Freakin' good titles!

beths-virtue said:

i know that, but, its the scope of the site that kind of encourages you to post some things here, and not others..
if i didnt retain copywrite, theres no way in hell you would see my poem here..

i appreciate the thought..
That's a matter of opinion. I've got all kinds of work submitted here and elsewhere, and never regreted it. Don't underestimate your audience. ;)
Did I read it?

Yes, beth, I read your poem and I considered pulling the comment down after reading it. This issue has come up before, and I hope that people have read the thread before getting upset, but, of course, there are too many pages for someone to read the whole thing.

If I hurt your feelings, or made you feel slighted, I apologise.

This thread is really just to acknowledge that someone has written a really good, eyecatching or interesting title, like yours.

The content of the poem doesn't enter into the decision. I have put some truly bad poems on this list simply because they had a good title. I am not including your poem in those ranks (I believe I gave it a '5').

Please keep in mind that this is just a light-hearted thread. I find that if some of the poets on this board aren't teased occasionally, they become so gassy that their feet won't touch the ground, and we lose them in the clouds. If you like, PM me and I will refrain from including any of your poems from this thread in the future.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you. It wasn't my intent.
If you like, PM me and I will refrain from including any of your poems from this thread in the future.
This is true with all the treads. If a poet wishes not to be included on the title thread, new poems thread, #1 poem thread, etc, then they should feel free to PM or post it and let their wishes be known.
I can imagine that someone new to the board may be a bit confused by some of these threads. I just hope that beth realizes that her title was the only thing being discussed, and that having your title on this thread simply means that it was interesting enough to catch the reader's attention.
I read many of the poems on this thread because I wonder what the poem is really about. :)
Lick up - pump by JUDO

This is a really difficult way to fill your bicycle tire. On the other hand, it's the easiest way to get me to do it for you.

On an unrelated note. Today, I went to the drive-through window at a fast food place (I'm working on my lawsuit), and while I was waiting in line to place my order, a guy comes up to my passenger side window, bends down, and says, "Can you give me a ride to the harbor? I'm kinda drunk."

I said, "Dude, you're really drunk. The harbor is across the street."

But then again, he could have meant New York harbor for all I know.
Re: Did I read it?

karmadog said:

. I have put some truly bad poems on this list simply because they had a good title. (

umm in that case i withdraw my offers of b js for a mention on this thread ,, :p

and rushing of to write bad poetry with sensational titles ....:D :D :p

xx star
Titles approved by the Nat'l Family Council

Ange, I'm just saying that sometimes a poets inspiration ends after the first line. That's happened to me far more than once.

Well, I saw my first lovebugs of the season. For you Yankees, lovebugs are beasts with two backs. They are never seen unless stuck ass to ass flying through the air or splattered two by two on your car. They tend to appear twice each summer, but they just appear out of nowhere usually in droves. Apparently, the two (one?) I saw today were particularly horny.

jazz sucks by oxala

Jazz is Stupid I got behind. This one is a little more difficult. But, to each his own.

relatively drunk by nakedangelina

My relatives never get drunk. A long time ago, when I was but a lad, I was at my sister's wedding and I got plastered. I kept offering my family drinks. "Would you like me to get you something from the bar?" Heh, I was a bartender even then. But, of course no one wanted one because they are either Baptists or Germans of the dour variety. So I ended up getting drunk with some of my sister's friends, then getting completely baked with her hairdresser, and his beard. Man, was I unpopular the next day.

throwing things by smithpeter

Nice how that worked huh? Because the next day, my Mom was throwing shit at me. She actually beaned me with a pump and a hairbrush. I have a scar from the pump right between my eyes. All those years tending bar and I never got a scar. One drunken wedding and I get scarred by my Mom. Sounds about right.
Re: Titles approved by the Nat'l Family Council

karmadog said:
Ange, I'm just saying that sometimes a poets inspiration ends after the first line. That's happened to me far more than once.

