cities, most of which are miserable to live in, controlled by rich elitists. And the long held positions in Washington DC, the unelected positions that last decades.... You guessed it. Nope, you lefties own that too.
There are no wealthy righties controlling information except for one of the largest information social media sites....that is controlled by the literal richest man in the world.

And what about subjection of the individual to the declared "good of the nation"? It's your side that over and over proves that your goal. Only catch, YOU decide what is good for the nation based on moving mores.
Surprised Covid wasn't mentioned here....perfect opportunity
Guy who admits that he doesn't agree with definitions wants to examine definitions
I never said I don't agree with definitions. I said I don't agree with liberal REDEFINITIONS of words using institutions to redefine them. The definition here comes from Britannica, and they are historically relatively neutral on most topics, though they do lean left on a few things. But particularly on history and subjects pertaining to it, they are generally good at giving a historical definition and description, as opposed to a modern definition based on current political and social climate.
"The election was stolen"
Indeed, it was. You can be a denier all you like. It doesn't alter the theft.
"War on Christianity"
Not exactly a war on Atheism or Paganism in America today, now is there? One particular worldview is being attacked by your side, being mocked in the media, and being ridiculed in schools and universities. And it ain't Islam, Buddhism, or Communism. The reason fascists and Marxists and Socialists alike hate Christianity is because of its particular view of the Source of Truth and Freedom. If freedom comes from God, any government who takes it away is illegitimate in its actions and role; that's the point of the statement in the Declaration. If freedom comes from government or society, what the government or society gives, it can take away; it was never really rightfully the individual's anyway. If Truth is defined by God, then the rules that govern morals and freedom are fixed and constant. If Truth is defined by government or society, the rules that govern morals and freedom are movable, inconstant, and can be changed to fit the mores of whoever controls the power. So, yes, there is an active cultural war on Biblical Christianity. You would have to be blind not to see it.
There are no wealthy righties controlling information except for one of the largest information social media sites....that is controlled by the literal richest man in the world.
First, Musk is not a Righty. Unless he is right-handed. Not sure what hand he writes with. He is relatively liberal on his social views, holds some very weird views about humans needing to evolve into being one with machines, and is questionable on his fiscal views. He's more a globalist libertarian who happens to have very strong beliefs about free speech that happen to align with the conservative view. And that does not negate that your wealthy elites own the field except for Twitter... I mean X. (I still think that was a dumb name for the rebranding.)
Surprised Covid wasn't mentioned here....perfect opportunity
Glad you recognize your side's tyranny there. It wasn't our side closing down churches while supporting BLM riots, shutting down prayer meetings while backing the burning down of cities by mobs.
I never said I don't agree with definitions. I said I don't agree with liberal REDEFINITIONS of words using institutions to redefine them. The definition here comes from Britannica, and they are historically relatively neutral on most topics, though they do lean left on a few things. But particularly on history and subjects pertaining to it, they are generally good at giving a historical definition and description, as opposed to a modern definition based on current political and social climate.
You did say you disagree with definitions, no matter how you explain why you disagree with definitions. If you disagree with a current definition then you do. Period.

Indeed, it was. You can be a denier all you like. It doesn't alter the theft.
It was not.

Not exactly a war on Atheism or Paganism in America today, now is there? One particular worldview is being attacked by your side, being mocked in the media, and being ridiculed in schools and universities. And it ain't Islam, Buddhism, or Communism. The reason fascists and Marxists and Socialists alike hate Christianity is because of its particular view of the Source of Truth and Freedom. If freedom comes from God, any government who takes it away is illegitimate in its actions and role; that's the point of the statement in the Declaration. If freedom comes from government or society, what the government or society gives, it can take away; it was never really rightfully the individual's anyway. If Truth is defined by God, then the rules that govern morals and freedom are fixed and constant. If Truth is defined by government or society, the rules that govern morals and freedom are movable, inconstant, and can be changed to fit the mores of whoever controls the power. So, yes, there is an active cultural war on Biblical Christianity. You would have to be blind not to see it.
No religion is taught in government. This isn't isolated to Christianity.

