Freakin' good titles!

Re: dissenting opinion

beths-virtue said:
hmm. i wasnt impressed by the title of your poem land...

seems to me to be almost like anyone who writes a poem with the name of another member of the lit peotry boards in it, is almost guarenteed a mention on this thread....

perhaps i should write a poem titled Wicked Eve, and write it all about i dont know, sunflowers&clouds , and fluffy bunnies....

Well I could write one called virtuous beth and talk about all your endearing qualitys......... although it would never get posted becasue I cherish them so much <WINK>

Shhhhh. You know (kicking you under the thread). . .the criteria. . .remember? huh?
Re: How the Hyndeline Picked the Titles

Hyndeline said:
beth's-virtue said:

dissenting opinion hmm. i wasnt impressed by the title of your poem land...

seems to me to be almost like anyone who writes a poem with the name of another member of the lit peotry boards in it, is almost guarenteed a mention on this thread....

perhaps i should write a poem titled Wicked Eve, and write it all about i dont know, sunflowers&clouds , and fluffy bunnies....

When the doggie was sick and we picked the titles, we had two title-picking criteria.

1. In the title interesting?

2. Can we make a tawdry yet amusing joke about it?

We think the doggie pretty much does the same thing. And as far as that delightfully low slut Elda and her punky JD of a new boyfriend who doesn't even like jazz (!), this is Literotica , so we're resigned to having to deal with their smutty ways!

Oh there was a third criterion for the Hyndeline to pick a title: if it involved mayhem and Godzillalike city-trashing, it was an immediate winner. Too bad there were none like that the day we got to do it.

Creature, how do you put up with the elda and oxalis smut? It's shameful to have such carrying on at a porn site poetry board. But what can you do. I've talked with elda. I begged her not to start that smutty thread about doing oxalis' butt... but she doesn't listen to me. sigh...
Re: Lauren!!!

Angeline said:
Shhhhh. You know (kicking you under the thread). . .the criteria. . .remember? huh?
Oh, the criteria! That's right, we had a few. I like'em so much... :D
Re: Titles for teletubbies

karmadog said:
Elda Smut Slut by _Land

Here we seem to be stating the obvious. Yet, somehow it works.
kdog, you want a piece of the furry, doncha? :p

_land, thank you stud for the slut poem. :kiss:

b-virtue, you're just jealous. ;)

Wicked if i listened to you I'd be in a boredom coma. :rolleyes:

Hyndeline, glad you see the delightfulness in my sluttiness. :rose:
I Wanna Write a Freakin Good Title

dammit. I'm title impaired. Got titlexia. I'm very good at writing mundane vanilla titles. But I have a plan. From now on, my titles--whether or not the content is remotely related to them--will pander to Karmadog's basest instincts (which, having read this entire thread, I believe is a fairly easy thing to do). Upcoming titles for new poems by me:

1. A Dog and His Bone

2. Nice Kibbles. Want Some Bits?

3. Roll Over Baby

4. I Like Your Doggie Style

etc. etc.

(Maybe I should think about this.)
Dog Titles

2. Nice Kibbles. Want Some Bits?

Nibble My Kibble & Bite My Bits

Karma Candy

Chasin' The Pussy Next Door

Howlin' Pussy

A Pussy With Teeth

The Tree, The Hydrant and Me

Regards, Rybka
Re: Re: Titles for teletubbies

Elda Furry said:

kdog, you want a piece of the furry, doncha? :p

_land, thank you stud for the slut poem. :kiss:

b-virtue, you're just jealous. ;)

Wicked if i listened to you I'd be in a boredom coma. :rolleyes:

Hyndeline, glad you see the delightfulness in my sluttiness. :rose:

Your Moist welcome Elda :p

beth isnt jealous, she already has the keys to my heart

:kiss: :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Titles for teletubbies

_Land said:

Your Moist welcome Elda :p

beth isnt jealous, she already has the keys to my heart

:kiss: :kiss:
I don't want the heart. Give me the keys to your briefs. :D
Re: How the Hyndeline Picked the Titles

Hyndeline said:

And as far as that delightfully low slut Elda and her punky JD of a new boyfriend who doesn't even like jazz (!), this is Literotica , so we're resigned to having to deal with their smutty ways!

Maybe I shunt say Hate Shit about that jazz shit.
To each his own like and dishlikes. It all sounds the same to me and like a bunch of loony toonies to me.

what the hell is a JD?
jest darlin
junior delight
jumpin dunkin
jangle dangle
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Re: Re: How the Hyndeline Picked the Titles

oxalis said:

Maybe I shunt say Hate Shit about that jazz shit.
To each his own like and dishlikes. It all sounds the same to me and like a bunch of loony toonies to me.

what the hell is a JD?
jest darlin
junior delight
jumpin dunkin
jangle dangle
Jazz Disliker, me thinks :D
be right back

what is the problem with jazz?

