Freakin' good titles!

Re: Titles dubbed in sanskrit

karmadog said:
Minute Maid by WickedEve

My dream girl. I've read a few stories on this site, and I have to figure I'm doing something wrong sexually. It always takes my partners between 3 and 5 minutes to come. Sometimes, if they've been drinking they don't come at all. I guess I just suck.
It seems to be a good thing when a woman can come quickly, but when a man comes quickly... :mad:
RE: just pet

"just pet" has quite a few submissions posted today. I have never seen a post by her on this board, but I hope she joins us soon. Several of the the new posts are worth a 5, but none are less than a 3. - I think she and I could almost be soulmates. She has great potential - IMHO.

Regards, Rybka
Isn't everything? You know, you can pick your friend's and you can pick your nose, but...

I think a lot of creativity is the result of inspiration at the hands of dangling modifiers myself.

Rose took a deep breath as she led her sister to the top of the mountain, making her breasts rise.


- Judo
Titular titles

You know, you can pick your friend's and you can pick your nose, but... can't wipe your friends off on the bottom of the couch. Rub them off maybe.

Ok, my apologies for overlooking your poems, but I am really, really pressed for time right now. Plus, I couldn't think of anything funny to say. I gotta get me a writing team. Those Seinfeld guys are outta work, maybe I'll give 'em a call.

Hey Joe You Need To Know by Starfish

Where you're going with that gun in your hand. Gotta love Jimi.

Bug Light Haiku by WickedEve

Porch table bug light
blasts bug parts from here to there
like artillery.

Things Near Me Right Now by Coolville

All kinds of shit.
Just shit.
There's some over there,
and over there.
I don't even know
what that thing is.
Oh man. That's actual shit.
Where's that dog!

She's in big trouble.

Far From Easy to Be a Man by Coolville

Tell it, brother! We're supposed to sensitive, bug-killing, handsome, wealthy, not vain, ass kicking, Alan Alda-talking, Brad Pitt-looking, Donald Trump's wallet-carrying, young Mike Tyson-fighting freaks of nature. Well damn it! I'm going to laugh during "Beaches" if I want to. (I almost did that once. I couldn't do it though. I was afraid I would be killed. I was the only man there. I will never let my date pick the movie again.)
Re: Titular titles

karmadog said:
Bug Light Haiku by WickedEve

Porch table bug light
blasts bug parts from here to there
like artillery.
Just so everyone knows, that is NOT my precious Haiku! That is a warped dog version. My haiku was inspired by one of mommy's little ones. You know how kids say the funniest things. Go read it, it's cute. :D

(Funny haiku, dog!)
Sorry, Eve. I should have been more clear about that.

BTW, I may be offline for a couple of days. There is a minor tropical mess coming my way, so who knows? Believe me, the computer will be unplugged. And the phone lines.

Unregistered said:
Sorry, Eve. I should have been more clear about that.

BTW, I may be offline for a couple of days. There is a minor tropical mess coming my way, so who knows? Believe me, the computer will be unplugged. And the phone lines.

Actually, your haiku is better than mine!
Hope you don't have much trouble with the storm.
tropical titles

That was the wimpiest tropical storm in history. It was little more than extended rain.

Eve--What was wrong with your haiku? I liked it. We were just looking at the same thing from different angles. Yours you can show to your little one's dates when she's all grown and embarass the hell out of her with the tale of the bug light. Then you'll bring out the baby pictures while she's taking a bath with the neighbor boy. "Such a cute tush she had," you'll say. And your daughter will run screaming from the room and never date again.

puSSygaSmS and cockSploSionS by Elda Furry

The word "pussygasms" makes me think of bestiality. Do cats have orgasms? I have no idea. "Cocksplosion" is really bad. Did you ever see the movie "scanners". Makes me grab my penis in sympathy. Somebody kiss it. Make it feel better.

Fellatio Fandango by nakedangelina

I don't think the naked one learned this dance at Arthur Murray. But I hope she'll demonstrate. Unless there's all that foot stamping and she intends to do that on my naughty bits.

French Film by smithpeter

I took a foreign film class many, many years ago. I figured what the hell, I already like kung fu movies and samurai movies. We watched great movies by Fellini and de Sica. Then we had to watch the Bergman film "The Seventh Seal". I have no idea if that movie was any good. I had to walk out. It turns out the only time I can listen to Swedish is when that chef guy on the Muppet Show is speaking it.

Instant Gratification by Elda Furry

I'm not in a hurry. I can wait several minutes. Oh the deliciousness of anticipation that lasts about as long as a football timeout.
Re: tropical titles

glad the storm just left you wet and not blown away.

these are all wonderful poems. :) and yes i voted. :)

karmadog said:
Somebody kiss it. Make it feel better.

only happy to oblige.
:devil: :kiss:
Re: tropical titles

karmadog said:
Eve--What was wrong with your haiku? I liked it. We were just looking at the same thing from different angles. Yours you can show to your little one's dates when she's all grown and embarass the hell out of her with the tale of the bug light. Then you'll bring out the baby pictures while she's taking a bath with the neighbor boy. "Such a cute tush she had," you'll say. And your daughter will run screaming from the room and never date again.
Thanks doggy. I guess you were the only one who liked it. lol I turned the voting off before it dropped any lower. I guess you could say that the haiku got bug zapped!
bug zapped titles

haiku got bug zapped
by Senna's non-English rules
but why do you care?

Yeah, so what, there's puncuation.

A Recipe for Men by ladyofthemasque

I don't know what the recipe is, but I'm pretty sure there is a can of beans involved. (The poem is reminiscent of Eve)

Tuesday Tryst by OT

It's Tuesday, and I should be so lucky. O lonely me. Waaa waaa waaa.