First, Musk is not a Righty. Unless he is right-handed. Not sure what hand he writes with. He is relatively liberal on his social views, holds some very weird views about humans needing to evolve into being one with machines, and is questionable on his fiscal views. He's more a globalist libertarian who happens to have very strong beliefs about free speech that happen to align with the conservative view. And that does not negate that your wealthy elites own the field except for Twitter... I mean X. (I still think that was a dumb name for the rebranding.)
Musk is self professed Republican.

Glad you recognize your side's tyranny there. It wasn't our side closing down churches while supporting BLM riots, shutting down prayer meetings while backing the burning down of cities by mobs.
45 initiated closures due to COVID.

Black lives matter protests occurred...sorry.
You did say you disagree with definitions, no matter how you explain why you disagree with definitions. If you disagree with a current definition then you do. Period.
If you disagree with the classic, original definition, then you disagree with the real definition, the one before your corrupt, agenda-driven institutions redefined the words in order to reframe the argument. It's a brilliant strategy that started in the universities and worked its way out.
It was not.
It indeed was, but your side committed the biggest crime in US history, so of course you either choose not to see the evidence or refuse to be honest about it. Either way, it's a circular argument.
No religion is taught in government. This isn't isolated to Christianity.
Of course a religion is taught in government and in schools today. The religion is called Humanism.

Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good.
American Humanist Association

Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supernaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values-be they religious, ethical, social, or political-have their source in human experience and culture. Humanism thus derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather than from theological or ideological abstractions, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny.
The Humanist Magazine

Humanism is a democratic and ethical lifestance which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.
Humanists International

Humanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common humanity, recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone.
The Bristol Humanist Group

Humanism is: A joyous alternative to religions that believe in a supernatural god and life in a hereafter. Humanists believe that this is the only life of which we have certain knowledge and that we owe it to ourselves and others to make it the best life possible for ourselves and all with whom we share this fragile planet. A belief that when people are free to think for themselves, using reason and knowledge as their tools, they are best able to solve this world’s problems. An appreciation of the art, literature, music and crafts that are our heritage from the past and of the creativity that, if nourished, can continuously enrich our lives. Humanism is, in sum, a philosophy of those in love with life. Humanists take responsibility for their own lives and relish the adventure of being part of new discoveries, seeking new knowledge, exploring new options. Instead of finding solace in prefabricated answers to the great questions of life, humanists enjoy the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that this entails.
The Humanist Society of Western New York

Humanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist.
Bette Chambers, former president of the AHA

Humanism is a philosophy, world view, or lifestance based on naturalism-the conviction that the universe or nature is all that exists or is real. Humanism serves, for many humanists, some of the psychological and social functions of a religion, but without belief in deities, transcendental entities, miracles, life after death, and the supernatural. Humanists seek to understand the universe by using science and its methods of critical inquiry-logical reasoning, empirical evidence, and skeptical evaluation of conjectures and conclusions-to obtain reliable knowledge. Humanists affirm that humans have the freedom to give meaning, value, and purpose to their lives by their own independent thought, free inquiry, and responsible, creative activity. Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, and democratic society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge-an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth.
Steven Schafersman

All these definitions come from the American Humanist Association, an organization whose very motto is "Good Without a God". This is the very essence of an anti-theistic religion. They even have their own "churches". And yes, this is the very thing being taught in government and in schools. But it is being leveraged specifically against a Judeo-Christian worldview. And it is happening on all fronts in society. Again, you would have to be blind not to see it. Problem is that you AGREE with the attack, so you deny it.
Musk is self professed Republican.
I didn't say Republican. I said Conservative. The bulk of the Republican Party mainstream is now Communitarian Globalist, just as your mainstream Dems are Marxist (or at least Maoist) Socialists. What you don't seem to get is that I am in the "A pox on both their houses" camp. I just consider the fast-track to tyranny, Socialism, far more dangerous than the slow track. The destination is still the same.
45 initiated closures due to COVID.
We had pastors FINED AND JAILED for holding church services! Other churches forcibly locked down! The fundamental freedoms of religion (not worship-you lefties love to misquote that freedom) and assembly were unconstitutionally stripped away....
Black lives matter protests occurred...sorry.
except when a mob of BLMers decided to riot. Then assembly was safe, Because apparently America is a horrible, racist, awful place to live, but the Covid bug was more racist: it wouldn't attend a BLM riot and destruction and looting part... I mean a mostly peaceful protest. The mob.... oops, the peaceful protesters who peacefully assaulted police, burnt down buildings, flipped cars and set them ablaze, and looted businesses, all in the name of equality and love of course, they were immune.
If you disagree with the classic, original definition, then you disagree with the real definition, the one before your corrupt, agenda-driven institutions redefined the words in order to reframe the argument. It's a brilliant strategy that started in the universities and worked its way out.
Yes, you disagree with the definition and you excuse yourself because of stupid shit.
It indeed was, but your side committed the biggest crime in US history, so of course you either choose not to see the evidence or refuse to be honest about it. Either way, it's a circular argument.
It was not.

