Freakin' good titles!

No, beth, I don't think she saw the gear. I was wearing underwear. It's tough to go commando in thin khaki.

And it's never too wet to plow!

SJ, I occasionally picked a title because something funny popped into my head, but really it was rare. Usually, I picked a title because I was curious about what the writer was going to do with it. Then I had to try to think of something funny. That was not always easy and sometimes I dropped a title because I couldn't think of anything funny. But that was really, really rare.

I doubt that I affected readership of anyone's poem in any appreciable way. I think that the title would have gotten them read anyhow. I think the 'New Poem' thread does a lot more for readership.

I'll probably post to this thread once in a while, but not that often. It'll be interesting to see if titles get more boring. I hope not.
I think they will get even wilder, just to try to get you back!

Thank you for thinking of this thread in the first place and for all your dedication.
you know, this is mere idle speculation (im good at that)

but kharma dog, would you be offended if someone else took up the title thread gauntelet?, it occurs to me that there are other folks on the east coast who get up early enough and get on lit, and could possibly pick good titles, and yes, even think of witty banter to go with them....
maybe someone could offer

because the fact of it is, i read morei n this thread than i do the new poem thread, but eiother way i still check the new poems listing daily.....

<no, not volunteering>>
We could alternate, have a diferent poet do it one day each week, that would be less of a strain on on persons time, and also give the humor some different strains..........._Land Im sure going to miss the dogs crap though :p

beths-virtue said:
you know, this is mere idle speculation (im good at that)

but kharma dog, would you be offended if someone else took up the title thread gauntelet?, it occurs to me that there are other folks on the east coast who get up early enough and get on lit, and could possibly pick good titles, and yes, even think of witty banter to go with them....
maybe someone could offer

because the fact of it is, i read morei n this thread than i do the new poem thread, but eiother way i still check the new poems listing daily.....

<no, not volunteering>>
Lauren said:
I think they will get even wilder, just to try to get you back!

Thank you for thinking of this thread in the first place and for all your dedication.
God, I hope they don't do that. We'll have titles like 'karmadog fucks (insert lit poet's name here)', or 'karmadog's enormous plow', but before anyone tries that, it won't work.

And you're very welcome, Lauren. I've had a blast doing this thread. Plus I got to read some really excellent poetry.

beth said:
but kharma dog, would you be offended if someone else took up the title thread gauntelet?
Not a bit. It's just that people (yourself included) have mentioned that this thread contributes very little to serious discussion of poetry. The 'New Poems' thread does a better job of that. At least on that thread, people frequently mention what it was they liked about a poem. You're already reading the new poems everyday anyhow (hint, hint).

Besides, if the resident poets start to get swollen melons or too pretentious, I'll come back and haunt them!
Nope, I'm not back for titles,but I had to share this article. I couldn't have invented something this funny!!!
karmadog said:
Nope, I'm not back for titles,but I had to share this article. I couldn't have invented something this funny!!!

I know a witch that could use one of those.......Tee hee hee

That si to funny karma thanks for the link
karmadog said:
Nope, I'm not back for titles,but I had to share this article. I couldn't have invented something this funny!!!
LOL that's too funny... (Now where can I find one of those brooms?... I mean... just for Halloween... ;))

Last paragraph was hilarious, though :D
Ah shucks, kdog. I haven't been around lit much lately, and I just realized that you're not doing the titles anymore. But I do understand. I finally got burned out doing the new poems thread, and I think the others that took it on, finally felt the same way.
You had a big job but you did it so well. I'll miss my daily dose of kdog wit.

bow wow and boo hoo,
karmadog said:
Nope, I'm not back for titles,but I had to share this article. I couldn't have invented something this funny!!!

This makes halloween costume choices so easy (and it saves money to boot). I'm flying off to ToysRUs!

- Judo
Judo, you've gotten too soft! You don't need some plastic, battery-operated, joy riding broomstick. Do like me. I have your standard Wal-Mart broom that I paid 5.95 for. It does the job. Yes, I have to do my own shaking but I can sweep the kitchen floor afterwards.
(* shivers *)

There's something really creepy about the thought of getting off on anything Wallyworld. Icky-poo!