Dressed in Black Again by ladyofthemasque

Well, I do wear a lot of black... bu then y'all oughta see me in a tux. I look almost as good as Sean Connery. Almost.

gibberish by LMN INC

I resemble that. Am I paranoid, or are poets starting to make fun of me? Not that I blame them.

Disposa Answers Digi-Dick by Angeline

You know and love DisposaGirl. You know you have to read this. But my question is this: Is a digidick going to be 01 or 10?

what my head can do
is not just the kind that you need to sound smart
when impressing your friends about drama or art.
What a delicious line.

Cock is Hypnotised by Nipples by Floater

No kidding. Or at least mine is.

Ravaging the Poetry Rant by Tom Mandy

I like this guy's stuff. But I try not to ever ravage anyone's poetry rant. Otherwise, I'd have had UP, daughter, JUDO, Eve, My own tiny ass (you know, being a dog, I don't really have an ass at all), Senna Jawa, and everyone else who ever ranted about poetry.

A Moment in the Street by IrishBelle

Takin' it to the streets. Street fightin' man. What did you think I would do at this moment? Ain't nothin' but street trash. Down on Main Street. This magic moment.

Moments moments everywhere.
I Have Arrived!

Karmadog!!! You liked it. You really liked it! Thank you for mentioning Disposa. She can be sort of like a sleeping volcano--she simmers quietly for a while and then someone does something to wake her, and she explodes all teeth and fury. Digi-Dick seems to have pissed her off big time. She's getting more and more like me. It's starting to make me nervous.

P.S. She told me she thinks you're cute.

A poem is scored by views?

I have posted three poems, How do you rate it, so many views per day as good or ? the vote system?
On this thread poems are picked subjectively by me, based solely on whether or not the title grabbed me. This thread is mostly just for fun. However, I am not mocking the poems. I genuinely like the titles.

As far as the rest of the site goes, list rates poem based on how many times they have been read. This page ranks poems based on their voted score. A poem can only make this board after it has been voted on 10 times or more.

Welcome to lit _Land!

Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the explanation Karma, and love the play on words ;)
Ive taken quite a liking to lit_land Might just need to build me a place:devil: Hope to have one of my meager titles up there on day _Land
tolerating titles since a while ago

I was riding in my car with the radio on scan the other day when I heard what I thought was the news. They were talking about a train derailment. Then they had some guy on explaining that "The Gays" were using Nazi tactics to trap young people into their lifestyle. Now, sitting on the seat next to me was "Night" by Elie Wiesel. Of course that's exactly what homosexuals are hoping for. They want to put everyone who isn't gay into the ovens. How absurd. My gay friends just want the tolerance to live their own lives. Yeah that crazy Nazi Tolerance Propaganda! Of course, I had stumbled onto a Christian radio station. How somebody that rotten could claim to be a Christian is beyond me. Anyhow, [/rant]

Mistress May We by jasminia

That's not the way I used to play that game, but this way sounds much better.

Living Dead by Paendragon

They want to eat your brains! They'll leave me alone. I'm barely a snack.

Digi Dick PMs Disposa Again by Floater

Hmmm. Is there a poetry battle going on? My money's on DisposaGirl. I hope she gets into a mud wrestling battle with Judo and Eve and and and daughter and and and...

Ah well, there they are.
Re: tolerating titles since a while ago

karmadog said:
How somebody that rotten could claim to be a Christian is beyond me. Anyhow, [/rant]

Anyone who has read the bible and let it speak to their own heart knows that Christ was all about tolerance and forgiveness. So, anyone calling themselves a Christian and not putting tolerance and forgiveness at the center of their lives is either foolish or lying. And I don't suffer either very well.

Besides, what's all the yelling and finger-pointing about anyway? Heaven knows what goes on. No one here needs to tell them.

- Judo
Re: Re: tolerating titles since a while ago

JUDO said:

Besides, what's all the yelling and finger-pointing about anyway? Heaven knows what goes on. No one here needs to tell them.

- Judo

Yeah dont they Know God is a lot like Santa He knows Who's been Naughty or Nice.:p
Topiary titles

I don't know how much I believe in God, but if there is a god, I'm sure He hates a bigot.

So last night I got hit on by a marginally retarded girl. She's quite cute but a little slow. Would I have been wrong to go there? I mean, I couldn't have a long term thing with her, but would sex be so wrong? I'm saying very marginally. Just a little slow. Actually, kind of a tramp. Believe me, I'm not throwing stones. My glass house would be an absolute wreck if I started that.

Paint Hands by halfnhalf

I hate when that happens. Unless it's because I've been fingerpainting on the girl I lust. Er Love?

The Sacred Hag by poetboy824

I once dated a hag, but I don't think I could ever describe her as sacred.

Snow Globe by poetboy824

I don't know about a single snow globe, but I met a girl tonight who had snow globes. That girl was frosty. Not only didnl't she love me, she didn't like me. Almost everybody likes me. I know that's hard to believe, but I'm a pretty likeable guy in person.

Cock's Crow by Floater

Mine says, "Girl... url-url-url!", at the crack of... Well at the crack.

Ten Toes by smithpeter

smithpeter must be writing about someone else. I'm certain that he must have eleven or twelve toes. He's a warlock or something.

Cupid's Twisted Cuspid by poetboy824

So Cupid is from the South? Or England?

Fucking Weather! by Floater

Now there's a title I can relate to. Although can you imagine actually fucking weather? I think it would be most fun to fuck sleet. If you ever used the ice thing, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
Thank you, dog. Imagine how much faster we could run towards or away from with 12 toes.