Of course a religion is taught in government and in schools today. The religion is called Humanism.
Humanism is not taught in schools.

I didn't say Republican. I said Conservative. The bulk of the Republican Party mainstream is now Communitarian Globalist, just as your mainstream Dems are Marxist (or at least Maoist) Socialists. What you don't seem to get is that I am in the "A pox on both their houses" camp. I just consider the fast-track to tyranny, Socialism, far more dangerous than the slow track. The destination is still the same.
He's raising money for the Republican candidate for President.
We had pastors FINED AND JAILED for holding church services! Other churches forcibly locked down! The fundamental freedoms of religion (not worship-you lefties love to misquote that freedom) and assembly were unconstitutionally stripped away....
That happened in multiple states under multiple majority parties and was initiated under a Republican President.

except when a mob of BLMers decided to riot. Then assembly was safe, Because apparently America is a horrible, racist, awful place to live, but the Covid bug was more racist: it wouldn't attend a BLM riot and destruction and looting part... I mean a mostly peaceful protest. The mob.... oops, the peaceful protesters who peacefully assaulted police, burnt down buildings, flipped cars and set them ablaze, and looted businesses, all in the name of equality and love of course, they were immune.
Yes, I get that you disagree with the black lives matter movement.

Btw - you suck at the reply feature
Yes, you disagree with the definition and you excuse yourself because of stupid shit.
So your modern libs are smarter than those older, wiser ones who grew up on a classical education and could read and speak Latin, Greek, French and often Hebrew by middle school. You really are arrogant, self-absorbed bastards.
It was not.
Pointless to have this argument with a person as blind as you.
Humanism is not taught in schools.
That is the central religion taught in schools. Look at the content of your science, history, and philosophy classes. Look at the books foisted on students in Literature courses. A kid can be told not to quote the Bible in a report or to openly pray to Jesus, but anti-theists are quoted from the teachers. Of course that is the religion of our schools and government.
He's raising money for the Republican candidate for President.
Kinda making my point.
That happened in multiple states under multiple majority parties and was initiated under a Republican President.
It happened under the state laws, not under federal mandates. You know, State rights trumping federal rights and all. And it was liberal governing bodies in the cities that imposed the mandates in conservative states. Generally, conservative governors backed off on any mandates during covid ASAP. And NO conservatives were fining and jailing pastors. THat was solely the act of liberals, including our current VP.
Yes, I get that you disagree with the black lives matter movement.
My point is not the BLM movement here. My point is the double standard your liberal leaders applied. Churches are not essential in their eyes, so shut 'em down. Bars and riots are essential. Leave 'em open. Masks are essential, except when they are not. Covid will avoid you in a restaurant with your mask down if you are eating. On and on. It was using a mild emergency, conflating it to create a crisis, and using that crisis to strip away freedom. All for the public good, of course.
Btw - you suck at the reply feature
Yes, I suck at technology. You got me.
So your modern libs are smarter than those older, wiser ones who grew up on a classical education and could read and speak Latin, Greek, French and often Hebrew by middle school. You really are arrogant, self-absorbed bastards.
Dictionaries have definitions. You want to live in the past and make everyone else agree with your worldview by not accepting actual definitions.

Pointless to have this argument with a person as blind as you.
The election wasn't stolen.

That is the central religion taught in schools. Look at the content of your science, history, and philosophy classes. Look at the books foisted on students in Literature courses. A kid can be told not to quote the Bible in a report or to openly pray to Jesus, but anti-theists are quoted from the teachers. Of course that is the religion of our schools and government.
There is no religion taught in public schools, nor should there be.

Kinda making my point.