Well, I saw my first lovebugs of the season. For you Yankees, lovebugs are beasts with two backs. They are never seen unless stuck ass to ass flying through the air or splattered two by two on your car. They tend to appear twice each summer, but they just appear out of nowhere usually in droves. Apparently, the two (one?) I saw today were particularly horny.

jazz sucks by oxala

Jazz is Stupid I got behind. This one is a little more difficult. But, to each his own.

relatively drunk by nakedangelina

My relatives never get drunk. A long time ago, when I was but a lad, I was at my sister's wedding and I got plastered. I kept offering my family drinks. "Would you like me to get you something from the bar?" Heh, I was a bartender even then. But, of course no one wanted one because they are either Baptists or Germans of the dour variety. So I ended up getting drunk with some of my sister's friends, then getting completely baked with her hairdresser, and his beard. Man, was I unpopular the next day.

throwing things by smithpeter

Nice how that worked huh? Because the next day, my Mom was throwing shit at me. She actually beaned me with a pump and a hairbrush. I have a scar from the pump right between my eyes. All those years tending bar and I never got a scar. One drunken wedding and I get scarred by my Mom. Sounds about right.
What kind of pump? Bicycle, penis? Is there a difference? Can we see the scar?
Re: Titles approved by the Nat'l Family Council

karmadog said:
Ange, I'm just saying that sometimes a poets inspiration ends after the first line. That's happened to me far more than once.

Well, I saw my first lovebugs of the season. For you Yankees, lovebugs are beasts with two backs. They are never seen unless stuck ass to ass flying through the air or splattered two by two on your car. They tend to appear twice each summer, but they just appear out of nowhere usually in droves. Apparently, the two (one?) I saw today were particularly horny.

kdog, are you talking about dragonflies?? Around here they fly around fucking, two by two. Sometimes they are so caught up in it, they fly straight into a car. Dead fucking dragonflies. Never heard them called "lovebugs" but it sounds appropriate. :D

jazz sucks
by oxalis ©

it has too many numbers
it sucks
I hate this shit

who is that Mink
and munk and ellala

they are here to make me sick,
just rock me like am now inhaling
the real thing

Isn't ellala one of the teletubbies?
kdog, are you talking about dragonflies?? Around here they fly around fucking, two by two. Sometimes they are so caught up in it, they fly straight into a car. Dead fucking dragonflies. Never heard them called "lovebugs" but it sounds appropriate.

Oh no, nakedgal. These are definitely not dragonflies. Dragonflies eat mosquito larvae. Lovebugs have no known purpose beyond fucking. They are much, much smaller than d-flies, black with an orange stripe, clumsy fliers.

Ange, I don't know if ellala is a teletubbie. The only time I saw it I was tripping. I seem to remember the sun laughing at me, but I can't be sure.

Eve, it was a shoe.
karmadog said:

Oh no, nakedgal. These are definitely not dragonflies. Dragonflies eat mosquito larvae. Lovebugs have no known purpose beyond fucking. They are much, much smaller than d-flies, black with an orange stripe, clumsy fliers.

Ange, I don't know if ellala is a teletubbie. The only time I saw it I was tripping. I seem to remember the sun laughing at me, but I can't be sure.

Eve, it was a shoe.
Ohhh... a shoe! :eek: Ouch.
Re: Ellala?

Angeline said:
Isn't ellala one of the teletubbies?
no. she was one of the singers that sung jazz and broke glasses across her nose.
Nice breasts too. Had a balcony you could do Shakespeare from.
yuk yuk
I am a jerk so don't worry about it.
if you want a raw comment just give me a call.
You tripped and watched the teletubbies?

That seems unwise. Of course the last time I tripped I decided the I Ching really did make a lot of sense, which is the main reason I stopped that bad habit.

Now I just trip over teletubbies.
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angel keroseenee

don't make fun
I like someone
she knows I can't do things like she wants so I am here trying to get better and bigger headed
so I might not say anything for a while
Oxalis honey?

