Freakin' good titles!

WickedEve said:
Hyndeline sounds like a mutant. Remember when Dr. Jekyll turned into Mr. Hyde? I can picture you do mutating into the Hyndeline!
Hey! Another remark like that and I'll bite your head off! or maybe just a nibble
Hyndeline said:
Hey! Another remark like that and I'll bite your head off! or maybe just a nibble
Hideous creature, are you threatening to snack on me?
The poetry board will never be safe again!
Give us those vegetables!

and we're not scared of your gun either; we're like Godzilla--we just keep coming at you. You'll have to find a way to lead us back to the sea.
Re: Give us those vegetables!

Hyndeline said:
and we're not scared of your gun either; we're like Godzilla--we just keep coming at you. You'll have to find a way to lead us back to the sea.
If I dangle that Rybka fish in front of you, will you follow? How about jewelry? Pizza? What tempts a Hyndeline? Do you plan on a monstrous rampage through the poetry board, knocking down threads, crushing posts?
There is another way

join us Eve and we'll become Wicked Hyndeline.


(I have a vision of the feeble ailing Karmadog watching his monitor in horror as the Hyndeline and Wicked Eve battle through his thread. Kdog, recover and save us from ourselves!)
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A Wicked Hyndeline would be an awesome creature. But is the board ready for such a she-creature?
While stalking the triple-twatted literary whore through the jungles of my doom:

Frog Fate by Rybka

Usually, that's a vicious flattening at the tires of Suburu, or a sticking by some Frenchman, followed by heat induced post-mortem hopping in a cast iron pan.

Morning Comes Upon You by Arden

Yeah, and usually when I'm late for work. Man, that pisses me off. Aahh, who am I kidding? I work at home, and I kinda like it. Dew from the quim of Eos--truly nectar of the goddess!

Title at the Bottom 1 by smithpeter

This reminds me of the first girl I ever slept with that had a tattoo. It wasn't actually on her bottom, but close enough. It was a treat to find the thing, because she wasn't the kind of girl who showed off her tats in the bar when she had two Coors Lights in her. You had to buy her a shot and tell her how bad you wanted to kiss her inner thigh. At least, that's how it worked for me.

Blue Flames, Painted Hearts by HomerPindar

When I lived in the dorm, there was a group of guys down the hall called the Society of the Blue Flame. They'd eat convenience store pickles and drink beer and then light their farts.

While I was typing this, I caught a glimpse of the Wicked Hyndeline! It was sat under a baobab tree and licked itself all over. You should have heard the sound it made. More melodious than the famous questing beasts pack of baying hounds, it was like the purring of a flock of cats. I was so overcome that I had to polish my gun before I fired. Alas! I missed the beast, and spattered the baobab.
Less hallucinogenic titles

You know, Eve and the Hyndeline did a great job working the title thread. And OT's title poems were awesome. Very creative.

How Do You Measure Love? by babylovesman

Put one end of the tapemeasure on my butthole, bring the rest between my legs, up the underside of my penis, then stop at the tip. I'm pretty sure that's how they do it in the personals.

Scattered by Elizabeth Pride

That reminds me, I haven't been to Waffle House in a while.

ah women, ah dildos by smithpeter

'dildos'. Remember the time Dan Quayle went to the sex ed class and made the kid add an 'e' to the word 'dildo'? Ha ha ha ha. Ha! Oh wait, no, that was an English class and 'potato'. I think I'm going to go back to school and I'll write my dissertation on women and their sex toys. Eve can be my primary case study, and if smithpeter lets me, this will be my title.
totally tubular titles

There were a lot of new poems today, partially because Solar Dragon submitted 20 (!) new poems. There were several with titles I liked, but I just picked my favorite one.

Bombs, Guns and Fools by Solar Dragon

Add a six pack and it's just an average weekend in the South.

Oh Deadly Net by Bluemist

I've been waiting for word of that from the surgeon general. I'll be sceptical though. It just leaves me with a tired feeling.

Super Socky Poem Love Style! by Star At Sunrise

For some reason this reminds me of the old politically incorrect cartoon about the martial arts dog--Hong Kong Phooey, I think it was. Or maybe Laugh In!

Cocky Explorers by The Wonderful WickedEve

Yes the debt we owe to men like de Phallus, Penisarro, Richard von Wiener, and of course the great Chinese explorer perhaps the original discoverer of Florida) Wan Hong Lo. Yes without these brave, even cocky, men, the world would not be the same. Had it not been for their daring in venturing to the tops of the highest mountains, trudging through treacherous swamps, and plumbing the depths of the deepest caves, dare I say it, you and I would not exist. So thank the cocky men, I say! Thank them!
'Tell it like it is!' titles

So my ex-girlfriend is in a television commercial now. We've been broke up for a long time and she is remarried, so it's not painful, but it's inspiring a short story idea (non-erotic). What do you think of this for an opening:
I can tell she’s put on a little weight. Her appetite always increased with happiness., so maybe the motherfucker’s good for her. God knows she was thin as a rail when she was with me.
Only a couple today.