It happened under the state laws, not under federal mandates. You know, State rights trumping federal rights and all. And it was liberal governing bodies in the cities that imposed the mandates in conservative states. Generally, conservative governors backed off on any mandates during covid ASAP. And NO conservatives were fining and jailing pastors. THat was solely the act of liberals, including our current VP.
The federal government gave guidance to the state governments who made decisions based on that.

My point is not the BLM movement here. My point is the double standard your liberal leaders applied. Churches are not essential in their eyes, so shut 'em down. Bars and riots are essential. Leave 'em open. Masks are essential, except when they are not. Covid will avoid you in a restaurant with your mask down if you are eating. On and on. It was using a mild emergency, conflating it to create a crisis, and using that crisis to strip away freedom. All for the public good, of course.
The protests happened. If churchgoers would've protested, they likely would've overturned the government decisions

Yes, I suck at technology. You got me.
Dictionaries have definitions. You want to live in the past and make everyone else agree with your worldview by not accepting actual definitions.
Okay, let's see if your modern definitions hold water the way the older definitions do, shall we?

What determines gender?

The two sex chromosomes in the egg and sperm are what determine whether you'll have a boy or girl. Eggs always have an X chromosome, and sperm have either an X or Y chromosome. Whichever sperm is the winner will penetrate and fertilize the egg, creating either an XX (girl) or XY

The scientific definition of gender. Very clear, cut, and dry. Very based in fact. Very good... So what does the dictionary today say the definition is?

What is the Oxford Dictionary definition of gender?

Gender is the distinction of sex. There are three genders, the masculine, the feminine, and the neuter.
Wait... 3? I thought it was 2 based on chromosomes.

Maybe another definition will clear it up.

What are the four types of genders?
  • Masculine gender: It is used to denote a male subtype. ...
  • Feminine gender: It is used to denote the female subtype. ...
  • Neuter gender: It is used to denote nonliving and lifeless things. ...
  • Common gender: It denotes either a male or female sex.
Wait... What? Now there are 4?

What is the legal definition of gender?

The term gender “shall include actual or perceived sex, gender identity, and gender expression including a person's actual or perceived gender-related self-image, appearance, behavior, expression, or other gender-related characteristic, regardless of the sex assigned to that person at birth.”

Now it's whatever a person feels it is?

What is a simple definition of gender?

Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Now it's all just made up

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. 1.
    the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
    "the singer has opted to keep the names and genders of her twins private"

  2. 2.
    (in languages such as Latin, Greek, Russian, and German) each of the classes (typically masculine, feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different inflections that they have and require in words syntactically associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with distinctions of sex.
Now there's a whole range of genders? Well, where did all the redefining start? Society just evolved to it, right? Not quite.

When did they change the definition of gender?

Before the mid-20th century, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories. In the West, in the 1970s, feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender.

So the modern definition redefined a word to fit liberal feminist ideology. So definitions, ambiguous and shifting to fit current popular thought are more trustworthy than the classic older definitions based in observation and facts that don't shift. I got it. You are out your dam mind!
There is no religion taught in public schools, nor should there be.
Of course they are teaching humanism in our schools, and crushing our any public statement that goes against their worldview. Don't believe me? If a kid is assigned to do a report on who they believe the most influential person in history, and they do the report on Jesus and His impact, that kid will be shut down. And try publicly praying or reading your Bible in school as a kid today. And listen to this account from a public school kid, then try and tell me they aren't pushing an agenda.

The federal government gave guidance to the state governments who made decisions based on that.
One person led that advice given to the states, and that so-called Dr, who was criminal in his mishandling the aids epidemic and has not practiced medicine in decades, should have been fired. He's a political hack posing as a medical expert who gets about everything he says wrong. But it was the LIBS in government, and the entrenched unelected ones, like "Dr." Fauci, who lied to the public and to the president.
The protests happened. If churchgoers would've protested, they likely would've overturned the government decisions
Churchgoers DID protest. They did so by going to church in spite of unconstitutional mandates targeting them while leaving liberals to burn cities down and bars open as "essential" while houses of prayer, in the middle of national fear, were shut down. You know what happened? They were fined and jailed. Including by the current US VP.... So you are provably wrong.
Last edited:
And if humanism hasn't pervaded our society, government, and schools, if there is no war on Christianity, do explain why a NFL kicker, who happens to be Catholic, making conservative, traditionally Christian statements in a Catholic University graduation is openly attacked across the media spectrum and treated as a criminal and a bigot. As though his "words were violence.
To be fair - I believe we had a "why won't you vote for your opponent" thread that was meant (I think) to discuss specific policy disagreements, but it fizzled out quite spectacularly and quickly and I can't find it.