I am not making fun of you. I don't do that to people. I don't like it done to me and I would not do it to someone else. I thought your jazz poem and your ella explanation were clever and funny. And, I might even know who you are and who you like.


P.S. I'm your friend.

Titles for hurricanes

a coiled spiral (agile monkeys) by Senna Jawa

I pity the clumsy monkeys. Always falling out of trees and dropping their bananas and coconuts.

Cumming in Different Directions by WickedEve

I don't know for sure about women on this issue, but a man could do this if he stuck a cork in it. The overflow would make you come like one of those little sprinklers that sprays like a fountain in all directions. Or, your dick might explode.

spank attack by oxalis

What happens to you on your birthday. "And one for luck. And one for pluck. And one for Daffy Duck..."

1 elda, 2 fucking guys by oxalis

He he he. That wacky Elda. Her new av is making me wall-eyed.

I'm Not Fucking Nice! by Elda Furry

You should always fuck nasty anyhow. Is it possible to fuck nice? I don't think so. The 'fuck' by its nature is not polite or compassionate or well-mannered.

between two pricks by smithpeter

Very dangerous for a balloon. Very dangerous.
poochie pie I had a feeling you'd love that title! lol I thought to myself, "I wonder what the dog will do with cum going in all these different directions?" tee hee
cumming in all directions... hmm.. reminds me of a true story about a friend who had a piercing..... :) good poem WE
Titles for teletubbies

Lover's Menu by Svenskaflicka

This one made me think of a funny story. There used to be this Chinese restaurant near a place I worked. Vietnamese owned though. Anyhow, there are few things more bizarre than to hear Southern English spoken with a Vietnamese accent. Picture it: Y'all come back now, you here. So anyhow, one day this guy is ordering food from this woman (a very nice woman, BTW), and she apparently asked if there would be anything else. He said, "Uh, yeah. One pussy on the side." My jaw hit the floor. I couldn't believe he would say that. So I asked him what she had said. Apparently, she said, "OK, and one pussy on side." I couldn't wait to see what 'one pussy on side' would be, but there was nothing extra in the meal. Not even her phone number. Although, I don't know what he did later that night.

Elda Smut Slut by _Land

Here we seem to be stating the obvious. Yet, somehow it works.

Without Hands by JUDO

I can't even have sex without the use of my hands. I think they are like having ten extra penises. If only I could get eleven women to go to bed with me at once.
dissenting opinion

hmm. i wasnt impressed by the title of your poem land...

seems to me to be almost like anyone who writes a poem with the name of another member of the lit peotry boards in it, is almost guarenteed a mention on this thread....

perhaps i should write a poem titled Wicked Eve, and write it all about i dont know, sunflowers&clouds , and fluffy bunnies....
How the Hyndeline Picked the Titles

beth's-virtue said:

dissenting opinion hmm. i wasnt impressed by the title of your poem land...

seems to me to be almost like anyone who writes a poem with the name of another member of the lit peotry boards in it, is almost guarenteed a mention on this thread....

perhaps i should write a poem titled Wicked Eve, and write it all about i dont know, sunflowers&clouds , and fluffy bunnies....

When the doggie was sick and we picked the titles, we had two title-picking criteria.

1. In the title interesting?

2. Can we make a tawdry yet amusing joke about it?

We think the doggie pretty much does the same thing. And as far as that delightfully low slut Elda and her punky JD of a new boyfriend who doesn't even like jazz (!), this is Literotica , so we're resigned to having to deal with their smutty ways!

Oh there was a third criterion for the Hyndeline to pick a title: if it involved mayhem and Godzillalike city-trashing, it was an immediate winner. Too bad there were none like that the day we got to do it.

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Some times we do have fun on the board and I think _land was just having some fun. And kdog likes to mention titles that may have the potential to help him produce a witty remark. lol But for readers who have no idea who elda is, they may not be impressed with the title... though, maybe curious.