Foreplay: A Reader's Guide by mayapapaya

New! From Audubon Books.

Green Frog Dreams by Rybka

Kermit dreams of pork, I've heard.
Title Totem Pole

I'm leading such a boring life right now, that I have practically nothing to talk about. You know about the NEA grants, right? Well, there was an uproar when rich Rick Moody got one a couple years ago. Now they've given one to Jonathon Franzen. Thirty grand. You know what the fucker spent the money on? Two expensive paintings. Why do rich writers apply for these grants? They should be ashamed of themselves. Fat cat motherfuckers feeding at the public trough. I hope they choke and the painter never dies.

Chapters of Infatuation by raindancer

Chapter 1: We didn't really get along.
Chapter 2: I think I fell in love with you.
You said you'd stand my me
in the middle of Chapter three
but you were up to your old tricks
in Chapters 4, 5, and 6

One of my favorite songs.

Poison Penis by beths-virtue

No, really. It just tastes bad. It can't hurt you. beths-virtue may set the blowjob back to the 50s.

Severed Time In A Row by The Poets

Those arrogant poets are back with a poem about a line of John Wayne Bobbit clocks on sale at Wal-Mart.

Mowing Diaries - delicate care by smithpeter

This is apparently the third entry in the diary (1, 2) about lawn care. In this one smithpeter does his unmentionables also.
Yeah, thanks, K.D. But you are mispronouncing the last word in the title. :p

Regards, Rybka
hey now, i thought poison penis was a great title :)

it was much better than some of the other titles i thought of...

but, i have to admit , the best poem title i have ever seen , isnt on Lit, but , any how..
its called "dancing on the grave of a son of a bitch "
from the book of the same title .. :)
I've always heard that you shouldn't lick a poisonous frog. But I may take my chances with a cock.
Wasn't that

kiss a poisonous frog? or kiss any frog for that matter? Who licks frogs? I don't know that I want to lick a nonpoisonous frog either. Or wait, maybe it's toads not frogs. My head hurts.

What do you have against frogs?

Frog Fate

handsome prince
pissed-off witch
Kermit kismet

Regards, Rybka
Re: Wasn't that

Angeline said:
kiss a poisonous frog? or kiss any frog for that matter? Who licks frogs? I don't know that I want to lick a nonpoisonous frog either. Or wait, maybe it's toads not frogs. My head hurts.

You've never heard of licking frogs? Maybe it's don't kiss a frog, don't lick a toad.
Re: Re: Wasn't that

WickedEve said:

You've never heard of licking frogs? Maybe it's don't kiss a frog, don't lick a toad.
Must be. Everyone knows frog licking's fun. :p:p:p:p:p
Hyndeline said:
Lapsus Carnis by Lauren.Hynde
Ok Miss Smartass I know more languages than you Hynde, what does it mean? Is it Latin? They didn’t offer Latin at my cheesy high school, so I had to take French with Madame Weiner (really, that was her name) and learn how to say totally useless stuff like: “Is the library closed on alternate Tuesdays?” and “Do you always wear nipple warmers when you ski?” (ok, so I made that one up for the ailing doggie)
Te Occidere Possunt Sed Te Edere Non Possunt Nefas Est :p
thanks dog,
btw, did you notice something called Couple Of Cookies or something?
I'm too goodyeared to look it up at the moment.
you know, i try to take everything i hear, off the cuff, and no hard feelings, but, while this morning, i didnt mind one comment, well actually 2 about the title of my poem .. but...
i guess the question is , before your quips and witticisms , did anyone actually read it ?

its a poem about being raped..
its not about bad blow jobs, or anything to do with giving head...

sorry, i normall am not so thin skinned abt the event, after all it was over a decade ago .. but , darn ...
am i wrong to think , we sit here and complain about poetry not being good enough and not being read, then there is this title thread, and , i just wonder, does anyone read the darn poems, or do you just comment on the titles, leaveing the poems unread, so you can work on another thread, about how writers arent appreciated?
and for that matter, it leads me to another thought, does anyone submit thier work to other sites, or is this the only venue?
certainly i find lit entertaining, but i dotn consider it a good forum for my work ..
heck ,thats the whole "published under screen name" thing with lit that makes it such a waste...

oh well, thats my 2 cents, find 32 more cents and i will call someone who cares..
Don't take it personally, beths--

This thread is dedicated to judging books by their cover. All poems in this thread are picked and commented by their title only. But there are a lot of us that reads them because they're featured here. If you think about it, to discuss the merits of the poem for itself, we've got the rest of the forum, especially the New Poems List thread.

And you retain copyrights of everything you post here, so you're free to do what you please. ;)
Lauren.Hynde said:
Don't take it personally, beths--

And you retain copyrights of everything you post here, so you're free to do what you please. ;)

i know that, but, its the scope of the site that kind of encourages you to post some things here, and not others..
if i didnt retain copywrite, theres no way in hell you would see my poem here..

i appreciate the thought..