I won't vote for 45 because of a large number of policies and also he's an asshole. I don't agree with Biden on quite a few messaging issues and I'd prefer both just retire.
Served in the military for a long long time. Had some commanders that were assholes, but damned fine leaders and tactical geniuses. I'd follow them to hell. Point is leadership isn't a popularity contest. Policy should be the foundation. But, free shit sways people with no skin to lose or knowledge of the issues. single issue voters with either nothing to lose and all to gain and emotional voters make up a lot more of the voter base now than practical minded voters who can separate that shit. Anyways, my view.

Truth told, the trajectory of the nation is, with little argument, not positive. To deny that is nuts. Again, the most effective leaders, real leaders, not holding a bullhorn saying repeat after me crap these young people see at campus (please...lame) actual warriors, leaders, they weren't everyone's friend. It's business, nothing personal.
Served in the military for a long long time. Had some commanders that were assholes, but damned fine leaders and tactical geniuses. I'd follow them to hell. Point is leadership isn't a popularity contest. Policy should be the foundation. But, free shit sways people with no skin to lose or knowledge of the issues. single issue voters with either nothing to lose and all to gain and emotional voters make up a lot more of the voter base now than practical minded voters who can separate that shit. Anyways, my view.

Truth told, the trajectory of the nation is, with little argument, not positive. To deny that is nuts. Again, the most effective leaders, real leaders, not holding a bullhorn saying repeat after me crap these young people see at campus (please...lame) actual warriors, leaders, they weren't everyone's friend. It's business, nothing personal.
Aaaamen!!!! Hoorah, my friend. A fellow vet gets it. Thanks for that answer, and thank you, on behalf of all our friends and fellow warriors who paid it all for the price for freedom way too many who respond on here are far too comfortable to realize must be paid, for your service to and for a nation that I would venture to guess is one we both love, and one that is breaking our hearts. Sometimes it takes loosing everything we have, all those freedoms we value and treasure, gone to the squandering them on demands for "safety", comfort, and "equity" (for you snowflakes reading this, that is no more the same as equality than "social justice" is the same as justice). We've been pouring out the blood the tree of liberty demands, but I'm not sure that we haven't had too many others tearing at its roots.
Okay, let's see if your modern definitions hold water the way the older definitions do, shall we?

What determines gender?

The two sex chromosomes in the egg and sperm are what determine whether you'll have a boy or girl. Eggs always have an X chromosome, and sperm have either an X or Y chromosome. Whichever sperm is the winner will penetrate and fertilize the egg, creating either an XX (girl) or XY

The scientific definition of gender. Very clear, cut, and dry. Very based in fact. Very good... So what does the dictionary today say the definition is?
Poorly educated pseudo-bollocks.

Now explain Turner's Syndrome, Jacobs Syndrome, Klinefelters Syndrome and Downs Syndrome.
Poorly educated pseudo-bollocks.

Now explain Turner's Syndrome, Jacobs Syndrome, Klinefelters Syndrome and Downs Syndrome.
First, none of those you mentioned have any impact on gender or it's definition. There is not a "Turner's gender" or a "Jacobs gender" or a "Klinefelter's gender" or a "Down's gender". I each case the chromosomes have are clearly recognizable as male or a female. An abnormality attached to those chromosomes does not disprove the point.

In fact it is a logical fallacy to point out a rare exception of any kind to disprove the rule. The very fact that something IS an abnormality, a deformity of the normal, proves the normal, and proves that the normal is so consistent and overwhelming that we recognize when something breaks the pattern.


The one in the list that is different doesn't disprove the consistency of the others. It proves that the others are so consistent as to define the rules of the list, and the one that is different breaks the established rule. Therefore we do not define things by the exception. We define things by the rule. The exceptions are dealt with according to the law of the rule then we go from there, not the opposite. Sorry if logic and reason offends you.
This is and has always been a stand up comedy act where this douchebag is just yammering into an open mic begging, "Look at me! Look at me!"
The last ditch effort of those without reason is always unreasoned insult. The only resource left for those who can't refute an argument is to attack the person making it. You, and those like you have proven this time and again on these threads. So thank you for demonstrating to reasonable people the lack of depth and the shallow reason that exists on your side. It makes our side's point quite well.