Come to think of it, it's definitely time to stock up the toy chest again. Maybe I'll pencil in some time for a trip to The Pleasure Chest.

- Judo
"My First Vibrator"

I've contended in the past that there's a market for this product. Finally I've met others who understand.
not sure how this thread got to where it is at the moment but need to give the location of the only place for me on the web and understanding women with a like for humor and cool art.

hey, how much can a man say about where people should shop for weapons of singular destruction.
And then bounce back again, again, and again.

When I hear people from the east coast talking like Canadians I get real nervous.
Time for more weapons.

Have the beautiful people got you down? Are you feeling inadequate when compared to those skinny bitches on TV? Maybe you're jealous because rock stars get all the nookie?

Help is on the way!!!
Damn! What happened to the "beautiful" people? Oh well, we all have our icky days. lol
just felt like sharing

This was one of the first threads i ever posted on so i felt this was a good place to share my good news.

i've always considered myself a poet first. but i recieved my first 'H' today not for poetry but for this:
"Hotel Bar"

it just made me smile and i felt like sharing with the people who first made me feel welcome.

thank you.

Congratulations, Nymph!

Yeah I got mine for a story, too, but I consider myself a writer of prose. Most of the poetry I write is for a goof or as a way to hone my other skills.
New 9-13-02

Kdog's tail finally caught on fire, and I thought today that I might give it a try.

The end
by D-rail©

This goes along with that nouveu-nouveau, Pulp Fiction, Momento out-of-order, shuffled story thang -- but when you start with the back like that, is it really necessary to begin with "Night stormy and dark a was it?" I guess the author's handle might be a clue to that, huh?

Window to the soul
by tn_8tiv©

I had one of these once. Ordered it right out of the Pella catalog, but jeez, what a load of maintenance. I mean, the glass only stays see-through for a few weeks, until you get a new set of Zen wipers to clean it up and then they don't last more'n a couple times. I ran through cases of Windex. It was hardly worth looking at for the few days of the year when you could actually see.

Ideal Date
by OilFrost©

Boy, these are hard to come by. I remember it occuring only once in my early years, sitting by the phone on Friday and Saturday nights. My house, me in a bathrobe, no makeup, he cooked... We never even talked (well, he couldn't and I didn't care to - if you know what I mean.) Ahhh, fond memories.

A Fish's Tale
by Rybka©

Stale fish? Who wants to read about that? I mean, come one, you've got the flies flittin' around it and the alley cats whining. Yuk! And committed to poetry?! What? Oh... Fish's TALE. Well, why didn't you say so?

- Judo
Last edited:
Stale Fish

lol. gotta watch that pronunciation--it's a tricky thing sometimes,
Re: Stale Fish

Angeline said:
lol. gotta watch that pronunciation--it's a tricky thing sometimes,

Is stale fish the same as stinky fish?
Is stale fish the same as stinky fish?

"If it smells like fish
it's a tasty dish.
If is smells like cologne
then leave it alone!" :p

Regards, Rybka
I didnt leave it alone
my poor aching bone
upon no one wish
such a nasty dish

Rybka said:

"If it smells like fish
it's a tasty dish.
If is smells like cologne
then leave it alone!" :p

Regards, Rybka
I mean, the glass only stays see-through for a few weeks, until you get a new set of Zen wipers to clean it up and then they don't last more'n a couple times.
I use my Zen wipers to keep my dharma bits fresh smelling.

"If it smells like fish
it's a tasty dish.
If is smells like cologne
then leave it alone!"
I survived my slutty days with a simple adage: 'Never fuck what you wouldn't eat.'

That philosophy kept my weasel clean of any warts or weeping, but I got thrown out of a lot of fine restaurants.

I was gonna come back to this tomorrow, not so much for the titles as a story.

Do you remember the mustachioed lady? Well anyhoo, I saw her with her husband for the first time. He had been out of town before, and she was always dressed in ho's clothes. Guess what she was wearing with hubby? Long loose pants and a turtle neck! The 'stache was tastefully combed, too. Not all moussed and spiky like a tramp might wear it.
That philosophy kept my weasel clean of any warts or weeping, but I got thrown out of a lot of fine restaurants.

I wanna go to a restaurant with you kdawg. Genius.;)