It has been an influence on all sorts of music and there are so many different flavors that sound familiar to everyone.
Looking down at Angeline...
Yup, Kenny G to the dogs.;)
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After featuring almost 400 poems by more than 125 poets, I'm not about to reveal my criteria for picking titles.

Blowjobs are still happily accepted, though.

Jenerally Dapper?

Javanese Dingo?

Jazz Dweeb? Oh wait, no. That's me.
The Keys to my briefs

Elda Furry said:

I don't want the heart. Give me the keys to your briefs. :D

The keys to my briefs
damn where did they go?
under the couch cushion? no
maybee in the underwear drawer? no
perhaps i left them hanging in the front door
I know, they were stolen by elda that super sexy whore

LOL *nibble Pinch bite* _Land
What's wrong with jazz?

Don't look at me smithpeter: I love jazz. Oh wait, there is one thing wrong with jazz. I forgot about Kenny G. And if I'm really pushed, possibly Stanley Crouch.

and Karmadog, is that what your dog is--a Javanese Dingo? I used to have a dog named Dingo. He was real big and hairy and shed endlessy.
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Re: What's wrong with jazz?

Angeline said:
[...] there is one thing wrong with jazz. I forgot about Kenny G.
Indeed, Kenny G. is the Hallmark poetry of jazz :)

(Hallmark poetry and genital physiology have met and meshed here on Literotica, isn't it something?!)

On this date in 1963, on the National Mall, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. Are you still dreaming?

There is but one title today that caught my eye.

King Lust by _Land

King Lust had three 'daughters'. Two were scheming flatterers that surreptitiously spit, and one 'daughter' who wouldn't tell him that his penis was the hugest of them all. But she swallowed. King Lust, like me, didn't care if they spit or swallowed as long as they finished the job, so he stuck with the threesome until it killed him and left his worldly goods to the spitters.

Ange, I don't know what she is. She's only about 40 pounds, but she sheds like a bear in springtime. I could brush her for an hour then send her outside, and if there's a breeze, it looks a blizzard hit downwind. On the other hand, she doesn't need to be bathed as often as some dogs, because her fur is constantly being recycled and the dirt falls off with it.
Thanks K-Dog

I dont need K-mart
I have K-dog
no blue light special
just sniffing rectal

No shopping carts
no kids to beg
my God k-dog
thats My leg

LMAO J/K karma I do appreciate the mention.............I am a dog to i pant and wag my tail whenever I get attention:p
Thanks for the wag, Kdog (from days ago). "Without Hands" was a lot of fun to write. Images played over and over and...

- Judo
_Land, that poem was hilarious! But seriously, your leg is safe.

JUDO, as usual, it was my pleasure. Even if I can never keep my hands to myself.

beths-virtue got an "E"!!! I can't remember the last time I saw a poem with an "E". Laurel must have really liked it. And, though it probably won't need a boost, here it is:

Emotions Closet Cleaned

Regular readers know that I teleparabolize Seinfeld too often, so you know I was thinking of the virgin. I guarantee, the virgin can clean my closet anytime.

Alone In A Dirty World by Unwanted

Alone in a dirty world with a handful of quarters and a box of tissues. No, that's not what this poem is about. Poor Unwanted is still heartbroken. Poor fella.

Bandwagon Patriot by Smaugfire

I made a lot of money on the Superbowl last year by being a bandwagon patriot. Somehow I don't think that's what Smaugfire means though.
Glad ya liked the poem, every once in a while i let that dense of humor get away from me............will have to put a leash on it :p

Beth, that is by far one of the best poems I have seen on here.
karmadog said:

beths-virtue got an "E"!!! I can't remember the last time I saw a poem with an "E". Laurel must have really liked it. And, though it probably won't need a boost, here it is:

Emotions Closet Cleaned

thanks... i hadnt realized the letter e was so unusual.. but then you mentioned it , and i looked... hmmm.....
yeah , i guess it is,,, and thought with such great words like "erotic" "errogenous"
"essence" "erection" and my personal fave"erubescence" (of which in the past 24 hours , i have seen an amazing example of, quite happily i might add....:)

:) BTW, since this is nearly the most popular thread on the poetry board... i need to share this from a friend, a line spoken to me yesterday afternoon,Beth,It's no wonder your a poet, you speak in poems all the time!
anyone whos actually talked with my, can assert this as well...
who, lacking and redeemable virtue, has decided thus forward , to be a exacerbating individual
I just read through your poems Beth, and wanted to add that you deserve the E. Very enjoyable work!


the D

PS You might enjoy perky's poems. Yours certainly reminded me of them.
PPS Perky, if you notice this, read Beth's, you'll like them :)