As for those on my side who resort to the same weak tactics, please do more study into WHY you believe what you do. Allow your position to be challenged. Give proper weight to argument with weight, disregard the fluffy one-liners, and prove yourself a student, not a parrot. Hell, I wish those of you on the other side of the argument would fo the same.

I'm not some bad comedian screaming into an open mic. I am one simple voice attempting to trigger thought and real conversation about things that really matter. If even one person reads my arguments, and those made against mine, and goes out and starts really digging into the issues without the infection of agenda-driven "legacy" media and quotable lines that mean little, I have succeeded.
First, none of those you mentioned have any impact on gender or it's definition. There is not a "Turner's gender" or a "Jacobs gender" or a "Klinefelter's gender" or a "Down's gender". I each case the chromosomes have are clearly recognizable as male or a female. An abnormality attached to those chromosomes does not disprove the point.

In fact it is a logical fallacy to point out a rare exception of any kind to disprove the rule. The very fact that something IS an abnormality, a deformity of the normal, proves the normal, and proves that the normal is so consistent and overwhelming that we recognize when something breaks the pattern.


The one in the list that is different doesn't disprove the consistency of the others. It proves that the others are so consistent as to define the rules of the list, and the one that is different breaks the established rule. Therefore we do not define things by the exception. We define things by the rule. The exceptions are dealt with according to the law of the rule then we go from there, not the opposite. Sorry if logic and reason offends you.
You're an idiot in denial. People with those syndromes do not have xx or xy chromosomes yet they still have sex/gender.

Just because people don't fit into your aryan ideal doesn't mean that they are non-people or abnormalities.
And if humanism hasn't pervaded our society, government, and schools, if there is no war on Christianity, do explain why a NFL kicker, who happens to be Catholic, making conservative, traditionally Christian statements in a Catholic University graduation is openly attacked across the media spectrum and treated as a criminal and a bigot. As though his "words were violence.
Private Catholic university!
You're an idiot in denial. People with those syndromes do not have xx or xy chromosomes yet they still have sex/gender.

Just because people don't fit into your aryan ideal doesn't mean that they are non-people or abnormalities.
Nothing I just said has anything to do with "aryan ideals". It's science. And I am not calling the PEOPLE non-people or abnormalities. I am calling the chromosomal makeup abnormal. This is speaking medically and scientifically. That individual was created that way by God, specifically, specially, and uniquely, and has a divine purpose on earth and in eternity. I honor and respect that, and value that life. And that person was created male or female, as easily recognized by their chromosomes. Which was the clear point you are trying to distract from.

Your response is ironic though. You attack my clinical language there then impose motives and beliefs on me and on my words that were never there. Yet when that life is tiny, helpless, and in the womb, if that little boy or girl in the womb may be born with one of those or other syndromes, or hell, even if that child may be raised without a lot of money and resources, you want to kill the baby in the womb before it has a chance to breathe. Because you don't value life. You value virtue signaling.
That would explain why you called me a Marxist after I debunked your video about the Southern Strategy point by point, with historical facts.
I identified your worldview as what it is, based on your many posts. One who follows or believes the tenants of socialism or communism is a Marxist. That isn't name-calling. That is accurate identification. Now if you would prefer Maoist....
I identified your worldview as what it is, based on your many posts. One who follows or believes the tenants of socialism or communism is a Marxist.
I have never said anything to make any reasonable person believe that. And as I said before, even if I were a Marxist, that wouldn't have disproven any of my points.
That isn't name-calling. That is accurate identification. Now if you would prefer Maoist....
Oh, it's name-calling. That you can't even own it when you do it speaks volumes, too.
Private Catholic university!
Exactly my point. A Catholic football player makes non-controversial, according to a Christian, a Catholic, and a Conservative worldview, at a relatively Conservative private Catholic university, and he is torn apart for his use of his freedom of speech in speaking his own views and beliefs. By contrast, I know several Conservatives who go to hear intelligent, well presented, or just damn funny liberals, disagree with most of what is said, but engage actively and defend to the death the right of the liberal, or atheist or whatever, to speak their views. So who is at war with who again?